Jungkook's Betrayal????

By jkpancholi1

442K 17.3K 2.7K

Junkook suddenly announced his relationship with V on stage ..All the members especially Jimin was in shock... More

part 1- on the rainy day
part 2 - rain goes on
part 3-we don't talk anymore
part 4 - But I still want youuu...
part 5 - looking for future with past in a heart
part 6 - To the moon
part 7- jealousy
part 8- hellucination or existence??
part 9- clear
part -10 turning point
part - 11 buddies
part 12- Taehyung
part 13- truth
part 14- Jungkook
part 15- Jimin
part 16- Faded
part 17- The beginning
part 18 - when jimin met rest of members
part - 19 Year 2012
part 20-year 2013- debut year of BTS
part 21 - Unbearable hurt๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”
part 22- Too much hate to handle
Part 23-surprise!!
part 24 - Enough is enough
part 25- Getting strong
part 26- I hate love
part 27- self acceptance
part 28- And the game begins ๐Ÿ˜‰
part 29- consequences
part 30- please forgive me
part 31-wounds you gave are deeper ..
part 32- you are my only desire
part 33- confessions.
part 34- evolution of Jikook -1
part 35- evolution of Jikook-2
part 36- evolution of Jikook-3
part 37 - Beginning of the ending
part 38- your voice still gives goosebumps
part 39- Story from Jungkook's side
part 40- destiny had different plan
part 41- LIE
Part 42- what actually happened on that night
part 43- He deserves to know.
fly high
part 45 - when they met.
part 46- I need just ... YOU.
part 47- you pull me like a magnet..
part 48- Truth will lead to dawn or dusk??
part 49 - Distance I didn't want .
part 50- when destiny plays..
part 51 - U-turn or dead end??
part 52- stronger than you think.
part 53- My love gave you the power to hurt me
part 54- Wish I could turn back time..
part 55- He loves me? loves me not?
part 56- I was there for you.. Always
part 58- Friends??
part 59- Running, running just to keep my hands on you..
part 60- YOU are my strongest craving..
part 61- You are me, I am you.
part 62- Love?? hah! it doesn't matter.
part 63- Yes, we do!
part 64- Epilogue -1
part 65- Epilogue -2
Author's note..
New story!!

Part 57- Prayers do miracles..

4.8K 257 94
By jkpancholi1

"Before you say anything sir, I want to thank you for coming all the way here. I know how busy you are " RM thanked the senior doctors.

One of them smiled kindly.

"Oh ! We have to come! Anything for the man whom my daughter loves dearly.." He said looking at Lily and then Jimin...

Lily's eyes widened at that statement.
"DAD!" She said being embarrassed.
She then looked at Jimin , who smiled at her softly and Lily shyly looked down to avoid everyone's gaze.

Her father laughed at her reaction.

"Lily is your daughter?" Asked RM being surprised.

"I will like to say I am her proud father." The doctor said while smiling and looking at her fondly.

" She had never ask me for anything, not even in her childhood. I don't remember she ever had insist for anything but the day Jimin called for my appointment, she became another person. She was like dad, you have to do this. For Jimin... For me.. she personally came and arrange appointments on that day and when my unexpected visit to Korea was scheduled she got surprisingly hyper and when on last minutes tickets couldn't be managed, she hired a private jet."

"Whattt?" RM was now shocked.

" Yeah, I felt now she is realising whom she belongs too...She had never consider , until now that her father has kind of good amount of money and is a billionaire. " Lily's father laughed.

" And When I asked her about why this much efforts she is putting in, all she said was, anything for Jimin. "

"That's ENOUGH dad, please stop now." Lily wanted to burry herself under the ground due to embarrassment and her tomato like blushed face.

Jimin came forward and hugged Lily once again. He gently carresed her hair. Lily just wanted to live in that moment forever.

" Thanks Lily",Suga said and Lily came out of the trance.

Lily's father watched both of them with heart eyes when suddenly realisation hit him.

He had to do very important declaration. The reports...He gathered  himself and cleared his throat.

" Anyways, we have something more important to discuss.we all are here for the reports. " He said.

Suddenly the atmosphere in the room became heavier. Jimin went to sit beside Suga again. Jimin's face tensed and his hand formed little fist. Jimin was continuosly tapping his feet , Suga noticed it and held Jimin's hand tightly.

"Please take our words as we say them . Don't misunderstand and overthink ok? "Another doctor said.

" We have one bad news and one good news..."


"Sir, I am very sure. All the seven members of the band along with Jungkook's parents are here at the hospital. I think Jimin's parents are here too." One very simple looking man said.

The man was wearing a simple white shirt and blue jeans. His jet black hair was combed back. The glasses with a thick frame was making him look a little bit older than his age. His appearance was not at all noticable but his eyes were totally opposite. They were sparkling showing how bright the man was.

"Ok Hwan, be there, inform me by time to time. Remember we want the news first. It will boost up our viewers. Our news agency is new. This is our chance to make our place in the market. I am counting on you Hwan."  One man in his late forty said firmly while tapping his fingers anxiously on the table.

"I will try my best sir. I am already trying to convince one cleaner from the hospital. I think I will succeed in getting information from him. An undeniable offer for pretty amounts of wons and we'll get him " Hwan said smirking.

"Don't worry about money. We'll earn more than we have to spend anyways.  News related to BTS is always like a jackpot and this Jungkook issue...it's rising the heat world wide. Who ever will broke the news first, will win this jackpot" The man said confidently.

" I get it boss, I am on it. Will call you soon" Hwan cut the call and put his phone back in the pocket. He looked at the hospital building while leaning on the wall infront of it . He stayed there for one or two minutes and then approached the building...


" Oh come on! Your job can never give you the amount of money in a whole fucking year that I am offering you in just one day. Come on, be brave! Just tell me few things. Nobody will know, I guarantee you." Hwan was convincing the cleaner really hard at the parking lot of the hospital. The place was nearly deserted at that time.

The cleaner didn't reply . He just smiled and looked at the back of Hwan. 

Hwan ,by reflex watched behind too.

" Bang PD?" Hwan's eyes widened.

" Sir? I - I just..." Hwan stuttered.

"Hmm? Bribing this man to get the information? " Bang PD narrowed his eyes.

" No, I mean yes- I mea-, I was just asking him friendly nothing else. "

"Hyun ? Is this man your friend? "

"No sir." The cleaner replied.

"Ok, Thank you Hyun. I appreciate it very much that you value your duty more than money. We are thankful. " Bang PD shook his hands with the man and bowed to him.

" Oh sir! Don't do that. Me and my whole family love BTS. We can never let happen anything bad to them. And I can never betray Doctor Sungwoon as well." The kind man spoke.

"Thank you Hyun. " Said Bang PD once again and the man left.

" So.. Tell me Mr.?" Bang PD moved towards the young man.

" I am Hwan, sir. I am a new journalist." He said politely.

" So Mr.Hwan tell me why should I not file a case against you for trying to bribe the hospital employee or for  invasion of privacy of our band member? " Bang PD said calmly.

" Sir, please don't do that please.. It's my first job and the agency I am working with is also new. We will be finished sir. Please forgive me. I am sorry. I just wanted the news , I had no intention to do any harm. Even I respect the band very much. They are my Idols too." Hwan panicked.

" You respect them? " Bang PD laughed sarcastically.

" That's why when they need the privacy and peace most , you are trying to get and give away every single detail related to them? Have you ever thought consequences of your actions. The struggle they and their family will face after this .. Not to forget that they are already in not very good condition. I assume that much you know , nobody comes in a hospital for a picnic, right? But I think your hunger for viewers and readers matters higher for you than that  person's safety and his family's comfort.

So.. with all the RESPECT you have for them , please leave. Don't worry although I have all the proof , I am not interested in ruining your career." Bang PD 's voice was still calm but still it was hitting Hwan at the right places.

Hwan looked down and Bang PD started to walk away.

"I am sorry sir. I really am. You can take any action you want. I am ready to pay for my actions. And if anything I can do for you or BTS , I will be privileged." Hwan said in a low voice.

Bang PD stopped in his way. He thought for a second and looked straight into Hwan's eyes.


"Offcourse sir. Tell me.. Anything.." Hwan's eyes twinkled.

"Ok , do me a favour."

Hwan was now listening eagerly.

"Just try to print only TRUTH about BTS. Can you do that? Avoiding to print their international achievements and highlighting only the flows along with homophobic articles,that's what this band has got from our country's media. Can you be exception??"

Hwan nodded enthusiastically.

"Good." Bang PD smiled and added.
"Also remember that celebrities are human too. They feel emotions ,just like everyone. They have family, just like everyone. Don't go overboard just for a sensational news. I know it's your profession but please don't cross the lines.

May be not every time but sometimes, just sometimes, give them privacy.. Let them live few moments of their life without worrying about being judged or attacked. We can atleast do that, right?"

" I hope to see you again",Bang PD said and patted Hwan's back. He then walked away and Hwan stood there thinking.
Every person in the room was on tenterhooks , waiting for doctor to explain the report.

 "So we have one good news and also a bad news. Which news should I tell you first?" Doctor looked at everyone.

"Please let us know the bad news first sir."Jungkook's father said in a low voice.

"Ok." Doctor nodded in understanding.He took a deep breath and started to speak again.

"Look everyone, First understand that there is no such thing as a good tumor. Still if we look at positive side , not all tumors are malignant, or cancerous, and not all are aggressive. Jungkook's tumor was benign tumor, which we have removed through the surgery.

Meningioma or benign, is the most common primary brain tumor, accounting for more than 30% of all brain tumors. Meningiomas originate in the meninges, the outer three layers of tissue that cover and protect the brain just under the skull. About 85% of meningiomas are noncancerous, slow-growing tumors. Almost all meningiomas are considered benign, but some meningiomas can be persistent and comes back after treatment.

There are 24 to 32% chance that the tumor grows back.

It depends on the patient. It may vary from person to person.

Though survival ratio is very high in this tumor. Almost 70% patients live more or upto 15 years.

But we will have to keep patience. He might be having difficulty in even speaking, singing is far away. May be in walking too.

It generally takes 2 to 4 weeks for recovery, some need even 6 to 8 weeks. Again it depends on the patient. No two persons will feel the same after the surgery.

He might need speech therapist, physiotherapist , a post surgery radiation therapy for few weeks and most importantly support of you guys.

Don't let him feel week or different from others. Love and care is the key."

When doctor completed he looked at everyone's disappointed face. In his long medical practice the doctor had to witness so many heartbreak, crying families, broken patients but he never felt this much attached to any case . May be because of Lily... He decided to break the good news instantly.

"Let me tell you the good news. It will definitely make you feel better.May be the prayers fans are doing worldwide have really shown it's effect."

He was aware of hopeful eyes those were looking at his direction.

" First of all , please don't forget that we doctors are human too.  In this or any case of brain tumor from MRI  we  assume the size of tumor. And that's how the stage of tumor is decided.

Reportedly only 4.4% patient's tumor is over estimated in MRI and Mr. Jungkook's case in one of them."

RM's eyes got lit up after hearing this.

"I am very glad to say this that Assumption we made from MRI scan was not correct. It's not a 4th stage tumor. It's second stage."

Doctor took a pause and looked at the reaction of the people present in the cabin.

They all were really confused. Doctor said it was a good news so it must be but somehow none of them except RM actually understood the importance of the stage difference that was diagnosed.

So they looked at the doctor with uncertain face .

But RM got it. " So, it's not malignant tumor, right?" He asked excitedly.

"Right", doctor nodded with a smile.

"Oh my God! That's such a relief!" RM chimed happily.

" And to add in your happiness, one more good news is .. From biopsy we now know that....

This tumor is not cancerous." Doctor completed and the room was filled with sounds of happiness and relief.

Jungkook's mother bursted in to happy tears . His father was wiping his tears while showing his senior bunny smile.

Suga did a high five with RM , laughing and countinuosly thanking God.

Jimin was still sitting quiet in his chair. Lily looked at him worriedly.
Suga noticed Lily and followed her worried gaze only to find a very quiet Jimin was sitting beside him.

Jimin finally faced the doctor and said,"Sir, if the tumor is not cancerous, the stage is lower then why did you say there was a bad news as well?"


Everyone in the room tensed again when Jimin pointed out his doubt.

Doctor cleared his throat and spoke again, " well, because it's a tumor at the end of the day. As I said no tumor is a good tumor. I also mentioned the risks like it can come back and other possibilities before so.."

Jungkook's mother's face fell again.
"How should I feel then sir? Relieved or tensed? You have really made me confused. Please explain in simple words." Everyone in the room agreed with her.

" In simple words, situation is far more better than we thought. It's surprisingly good. The risks I have mentioned are mandatory for any doctor to mention. It's not like it will surely gonna happen. 

Miracles even in very poor cancerous condition also happen like my patient "Vic zanetti"and Jungkook is really totally out of that dangerous league.

A person can die in his bathroom too and one can survive the Tsunami waves too. So life is very uncertain. People should enjoy only one day and that is TODAY.  Just throw your worries ou-" The senior doctor was speaking continuously when Lily elbowed him lightly and he witnessed at unamused face of everyone.

He cleared his throat and smiled awkwardly, " I am sorry , I just got carried away. Long story short, everything is amazing, go and celebrate."

He finished and Jimin rushed happily to hug him . The old man hugged him back while laughing. Lily was clapping cheerfully. Jimin pulled Lily into hug too..

Hobi couldn't resist after hearing the voices coming out from the cabin and even though Jin tried to pull him back he succeeded to reach the door and without knocking he opened it .

"Please tell me too . What is happening? I am dying of anxiety." He almost cried.

Jimin ran towards him and slapped him gently.

"Hyung, never ever say that ok? " He then smiled at his fullest and Hobi's heart melted instantly after seeing him smile with his heart after months.

Hobi lifted him up and started to spin him.

" No need to say anything, I get it Jimin-ah!" Hobi said with a bright smile.

Soon Jin and Taehyung joined them too. RM explained everything  literally in just two sentences , everything is more than fine, just need to take care afterwards....  And the old doctor just looked at him!

Everyone had tears in their eyes but this time tears have not come alone. They  have brought their very unusual partner "smile" with them . They were happy tears.

They were and will going to be seven. Nothing can compare the happiness of this realisation.

Jungkook's parents were so delighted to see that their son have not one, not two but six people in his life who love him just how much his parents love him.

All six of them were on cloud nine. Soon they realised they were in hospital and need to behave so they eventually calmed down.

Bang PD reached there after few minutes and after getting equally happy ,he immediately informed his assistant to release the official statement from Bighit .


This is BIGHIT.

We are here to give the information to the ARMY, our supporters and friends, regarding to the news which our band member Jungkook has previously announced by himself. As you all know since the recent live that Jungkook was having a brain tumor and after the live was crashed due to the historically massive amount of the viewers, Jungkook was really unwell and needed to be hospitalized.

His tumor was removed through the surgery on the very next day. His surgery was done by very well known and extremely talented team of doctors.

We are feeling delighted to announce that Jungkook is totally out of danger now. Tumor also diagnosed as a non-malignant tumor.

Our member Jungkook is totally healthy as of now . We wish him a speedy recovery and we BIGHIT always put our artist's health as our priority so our activities as a group will be off totally till uncertain time.

Thank you all of you for all the support, prayers and good wishes. We are grateful.


As soon as the notice from BIGHIT came out ARMY felt relief like the first rain after hot summer season.

Celebrations started everywhere. Fans were going gaga after the news. The news was on top place on trends.

Television News, radio, social sites, news papers, Jungkook's news was everywhere. Merchandise releted to him were sold in seconds.

Charities, donations, prayers, fireworks.. everything and anything the ARMY could have done to show their happiness and love for Jungkook, was being done worldwide.It was a more than a trend now, it had become a movement.

Celebrity fans of Jungkook were showing their happiness through their posts and blogs.

It felt like Christmas ,Diwali  or Eid for the ARMY.

RM and Hobi was noticing everything and were shading tears of pure joy.
Atlast they were happy...Atlast they were together...

Only thing that surprised them was the notice BIGHIT has released was not at their usual platform only. Infact it was released on a brand new news website and an unknown new journalist has first covered the news in a very positive way , before any other channels could even know it.

He created such an atmosphere by his words and showing the real struggle, strength, efforts and achievements of BTS that even non ARMY people were also in awe and were feeling happy for Jungkook .

He was ... Hwan....


" You guys must wanna meet Jungkook, right? "

"Oh yesss!" Said Hobi happily.

"Ha , ha! I guessed it right. Luckily we didn't need to keep Jungkook in ICU or HDU so we have shifted Jungkook in his ward. We have given him sedatives before so he could sleep more for recovery. That's why he might feel drowsy or sleepy . It's completely normal. Don't panick and go in smaller groups. " Doctor informed .

"Oh yes. Before we leave, I need to inform you guys that we would need radiation therapy too after few days for additional safety. I would like if Jungkook or his family decides to do this therapy in US. I have my clinic over there so it would be easier. So decide and inform me." Doctor addressed everyone.

"Lastly, I would like to praise the efforts of this young man DR. Sungwoon. He had done wonderful job. Young man, I would be privileged if you want to join us and as you said before you can have much more experience there. Think over it . " He put a hand in Sungwoon's sholder and smiled warmly at him .

Sungwoon was happy could be an understatement. He wanted to pack his bags right there and then.
Slowly they approached where Jungkook was resting.

Jungkook's parents went first. The very first thing they noticed was Jungkook's swollen and bruised, totally shaved head .

Jungkook was resting in the bed and one nurse was shining a light in his eyes to check if his pupils react or not.
She noticed them and smiled kindly.

"These tests are called neurological observation,to check how alert patient's mind is." She informed.

Jungkook's parents mouthed oh and went near the bed. There was a blood pressure cuff on Jungkook's arms. His finger was connected to pulse oximeter. His chest was covered with sticky pad for ECG. His left arm was having a drip in it.

He was having different tubes in his bladder, head and nose.

A young doctor came soon after Jungkook's parents entered.

He bowed to them and introduced himself.

" Hello I am his SALT. I meant speach and language therapist. I am here to check his ability to swallow,only after then I can allow him to eat or drink anything."

Nurse handed  Jungkook a little glass of water carefully . Jungkook felt a sting in his head while drinking it but eventually drank half of it.

"Are you feeling sick?" The doctor asked in a low voice.

Jungkook shook his head.

" That's very good" Doctor smiled.

" A dietician will make the plan to make sure he is getting all the nutrition needed in right amount." He said while looking at Jungkook's parents.

Jungkook's mother went near him and sat on a stool beside him. She gently carresed his palm and cheeks. Slowly teardrops started to fell down from her eyes. With much struggle Jungkook raised his hand and wiped them gently while smiling weakly.

"Are you ok my Jungkookie? " His father asked in a loving voice while holding his another hand softly.

Jungkook moved his head in a slow pace and looked at his father with much efforts he could nod just a little.

Both of his parents kissed Jungkook's hands.

"We love you my son and we are proud of you. You are really a fighter. Doctor has informed us that you are totally fine now. No need to worry at all. And guess what ? Your tumor was not cancerous." His father said cheerfully. Jungkook looked relieved after hearing that.

"Yes Jungkookie, you will be  discharged in maximum 10 days. May be earlier ." His mother added with happiness.

Jungkook's smile widened .

" I can't wait to take you to home " His father said.

Jungkook smiled again. His doctor was standing in a corner and making notes of every moment Jungkook was doing.

Jungkook was looking at somewhere countinuosly. His mother noticed it and she found out that he was looking at the door. Although she immediately understand the situation, she decided to ask .

" Do you want something Jungkookie?" She softly asked.

Jungkook opened his mouth to speak first time after waking up and a very low voice came from his mouth still it was heard very well by all in the room.

"J-Jimin? Where is he?"..

Hello my dear readers, I have missed all of you. Hope you missed me too. 🤗 I really really wish I Can
be a successful professional writer someday and spend all my time in writing...May be one day..

In this chapter everything written, related to brain tumor, is well researched and true when it comes to persentage or numbers as well as names of different treatments or tests. Still if there is any mistake kindly and freely , let me know please.😊

I hope the chapter was worth of your wait.

Lots and loottssss of love and good wishes for all of you.. May you guys stay happy and healthy forever.😘😘..

Love you all.♥️

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