The Almost Perfect Love Story

By HeatherWampler

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Ella faced the ultimate betrayal when she found her best friend in bed with her long-term boyfriend. Trying t... More

Part One - The Break Up
Part Two - The Aftermath
Part Three - Learning to deal with the heartache
Part 4 - Roger
Part 6 - What is this feeling?
Part 7 - A Tinder Stalker
Part 8 - Stalking is so outdated
Part 9 - Exploring Passageways
Part 10 - Keep him an arm's distance away
Part 11 - One day at a time
Part 12 - Sasha Stop!
Part 13 - A Fluff Ball Is Protection?
Part 14 - Bliss
Part 15 - Monica wants to be a lady
Part 16 - Did we just move in together?
Part 17 - Sasha Approved
Part 18 - Love Hits Like Lightning Sometimes
Part 19 - Visiting Nobility
Part 20 - The Duke and Duchess of Roxburgh Formally Invite You
Part 21 - A Night to Remember
Part 22 - Is There A Happily Ever After
Part 23 - Love's Tapestry Unfolds
Part 24
Part 25

Part 5 - Phil

181 10 0
By HeatherWampler

"So how was it?" Sasha asked the next morning when I got in.

"He's married, Sasha."

"No. Shut up!"

"Swear. His wife showed up at the bar."


"With their kids."

"Holy shit, Ella."

"Yeah. I don't want to do this anymore. I'm just over dating."

"You've gone on literally one date. One. Come on. Dating isn't easy."

"No, but how many sleazy men are out there trying to date women while their wives are at home with their whole gaggle of kids."

"Eesh. A gaggle?"

"Yes. Sasha. There were like four of them at least. All small. I think one or two of them might have been in diapers."

"Sleazy people have always been around. That's nothing new. Granted, Tinder probably makes it easier but don't stop because one twatapotamous can't keep it in his pants."

"I don't know."

"Just one more. If this one is a disaster than delete it and buy your crazy cat lady starter pack."

I sighed and plopped into my chair. "Maybe I'm just moving too fast."

"Stop doubting yourself, Ella."

I shrugged my shoulders and spun my chair around to stare outside. "I guess one more date wouldn't hurt."

"That's the spirit! Any matches?"

"A few. Nothing super impressive though."

"Let's take a peek and go from there."

I held my phone out behind me for her to take. She grabbed it and I could hear her tapping away on the screen.

"How do you feel about someone named Alfred?"

"Meh. Sounds like something you name a baby who's turning 90."

Sasha laughed and swiped to the left. "Um, how about Andrew?"

"Hmmm, Andy. I could get behind an Andy. Sure why not."

"Yay!" She swiped to the right. "Oh, hot damn."


"Philip here. Let's see. Says he's 5'9. Average. Um, he likes classical music. Boring. He's in sales. Loser. But he's hot."

"Eh, let's give him a shot. I mean, sales isn't bad. I like classical."

"Fine. Boring guy. Yes." 


"What's that?"

"Boring guy is a match." She rolled her eyes.

"Hmm. Maybe his friends think I'm boring."

"Doubt it. You're far from boring." 

She started tapping away on the phone and handed it back. "One of these days I'm going to have to actually send the first message myself."

"Nah. You're boring." She laughed again.

Sasha sat the phone down and skipped out of the office. I shook my head and got to work. There wasn't much to do during the day, but enough to keep my mind occupied. 


I glanced down and saw the little Tinder flame. Chewing my lip, I tried to ignore it. 

Work. We need to focus on work.


Fine. I'll look.

'Hey. How's it going?'

'Hi. Fine here. How are you?' I asked.

'I'm good. Working. Or at least tring to.'

'Ha. Yeah. Me too.'

'So what are you doing on Tinder?' he asked.

'I guess the same as you. Looking to meet people.'

'Cool. Have you ever met anyone on here?'

'Once. You?' I asked.

'A few times. How'd that one time go for you?'

'Honestly?' I asked.

'Yeah. Honesty is a good way to go.'

'Horrible. Really, really horrible'

'Oh, I'm sorry. That sucks.'

'Yeah. It did. What about you?'

'A few good a few bad. I actually met my girlfriend through here.'

'Oh that's awesome!'

'For a while it was.'

'Ended bad?' I questioned.

'Yeah. What about you? Anything long term?'

'Actually yeah. We just broke up.'

'Sorry. Ended bad too?'


'I guess that's something we have in common already.'

'Lol. Yeah, I guess so.'

We chatted throughout the rest of the day. Unlike Roger, he didn't suggest meeting up. It was relieving to know that there was no pressure. He almost reminded me of Edward. Almost. He wasn't as egotistical that's for sure.

"Leaving!" Sasha called.

I glanced at the wall clock and groaned. 5:00pm.


My stomach growled as I stood to pack my briefcase.

"Hey, um, are you busy tonight?"

I turned to see Collin standing there.

"Hi. No. Just a TV dinner I guess and romcom movies. You?""

"Nothing. No. No plans. Do you want to get something to eat?"

"Yeah. That would be nice. Having something other than a TV dinner would be great."

"Why TV dinners?" he asked.

"I don't know. I guess I just haven't felt like cooking. Seems like a waste to make a lot of food when it's just me," I answered.

"Don't make as much?" he suggested.

"I guess I could do that."

"Either way, dinner tonight?"

I nodded my head.

"Great. Okay. I'll pick you up?"



"That sounds good. I like 7."

"Wonderful. I can make reservations for Savoy?"

"I like Savoy. Their food is good."

He turned and left my office. My heart thumped in my chest a little harder than I wanted to believe.

Calm down, girl. It's Collin. It's just dinner. He feels bad for you.

By time I got home I didn't have much time to get ready. I rushed to my bedroom and dug through my closet looking for something, anything to wear. 


I glanced in the direction of my phone and kept digging through the closet.

Sorry, Philip. You have to wait for right now. 

I decided on a strapless dark blue dress that I'd bought a few months back for a date with Edward that he blew off. A red flag I should have picked up on. 

"Well, at least you're getting a delicious dinner at a great restaurant."

I slipped into the dress and sat in front of my dressing table to touch up my makeup.


Picking up my phone, I swiped to my notifications. 

'Hey. How was the rest of work? Sorry if I'm talking a lot.'

'Hi. No worries. Honestly. It's nice having someone to talk to.'

'That's great. Any plans tonight?'

'Nothing really. Going out to dinner.'

'Oh. That's nice. With anyone special?' he asked.

'A coworker. It's been a rough week so we're grabbing dinner.'

'You actually like you're coworkers?'

'Sometimes. They're all pretty awesome so I can't complain. You don't like yours?'

The doorbell resounded through the whole house.


Grabbing my purse, I turned my phone on silent and hurried to meet him at the door.

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