The long lost hybrid wolf pri...

By Lopez26473

2.8K 14 5

Cody burns is known to be a great person but Kade, Dani, Graham and his dad Charlie are related, since he is... More

Being sick sucks πŸ€’
The dream 😴
Uncle Woodrows visit πŸ§”β€β™‚οΈ
Hospital visit πŸ₯
The feeling 😞
Babysitting little Rosies 🌹
The legendary wolf clan 🐺
Proposal plan πŸͺ©πŸ’ƒπŸ•Ί
Proposal plan part 2πŸͺ©πŸ’ƒπŸ•Ί
Mission success πŸ‘Œ
Cody's and his friends outfitsπŸ‘•πŸ‘–
Frankie and her firends outfitsπŸ‘—πŸ‘šπŸ‘–πŸ‘‘πŸ‘ πŸ‘’
3 gay boys outfits πŸ‘¨β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
The dance πŸͺ©πŸ’ƒπŸ•Ί
Kidnapped by Morrocco
Your not even related to them
Where's Cody
Your not even related to them pt 2
The deal
The plan
Evan beggs
The reason why Myles can't πŸ—£ speak
Cody escapes
Cody at the hospital again πŸ₯²
The dream again
The argument and trust
Bad news and transportation
mom and dad
Griffin Rock hospital
Bring back Memories
A second chance
Bad news
New discovery
Happy pills πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŠπŸ’Š
Cody's different πŸ€”
Clues πŸ”Ž
Hospital once again 😰
Cody is awake
He laughed
Early-ween show
3 musketeers vs mor-bot
Morocco kidnapped Woodrow
Cody is a what?
Finding Woodrow, she's (he's)evil
Like a river, Angry too
Silent scream, colors,
Rescuing Woodrow and Cody my enemy
The symbol of a royal, calling me royalty
Nightmare Trauma again Cody angst,Princess(princes)doesn't cry
Its my Our Birthday? Twin angst
The letters
Welcome to hybrid camp
Squeal part 2 of the long lost hybrid wolf prince πŸ‘‘

Question, Answers and CIPA?

25 0 0
By Lopez26473

A/N: "take these 3 to the hospital Dani, me and your brothers will take of this mess" Chief told his daughter, the 3 boys were sent to the hospital immediately while the others clean up the mess and trying to figure out what made the problem, —the next day—

Cody'sPOV💛:dream: Everything was pitch black, and then, *evil laugh* +who there?+ I called, +what's wrong Cody scared+??, I looked around but it was so dark that I couldn't see anything, +what do want from me?!+ I yelled, +I want you dead+ he came out from the shadows it was Morocco, he pointed a gun at me and shot me and then I woke up,

"You had a nightmare to huh" I looked to my left, "hey Evan and yeah I did have a bad dream" I said, "let me guess...Morocco" he said, "how you know" I asked, "me and Myles had our experience with Morocco when we were kids" he said, "how what happened" I asked -after explaining-.

Doctor Nate'sPOV🩺: I called the Burns family, to tell me that Cody, Evan and Myles are my patients, and they were confused so I told them to come by and I'll explain everything, -2 minutes later-

"Doctor Nate you said that Cody, Myles and Evan are here but how, Cody was at home, Evan and Myles were in there hideout" Chief said, "yeah Dad grounded him",

"Cody was upset for not going trick or treating with his friends", "his death glare was scare it gave me goosebumps", "he did not want to talk to us at all yesterday" the Burns kids said, "well there now awake we can ask them questions and we'll get answers from them" I said and we went to the room we're they were staying.

EvansPOV📱: "*knock knock* come in" I said, "connect 4 and uno, I just beat you and Myles" Cody said, "come on man" I whined, "dude your impossible to beat that the 5th time"
Myles said,

"hello boys how are you doing" Doctor Nate asked, "we're fine until someone beat at connect 4 and uno" I said, "anyways you 3 have visitors" and she moved, it was non other Cody's family.

Chief BurnsPOV👮🏼‍♂️: "Cody were where you after I told you not leave the house" I asked, "Morocco is alive...Evan and Myles tracked down his mor-bot here in Griffin Rock so we wore costumes, we went
tricker-treating while we were finding it, after we tracked it down, it was located in city hall" Cody said, "it had filed about Cody's biological family"Evan said

we fought the Mor-bot for a good while, and then it made a shock wave it was so powerful that it got away and we were unconscious after that" Myles said "ok but that doesn't explain why you

had to go on something so dangerous" Kade said, "fuck 🖕you Kade" Cody said, "ok, Do you 3 feel any pain or soreness" Dr.Nate asked,

"My back that's hurts, everywhere else is sore" Evan said, "My shoulder, my knee, and my wrist that's about it" Myles said, "for some reason I can't feel the pain or soreness for that matter" Cody said.

A/N: "wait what you can feel any pain like nothing" Kade asked, Cody shook his head no, "we need to test on that now!" —after 5 test— "Doc what wrong with Cody" Chief Burns asked, "he...has CIPA aka Congenital insensitivity to pain and anhidrosis... is where a
tape-worm strike the nerve to feel pain,

which is transferred to genetics, in this case Cody is not related to you nor he does not a tape-worm, which leaves us with one solution...Cody has been injured so much that his nociceptors,

or pain receptors stopped working meaning his body has gotten so used to the pain that he has stopped feeling pain" Dr.Nate said, "how long will this last" Graham asked,

"until he's 25 years old about 60 out 300 hundred people including kids have survived this, if he survives this more than 25 years old then

he's one of the lucky ones"Dr.Nate said, "right the boys are sleeping you guys can pick them up in a week"'she said, and the family left.

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