Dear J. {James B Barnes x OC}

By Nemy101

9.9K 463 418

"To my Dearest J...." "To my Sweet O...." A story about two old souls finding their way through the 21st ce... More

Introduction & Synopsis
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.

Chapter Fourteen.

208 13 7
By Nemy101

-Hey Siri, Play Exile by Taylor Swift & Bon Iver-

2 years later...

"O, come on we are going to be late for our shift!" Scarlette yelled as she grabbed her heels, heading for the door. Odette ran behind her, also grabbing her heels an shutting the door behind them. "He is gonna kill us, we have to hurry." Scar said as they headed down the stairs, bounding out of the apartment complex. "He will be fine, look we are gonna be just fine. You act like we live an hour away, it's a 10 minute walk" Odette said as they walked quickly down the sidewalk approaching the club, where her and Scar both worked nights.

Oh if people back home could see her now, they wouldn't recognize her. Odette is now a dancer for a club in downtown Flordia, which is a job she never would've imagined for herself. But nonetheless, here she is, running in a skimpy dress with heels in her hand. After she moved to Flordia, she met up with Scar, they instantly connected with eachother. Odette tried working side jobs, a few restaraunts, a few record stores. But with the cost of living being so high, she finally broke and turned to dancing. The owner, Loki hired her on the spot, she didn't even say anything but he hired her anyways, based solely on her looks.

"You will be briliant... I am sure of it, I need you on my stage..." He said to her as he eyed her up and down carefully. Initially, he creeped her out to no end, but he has been very supportive and protective of her since she started her about a year ago. She loved her job, it was a good enviroment everyone there was friendly and hardly any over touchy men. There has been a few here and there, but Loki ofcourse barred them from the club after they got too rough with her one time. She smiled as she saw they gold and green sign in the distance, The Bridge, was written in beautiful calligraphy. The sign was the brightest she had seen in all of Flordia, it sent the ambience for the club. She was expecting a run down club with dingy bars and poles, but it was actually a very well kept up place. The poles were gold, the stage was a shade of ember. The bar was well managed, no creepy bartenders to scare away customers which was a huge plus.

"YOU'RE ALMOST LATE PET" Loki yelled from outside the club, spotting the two women running full force into the club, completely bypassing him and making their way straight into the dressing room. "How mad do you think he is?" Odette whispered as she quickly threw on some makeup while shoving her heels on her feet. "I wouldn't worry about him, it's Frank you have to worry about. You know how protective he is over you" Scar said looking over her shoulder at Frank who was smirking at Odette from the door.

"Hey beautiful" Frank said as he made his way over to her station "Where were ya? I missed your beautiful face around here" He looped his arms around her waist as she continued to apply her makeup, trying to rush.

"Overslept, give me some space so I can get ready okay, I don't wanna piss Loki off" She whispered shoving his hands away from her waist.

Frank held his hands up as he backed away from her, blowing her a kiss as he walked back to the door. She blew him one back before starting on her hair, she decided to do some loose curls in a ponytail. See, Frank Castle had become a stapel in Odette Thatchers life in Flordia. After she started working at The Bridge, Frank couldn't help but fall for the innocent girl. He knew she didn't belong here, with these other women. She didn't want this to be her forever life, that's what he adored about her. So after a while of hanging out and dates, she agreed to date him. They have been together for a few months now, and she's happy... but she always finds herself wondering about Bucky every now and then.

"You're up pet, my beautiful headliner for the night" Loki said as he entered the room, smiling over Odette.

"I'm coming, my tracks aren't gonna get screwed up this time right?" She asked as she walked with him out to the stage. Loki chuckled "No, I set it straight after the last failure. You look stunning, drop them dead out there" He said as he kissed her head before walking away.

She stood behind the curtain and looked into the crowd, when people in town heard that the infamous Onyx was headlining, they packed out the club. She smiled as she waited for her announcement, she shook her hands free of any nerves that lingered in her system.


The crowd yelled as Odette began to strut onto the stage, she warmed up the crowd a bit, crawling and feeling herself up before doing her infamous pole dance, which really got the crowd going. The music slowly started to transition into her dance song, All Eyes On You by Chris Brown. She smiled as she started to climb up the pole, once she reached her destination, she let her legs and arms do their job. She spun around upside down, smiling at all her regulars as they threw money over her. She raised herself up, and placed a leg above her head. She marveled as she held her grip on the pole, then finally she landed into a spilt on the stage. The room was intoxicating, people yelling and chanting for her, money flying everywhere. As the song ended she collected her moutain of cash, blowing kisses to some of her favorite regulars.

"BITCH! WHAT WAS THAT" Scar yelled as she walked backstage, gathering her composure.

Odette felt her cheeks flush over the gasping that she was doing. "My job" She said plainly, shrugging her shoulders as she walked into the dressing room, grabbing her money bag. She felt a pair of arms wrap around her, she smiled and turned to face Frank. She placed a kiss on his lips, but he deepened the kiss holding her body flush to his.

"You were incredible baby" He sighed as he let go of her, admiring her. She smiled and kissed his cheek 'Thank you honey, now time for me to go mingle" She said making her way to the floor. "GOODLUCK SCAR" She yelled as she made her way out of the room, Frank holding her hand as she pulled him through the hallways. Frank smirked as he admired the woman infront of him, he couldn't take his eyes off of her. No other woman compared to him, he was around half naked women all night, but he watched her with intent. He pulled her back to him, kissing her neck lightly causing a groan to slip from her lips.

"Frank... I gotta work" She sighed pulling away from him. "Just one more time, please" He asked with a small pout. She giggled and kissed him quickly before running away from him. She made her rounds after grabbing a drink from Hiemdall at the bar. She felt someone watching her move throughout the room. But she paid it no attention as she danced for a few men, some of them just wanted to look at her upclose and boom $100 dollars cash money. She hated and loved this job, loved it for the money, hated it because she knew this wasn't her.

"Pet, I have some people I would like to introduce you too, come meet me in the back room. A special birthday dance..." Loki whispered from behind her as she was dancing on some mans lap, but he was too drunk to comprehend anything, he handed her a 50 as she moved off of his lap. She followed Loki into the meeting room to see people that she had known once, a long time ago..

"Pretty that you?'


"Come on Bucky, we are going out. My brother owns this club down in Flordia that I know that you will love. He has all the best dancers" Thor said as they walked through the office with Sam and Steve.

"We are taking Peter for his 21st birthday, Tony insisted that he atleast goes one time, so come with us" Sam said trying to convince him further, but Bucky didn't want to hear it. "No" He said quickly heading for the door.

Sam and Steve followed him outside, Thor trailed behind them as they followed closely behind Bucky. "You don't have a choice, you have moped around New York for two years since she left. "You are going" Sam said grabbing Buckys arm making him stop.

"And if I don't?" Bucky retorted, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm gonna come steal Alphine, and you are fired" Sam said quickly. But he didn't know that it struck a nerve until he dodged a punch from him. "Don't bring my baby into this" Bucky spat but he thought on the offer, he knew he couldn't mope around much longer. Ever since Odette left him standing in the airport, he became a recluse. He knew he was damaged after watching her leave like she did. She didn't even give him time to explain, she just left. He and Natasha haven't spoken since that night after he blamed her for even wanting to plan something for her anyways. Maybe he could go and get his mind off of her for a while, have... fun.... maybe.

"Fine." He said, causing Steve and Sam to fist pump the air.

That is what lead to this very moment, where he stood infront of her. She looked so different, she had lost some weight, her hair was jet black now, her eyes were dull no light behind them. Two years really did change her, she wasn't even the same girl he remembered. He frowned as he looked at her, she looked like she wanted to curl in herself. Steve and Sam quickly glanced over Bucky at eachother, unsure of what to do.

"Gentlemen, this is my girl Onyx. I will be leaving her to fullfill all of your birthday duties." Loki announced as Peter entered the room.

"Um. That won't be necessary Loki, I am uh- I am getting sick. I am sorry, I gotta go." She stammered pulling his arm as she fought to escape the room of wandering eyes, mostly hiding from Peter.

"I told you to stop sleeping with Frank, can't have you getting pregnant. I will lose all of my money." Loki whispered, but Bucky heard every fucking word. He followed as they left the room, despite his friends yells. He watched as a man wrapped his arms around her, he felt his heart lurch at his chest watching her with some other man. The man looked over to Bucky, sheilding her away from Bucky's wandering gaze.

"Get lost buddy" Frank spat at him, before he lifted her face up to his, placing a kiss on her lips.

Bucky saw red. Steve and Sam tried to grab him before Bucky made his way over to Frank who now had Odette behind his back. "You don't fucking deserve to have your hands on her." Bucky spat now up close in his face. Frank scoffed "You never did. That's why she ran. That's why she's with me and not you. You ruined your chance, deal with it" Frank spat back causing Bucky to punch Frank in the face, making him stumble back over Odette and hit the floor with a loud thud.

"BUCKY STOP" She yelled, standing between them now. Bucky looked down at her, embarrassment taking over his whole body. He lowered his now bloody hand and sighed. "I- I'm sorry" He muttered as he faced her, full of shame.

"Just. Go" She said looking back down at Frank, who was struggling to stand.

Bucky watched as she pried him off of the floor, eyes full of pain as he looked at her. She turned around and glared at him before walking into the backroom.He watched her closely, making sure she was okay before he felt Steve grabbing his arm, trying to lead him out of the club. "Come on pal, let's go to the hotel" Bucky hung his head and followed behind him slowly, leaving her once again. Once they stepped outside Bucky felt the long over-due tears poured out of his eyes, he found himself hunched over sobbing when he heard the club door open behind him.

"We need to talk. NOW" Odette said with a stern expression, arms folded over her chest. Bucky turned to face her, tears still rolling down his cheeks, he nodded and followed her to the corner where she stood waiting for him. As he approached her, she felt the nerves swell up in her stomach, everything she prepared to say to him, vanished.

"I'm sorry... I really am.. I over reacted, I know I did. I just..." He started but was cut off by her wrapping her arms around him. He paused and looked down at the top of her head that was now pressed into his chest. He paused and looked over to Steve who was motioning for him to hug her back, so he wrapped his arms around her and inhaled everything about her. They stayed like this for a moment before she pulled away from him, she glanced up with tears in her eyes.

"Please, just go home... I am okay..." She whispered as she tried to walk away from him, but he wasn't about to let her leave like this again. "Odette, wait... I need to say one thing, before we part ways again..." He whispered, causing her to turn slowly towards him, waiting for him to speak again. "It was never anything with Natasha, I only wanted you... Truly, after I got home that night, I haven't spoken to her since... I swear there was nothing between her and I" He said looking into her eyes, which were now flooded with tears.

"Goodbye James..." She whispered as she turned from him, walking back into the club.

Bucky sighed and walked back over to were Steve and Sam waited for him with solum expressions. "I just got the best and last lap dance of my life!" Peter said as he emerged from the club, but going quiety as he noticed Bucky standing there, broken once again. "What happened...? What did I miss?" He asked as he followed behind the group of guys back to the hotel.

"Odette was there, she walked right by you.." Bucky whispered back to him. Peter stopped and ran back to the club when he ran inside, he saw her. "Odette!!!" He yelled as he ran over to her, almost knocking her over with his weight. She gasped and wrapped her arms around him "Hey Pete..." She sighed into the hug. "Bucky said he saw you. But I never did, that's crazy. I had to come back, you look great. I missed you." He exclaimed as he stepped back from her. "Yeah, he saw me. I saw you, but I escaped. How was Scar?" She chuckled elbowing him. His face flushed pink as he remembered her "She was great, I felt bad though. Leaving MJ to come here was mind bending, but she was okay with it" He said as he rocked back and fourth on his heels. "Hey Pete, I gotta go... but here" She said grabbing a napkin and pen, she jotted down her number and handed it to him "Text me tomorrow, we will catch up" She said as she hugged him one last time, before disappearing into the back to find Frank.

"Hey you" She whispered as she walked into the kitchen where Frank was currently nursing his bruise with ice. He rolled his eyes at her presence, not muttering a single word to her. She noticed his irritation and backed away from him, watching as he slowly moved the ice. "This isn't gonna work, he clearly loves you still and you... you clearly love him too" He said before standing to face her. She backed away even further as he approached her "Don't do this... He is nothing to me..." She gasped as she placed her hand over her mouth. "Oh but he is everything, I saw it when you hugged him outside." He said as he smiled at her softly. "If a man can pack a punch like that over a woman he hasn't seen in 2 years, I would say that he is very much in love with you. Don't waste yourself here, believe me. If anyone can make it out, it's you." He placed a kiss to the side of her head and left her in the kitchen.

Odette quit the club that night, she left her belongings, everything except her money bag. Loki was furious at first, and it took alot of convincing, but he finally smiled and let her leave on good terms. But he made sure to let her know that her spot would always be open for her in his club. Frank was right, it was him. Bucky truly did love her, and she felt like an idiot after Bucky explained that he and Natasha were never a thing. But she knew she couldn't face him, not now atleast. She walked home alone, not wanting the company of anyone but she immediatly felt the presence of watchful eyes. When she looked over, she saw a black Range Rover driving beside her, she panicked and stopped, staring at the vehicle. But as the window rolled down, she saw Steve staring at her, she sighed and waved to him.

"Get in Odette" He shouted over to her, she was hesitant but she found herself walking over to the car before her mind changed. She opened the door and hopped inside it quickly shutting the door behind her. Steve drove away from the club in silence, Odette also stayed quiet as he turned the car around to head towards the hotel where he had left Bucky.

"Are you taking me to him?" She asked quietly glancing over at him.

"Yes" He said bluntly indicating that he didn't want to talk anymore. As much as he didn't like her for what she did to Bucky, he knew that Bucky needed her right now as he was currently nursing drinks in the hotel bar with Sam playing babysitter. They drove in silence as they finally approached the hotel, Steve stepped out of the car and waited while Odette collected her thoughts. She wasn't sure what she was walking into, but either way she knew she had to mentally prepare for it. She sighed and stepped out of the car. Steve smiled lightly as he lead her to the hotel bar, where she saw Bucky laid against Sam, crying. It broke something inside of her, something that she couldn't explain.

"Sam, come on." Steve said motioning for them to give them some privacy. Bucky turned to see Steve standing behind him, covering her tiny frame behind him. He scoffed and turned around "I'm not leaving till they close me out for the night buddy, don't even try it" He said whipping his head to the side to see Odette standing behind him now.

Man he really was hammered, did Thor drop some meade by here?

He blinked a few times to make sure she was really there, and sure enough, she was. She gingerly made her way over to him, "Is this seat taken?" She asked waiting for his response. He waited before answering "It's a seat for my girl, I wouldn't get too comfortable" He chuckled, taking another sip of whiskey. She smiled and sat down beside him "Well I will make it quick then, why don't we go to your room?" He paused and looked over to her.

"BARKEEP, MY TAB PLEASE" He shouted making her giggle. "What about your girl? Won't she be dissapointed?" He smiled as he laid a hundread dollar bill on the bar and held his arm out for her. "She will never be dissapointed by me, You are so much more gorgeous anyways, may just have to break it off with her" He chuckled as they made their way to the elevator. As they stepped inside she found herself clinging onto him for dear life, afraid to let him go. He pressed the button for the 10th floor, and they both went up in silence.

"Are you staying..." He asked hopefully. Glancing over to her, as she stood beside him, trying to cover herself from him, like she was ashasmed all of a sudden.

"If you want me too..." She said quietly, glancing up to meet those all too familiar pale blue eyes. But as she looked into them now, they are full of pain, heartache, something that she caused. She suddenly dropped his arm and stepped to the side, angry with herself. Bucky snapped his head back and fourth from his arm to her, not liking that she let the connection go, so he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her infront of him.

"Please... you have no idea how much I want you to stay..." He whispered as the door opened to reveal an elderly man standing infront of them now, taking in the appearence of them. "I'll get the next one.." He whispered as the door closed, making Odette and Bucky chuckle to themselves as the elevator finally made it's way to floor 10. Bucky held her hand tightly in his as he lead the way to his room, using the door key to enter. He stumbled inside and dropped his coat and flicked off his boots before making his way to his bed. Odette stood in the doorway as she watched him flop back, glancing over at her, he smiles. "Come lay down with me Odette" He whispers holding his hand out for her, she blushes and looks around.

"Shower? Can I shower first, cause I know once I hit the bed, I am gonna be out... also, I need-" She was cut off by Bucky jumping out of bed, running over to his suitcase and pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a henley for her. "Here, let me go start your water. Be right back." He whispered as he took off towards the bathroom, she giggled as she brought the clothes to her face, burying herself in his scent as much as she could. She would suffocate in anything that smelt like him at this point, lord how she missed this man.

"Okay. It's all ready, you hungry? Chinese? I'll order, Wine? Nevermind, go shower I wanna surprise you" He giggles like a child, pushing her into the bathroom shutting the door behind her. She heard him run all over the room, until she heard "FUCK!" She ran into the room to see him hunched over holding his toe tightly, "You okay?" She asked causing him to tip over and fall into the floor, from lack of balance and she startled him. "Bucky?!" She yelped as she ran to check on him, but he was laughing at himself, then he started to cry. Odette wasn't sure what to do in a moment like this, so she just stared at him.

"Bucky... are you okay...?" She asked as she watching him as he cried one moment and laughed the next. He stopped both and stared at her, direct eye contact with her. "I missed you... so fucking much" He whispers as he reached over to hold her hand in his, never moving from the spot on the floor. She smiled at his honesty, glacing at their hands with a grin on her face.

"I missed you.. so much Bucky... I am so sorry- I didn't- I don't- I don't know.." She admitted as she looked down at the floor, Bucky placed his hadn on her face, causing her to look over to him, which is exactly what he wanted. He smiled as he swipped his thumb over her cheek, she smiled and nuzzled against his touch. "You are so beautiful... do you know that?" He whispered as he set up, turning his head to the side to get a better look at her.

"I do now..." She whispers never once taking her eyes off of him.

"Can I wash your hair?" Bucky asks, completely throwing her off guard. "You wanna wash my hair? Why?" She asked cocking her head to the side.

"I'm gonna wash your hair, let's go pretty girl" He grunted, pushing himself off of the floor, holding his hand out to her. She smiled and grabbed his hand, moving along the room with him until they reach the bathroom. She immediatly started to wonder how this whole thing was going to work, panic set throughout her body as she watched him moved through the bathroom, gathering things he knew he would need.

"Sit, you aren't gonna need to undress. Just sit" He said pointing to the floor beside the tub. She eyed him and the floor nervously, but he spoke again. "Trust me, I wanna see you naked. But now isn't the time for that, I wanna do something that is more intimate." He whispers taking her hands, pulling her down to the floor as he knelt beside her.

"Lay your head back, I got ya" He said as he watched her lay her head back over the side of the porciline tub. Her eyes screwed shut, avoiding eye contact with him at all costs. Bucky gently started to pour water over her hair, being careful not to get any near her eyes before he grabbed his shampoo bottle. He worked the goo into her hair, lathering her scalp, lightly scratching as he massaged her head. She suddenly understood what he mean by 'More intimate' because this, this was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for her.

"Are you okay?' Bucky asked as he rinsed her head free of any soap, glancing down at her soft smile.

"Perfect...I promise." She replied as she finally opened her eyes to look up at him, he was too deep in focus to notice she had opened her eyes. She watched as he carefully placed some conditioner into his hands and began to apply it to the ends of her hair. "Why do you think this is the most intimate thing, out of everything else This is what you enjoy" She asked curiously.

He looked down at her and smiled, "To see you at this much peace, and see the light come back into your eyes is more than I could've asked for" He whispered before looking back to her hair. Rinsing the excess conditioner, raking his fingers through it to release any naps in her hair, once he was finished he grabbed a towel, placing it under her sopping wet hair, ringing it out to get the water out. She smiled constantly watching him, never wanting to take her eyes off of him He smiled back at her before swipping away a water drop that was headed for her eyes.

"I think I wanna kiss you.." He whispered as he gazed into her eyes, with passion that she hadn't seen in his eyes before.

"Do it then..." She whispered leaning up to him.


Authors Note.

Here we go, another update.
Going back into flow, I am so excited to roll with these guys for a while longer.
Please don't forget to vote and comment, it is always so greatly appreciated.
Again, it's midnight. But I really wanted to get a chapter out, so please ignore any mistakes and misusage.

Flaws & Sins will be back tomorrow 🫶🏼

Stay Lovely
-Em ❤️

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