Wither x Skeleton - You'll be...

By RebeccaStar1987

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After the squid game Skeleton has a crush on Wither but, he can't do this alone. After Skeleton and Zombie a... More

Part 1 Where it all started
Part 2 My crush
Part 3 My first kiss
Part 5 Always
Part 6 I love him so much
Part 7 A date
Part 8 The plan
Part 9 His soft kisses
Part 10 make out
Part 11 should I tell him
Part 12 love
Part 13 practicing
Part 14 My Little Skelly
Part 15 Wither vs Slime
Part 16 Florence Kingsley vs Reekid
Part 17 Skeleton vs Zombie
Part 18 Wither vs Zombie
Part 19 Florence Kingsley vs Pigman
Part 20 Wither vs Pigman
Part 21 Your so cute
Part 22 Disappeared
Part 23 Vanished
Part 24 The sreach
Part 25 It's okay
Part 26 The Squid Games are back
Part 27 Red light and Green light
Part 28 The Glass Tile
Part 29 You'll Be In My Heart
Part 30 My Love
Part 31 Nightmare
Part 32 Don't listen to them
Part 33 Darkness
Part 34 Oh Wither, Oh Skelly
Part 35 You'll always be in my heart

Part 4 I know

583 14 26
By RebeccaStar1987

Wither's POV

I'm so bored as I sit on my desk watching Pigman who's sitting on his desk and Enderman talking I don't know what their talking about as I stare at the floor but, I don't care.

I look up to see Skeleton my boyfriend being picked on again I use my hacks to lift Skeleton up and bring him towards me I place him on lap I bring his face up to look at me.

"What happen" I ask seeing Skeleton is really hurt I can tell because of his eyes.

"He said I was a failure that I shouldn't deserve to live" Skeleton said trying not to cry.

I watch him buried his face into my chest it was at this moment my eyes turn green as I stare at Zombie.

"Are you nuts!" I yell at him Zombie shrug and rolling his eyes.

"Maybe but, he is a failure" Zombie said just to make it worst Pigman join in he's still sitting at his desk "It's true" Pigman said.

Skeleton can hear what Pigman just said he choke out a sob I hear it "No he's not!" I yell at them I really want them to stop picking on Skeleton it hurts me too see how much pain is to him.

"Yes he is" Zombie said.

"He's also weak too" Pigman said.

At this moment I was about to lose it but, I don't wanna do it in front of Skeleton so I need to go and tell teach.

"Skeleton I want you to stay here I'll come back okay" I said I can feel Skeleton nodding.

I gently place Skeleton on my desk and went over to teach he's sleeping on his desk.

"Hey teach" I said.

"10 more minutes" Herobrine said I was annoyed I use my hacks to wake him up teach was surprise to notice my eyes are green.

"Wither! What happen" Herobrine ask.

"Well I came here to tell you that Zombie and Pigman are picking on Skeleton again this time they said he was a failure and he's weak" I explain to him.

"What! Okay I'll go talk to them and what about Skeleton" Herobrine ask.

"Well he's not doing well I think he's gonna cry and I never see him cry except at the squid games but, I will comfort him" I said.

"Okay" Herobrine said he went over to talk to Zombie and Pigman.

I went over to Skeleton he stare at me "Come on let's talk outside" I said Skeleton nodded as I bring him outside.

As we both got outside and away from the school we both sit down on the cliff I hold Skeleton tightly as we hug.

Skeleton started crying in my chest I comfort him as best I can "Shhhhhhh I know just let it all out" I softly said.

I listen to Skeleton's sobs I was heart broken to hear those sobs but, I was even more heart broken when Skeleton hiccuped.

"Oh baby" I said gently rubbing his back up and down "Skeleton it's okay their never gonna call you that again and if they will say that again I will turn on my hacks and show them who they mess with" I said.

Skeleton stop sobbing "r..really" he said I nodded "yes I do I'll keep you safe" I said bring his face up.

I wipe the remaining tears away from Skeleton's eyes "You wanna kiss baby" I ask.

"Yes...please" Skeleton said I smile I lean in and kiss him on the lips.

Skeleton kiss me back I can tell he really loves to kiss me I don't blame him I love kissing him too.

His soft lips pressing my lips when we kiss is so sweet and beautiful the sound of our lips smacking each other is gently as we kiss.

We kiss for a very long time cause I want to make Skeleton feel better we gently pull away.

Skeleton panted I chuckled "You love my kisses don't you" I said Skeleton nodded still panting.

I gently rub the side of his face gently "Take it easy okay just relax" I said softly Skeleton smile "I love you Wither" he said.

"I love you too Skeleton" I said we both smile until something popped in my head.

"Um Skeleton where do you live" I ask.

"Well I live in a cave it's always cold and dark in their" Skeleton said.

"Oh..okay" I said thinking of what to do.

"Do you want to live at my place" I ask Skeleton's eyes widened "Really" he said.

"Yes you can sleep in my bedroom I will sleep with you and keep you warm overnight you don't need to worry about being cold anymore" I said.

Skeleton hug me tightly I hug him back "Thank you I would love to live with you" Skeleton said.

I smile kissing his cheeks and forehead Skeleton did the same thing kissing my cheeks and my forehead before we kiss on the lips.

Now if your wondering I'm always careful with him.

When we pull away we both blush "You taste so beautiful" I said Skeleton blush harder "So as you" he said.

We went back to where Skeleton lives and I use my hacks to get this things and I take him to my place.

Once we made it to my house we went inside I put his things in my house so he can find them and we went to my bedroom.

I open my door so Skeleton can look around my room his eyes widened as he look.

"It's so cool" Skeleton said I chuckled "I know you'll love it" I said walking and closing the door.

Sense it's dark out Skeleton and I hop on the bed we both lay down as we stare at each other "You wanna cuddle I can keep you warm" I said.

Skeleton nodded "Yes please warm me up" he said I smile "Come here" I said.

We wrapped our arms around each other's bodies as I gently pull the bed sheets on us.

We both kiss on the lips for a while until we fall asleep as we cuddle.

I promise I'll keep Skeleton safe as long I'm with him he will be safe.

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