The Colour Purple (slow)

By sugakookisses

1.4K 98 16

There are many shades of the colour purple. All beautiful in their own unique way. Violet, Orchid, Lavender... More

Characters and Character Descriptions
Im So Sorry


74 6 0
By sugakookisses

I hurriedly leave professor Jung's office. The information him and Professor Kim told me swirling through my head. I can already feel a headache coming.

I feel a tingling on my neck and immediately think about how professor Jung's lips felt on mine. That was the best kiss I've ever had and that's saying something since I've kissed a lot of people in my life.

That thought immediately causes guilt to swirl inside me. I'm confused now because I've never felt this guilty about all the hookups I've had but it all suddenly feels wrong. Nauseating even.

I lift my hand to my throat as I rush through the hallways, touching my neck occasionally. I know there's hickies on there. Professor Kim confirmed that.

I usually don't like having marks on my skin but this is different somehow. Thinking about them makes me feel giddy for some reason.

I've always thought that professor Jung was hot. Always felt a strange attraction to him. Now that I know what the reason is, it feels good no matter how weird that might be to someone else.

Professor Kim's face suddenly flashes in my mind. I've never seen a man so dangerously beautiful before. His dark hair, lips, eyes, everything about him is absolute perfection.

I want him. I want them both.

They said there's supposed to be seven of us but who are the other four? Are they as hot as the professors? I wouldn't survive if that's the case if I'm being honest.

The Professors together are already overwhelmingly sexy and to be honest, I wanted them to fuck me today. I want them to fuck me both as Mimi and Jimin.

I'm not paying attention to where I'm going, still thinking about the events at the office a few minutes ago, that I accidentally bump into someone, nearly falling on my ass if not for the arms that catch me.

A familiar electric feeling suddenly pulses through my body shooting straight to my groin and I barely hold in the moan that nearly slips out of me. Suddenly I'm being pulled into a chest and I'm looking into the darkest eyes I've ever seen.

His eyes are like those of a dragon. His tanned golden skin so beautiful like the sweetest caramel.

I have no time to keep checking this beautiful man out before I feel lips slam into mine. The kiss is rough, unrestrained and undeniably hot. A whimper escapes me when I feel his tongue force its way past my lips.

He's devouring me and I love it. I have no time to think about how I'm kissing a stranger, all I can think about are his lips molded with mine, my arms around his neck with my hand buried in his soft hair.

He's much taller than me so I'm on my tippy toes. That makes it even hotter and the feeling of his arms around me makes me feel protected. Like I belong in this man's arms.

I vaguely think about how I felt safe in Professor Jung's arms as well. Is this our other soulmate?

The kiss is broken immediately after that thought, my expression is dazed as a subconscious pout settles on my lips. I want him to keep kissing me.

After a little while vision clears and I register the other voices around us. Oh shit.

I look around seeing three other guys. I'm still in the mysterious stranger's arms and he doesn't seem like he's letting go anytime soon.

The other guys are looking between me and big buff stranger. I realize that all of them are absolutely beautiful but the stranger who has me in his arms still has my attention.

"What the fuck just happened." Big buff stranger suddenly says and I immediately try to leave his arms, embarrassed out of my mind that I just made out with some stranger.

He seems to hate that as a grunt of protest leaves his lips and he pulls me back making my face smoosh between his pecs. Oh he's a big guy. I wonder what else is big? 

"What did you just say?" Mysterious stranger asks.

I look at him in confusion because I know I did not say that out loud.

The other people with us keep asking questions and I feel myself start to slip as this entire thing starts to get overwhelming. Too many voices.

"Sto-op." My voice is weak. They can't hear me over how loud they're being. I clutch my head in my hands as Jimin comes to the forefront of my mind. This shit will never not be painful.

A whimper of pain leaves my lips as I feel like my legs will collapse beneath me. I feel the world slip between my feet. I did not want this to be happening while I'm at school. The voices of the people around me are quieter at least.

"- are you alright." Someone seems to be asking. I want to say something but I can't.

"Is he okay." Someone else asks but their voice is distant as I fully slip back to my older self. It takes a few minutes for me to come to but when I do, confusion takes over as I look at the people around me.

I don't know any of them but they're hot and hot men are my specialty. A smirk slowly creeps on my face as I look around at them. This seems to weird them out because they're looking at me weirdly.

"Well, hello boys."I say in the most seductive voice I can master.

"Uhm, hi?" The shorter, cute one says, looking at me and then his friends.

I soon realize there are still arms around me. I look up at the tall man who's holding so protectively. I want to snuggle closer into the comfort he provides. I've never had that before.

He pulls away after some time and I can't keep the disappointment from showing on my face. This always happens. People are weirded out by me but somehow it hurts even more when it's him.

I suddenly remember Professor Jung and Professor Kim's words. They're my soulmates. Is it wrong that even though I haven't known them for a long time, I want to go back to them for comfort.

I don't realize I'm backing away until I feel a grip on my wrist. "Don't go." Big man says, his voice sounding like he's in physical pain.

"I'm Namjoon." He introduces himself after regaining his composure. "What's your name?" He asks, treading lightly.

"I'm Jimin." I say after a few seconds. I contemplate telling him about my alter but I don't know him that well. I feel like I don't want to lie to him though. "I'm also Mimi." I add after a little contemplating.

"Aww." One of the guys coos before yelping when another elbows them in the gut. He clears his throat, looking embarrassed before introducing himself. "I'm Jungkook but you can call me Kookie?" He says, flashing a smile and I almost coo at his bunny teeth.

"I'm Taehyung." An aloof looking man says, I'm almost intimidated until he smiles a cute boxy smile. I can't help but smile back at him.

"I'm Yoongi." The smallest man says, a shy smile gracing his pretty face.

"Nice to meet you guys." I say, smiling back at them.

"So," Taehyung starts his voice is very deep, "why did you kiss my boyfriend?" He finishes and I choke on my own spit.

I quickly back away from Namjoon, snatching my wrist from his tight grip. " Oh shit, oh fuck. I'm so sorry. I don’t know what happened I was walking and then I bumped into something and they caught me.." I ramble.

I've never done anything with anyone's boyfriend before. I feel so bad I might start crying and on cue, tears of frustration form in my eyes as I try to explain myself

The guy, Taehyung's eyes widen as he extends his hands towards me, " No no no please don't cry." He says moving towards me but I continue backing away while apologizing profusely.

He reaches for me and when our hands make contact, it feels like the whole world stops right then and there. Everything disappears around us and I only see him.

Not again.


This is so much fun lol. I'm a little rusty because I haven't written in ages.

And to explain Jimin's condition. DID is different for a lot of people so I'm just gonna tell yall how Jimin's works.  So he switches and his personalities are different ages.

Jimin is 21 while Mimi is still 18. They're both adults but Mimi is innocent in nature. Like really soft he can be considered a little like in ddlb. He switches when he's overwhelmed. And sometimes he can control his switches and all that stuff.

Also, the reason why everyone's experience is so different when they touch is because I want it to be that way lol nothing special. Their encounters won't be the same. Some will tongue fuck each other and others won't. Anyway here's Jungkook being absolute sin

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