Caught By What? (ONE)

By Drowso

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Funny little AU because they keep popping into my wheelie bin of a brain but how and ever. A huge majority of... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Fifteen

931 28 41
By Drowso

Liam was still sitting on the floor, the only difference now was the girl in his arms was no longer crying but rather fast asleep. It had worn her out. The backpack tried his best to pick her up and bring her over to the bed, he managed to do just that. While he was comforting Evelyn, he had a calm face on but deep down his blood was boiling. That rat f**k of a man had drew blood from her wrist, breaking the deal. Liam couldn't help but blame himself, he let someone get hurt because of him, again. He knew what had to be done. He sat on the side of the bed a let out a frustrated exhale.

L: "Bryce?"

He wanted the plan and within the time it took Liam to blink, the shadowy figure stood before him and judging by the shape of his eyes, he was happy to be called.

B: "You want to know what to do, right?"

L: "Yeah. You said you know what you're doing and I've accepted your help. Tell me what we're going to do."

B: "Gladly but why don't we discuss this in your mind? In case of waking her up and before you start, I'll alert you if someone enters the room."

L: "Alright, just give me a minute or two to just knock out then."

B: "Of course and the apartment again?"

L: "Sure."

Bryce gave a nod before vanishing once again, leaving Liam practically alone on the bed. The backpack opted to laying back against the wall, the same way when Evelyn first came here. He closed his eyes in an attempt to actually sleep and it worked, he opened his eyes to the apartment and Liam was still sitting by the table but this time there were papers scattered across is. The backpack looked up and saw the shadow of a soda bottle, he was rooting around for a pen in some of the kitchen drawers. This sight alone reminded Liam of his little interrogation earlier in the day. Bryce finally found two, clicking one of them few times before walking back over to the table and sitting down across from the backpack. He handed one to Liam.

B: "You ready?"

L: "Yep."

B: "Take one of the papers there and if you think of something that could be of use, write it down. I'll be writing the plan down for you while I tell you it, mkay?"

Liam nodded and took the pen in hand, just in case. It was only now that he realised he looked normal in this place, assuming he looked normal the last time he was here. Bryce began to write.

B: "I know this facility like the back of my hand, I know the times when things happen and where things happen and I know where everything is. You've been put on the left side of the building, away from basically any other subjects, however, your side consists of subjects that have intrigued Cemal. The right is where everything happens, it's where there's a cafeteria, outside spaces and stuff like that. The subjects on that side have times of when to go to these places. The ones on the left, like yourself, don't experience these things as much because Cemal keeps watch at all times, hence the black windows in your room."

Bryce stopped talking to keep up with his writing, he wasn't writing everything word for word but was rather giving somewhat of a short summary.

B: "You attacking Cemal has limited your chances of getting to any of these places, I think he'll keep you in here unless it's for a test or another interrogation. For you to be able to get to any of these places, you'll need to sneak out of your room which is only possible with a key card."

L: "I'm not exactly following. Why are these rooms important?"

B: "In order to get out, we'll..or you'll need to get a key card because they open nearly any door in this place. They're only found in Cemal's office and surprisingly, the f**ker is barely even ever in there but without a card to begin with, you can't get in through the door which is why you'll need a different way."

Liam was just about to ask what Bryce meant but didn't get the chance when the soda bottle asked the backpack to pass him another sheet of paper. Liam obliged and almost immediately, Bryce began sketching something onto it. The backpack, not knowing what to do, watched the soda bottle work. It would only take a few minutes before the sounds of the pen gliding across the paper stopped. Bryce slid the sheet over to Liam and the first thing Liam noticed was the label on the sheet. Ventilation System.

B: "If you haven't noticed, there's a vent in your room. It's one of the few that have one. The vent cover is screwed on, so you'll need a screwdriver to get it off."

Bryce had drawn out an entire map of the labs ventilation system and labelled the rooms. How he managed to draw out a large map in such a short period of time, Liam hadn't a clue. Liam was looking over the map as Bryce got up and walked towards the kitchen, once again rummaging around for something.

B: "I'm sure he has one somewhere.."

L: "Sorry, who has what?"

B: "The real Bryce. I'm sure he has a screwdriver in one of- HA! Found it."

The soda bottle made his way back to the table and handed the backpack the tool as he sat down.

B: "Keep that stored...uh...There isn't exactly a good way to word it get what I mean."

L: "What?........Oh.., I get what you mean now."

Liam unzipped his front pouch and placed the screwdriver in it, zipping it back up. He would have used his side zip because that's what he preferred but after getting the actual zip part changed out, he didn't want to risk doing something to himself.

B: "As you can see on the map, I've marked the vents you'll be using, I've put them in different colours and I've put what they mean on the side. The order of which one you go to is on the back. Keep that stored as well."

The backpack did as he was told and folded the sheet up and also placed it in his front pocket. Bryce began to write again.

B: "As I was saying, you'll use the vents at night when the lights are dimmed, lowering the chances of you being caught undoing the screws and using the vent. You'll head to the office first but check if anyone is in there because the last thing we want is for you to get caught. The key cards should be in one of the drawers next to the door and once you get one, store it and head back. Once you're back, close the vent back up and call me for the next part of the plan."

L: "Alright I will. Is that everything?"

The soda bottle thought for a moment before looking like he remembered something. He grabbed another sheet and was writing something down. A timetable. Once finished, he handed it to the backpack.

B: "There's a timetable of when everything happens. I've kept track of this place and it's basically a routine by now, nothing ever changes. Look over the times of what happens and where and choose the day that fits but if something happens and something that isn't supposed to go on at that time occurs, head back to the room. I also don't think you've been keeping track of the days, it's Saturday."

Liam looked over the table and noted that Tuesday's have the least activity going on during the night, so it'd be ideal to work on those. All he had to do was keep track. He looked up at the bottle and smiled.

L: "Thanks for all of this. Really."

B: "Anytime man. Now, I sense someone making their way to your room. Wake up but store those before you go."

L: "Right."

Liam folded the sheets and put them in his pouch with everything else. He stood up from the table and waved to the bottle, who waved back. The backpack closed his eyes again and once he opened them, he was back in his room and just in time as well. The door beeped and opened to reveal a figure that was taller than Evelyn but shorter than Liam. The orange hair with lighter orange streaks was a dead give away to who it was. Avani. She came in with two trays and put them beside the bed, she was staring down at the backpack throughout all of this. Seems like she's still p*ssed about what happened two weeks ago.

Av: "11620."

L: "Avani."

Not another word was said. The woman left the room while the pair were glaring at one another. Liam sat up fully and leaned over the bed to the trays. They now had labels on them. It was about time they had separate meals because Liam was barely eating anything off the singular one they got. He was giving most of the food to Evelyn because she's still a growing girl according to the backpack. The trays didn't have only bread and water on them but they now have something like an actual dinner. Not really but it was something. Liam would have killed to eat anything other than bread but he could only think about something being in them as they were now labelled. The backpack sighed and sat back, looking towards Evelyn. He couldn't help but feel so guilty about what happened but at least she got it bandaged up unlike himself. Liam's gaze changed to the vent near one of the top corners of a wall, low enough for him to reach.

"I'll get us out."

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