Made For You | BOTW Link x Re...

By daetiris

466K 15.3K 36.2K

"You will aid the hero during his journey in defeating Calamity Ganon." That was the order that was given to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 40

7.2K 180 376
By daetiris

When Teba returned hours after you had arrived at Rito Village, one of the first things you noticed was Link's absence. You had inquired about him, but when Teba turned to look at you, he barely uttered a word. The Rito looked tired: his eyes drooped as he rested against a wooden post to catch his breath before listening to your questions about Link.

"He's up there," was all Teba said before flying off to his hut, leaving you with words that brought no comfort. But, of course, you figured you wouldn't get anything else from the Rito, so you settled into your routine of waiting in partial worry.

The day's final hours passed by slowly enough, with barely anything catching your attention. In truth, you spent most of your time in the local inn lounging and drifting away in sleep before the sun rose again to lift the fog and lighten the skies.

You and Link often woke around the time the sun rose, and this custom caused you to wake naturally as strips of sunlight peeked through the drapes of the inn. The village was quiet as you changed and walked out of the hut to be welcomed by the calm Hebra winds. With not much to do, you crossed your arms and walked a few steps up, reaching the landing platform that had prompted a memory for Link.

The wind started to escalate, forcing you to keep a firm hold on the shawl that kept you warm as you glanced up at the sky. Vah Medoh circled high above, travelling slowly and with little noise. You wondered what went on inside. Link rarely divulged into the matter, and now you wished he had.

"Kheel, get back here!" A voice shouted, breaking your concentration on the mechanic beast and forcing your eyes away to see a little Rito kid fly past you at high speed.

Saki soon came running down the stairs and to the landing platform you stood on. Her feathers stood a bit as she let out a tired sigh. "That kid," she grumbled a bit quietly. She smoothed the feathers on her left wing as her eyes shifted toward you apologetically. "I'm sorry, (Y/n). I hope I didn't startle you."

"Oh no, you're alright," you shook your head before crossing your arms. "Who was that?"

"Kheel," Saki answered, knowing who you referred to. "My sister's babe. I'm taking care of him while she's away, but oh, he's a troubling one. Went off to find Kass."

"Ah...who's Kass?"

"You haven't heard of him?" Saki blinked, and she got her answer when you shrugged. "Well, he's a well-known Rito. He travels across Hyrule singing songs with his accordion. Quite lovely music, truthfully; he has a wonderful voice."

"Hmm, and he's coming to the village?"

"Aye, he has a performance tonight. Kheel's a big fan of his, and he's been looking forward to it," Saki smiled faintly before rubbing her beak. "Now I have to go after him. Normally I wouldn't mind him flying off, but with so many sightings of monsters going around, I'm worried he'll come across one."

You nodded and glanced in the direction Kheel had flown. "I'm sure it'll be easy to catch up to him," you replied as harrow winds blew. You folded your arms and found some heat for your hands beneath them.

"If I could fly, maybe. But I damaged my wing a few days ago; I won't trouble you with the story," Saki sighed as she rubbed the feathers of her sore wing. "I'll have to walk it. He can't have gotten too far."

"Hmm, I saw him fly over there." You pointed.

"Warbler's Nest lies that way. Kass tends to rest there before coming into the village, so it's no surprise he flew in that direction." Saki rubbed her beak and looked toward the stairs that led down with a light frown. "I'll dread the walk."

"Is it far?"

"No... but flying there would be much easier."

"Well, if you'd like, I can go after Kheel," you said.

Saki's eyes lit up at your offer of assistance. "Oh, are you sure?" She asked. "I don't want to bother you too much, miss (Y/n). I'm sure you'd prefer to stay and wait here for, err...Lonk, was it?"

You pursed your lips to hold back a laugh. "Link, actually," you corrected with a grin, "but I assure you it's no bother. I prefer to stay occupied, honestly. There isn't much fun in waiting around."

Saki smiled apologetically and gave a slight nod. " shouldn't have trouble finding Warbler's Nest. After you cross the bottom bridge, there should be signs to guide you."

You nodded in return and started toward the stairs. "I'll be back with Kheel soon."


The trek to Warbler's Nest made you long for wings. From afar, you could see Rito's fly far above the village you had left behind, many gliding from one hut to the next. They didn't have to worry about climbing the dreadful stairs that wrapped around the tall rock formation, which you envied most, considering it was a climb you would have to do after finding Kheel. However, there was one downfall to your longing thoughts of being able to fly. Heights.

Walking over the bridges that connected several pieces of land to Rito Village again caused your stomach to twist painfully. The thought of it did too. You weren't sure when the fear of it started, and as a creation of the Goddess herself, you doubted it was something she implemented in you.

We all have fears, Link had told you weeks before arriving at Rito Village.

What's your fear? You remembered asking him, but the interruption of a Silver Bokoblin caused you never to learn the answer. You never bothered to ask him again, but now you wondered if there was anything he feared that caused him to feel the way you did about heights. Nonetheless, your thoughts on the matter stopped when you heard the faint tune of an instrument playing just a short distance from where you walked.

"Accordion," you mumbled after recognising the instrument being used. The musical Rito Kheel had flown to see was near, so you followed the sound of the music and let it guide you through the dense forest until you slowly came upon Warbler's Nest.

Your eyes instantly fell upon the many Rito children that sat on logs and tree stumps while looking up at Kass, the musical Rito who stood atop a rocky platform as he played a folky song. Even though he didn't sing, Kass, a blue-coloured Rito of high stature, still entranced his young audience with the whisking sounds of his melody. Even you paused from fully entering the open terrain as Kass' instrument created a heart-warming tune before coming to a gentle end.

"Well?" Kass asked as he lowered his accordion.

The little Rito's clapped their wings in a positive response.

"I loved it!" Kheel exclaimed with sheer bliss. He flew up from the tree stump he was on and neared Kass. "You gotta teach me how to play."

Kass laughed before being swarmed by all the Rito children who cried out, "I want to learn too!"

"Perhaps I can teach you all later," Kass suggested, only to be bombarded by pleading children. As he tried to answer them all, you accidentally stepped on a twig, and the unexpected sound caused him to look up and see you. Kass lightly chuckled before directing the little Rito's attention to you as he said, "At the moment, it seems we have another visitor."

With a sheepish smile, you stepped out and felt the eyes of all the Rito children fall upon you. "Sorry," you said as you walked forward, "I didn't mean to intrude."

"Nonsense, you're not intruding," Kass told you with a flap of his wing. "Rare to see a Hylian around these chilly parts. I take you came to listen to the music as well?"

"Um, sort of?" You crossed your arms. "Kheel's aunt sent me here. These areas aren't too safe, and she wanted me to bring him back."

"Hmm, monster sightings?"

"That's what I was told," you replied.

"Well, I don't want to go back," Kheel huffed, but he pouted in a way that could only be described as cute, which made you grin.

"I can see that, but it's not a good idea to stick around if monsters are nearby," you said.

"Aye, things aren't as peaceful as they once were," Kass sighed as he put the strap of his accordion over his shoulder. "I think it's time to head into the village then."

As a result, the children around you groaned, and one of them said, "Can't we stay a little longer? You said you'd play more songs for us."

Kass smiled at the children's persistence. "And I will, at the music gathering tonight. But, for now, we should adhere to uh... Pardon me miss; I haven't caught your name."

"(Y/n)," you answered. When Kass heard your name, his expression momentarily shifted, but it washed away quickly after faint growls emitted from the surrounding forest.

"Well, no time like the present," Kass said as he hopped off the rocky platform he was on. He quickly urged the little Rito's to start flying, and as he stretched out his wings to follow behind them, he turned to look at you. "Care for a ride?"

You raised your brows at his offer. "Oh, uh, that won't be necessary," you shook your head. "The walk back to the village isn't too long."

"That's true, but it would be rude of us to leave you here," Kass replied. "Especially with monsters lurking about."

You were about to decline again and mention your ability to defend yourself, but the second you felt your hip, you realised you weren't carrying any weapon. Idiot, you thought to yourself as Kass waved you forward.

"I insist," the Rito said. There was no going around it, and while you were curious to see how flying felt, the nerves of eventually being so high up started to bubble inside you. You were reluctant, but when you finally accepted that Kass would not take no for an answer, you stepped closer to him. With the Rito's help, you carefully got onto his back and curled your legs around the bottom of his torso.

"Make sure to hold on," Kass told you, and without warning, he jumped into the air. You didn't have the chance to mention your fear of heights because your lips were sealed shut when you felt your stomach drop. So instead, you quietly squealed and held onto the Rito as tightly as possible. You practically buried your face in the feathers of his back to have refuge from the swirling winds that blew your hair around.

Kass noted your fierce hold and laughed as he flapped his wings more until he reached a certain level in the sky. "There's no need to be afraid, (Y/n)," he told you as the wind around the two of you blew somewhat calmly. "We're almost there."

You only nodded vigorously before daring to peek at the ground that rested hundreds of feet below you. Everything you had travelled by foot you now passed with incredible speed, and when you looked forward, you saw Rito Village with the eyes of its inhabitants. From your view, you could see almost every part of the village, and as Kass circled to descend onto a platform, your hold on his shoulders gradually loosened.

It suddenly dawned on you that Link had experienced flight this way, too: on the back of Teba. However, compared to your miniature flight, Link had to go thousands of feet in the air, which you didn't think you would have been able to survive. Maybe it's a good thing I wasn't able to go.

Sure, you would've liked to be included at least once, but one glance up and your thoughts on the matter silenced themselves. "Stupid heights," you mumbled out unknowingly.

"Aye, not a fan of it, are you?" Kass asked as he landed gracefully on the platform.

You slipped off his back and looked up when he turned to glance at you. "Er... no, not really," you swallowed thickly and dried your sweaty palms on your trousers.

Kass laughed deeply. "Yes, I can tell. I imagine, then, that the ride wasn't too pleasing. My apologies for that."

You dismissed his words with a slight shake of your head. "No, you're fine. Saved me from going up those dreaded stairs, at least."

"Mmm, something none of us has to struggle with," Kass replied as Saki came running down the stairs to meet up with Kheel, who was barely landing with his friends.

"I'm sorry for flying off!" Kheel apologised the second he saw his aunt's face.

"Aye, you should be!" Saki was exasperated as Kheel hugged her legs to get in her good graces. Saki rolled her eyes at the little one and told him to clean up for supper before she looked upon you. "Thank you for bringing him back, Ms. (Y/n). I hope it wasn't too much trouble?"

"No, not at all. There were some monsters nearby when I reached Warbler's Nest, but Kass offered to bring me back," you gestured to the Rito, who nodded his head toward Saki with a smile.

"Oh, well, thank you for that, Kass. It's a pleasure to have you back. So you'll be performing at the festival tonight?"

"I will."

"How exciting. You're welcome to come, (Y/n)," Saki told you while placing a delicate wing over your shoulder. "It can serve as another distraction from your partner, Lonk."

"Link," you emphasised with a small laugh.

"Oh, Hylia, I'm so sorry," Saki gasped.

You covered your lips to stifle your growing laughter, and, with a smile, you cleared your throat. "Well, I'd love to come to the festival."

"Perfect. It isn't in a few hours, so if you'd like, you can help me with some things," Saki suggested with a content voice. As the wife of a warrior, she constantly had to deal with the nerves and worry that came with waiting for her husband's return from battle. Though she vaguely knew of your relationship with Link, she could tell distractions would ease the lingering worry that constantly reappeared, as keeping herself distracted in those situations often helped her too. "It's no hard work, I promise."

You felt a twinge of relief at yet another offer to keep busy, and with no second thoughts on her request, you graciously nodded. "Oh, I don't mind, believe me," you insisted. "I've nothing else to do anyways."

Saki smiled sweetly and placed her wing on our back. "Alright, let's head to my hut," she giggled. She looked at Kass one last time and bowed her head. "See you soon, Kass."

Kass bowed his head in return, but before Saki and you could start towards the stairs, he interjected quickly, saying, "Oh! One last thing!"

You and Saki turned to look at him, waiting for his following words.

"You said your name was (Y/n), right?" Kass asked you.


"And your partner's name? What was it? I didn't hear it too well."

"Link," you answered. "Why do you ask?"

"Curious is all," Kass smiled and bowed his head to you. "I'll see you both later tonight."

With that, you and Saki turned around and walked up the stairs to reach her hut. However, Kass' gaze remained on you as the memory of his teacher came into his mind. Link's name and yours had sounded highly familiar. Upon further meditation, he remembered one of the first stories his teacher ever taught him in song form: one dedicated to the slumbering heroes of Hyrule and whose names were, as he finally recalled, Link and (Y/n).


When Link was not around, you were used to time passing slowly. There was often not much to do when you waited for him, but Saki managed to keep you so occupied you didn't even notice when the sun set on another day again. The evening had buzzed with topics ranging from one thing to another. There was never a dull moment, which you were grateful for, and you didn't realise it was time for the music festival until Kheel began to run around with pure excitement.

He flew from one part of the hut to another, asking Saki and Teba if they knew where his toy accordion was.

"Found it!" You said after having found the toy underneath one of the furniture.

"Thank you, thank you," Kheel started to repeat with a joyish tune as he took the toy from your hands. He gave you a cheeky smile before returning to Saki and Teba, telling them constantly to hurry up.

"Hold it, Kheel. It's a chilly night, and your wee feathers won't keep you as warm as ours do," Saki said. She bent down to his height and wrapped him in a traditional Rito scarf that kept his neck, and part of his beak tucked away with warmth. Saki smiled and gestured towards Teba. "Go along with your uncle; I'll be right behind you two."

All Kheel needed was permission to go, and once she granted it, he took Teba's wing and dragged him out of the hut. He didn't waste a second, and that made you laugh.

"Now then," Saki turned around and walked straight to a closed chest she had underneath a table, "let me give you something so you can keep warm as well."

"Oh, you don't have to, Saki. I'm quite warm with the tunic I have on," you told her, but she neglected your words and took out a snowquill tunic that would compliment your skin tone.

"I won't be hearing any of that. Here," Saki turned to hand you the lovely tunic she had brought out and hair accessories in the shape of feathered wings. "If the tunic fits you well, you can keep them. And these, oh, they add a bit of delicate flare," Saki said as she took the hair accessories she had gotten and placed them in your hair.

You smiled with sincerity as she gestured where you could change. "Thank you," you told her before moving behind some drapes for privacy. It didn't take long to get dressed, and once you finished, you stepped out holding your previous tunic.

"How lovely you look. That colour suits you perfectly," Saki clapped her wings with a proud smile. "We should get going. You can leave your other tunic over there."

Saki gestured to a shelf, and after you had heeded her words, she waved you along and led you down the stairs. The music festival was being held atop another tall rock formation that connected to Rito Village through a sturdy bridge. Though torches had been lit alongside the connecting structure, the primary light source was coming from a large tent that was ample enough to cover the entire rock formation area, though it left a few areas untouched.

"The music festival was originally going to be held without the tent," Saki told you as you walked across the bridge, "but we figured it would be easier to take care of the wee ones if the festival was in an enclosed space. The tent is lovely, though, isn't it?"

You looked upon the high tent with a fascinated gaze and nodded. "It is. I especially like how it appears outside," you pointed out. The faint colours of the tent's fabric came to life due to the lanterns within, and it gave the surrounding area a mystical glow with the lively colours it cast upon the trees and rocks.

"Hmm, you're right," Saki smiled as she hopped off the bridge and walked toward the tent's entrance. Two Rito warriors stood at each side of the opening, presumably guarding it against any outsiders, but when they saw you both, they stepped to the side and gave you access to enter.

"Thank you," you said pleasantly before moving through the drapes. The muffled chatter you had heard since you stepped off the bridge became clear as the day upon walking in. Lanterns and greenery vines hung high in the tent, illuminating every corner with a soft golden glow. You thought everything looked ethereal as you glanced around, jumping from one lovely detail to another.

"Oh, there's Kheel and Teba," Saki noted happily. Her eyes set on the far centre of the tent, where a rustic stage had been placed for Kass. She guided you there gradually as she stopped every few seconds to quickly remark on the gorgeous decorations or the adorable attire many children wore. Though you remained somewhat mute, you smiled whenever she gestured to something and quietly took everything in.

"You guys took so looooong," Kheel said when Saki had finally reached him, "but it's okay. Kass isn't here yet."

"Well, that's good. Any idea where he might be?" Saki asked.

While the two began to converse about Kass' whereabouts, you glanced off to the side and noticed the musical Rito step into the tent hesitantly. His eyes scanned the whole area, going from one place to another until they centred on the stage you stood before. When he stepped in fully, you had no trouble following him amongst the crowd as he stood taller than the other Rito's.

Everyone became captivated by him upon his arrival, and it didn't take long for Kheel to start hopping up and down with excitement. Kass smiled at everyone, apologising for his late entrance until he reached the stage, where he apologised once more.

"I was busy remembering the lines to an old song my teacher once taught me," Kass explained. He glanced down at you for a split second before looking back up to the rest of the crowd. Everyone had gotten closer to the stage, and those standing in the back flew up to dim the lanterns, so the only ones shining were the ones near Kass. "Now that I've memorised it again, I'd like to start by playing it."

A curious commotion began as everyone waited with anticipation, and just as the last lantern was extinguished, Kass commenced. The sound of his accordion strung through the closed tent with such high harmony it immediately gave you chills. No wonder people really like him, you instantly thought. Like so many others, your gaze was locked on Kass as he started to sing. His voice, though initially soft, poured with emotion as he closed and opened his accordion.

You barely paid any attention to the words he sang, as you were too focused on the lovely strings of music, but upon hearing words that alluded to Hyrule's heroes, you were taken aback. Although Kass didn't flat-out mention Link's name or yours, for that matter, you got the gist of who he referred to when he mentioned something about two slumbering heroes.

Bewilderment suddenly etched onto your face as you intently heard the lyrics. You even stepped closer to the stage, as if being near would help you listen to the song more.

Kass had described these two sleeping heroes in great detail. He mentioned the shrines they slept in, their task, and how one of the hero's souls reflected the attributes of Goddess Hylia herself. How Kass came to know all of this, you didn't know. You vaguely recalled his mention of a teacher, but that was all.

By the time the song ended, you were the only one in the crowd not clapping or cheering. You did, however, muster a small albeit slightly questionable smile, which Kass immediately noticed before he plunged into another song.

You wouldn't have been surprised if Kass had only sung about Link. After all, many people across Hyrule knew of the legendary hero. However, his mention of you in his piece was most perplexing. Impa had told you long ago that the Sheikah tribe were the only ones that knew of your creation and purpose. Kass was no Sheikah member, yet on some level, he knew.

When Vah Medoh uttered a faint cry, you snapped out of your thoughts and looked around. Few of the Rito's paid attention to the Divine Beast's noises, but they all returned to enjoying the festival.

"(Y/n), are you alright?" Saki asked after seeing your troubled expression.

"Hmm? Oh, uh, yes. I think I just need some fresh air," you answered once Kass concluded another song. You excused yourself from Saki's family and turned to move through the crowd, but getting out became difficult since everyone had huddled so close to the stage. You slipped through them as best you could, and when you finally reached the exit, you stepped out and released a sigh.

The two Rito warriors posted in front of the tent were nowhere to be seen, so you assumed they had gone inside the tent to enjoy the music festival like the rest of the village until you noticed them patrol the other side of the bridge. You briefly smiled at them when they turned to glance at you, and when they looked away, you exhaled and directed yourself to a nearby tree.

You could still hear the music festival as you slumped onto the ground, but rather than focus on the noise, you got comfortable and rested your back against the tree's bark. Your mind still echoed with thoughts about Kass' song, and with good reason, but you doubted you'd be able to come to some conclusion on his knowledge about your creation until you spoke with him.

After moving your knees toward you, you laid your head back and stared aimlessly at the sky. You weren't looking for anything in particular, but you eventually caught yourself making connections with the stars you saw in the dark sky. You were mesmerised, and somehow, staring up at the pitch-black canvas sprinkled with countless stars helped you tune out the noises of the festival. Of course, it was still there, faint noises of laughter and singing, but your concentration on the sky was so great you practically blocked everything out as time passed.

There was, though, a slight doziness present as you gazed up. The weight of it fell upon your eyelids hesitantly, almost like it didn't want to break your focus, but you let yourself succumb to the feeling. Your head rolled a bit to the side as it coated you, and just as the final wisps of doziness claimed your sleepy soul, a twig snapped.

"I hope my terrible singing didn't drive you away," a voice suddenly said.

Your heart jumped as a curse shot out your lips. Tense, you glanced to your left and saw Kass standing a few feet away with an instant face of remorse.

"I'm sorry," Kass said after seeing your startled expression. "I didn't mean to scare you."

Your shoulders slumped slightly, and your heart's race lessened as you sat up. "I believe you, but um, maybe a softer approach next time?" You suggested.

"Yes, noted," Kass agreed with a firm nod. Silence loomed, and nothing but the quiet rustling of leaves and whispering winds filled the space between you two until he spoke up again. "You left the festival super early. You only got to hear the first song."

You perked up a bit where you sat and hummed, knowing this was your chance to find out more about it. "Yes, well, that first song left me rather stunned."

"I noticed."

It got silent again, but you kept steady eye contact with Kass before parting your lips to speak. "How did you know about the two slumbering heroes?"

"Doesn't everyone know about it? It's a legend that's circled Hyrule for a century."

"Not exactly. How did you know it was two heroes and not just one?" You emphasised the number and watched him intently.

"Because of my teacher," Kass replied as he stepped forward. "I did mention he taught me the song before I started it."

You pursed your lips and crossed your arms. "Was your teacher part of the Sheikah tribe, by any chance?"

"He was."

The tense feeling in your shoulders subsided, and when Kass saw this, he motioned to the spot in front of you as a silent question if he could sit there. To this, you only nodded.

"I'm sorry for the minor interrogation," you apologised as he sat down. "It's just...well, the only ones that know what I am is Link and the Sheikah tribe. So your song caught me a bit off-guard."

"There is no reason to apologise, I understand. I didn't mean to cause distress on the matter. I wanted the song to be a silent tribute to Link and you, Lady (Y/n)."

"Please, just (Y/n). I'm not quite used to the 'lady' thing," you said with a shake of your head.

"Of course. It's just an honour to meet you officially," Kass said. "I hope to meet Link soon, too."

"You know where he is?" You asked with a tilt of your head.

"Yes. I inquired about him earlier this evening," Kass glanced up at the sky as he said this. "Vah come you're not up there with him?" He looked back down at you. "Too high up?"

You cracked a small smile and shook your head. "No," you sighed. "Link prefers I wait for him whenever he enters Divine Beasts."

Kass slowly nodded. "He's never allowed you to accompany him?"


"Hmm, well, he must have a valid reason then. Perhaps he feels it's too dangerous."

"Yes, he's mentioned that before," you shared, but you didn't go further into detail about it.

Kass sensed a boundary with the topic, so he directed his attention to something else like any other being would do. "You missed a few good songs of mine when you left."

You smiled bashfully. "I'm sorry about that. What were they about?"

"Agh, well, they were all different. Some about the Rito lifestyle and culture, others about things I've seen during my travels, a few about Princess Zelda and Link, and-"

"Princess Zelda and Link?" You stopped his listing of the songs he sang.

"Aye, my teacher taught me a few old songs about the beautiful princess and her knight guard," Kass said.

You hesitated, unsure of what to say until you decided to inquire further. Your curiosity over things, after all, always won. "And these songs, they hold truth?"

"Every one of them. All the songs I sing true stories of the past, passed down from one composer to the next."

"And what do these songs talk about?" You asked, referring to the ones of Zelda and Link.

"For the most part, the Princess' love for her knight."

You felt your hands get cold. Their heat simply escaped, and a strange pull occurred in your chest as you looked at Kass with a dumbfounded expression. "Love?" That was all you said as your curious face fell.

"Aye. One song talks about how she only ever had eyes for her personal escort, her knight attendant, which, 100 years ago, was Link." Kass now became curious about your lack of knowledge regarding the rumoured love between Link and Princess Zelda that existed a century ago and still circled presently. "Has Link never mentioned this to you?"

"He...he lost his memory. A side effect of slumbering in a shrine for 100 years," you murmured. Though the news came like a harsh splash of cold water, you were tempted to learn more. Or, at least, to know the answer to one question that now panged in your head mercilessly. "Did Link love her too?"

You shouldn't have asked because, in truth, what good would it do? But it was too late to take it back, and you found yourself picking at the skin around your nails as you looked at Kass with underlying anxiety.

"I'm afraid I don't know. The songs only mention the princess' feelings, not his," Kass said as he leaned back while glancing right upon hearing the faint call of his name. He slowly rose from the ground and faced the tent, which was still vibrant with commotion.

"They're calling me back," Kass said as he looked down at you. He blinked when he saw the blank expression you carried. "(Y/n)?"

You stared to the side in an offset manner and barely heard his questioning voice until he spoke up a third time. "Sorry, what?"

"I asked if you were going to come along."

"Oh, yeah...I'll be there soon," you lied. You feigned a smile and waited for him to believe your answer.

Kass smiled in return and looked back at the tent when the crowd inside started to chant his name. "Okay, I'll see you in a bit," he said before returning to the festival he had left behind to talk with you.

The fake smile on your lips slowly dropped as Kass' previous answer to your question circled your mind. The songs only mention the princess' feelings, not his. That wasn't the response you were hoping for.

With a fast-beating heart, you stood up and shook off the numbness in your legs before shuffling forward. You began to hear your heart thumping as you crossed over the bridge with crossed arms, and this time heights had nothing to do with it. Instead, the realisation you experienced in those short seconds as you walked plummeted your heart to the pit of your stomach.

Life for Link didn't just start like yours did when you awoke in the Great Plateau all those months ago. You knew this, of course, but it meant nothing to you until now. Link had had a whole life before you. One hundred years ago, he had others he cared for and a princess he perhaps loved.

You had no way of knowing for sure, but it was something you couldn't dismiss now. If Princess Zelda loved him, what's to say he didn't love her too? Even though he had lost his memory over the course of a century, Princess Zelda hadn't. You knew she awaited you two in Hyrule Castle, but it dawned on you that she perhaps awaited her knight's return more.

You couldn't stop over analysing it now. Princess Zelda suffused your mind like never before, and as you walked into the empty inn, all you could think about was Link and her. There was no pushing it out of your mind, and after falling face-first onto one of the beds, you spent several minutes cursing at yourself for having asked Kass about the songs.


Though Link's strength was that of a mere thread, he held onto his paraglider tightly as Vah Medoh perched itself at the tip of Rito Village's rock formation. It was early in the morning, and as he lowered onto the platform closest to Kaneli, he saw many Rito's leave their huts to see what was going on.

Though it was a long shot, he tried to see if he could spot you leaving one of the huts, but to his disappointment, he couldn't. After landing on the platform, Link stashed the paraglider away and wrapped an arm over his ribs. A small bruise had formed, resulting from a fall that had occurred during his fight with Windblight Ganon, but he put on his best face and started walking toward Kaneli's hut.

Link had barely taken a step inside when the Chieftain got off his chair to meet him halfway.

"You did it! You conquered Divine Beast Vah Medoh!" Kaneli exclaimed with pure astonishment as he placed a heavy wing on Link's shoulder. "It took roost at the top of the village, didn't it?"

"It did," Link answered as Kaneli stepped back, clasping his wings together.

"I must thank you, then, Champion descendent. Vah Medoh will protect us now that it is out of Ganon's hands. I must reward you!" Kaneli turned to grab something, but Link quickly intercepted.

"Please, sir, there is no need for a reward," Link said, though he offered a small smile when the Chieftain turned back to look at him. "All I truly want is to know where (Y/n) is. I've been gone a few days and would like to return to her."

Three days without you felt like punishment, even if he was away from you for a good cause. He had initially wanted to rush through the Divine Beast, much like when he appeased Vah Naboris. But Link kept his promise to you and took his time to appease the final beast without sustaining many injuries.

"Oh, but of course. And I'm certain you'd like to rest, too. Your partner has been staying at the inn these past few days," Kaneli mentioned. "She must be there. You are both welcome to stay longer, but before you leave, I implore you to come back so I may at least give you something as a reward."

Link gave a curt nod and took a few steps back as he got ready to look for you. "I will," he answered before turning on his heel. While he had little energy left, Link ran to the stairs and descended them as quickly as possible. Many Rito's started to applaud and congratulate him for having appeased Vah Medoh as he went down the many levels of the village, but he didn't exactly stop to acknowledge them.

Link only gave them a smile or told them, "you're welcome," before picking up his pace. It didn't take him long to reach the village's inn, and after his breath got steady, he walked inside with the thought of finding you awake. But that wasn't the case.

You weren't even there, to begin with, and Link frowned as he looked at the empty, desolate beds.

"Have you come to check out a bed?" A woman, who was stationed at the entrance of the inn, asked.

Link glanced over at her and hesitated. "Uh, no. I'm looking for (Y/n)? I was told she was staying here."

"Ah yes, the other Hylian," the woman chirped. "She left at the break of dawn this morning. Mentioned she needed to check up on the horses she had left out in the valley."

"And she hasn't returned?"

"She hasn't."

"Okay... well, thank you for telling me." Link smiled at the Rito woman and exited the inn. With the assumption that you most likely stayed with the horses, Link moved towards the last bits of stairs and started to jog, despite his exhaustion. The want he had of seeing you overpowered that feeling, and he didn't stop running until he crossed all the bridges and made it to the Hebra Valley.

The boy paused momentarily to look around, and the faint sound of a horse neighing was the only thing he needed to locate where you might be. He followed the sound into a tiny piece of forest, going over a few fallen logs and brushing past a few bushes till he finally heard your voice.

Link instantly smiled, knowing you were close by, and he picked up his pace until he found you practising your archery with a tree as your target.

You pulled the string back and mumbled something to the horses that grazed behind you as you got ready to release the arrow, but the shuffle of leaves stopped you from shooting it.

"(Y/n)," Link said, his voice almost flowing with relief over seeing you.

You quickly turned to look at him, your hands dropping from their position with your bow and arrow. "Link," you mumbled in return. There was hesitation on your part to move toward him, but there was no pausing nature within Link as he filled the space you were too scared to cross.

"I missed you," he whispered, cupping your face to kiss you. Your warmth soothed him as he pulled you close.

Since you didn't expect to see him, you were initially shocked by his presence and the unexpected kiss he pulled you in. But whatever held you back from running to him before evaporated as you let go of your weapon to wrap your arms around him. You couldn't stop yourself from sinking into his kiss, as they quieted down the troubling thoughts that had kept you up most of the night.

"I missed you too," you murmured against his lips after pulling just a bit away. Your thoughts had been silenced, and you only focused on Link's return for now. Moving back slightly, you looked into his eyes and searched them. "Did you just come back?"

"Yes. I spoke with Kaneli already," Link answered as he brushed pieces of your hair behind your ears.

You smiled softly and leaned against his hand. "And? Are you hurt?"

Link grinned. "No... Well, I have a small bruise on the side of my ribs, but nothing major. I promised you I'd be careful, remember?"

"Yes, but come, let me see the bruise," you said as you pulled him to one of the logs and sat him down.

"Need me to take my shirt off?" He asked, though an underlying smile formed on his lips as he said it.

"Cheeky so soon?" You met his eyes and briefly smiled before lifting his shirt to inspect the injury as you crouched down. The bruised area was small, and based on its dark purplish colour, you could guess he had gotten it a few hours ago. "Doesn't look too bad."

"I told you."

You brought his shirt back down and took a moment to really look at him. He looked worn out, with dark circles under his eyes and a drowsy appearance. You half-smiled, lifting a hand to caress his cheek. "You might not have gotten much injuries, but you look exhausted."

Link's chest dropped as he let out a heavy sigh. "I am. I want nothing more than to rest now."

"Come on then. We'll go back to Rito Village so you can rest at the inn," you said as you helped him up. "At least for a few days."

"Good idea 'cause we'll need to start the journey to Hyrule Castle after."

You abruptly paused and looked up at him. "To fight Ganon?" You gulped. "So soon?"

Link nodded. "I've appeased all the Divine Beasts (Y/n)," he said, taking your hand. Even he couldn't believe the time to fight Ganon was near. "All that's left is the final part of our quest."

"Which is defeating Calamity Ganon."

"And saving Princess Zelda."

You slightly flinched at the mention of her name. Just hearing it swarmed your mind with the same thoughts of the previous night. That Link and her were probably lovers before. Something from that past shouldn't have bothered you as much as it did, but you couldn't help but wonder what Princess Zelda would think when she found out you took the boy she had been waiting a century for.

"She spoke to me after I defeated the last Ganon creation," Link told you while walking out of the small forest.

"Oh?" You glanced at the ground and let him lead. "And what did she say?"

"She said she's waiting for me."

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