Life with Monster Girls

By MegaPrime2

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Follow two Excellent Dudes from Reno Fields, Riley Gabbert and Ethan Settler, as they move overseas to Osaka... More

A quick reminder:
Chapter 1: Moving to Japan
Chapter 2: First Day with a Lamia
Chapter 3: Riley's Date with Miia
Chapter 4: a Harpy with No Clue
Chapter 5: Fate with a Centaur
Chapter 6: Full Moon Madness
Chapter 7: a Slimy Situation
Chapter 8: Ethan's Encounter with a Mermaid
Chapter 9: Miia's Shedding Issue
Chapter 10: a Man with a Dark Perverted Purpose
Chapter 11: Dragon's Wrath
Chapter 12: Webs of Love
Chapter 13: Sick Day
Chapter 14: Serious Case of Riley and Miss Smith
Chapter 15: Double Date with Miia and Mero
Chapter 16: a Dinosaur with a Big and Terrible Grudge
Chapter 17: Luis's Date with Centorea
Chapter 18: Finding the Culprit by Dating MON Squad
Chapter 19: a Dullahan with a Wandering Soul
Chapter 21: Working out with Demi-humans
Chapter 22: a Masochist's Trial
Chapter 23: Seduced By a Future Mother In Law
Chapter 24: Like Mother, Like Daughter
Chapter 25: a Centaur's Duel
Chapter 26: Riley's Choosing Problems
Chapter 27: Hot Spring Special
Chapter 28: Sheldon and Chewie Doo Where Are You?!
Chapter 29: Tragic News
Chapter 30: the Queen and I
Chapter 31: Riley's Birthday Special
Chapter 32: a Resisted Succubus
Chapter 33: Ethan's Hypersomnia
Chapter 34: Amusement Park Date with Papi

Chapter 20: Grocery Shopping with Demi-humans

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By MegaPrime2

(3rd POV)

It has been one week since Riley and Ethan have a new homestay named Lala the Dullahan and now, along with their friends, they're both about to start their new day. Ethan is in his room reading a manga that he bought yesterday.

He laughed and said, "THAT PERVERT SAW AN OLD LADY IN THE BATH ON ACCIDENT!! (laugh) That's what he gets for peeking at the Girl's bath!! (stops laughing and sighed) It's just hilarious to see perverts get what they all deserve."

Riley's voice said, "Hey, Broseph! Breakfast is ready!"

Ethan said, "Coming! (looks at the manga) Hehe. Next time, think twice before you go do perverted things, Dude."

He puts the manga away in his manga shelf and then, Ethan sees his best friend Riley Gilbert as they're both on they're way to the kitchen where the others are.

Riley asked, "Did you read something hilarious again, Ethan?"

Ethan said, "Yep. I just read the one part of some Dumb Pervert getting what he deserves."

Riley laughed and said, "Oh good lord, Mr. Pilgrim."

Ethan asked, "So what are we having for breakfast today?"

Riley said, "I don't know. But I do smell something cooking. Maybe (realized something as he's shocked) someone....have already made breakfast."

Him and Ethan both looked at each other with shocked expressions on their faces.

Ethan asked, "Do you think it could've been...."

Riley said as he's nervous, "Well. We won't know for sure yet."

One of them opened the door to the kitchen. They both peaked through the doorway and looked in different directions until they saw the clingiest and loving lamia friend, Miia, making something on the stove. They both gulped as they thought that Miia had cooked something very bad again as Riley motioned Ethan to follow him as they both tip-toed their way to the front door, until....

(After the Music's over)

Miia's voice said, "Darling~."

Riley and Ethan are in a massive shock that Miia caught them.

Miia came out of the kitchen and said with a giggle, "Breakfast is that the dining room, silly. I made both of our food, Darling. Eggs......and.......bacon."

Miia is slithering back to the dining room leaving Riley and Ethan in a massive shock.

Miia asked as she smiled, "Coming, Darling?"

Riley said as he's nervous, "Oh uh. Be right there."

Miia went back to the dining room while Riley gulped that Miia made breakfast especially for him. Ethan took off his hat and put it above his heart.

Ethan said, "It's been nice seeing ya, my friend."

Riley said as he's nervous, "Well. Wish me luck."


(Time Skip)

(Riley's POV)

I entered the Dining room where Miia is and I saw her putting whatever she made into my plate.

I said in my mind, "Crapolus. What has Miia made this time?!"

I looked back at Ethan all shivering in fear. Then, I sit on the table as I have a bad feeling of what Miia just made but it turns out, she made an omelet.

Miia asked with a worried expression, "Darling, are you okay?"

I snapped back to reality and said, "Oh no. It's nothing. I just never had an omelet since Ethan and I moved to Japan."

Miia smiled and said, "Oh. I see."

Ethan opened the door and asked, "Wait. Sorry to interrupt your guys' moment but, did Miia actually made an omelet?"

I smiled and said, "Yep. She did."

Ethan asked, "You won't mind if I have some too, Miia?"

Miia smiled and said, "Sure. I made enough for both of you Darling and Future BFF in Law."

Miia gave Ethan an omelet too and then, Ethan joined in as we're taking a bite out of the omelet that Miia made. Luis and the others came and they saw us as if we were both about eating something toxic.

Danielle screamed, "Wait guys! Don't eat the....."

They were all too late because Ethan and I ate the omelet.

Danielle got nervous as she said, "Omelet."

Luis said, "We're too late."

Cerea sighed and asked, "What has come to the two Masters eating another one of Miia's creations?"

Ethan got confused as he asked, "What are guys talking about? They're good."

Miia smiled as she asked, "Really?"

I smiled and said, "Yeah. I can't believe that you have made the best omelet that I have ever tasted. What's in them?"

Mr. Stretch said as he's nervous, "Oh boy."

Luis said as he got nervous too, "We might want to take cover."

Chewie nodded as he got scared and said, "Yeah! Take Cover!"

Miia said, "What I put in the omelets are cheddar cheese, diced bacon, buffalo sauce, some hot peppers from Ethan's Hot Pepper Garden, Habanero and Carolina Reaper."

Ethan smiled and said, "Oh. So that's what you put."

I smiled and said, "For a minute there, I thought you put something weird in the omelet like-"

Ethan and I both realized as we asked, "HOT PEPPERS?!?!"

The redness from our bodies are rising and then,

(After the sound effect is over above)

....there's steam coming out of my ears and Ethan's nostrils.

(Author's Note: I drew that for laughs)


We both ran away as Luis said in a sarcastic tone, "I knew we should've stopped them sooner."

Ethan is eating a lot of bread because his parents said that can put out the spiciness while I was outside spraying my mouth with the water hose. I see Ethan coming while he's pouring some ketchup into his mouth.

I screamed, "Here, you fool! Use this!"

Ethan shapeshifts into his dragon form and then, I sprayed his mouth with the hose. I stopped to make sure if the spiciness stopped Ethan, until I saw something bright coming from his mouth and I screamed as I dodged the fire that's coming out of it.

Ethan roared, "It's not working!! Hop on my back!!"

I screamed, "I'M COMING BROSEPH!!"

I got onto his back as Ethan flew away from our mansion. We've both been looking for the nearest lake or river to stop by. But Luckily I pointed Ethan out to a river.

I said, "Ethan!! There's a river down there!!"

Ethan roared, "HOLD ON!!"

He dived down to the river while I was screaming for my life.


(After the Music's over)

(Several Minutes Later)

(Ethan's POV)

Riley and I came back, took showers, and changed into some new clothes and then, we both passed out.

I said, "Man! So much for spicing things up!"

Mero and Suu are waving some fans on us while Riley and I have ice packs on our heads.

Riley said, "For the record, Miia. You cooked well on the omelets but I'm not much of a spicy fan like Ethan is."

Miia got disappointed and said, "Dow! Almost had it! Well. Might as well write it down."

She got out a notebook and pen as Miia wrote something on the notebook.

Cousin Danielle said, "You guys ain't the only ones who ate Miia's omelet."

Riley and I asked, "Why?"

Cousin Danielle points at Lala passing out because of Miia's cooking too.

Lala said with a few words, "Take it easy in the afterlife!"

Mr. Stretch yelled, "They need some milk!!"

Cerea said, "I'll get the masters some refreshment to ease the spiciness."

Riley and I both blushed out of awkwardness from what she said.

Cerea's face turned red too and she said, "It's not what the both of you think!! I swear!!"

Riley and I both sighed for relief. Cerea opened the refrigerator and said it's empty.

Luis said, "I guess Miia has been using a lot of food when practicing to cook."

Rachnera asked in a sarcastic tone, "Did you make the food without tasting some again, Miia?"

Miia whined, "But I tasted it!"

Luis said in a serious tone, "Prove it."

Miia took a bite out of the omelet as Riley and I are in a massive shock at what Miia just did. She just stands there until she screams about how spicy she made the omelets.


As Miia's freaking out over the spiciness, I asked, "You said the fridge is empty?"

Cerea said, "Indeed. We seemed to have been short on some food supplies."

Cousin Danielle said, "Yeah. Our food budget's in bad shape."

Riley asked, "What happened?"

Luis said, "There's something wrong with our Engel Coefficient."

Riley said, "Come to think of it. I remembered going over the receipts when we went grocery shopping the last time but I barely managed to keep up with this out of the blue."

Cousin Danielle said, "Yeah. But Lala, currently living with us, was breaking the point. (looks at Lala) No offense."

Lala said with a plain expression, "None taken."

Riley sighed and said, "Well. Looks like we don't have a choice but to go shopping. Let's see what we'll find at the Super Market."

(Time Skip)

(3rd POV)

Riley, Ethan, and their friends are on their way to the Super Market. Suu and Papi are playing with a cat until....

Luis said, "Suu. Papi. Come with us and stay close. You two should've known things better than to wander off by yourselves."

Suu and Papi both looked down and said, "We're sorry."

Centorea smiled at what Luis is doing to prevent Suu and Papi from getting lost.

She looked at Riley and said, "I do hope that you will find happiness someday, Master Riley."

Riley smiled and said, "I hope that you will find happiness as well Cerea."

Ethan is pushing Mero in her wheelchair as he snarls for happiness.

Mero smiled and said, "I must say, this is the first time that I have gone shopping with all of you."

Ethan asked, "It is?"

Centorea smiled and said, "'Tis indeed rare for us to go shopping in a large group such as this."

Luis said, "I agree, Cerea. But I feel pity for leaving the rest behind at the Mansion though."

Ethan said, "Can't argue that one. Cousin Danielle wants to keep an eye on Chewie, Miia, and the rest."


Back at the Mansion, Miia is crying while she's doing the dishes.

(Author's Note: The Japanese Text says, "Staying Home.")

She whined, "NO FAIR!! WHY DIDN'T I COME?!?!"

Danielle said, "You did leave the mess in the kitchen again."

Rachnera said, "Come on. Just clean all those dirty dishes."

(Back to Riley and the others)

Ethan said, "Good thing my own favorite Cousin knows what to do if Rachnera is up to her perverted tricks again."

Luis said, "That's because Danielle has taken Martial Arts, Ethan."

Riley said, "I think everything should be cheaper today. So I thought about buying a lot."

Ethan asked, "And I take it, you want help from us?"

Riley said, "Yeah. But I hope I wasn't putting too much pressure on you guys."

Mero blinked her eyes and asked, "Pressure? What makes you think you'll be putting too much pressure on us?"

Suu and Papi got confused as they asked, "Pressure?"

Centorea smiled and said, "Nonsense. As your Honorable Servant, it is my duty to be of aid to my Masters."

Luis said, "Well. You don't have to go that far, Cerea. (looks back at Riley) But if you needed help, we would all be more than happy to do so, Riley."

Ethan said, "Yeah. I can even carry a big pound of meat that you see."

Riley smiled and said, "Thanks guys."

They all walked up to the Super Market and saw a sign that said "Temporary Holiday."

Ethan got disappointed and said, "Oh no. It's closed."

Luis said, "They must be remodeling for all demi-humans."

Riley realized something and said, "Oh yeah. Miss Smith did tell Ethan and me that every place is still in progress to be Demi-human friendly. Even Amusement Parks are still in development too."

Luis said, "Precisely."

Ethan said, "I still hope that we'll still go to Universal Studios and take our friends with us there. Back when Riley and I had Miia at first, I found out that place is North East from our Mansion. And since I'm half dragon, I can take all of you guys there when they're finished."

Luis smiled and said, "Wow, Ethan. I'm surprised that you know where it is."

Mero smiled and said, "That sounds lovely. I would love to go to that place with you, my Dear Prince~."

Ethan blushed and said, "I knew that you would be interested in that, it has a huge Dock-like area with a huge lake in the center. I also heard people saying that the area of Universal Studios Japan has a Romantic Scenery."

Cerea smiled and said, "Interesting. (looks at Luis) We should go to that place when they're done remodeling, Luis."

Luis said, "Let's hope that they made the rides Centaur-Friendly. But yeah, sure."

Papi asked, "What do we do to get the food?"

Riley is thinking about something and then, he said, "Alright. Looks like we have to go find another Super Market since this one is remodeling right now. Does anyone know where it is?"

Mero thought of an idea and said, "Oh. I know where it is and it's not far from here at all."

Luis said with a sweat drop, "Um. With all due respect Mero, but it's probably because you're in a wheelchair."

(Time Skip)

(Mero's POV)

My friends and I are on our way to where we can find some food supplies until I saw something and pointed to the place that I told them about. It's what humans call a Market Plaza.

Prince Ethan looked at a sign and asked, "Market Pizza? (got really happy) Does this place have pizza?"

I giggled and said, "Indeed. But it's Market Plaza, Silly."

My Dear Prince blushed as he laughed nervously. He's so precious when he blushes a lot.

Sir Luis said, "Come on, Ethan. Let's stay focused on getting more food supplies."

Lady Centorea said, "So, this is a Shopping Mall? I have yet to see one."

Sir Luis said, "There's also more back in America."

I said, "It's quite lively."

Sir Riley said with a sweat drop, "Well. I wouldn't say Lively but-"

(Music Stops Here)

He got cut off by one of the Shopkeepers from the fish market screaming, "AAHH!!! IT'S A MERMAID!!!!"

We all looked at all of the shopkeepers closing their shops quickly.

The same shopkeeper from the Fish Market screamed, "HURRY!! PUT AWAY THE FISH!!!!"

Another one from the Fried Chicken Stand screamed, "There's a Bird Girl here too!! STOP FRYING THE CHICKEN AND HURRY CLOSE THE SHUTTER!!!!"

Another one from the Poultry Market screamed, "MOM!! PUT THE POULTRY AWAY!! ESPECIALLY THE HORSE MEAT!!! THERE'S A HORSE LADY!!!!"

Prince Ethan asked in a sarcastic tone, "Horse meat? Is there even a such a thing?"


Prince Ethan is letting out his dragon growl as my friends and I are getting scared because of it.

He's getting angry as he said, "So. Is that what you think of us, huh? Do you all think that we're all excuses for closing all of your guys' Shops, huh? (got out his claws) For such insult to us demi-humans, you.....will....all.......(gets angrier even more) PAY FOR-"

Sir Riley and Sir Luis both stopped him from unleashing his rage.

Sir Riley said, "Come down, Broseph!"

Sir Luis said, "None of these Shopkeepers didn't do anything wrong at all!"

My Dear Prince let's out his growl once more.

I put both of my hands onto Prince Ethan's cheeks.

I said, "Please. Calm down."

My Dear Prince has calmed down as he's changing back into his half human form.

Sir Riley said, "It's alright, Everyone!! My friends eat fish and poultry!!"

Some of the shopkeepers stopped after what Sir Riley just informed them.

One of them asked, "What? They do?"

Lady Centorea looked down and said, "But I don't eat meat at all."

Sir Luis put his hand on her shoulder and said, "We know. But let's roll with it for now."

Sir Riley asked, "Oh. And can you guys stop closing your Shops for a mermaid or a harpy coming? My Half Dragon Friend is extremely sensitive when it comes to that!!"

Sir Riley looks back at my Dear Prince hugging me as I'm petting him on his head.

I said with a kind smile, "It's okay. It's okay."

Sir Riley said with a nervous smile, "Yep. Extremely Sensitive."

My Dear Prince looked at me with a sad expression and said, "I'm sorry that I almost unleashed my full rage, Mero."

I embraced him and said, "It's alright. I know how you reacted over reasons like that. You can't always solve the solutions by letting your anger be the best of you. (kissed my Prince Ethan on his forehead) Now that you're calm when I'm with you, let's have a look at the Fish Market, shall we?"

Prince Ethan smiled and said, "Okay."

Sir Riley sighed for relief and said, "I'm glad that Ethan and I let you come with us besides the others, Mero."

I smiled and said, "I'll always be there for my Dear Prince, Sir Riley."

(Ethan's POV)

I pushed Mero in her wheelchair all the way straight to the Fish Market as we saw the Fishmonger looking all scared that he's selling fish meat while Mero's here all because she's a mermaid. Mero and I are looking at the fish at the counter.

Mero smiled and said, "My. The fish you sell here are very fresh. They're so healthy and not one of them is too boney or dried."

I smiled and said, "Yeah. (chuckled) Those fish are exactly just right. (smiled even more) Why do I have a good feeling?"

I looked at Mero as she's doing another one of those heart-warming compliments again.

She went royal mode and said, "Such exquisite fish. What a rare and pleasant site."

I smiled and said, "Oh. This is gotta be good."

Mero said with a warm-hearted smile, "For someone who walks upon land to know so much about the sea, and have such a beautiful talent with fish, I am very pleased."

The Fishmonger fell onto his knees from what Mero just said.

Mero said with a bright smile, "You've done a very good job."

The Fishmonger bowed his upper body and said, "Y-Yes! Thank you very much!!"

I fainted from what Mero said to him as I said with heart eyes, "Like wow!! I always like to hear Mero's words of warm-hearted compliments!!"

The Fishmonger got out a huge fish and said, "Here! Please have this! It's our special quality yellow-tail!!"

I got up and asked, "Wait. Is that valuable?"

The Fishmonger said, "Very Valuable!!"

Mero smiled and said, "Oh my!"

I asked, "Excuse me, sir. May I have a word with you after you wrap that huge fish?"

The Fishmonger said, "Oh. Uh. Sure. I'll be with you in a minute."

After he put that huge fish in the cooler, I asked Riley to watch Mero while I have a word with the Fish Monger.

(music stops here)

I asked him, "So. You sell very rare fish?"

The Fish Monger asked in a nervous tone, "Yeah?"

I smiled kindly and asked, "Not to put too much pressure but, do you also have other valuable sea creatures like lobsters and swordfish? I thought about cooking them for special occasions for my Pretty Princess in Pink and me."

The fishmonger asked, "You mean that Lovely Young Lady?"

I nodded.

He smiled and said, "Yeah! My Co-Workers and I have a lot of them!! Please take as much as you need!! They're in the house!!"

I smiled and said, "Thank you."

We both shook hands and then he gave me rapped five pounds of lobster and swordfish as I mouthed at Riley to stall Mero while I call Mr. Stretch to come here and pick them up and hide them for me until I needed them for my special nights with Mero.

The Fishmonger gave me some lobster and swordfish and said, "I hope you and your girlfriend will enjoy your guys' meal with each other."

I gave him a thumbs up and said, "Will do, Sir. I'll be sure to come here often."

While my best friend Riley's covering for me, Mr. Stretch came and took the lobster and swordfish straight to the mansion. I even promised him that I'll bring back a whole box of chocolate covered donuts for helping me out earlier to him.

Riley asked, "Can you excuse us for a moment please, Mero?"

Mero smiled and said, "Of course."

Riley walked up to me and whispered, "What did you do to make me stall Mero for you, Broseph?"

I whispered, "Well. Since he has a huge yellow-tailed fish, I asked him if he has lobster and swordfish in stock. So I can cook them for Special Occasions for Mero and me. He said yes and then, he gave me 5 pounds of each of them and told me they're in the house. Probably how lucky I am that I have someone like Mero."

Riley smiled as he gave me a thumbs up and whispered, "I'm sure she'll like it, Ethan."

I smiled and said, "Thanks, Riley."

We gave each other our Fist Pumps.

We said, "Balalala."

Riley said, "Come on, Broseph. Mero's waiting for you."

We caught up with Mero as I began to push her in her wheelchair with the cooler of that same fish that the Fish Monger gave us 50 percent off of the price on the arm rests of Mero's wheelchair.

Riley smiled and said, "I heard what happened at the Fish Market, guys. I'm really impressed by how that guy gave you that huge fish."

Mero smiled as she said, "Indeed. He was a nice person."

I realized something as I asked, "Hey, guys. What's Cerea doing in there?"

(Riley's POV)

We all stopped as we saw Cerea looking at all the veggies.

The Lady at the counter asked with a kind smile, "What do you think of my own vegetables? Please have some more!!"

Cerea got nervous as she said, "My thanks, but I cannot take more..."

The Shopkeeper said, "What are you saying?! You're so big, you must be able to eat more, right?!"

Cerea got nervous as she said, "Well. It is possible for me to eat more. But..."

The Shopkeeper for the Produce Market smiled and said, "Quit your blabbering on and on and eat!"

She got out a sample cup filled with carrot sticks.

She said with a smile of enthusiasm, "These Young Lady, are my famous carrot sticks!"

I said in my mind, "Wherever we go, there's always going to be some crazy nice ladies working in food markets and what not."

Cerea asked, "C-C-Carrots?"

The Shopkeeper said, "Yep."

(Luis's POV)

I watched Cerea take one of the carrot sticks and eat it.

Afterwards, she smiled and said, "Grreeeeeeeeeeat!! They're all so fresh and juicy!! They're sweet, but they have such a deep taste!! It's like the carrots are so alive!!"

Riley and Ethan are surprised with Cerea's reaction with carrots.

Ethan said, "Wow. She must've really loved that stuff the most."

I said, "Well. Herbivores have a sense of taste that is 2-4 times more sensitive than humans. This is why centaurs can understand the subtle species differences between the taste of vegetables."

Cerea nodded for an agreement as she continued to eat those carrot sticks once more behind me. Riley and Ethan both nodded at each other.

Riley asked, "What about Carnivores?"

I said, "As for them, the Carnivore's taste is about 1/25-1/50th of what a human can taste. If you ask me, this is one of the reasons why Miia's a terrible cook. Or even the only reason for that matter."

My phone rang as I said, "Hello?"


Danielle's voice said, "Sorry about that, Luis. She just had a hunch about you saying that about Miia."

I facepalmed myself and said, "I should've known. We'll see you guys once the others and I come back with more food, Danielle."

Danielle's voice said, "Okay. Bye."

I hung up as I sighed and said, "Miia needs help."

I saw Cerea enjoying the carrot sticks once more.

The Shopkeeper smiled and said, "It makes me happy to see you so happy eating my veggies! My Old Lady has put a lot of hard work into those carrots!"

I asked, "Is that so? May I have a sample of these as well?"

The Shopkeeper gave me cup carrot sticks and said, "Sure!! I've never seen a werewolf that interested in my veggies before! You're quite extraordinary from your own kind, Mister!!"

I ate a carrot stick and then, I said, "Mmm. These are really good."

The Shopkeeper smiled and said, "Glad you like them, Mister! Someone like you and your Centaur Friend over here (got out a whole bunch of carrots) deserve a big discount!! Buy 'em! I'll even give you both extra!"

Cerea is looking at the carrots as her mouth's watering like crazy.

I said with a sweat drop, "Well. We both appreciate your offer. But I don't think we can afford that much, it being the end of the month and all."

The Lady asked, "What's that?! No, money?! Bit of a loser, Huh!!"

I said with a sweat drop, "You don't have to be so loud about it, Ma'am."

She said, "Then, take this!! (gave us a big box of vegetables) All of these vegetables look too weird to you, so you both can have 'em! They taste great, though!"

I said, "Um. Thanks?"

(music stops here)

(Back to Riley's POV)

I was amazed at what just happened, until...

An Orc came all jealous as he yelled, "THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!"

I said in a disappointed tone, "Great! That Orc from the Manga Store last month came."

Luis asked in a sarcastic tone, "What do you want this time?"

The Orc yelled, "What do you think!? Those humans gave you and your friends free food!! If you all want to live, just hand over the food so we can all pretend that this whole thing never happened!! ARE WE CLEAR!?!?"

He picks up a scent as he sniffs until he realizes that it came from the container that Mero has.

I'm in massive shock as I said, "Uh oh."

As the Orc's walking up to Mero as he's licking his lips and said, "Hello there, Little Mermaid. Compared to that fish you're holding, you look more delicious than what a lot of humans say about your kind~. How about you and I go out some time, just the two of us. And we'll both have a great time~."

I got nervous as I said, "Um. Mr. Orc? I don't mean to interrupt but, she's really-"


Mero is shivering in fear as she said, "As I appreciate the offer."

The Orc looked back at her and asked, "Well?"

Mero said, "The answer is no. I'm with someone else. I do hope that you will find a suitable lady in life. Good day."

She was about to roll away but the Orc stopped her as he grabbed the handle. We all gasped on what he just did.

I said, "Oh. Now you done it, Orc."

The Orc looked at me and yelled, "SHUT UP OR I WILL BREAK YA LIKE A WALKING STICK YOU ARE!!!!"

I gulped at what he just said.

The Orc looked back at Mero and said, "Come on, Miss Mermaid. We'll travel around together. (I looked up and saw Ethan sneaking up behind him in his dragon form all angry) I even have a boat and something that you can float on."

Mero asked, "What do you mean?"

The Orc smiled lustfully and said, "That will be my-"

He got cut off by Ethan growling at him. The Orc gulped as he slowly turned around and saw Ethan in his full dragon form.

He said, "Oh crap!"

Ethan said with his deep dragon voice, "Let my Princess go! NOW!!!!"

The Orc realized what Ethan meant. He means Mero. The Orc dusted off the handle that he had touched as he's scared right now as all Shopkeepers were surprised that Mero is dating a half dragon.

After I got Mero out of the way for Ethan's sake, the Orc screamed, "Um. (gulped) About what I said about your girl, it was all just a joke! Really! I swear!"

Ethan lets out his loud dragon roar at the Orc as he squealed like a pig from the last time that Luis and Ethan fought him and his friends.


Ethan said with his deep voice, "You....are without mercy! Now you plead for it!? I thought you were made of sterner stuff!!"

He got out his claws as the Orc got scared even more.

The Orc screamed, "Look! I know what I did is wrong!! But let me live, please!!"

Ethan is in complete silence and then, he said, "I'll let you live alright!! I'm nothing like you or your gang of Rapists!!"

The Orc sighed for relief and said, "Woah. For a minute there, I thought you were gotta-"

Ethan grabbed the Orc's tongue and said, "Open the whole gallon, Luis!!"

Luis said in a serious tone, "You got it!!"

He opened the gallon and gave it to Ethan. Luis gave him a gallon of the Dragon's Wrath Hot sauce as the Orc's in a massive shock.

Ethan said with a very menacing glare and deep voice, "By the powers of naughtiness, I demand this particular gallon of hot sauce to burn your mouth really, really hot!!"

The Orc screamed as Ethan's holding his tongue still, "W-Wait!! Let's talk about this!! I'm.......uh.......allergic to hot sauce!! Really!!"

Ethan said with his deep voice, "Too late, you Filthy Pig!! This is your punishment for your crime of harming my fair Princess!!"

(Music Stops here)

He poured the entire gallon of hot sauce in that Orc's mouth and then, the Orc's face is turning red and sweating like bullets just like the gun he had when we first saw him and his friends.

(After the Sound Effect is over)

There's steam coming out of his big ears as he screamed, "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT BURNS!!!! IT'S BURNING MY MOUTH!!!!"

He's screaming as he's running around like a squealing big pig he is. We're all laughing at him freaking out because of how his mouth's on fire. He was looking for some milk but there wasn't any.

Luis took off his red plaid jacket and said, "Toro!! Toro!! Toro!!"

The Orc is running towards Luis.

Cerea screamed, "Luis!!"

But Luis dodges as the Orc puts his foot on a wagon and rolls down on a street screaming for his life. He ran into street sides and got hit right on the face and on his groin. He saw something coming closer.

He yelled, "YOU SON OF A-"


(After the Music's over)

We all ran until we saw what that Orc crashed into a billboard. And his head is through not just a bill board, it's a Peppa Pig Billboard!!


We all laughed at what happened to him.

I laughed and said, "That'll teach that Greedy Pig a lesson. Especially for making fun of my body."

Ethan changed back to his half human form all upset as he said, "Compared to the fish in the cooler, huh!? I just hated how perverts call women, especially mermaids, delicious these days! That Pig will have to go through me if he wants to lay his greasy hand onto Mero!! That nerve of that Perverted Pig!! (kicks the ground as he grunted)"

He sat down on the bench as he was trying to calm down and then, Mero asked Luis if he can hold the Yellowtail Amberjack for her for a moment as she made her way to Ethan.

She put her hand onto Ethan's shoulder and said, "Please don't be upset, my Dear Prince. You are the bravest and kind man that fate has brought us, my Love."

Luis said, "She's right. That Pig shouldn't be laying a hand on Mero but to leave us all alone in peace."

Cerea said, "I agree. He has no honor on how he was trying to steal Lady Meroune from you at all. That Lustful Pig should've known that he's on standard bearers for his kind to begin with."

I smiled and said, "But what really matters is that you put a stop on that Pig's doing, Broseph."

Ethan smiled back at us and then, a guy with a black leather jacket with flame print on the sleeves walked up to Ethan.

He said, "Rad move on using one of my spiciest hot sauces, Dude!"

Ethan looked down and asked, "That I wasted one of your merchandises?"

The Guy with the leather jacket said, "It's cool. No biggie, whoop dog! Yo, I got something for you as appreciation for knowing the power of the spiciness, Man!!"

Ethan asked, "What is it?"

He gave Ethan a box of varieties of his hot sauce.

The Guy with the jacket said, "You, my friend, truly deserve multiple varieties of my spiciest hot sauces that I have ever made!! It's on the house, Dragon Dude!!"

Ethan smiled and said, "Thanks."

I heard a lady voice say, "If that's the case....."

I turned around and saw more shopkeepers from the other Markets holding their food that each of them are selling.

The Lady from the Tofu Market said, "...have some of ours too. You can have this tofu pulp, if you like."

Another Lady but from the Egg Market came and said, "That little Bird Friend of yours has been a big help with playing with the kids today. So I wanted to thank her. These eggs are grade-B. You're welcome to take them."

A guy with a chef's hat came and said, "Here. Have some bread crust."

I saw Suu and Papi playing with the kids.

Another guy wearing a chef uniform came and said, "For scaring that fearful Orc away, you deserve some free ingredients to make some exquisite pizza!"

Ethan's eyes went wide as he asked, "Pizza? (mouth's watering because of it) Sure! I'll take lots of them!!"

I smiled and said, "Wow. You guys are so generous."

Ethan shape shifts into his full dragon form and then, unexpectedly, he bowed.

He said with his deep voice, "You all have the dragon's gratitude."

I looked at Ethan and said, "I'm actually surprised to see your reaction in your dragon form, Mr. Pilgrim. Especially with the pizza thing."

Ethan changes back into his half human form and asks, "Can we have homemade pizza please, Riley?"

I said, "I'll think about it. But let's go get the others."

Ethan's smile grew bigger and said, "Oakie dokie! Anything for pizza!!"

We gathered the food that was given by these nice people back there.

Papi smiled and said, "Wow! Look at all the food!!"

I said with a sweat drop, "Well. It's kind of hard to carry all of them back home. Unless....Ethan, can you carry the heaviest stuff back to the mansion please?"

Ethan said, "What are friends for, Riley."

Luis asked, "Aren't you coming, Riley?"

(Music Stops Here)

I said, "Not yet. I haven't found out what Suu wants yet. You guys go on ahead. We'll meet you all back home."

Luis said in a serious tone, "Then, promise me this. Don't go nowhere near where Cotar's Hunting Grounds are. You can even tell that he leaves footprints where he goes to remind everyone that they'll be his next victims. Whether human or demi-human."

I gulped and said, "We'll be sure to watch out for him, Luis."

Suu nodded in agreement as she hugged my arm all scared because of Cotar and how she doesn't want to lose me.

After the others left, Suu said, "It's okay. I don't need food."

I asked, "What?"

Suu said, "I can eat anything that I can digest. So you don't need to get food for me."

I was in awe of what Suu just said and then, I smiled and petted her on her head.

I said, "Thanks, Suu. But everyone should eat the same food at the same table. We're a family after all."

Suu smiled back at me and not going to lie, that is a cute smile that Suu just made.

I asked, "So. Is there a specific place that you wanted to go to?"

Suu pulled my arm as we're both running.

She said, "Come with me, Master Riley!!"

I screamed, "Hey! Slow down!!"

(Time Skip)

Suu and I ran all the way straight to the forest. And it gave me goosebumps when I remembered what Cotar did to me a few weeks ago.

I said, "Remember what Luis said, Suu."

Suu finished my sentence as she made an oppression as Luis, "Don't go nowhere near Cotar's Hunting Grounds are."

I said, "Yep. Exactly what he just said."

That was a good impression for Luis. Stopped and saw Kii again. She was about to attack me until she recognizes me from before. Kii calmed down as she asked us on what our business is with her forest. I told her that we needed to find something for Suu to eat.

(Music Stops Here)

Kii said, "I see. I understand your predicament. Is it the edible plants you're searching for?"

I said, "Yep. Are you okay with it, Kii?"

Kii asked with a suspicious look on her face, "Then, tell me this. Are you or are you not planning to destroy the forest?"

We heard a loud stomp and then we gasped because we knew where it came from.

Kii said, "Quickly! You both must hide!!"

She creates a tree like object as Suu and I got in and Kii closed it on us. Suu and I heard the stomps getting closer and closer. Suu got scared as I petted her to remind her that everything's going to be fine. I peeked through the hole and saw none other than Cotar and Grutus.

Cotar walked straight to Kii and said, "I thought I smelled a human with only one arm and one leg."

Grutus laughs hysterically and says, "Guess we'll b-b-better give him a hand when we see him, M-M-Master."

Cotar snarled and said, "Yes. That is indeed a good one, Grutus. You've never ceased to amaze me."

I flinched because of that joke that Grutus just said. And that's not even funny at all.

Cotar looked back at Kii and said, "Now, where were we? Ah. Yes. Tell me, Dryad. Have you by any chance have seen a human passing by? Especially him?"

Kii asked, "What human? What is it that you speak of?"

Cotar said, "The skin-in-boned one, Riley. And you wouldn't be hiding him, would you?"

Kii said, "I would never trust a human at all! I was kidnapped by humans until I escaped from those low-lives! I would rather see them get buried like the weeds they are!!"

Cotar snarled and said, "Oh dear. I am so terribly sorry for what has happened to you before you even met that walking toothpick and his human-loving suck-ups! (put his claw on Kii's chin) To be frank, you would be a perfect hunting assistant."

Kii is feeling uncomfortable on how Cotar is acting towards her as Grutus is laughing like a creepy psycho that he is.

Grutus laughed and said, "GOODY!! GOODY!!"

Cotar sniffed at her and said, "Even smell like a flower waiting for its prey."

Kii turned away and said, "I have no interest in joining you. I remain as a Guardian and the Protector of the Forest!"

Cotar was silent until Grutus was about to attack Kii with a knife until....

Cotar said, "Don't even bother."

Grutus puts away his knife, all disappointed.

Cotar said, "If you know where Riley and that Half-Breeded Bastard are, capture them!! Bring them to my cave!!"

Kii said in an angered tone, "Humans shall die, Cotar!"

Cotar snarled and said, "Good. Now, Grutus! Let us leave this part of my hunting ground. I'm sure that there are other prey elsewhere. (chuckled manically) Yes. Besides that one-limbed human, Riley and that inferior half breed!"

Grutus said, "Yes, Master!!"

Suu and I watched as Cotar and Grutus left. Luckily, none of them found us but it was scary to see them up close again. Kii waited until they're gone and then she let us out as I was gasping for air.

I panting and said, "Finally!! (wheezed) Air!! (realized that I'm missing something) Oh yeah. I would never destroy something as beautiful as this place, Kii. They are animals living here too after all. Even my Best Friend Ethan has a garden of Hot Peppers."

Kii asked, "Hot Peppers?"

I said, "Yep. Oh. Even though you still hated humans that much, why did you risk your life to hide us from Cotar, Kii?"

Kii said, "After you were taken by some humans when that Beast bit off your arm and leg, Papi has told me everything about you and your half reptilian friend of yours. You both would always risk your lives to save her and your other friends. The Half Dragon has told me something that I don't quite get."

I asked, "What did he say to you?"

Kii said, "Something about 'There's always more than meets the eye' to be exact."

I realized what Ethan told Kii and then, I said, "Oh yeah. That's his way of saying that just because some humans kidnapped you a long time ago, that doesn't mean that all humans are bad. Sometimes they can be good once you get to know them."

Kii's eyes went wide as she asked, "Know them?"

Suu and I nodded.

Kii said, "Very well. I'll escort you both to where the edible plants are. Follow me."

As we're following Kii, I was amazed that Kii hid us from Cotar after Ethan and Papi taught her about trust. We all stopped as Kii pointed something out.

She said, "The edible plants are by that river over there."

I smiled and said, "Oh. This place would be perfect to take one of the girls with me out on the picnic."

Kii smiled and said, "It is beautiful, yes. (got serious) Know this. There may have been some edible flora here but sadly, I'm not necessarily sure if they're poisonous to animals or not."

I said all disappointed, "Well. Thanks for giving me a tip at least. (looked at the plants) I'm kind of on the same page as you are because I don't know which of these plants are poisonous too. But I at least know the red mushrooms with white spots are poisonous. If Luis was here, he'd know what to do. Huh?"

I turned around and saw Suu eating some plants. After Suu ate a plant, she made a circle-like shape saying it's good.

Suu took a bite out of another plant and made an X-like shape.

I blinked my eyes so many times as I asked, "Wait. You can tell whether those plants are poisonous or not?"

Suu said as she pointed at the plants, "On the left, you can eat these. But on the right, these are bad."

I said, "Wow. I can't believe you can do that. (saw Suu eating more plants) Wait. You said those ones are poisonous! Are you going to be okay?!"


(Ethan's POV)

My friends and I just put away the Groceries and then, we're all waiting for Riley and Suu to come back.

Cousin Danielle asked, "How long have they been out?"

Luis said, "For quite a while, I guess."

Miia is getting angry as she yelled, "Suu better not be doing on who knows what she's planning or else I'll get really mad!!"

I sighed and asked, "Miia. If it makes you feel better, you won't mind if I go look for them and bring them here?"

Miia calmed down as she smiled and said, "Of course, Ethan. Thank you for making that suggestion!!"

I said, "Well. I have to make sure Riley and Suu are safe. Not only from the Old Fossil or that Tim Burton rip-off, but also the same punks that called you a worm, the Orcs that Luis and I fought, and also that Lounge Lizard that tried to hurt you."

Cerea got confused as she asked, "Lounge Lizard?"

Luis said, "He means Draco the Dragonewt. She tried to force Miia on becoming her bride but Riley and Ethan saved her on time."

Miia went lovey dovey as usual and said, "Darling is so like a Knight in Shining Armor riding on his Dragon stead!"

I got mad as I yelled, "Hey! Who are you calling stead!? I'm not a horse you know!"

Mero said, "Please don't be mad, my Dear Prince. I'm sure Lady Miia doesn't mean you like that at all."

Miia said, "Yeah. I meant that you and Darling are like the Musketeers."

Papi got confused as she asked, "Riley and Big Bro Ethan are mouses?"

Miia face-palmed herself from what Papi just asked.

Cerea said, "It's mice. But no. However, I do get what Miia said about the two Masters. Musketeers are the honorable soldiers that defend for justice, honor, valor, love, and for the thrill of it all."

Mr. Stretch asked, "Weren't there three of the Musketeers? Cause Luis saved you from getting harassed by some punks."

Cerea remembers when Luis and I saved her and Riley from those jerks trying to sexually harass her. I even have the feeling that she's having a fantasy of Riley, Luis, and me as the 3 Musketeers. Then, she blushes when she thinks about Luis in the same uniform as the three.

Luis said with a sweat drop, "Um. I think that's enough talk about fantasizing Riley, Ethan, and me, girls. (looks at me) And you go ahead and find Riley and Suu, Ethan. But be careful."

I nodded and said, "Okay."

I walked out the door and then, I shapeshifted into my full dragon form as I flew away out of the mansion to find my Best Friend Riley and Suu.

(Music Stops Here)

(Time Skip)

(3rd POV)

The sun is going down and Riley and Suu are walking their way home as Kii is waving goodbye to them.

Riley asked, "Um. Suu? Are you feeling okay? You're all purple and have some bubbles coming out."

Suu smiled and said, "Yep. I'm perfectly fine. But we should hurry home, Master Riley. Those free loaders are probably hungry right about now."

Riley said with a sweat drop, "Okay. We need to find a way to get that poison off of you. And I'm sure that Mr. Stretch won't like this."

A lady voice yelled, "YOU!!!!"

Riley turned around and saw Draco the Dragonewt flying towards him and Suu.

She yelled, "I FOUND YOU!!"

Riley screamed, "CRAPOLUS!! NOT YOU AGAIN!!!!"


She is about to charge at Riley but Suu gets in front of me and spits some purple liquid at Draco like the water house. 

Riley guessed that the purple liquid had to be the poison from the plants that Suu ate.

Riley said with a sweat drop, "Well. At least that problem's solved."

Riley and Suu saw Draco fall down. She was about to get up but she couldn't.

She yelled, "My body! WHY WON'T IT MOVE!?"

Riley said, "My friend Suu ate some poisonous plants before you even showed up."

Draco is struggling to get up as she said, "Poisonous Plants, huh? That won't stop me from taking back Miia from you!!"

She was limping towards me until she heard Ethan's voice saying, "WOW!! I didn't know Miia was a great cook!"

Draco stops as she asks, "What? Miia's a great cook?"

She turned and saw Ethan holding a container of the omelet that Miia made for breakfast.

Ethan said with a smile, "Miia's omelet is so good that the cheese melts inside your mouth!!"

Draco smiled and asked, "Is it huh? And Miia made it? (flew straight to Ethan and shoves him to the ground) Outta my way, Fatso!!!!"

She took the omelet as Draco's drooling.

Draco got out a fork and said, "Don't mind if I do~."

Riley gulped and said, "Um. Draco is it? I wouldn't eat it if I were you."

Draco looked at him and asked in a sarcastic tone, "Why? Did my Miia even made that for you, Skinny Man?"

Ethan said in a sarcastic tone, "Come on, Riley. If she wants to eat that omelet that bad, let her eat it."

Draco laughed and said, "Simp!!"

She just ate the whole thing in one bite. Riley was completely shocked that Draco ate it for like less than a second but Ethan was holding back his laugh.

Draco got confused as she asked, "What's so funny?"

Ethan was holding back his laugh and said, "That omelet that our friend Miia made has some buffalo sauce, habanero, and Carolina reaper peppers."

Draco got confused as she asked, "The hot peppers that a lot of humans can't handle? Hmph! I'm a Dragonewt! Nothing's ever spicy for me!!"

Ethan asked with a scary grin, "Are they?"

Draco is panting as she's sweating like bullets almost like that orc from earlier. Then, the redness rises from the bottom of her face.

Ethan chuckled maniacally and asked, "What's the matter? Can't take the heat?"

Draco screamed as fire came from her mouth, "HOLY CRAP!!!!"

Draco is running around like she's on fire.

Riley asked, "Ethan, did you just give Draco the Omelet that Miia made for Breakfast?!"

Ethan chuckled and said, "Yep! I thought someone like that Tomboy Lizard Breath might be coming after you, so I decided to bring this with me!"

Suu and Riley blink both of their eyes multiple times.

Riley said, "You............are seriously twisted, Broseph."

Ethan smiled and said, "Thanks."

They all looked back at Draco running around screaming. She ends up jumping into the river nearby.

Draco cried with tears coming from her eyes, "IT BURNS!! WHY WOULD MIIA DO THIS?!?!"

Ethan yelled, "It's because you're a Perverted and Dumb Lizard!! And the seeds from the peppers kicks in after you eat them."


Draco ran away screaming as Ethan laughed out loud.


Riley said with a sweat drop, "Don't push it, please."

(Music Stops Here)

Ethan said, "Man, she doesn't quit that easily huh? (looks at Suu and Riley) Come on, guys. Let's get back home before Grutus finds us and tells Cotar and makes us into dinner."

Suu and Riley smiled and said, "Okay."

(Time Skip)

(Riley's POV)

After Ethan brought Suu and me home, Ethan and I made dinner with some help from Luis. Mr. Stretch has set up the table and then, the three of us have put the food on the table.

Luis said, "We do apologize to keep you all waiting."

I said with a smile, "But Dinner is served!!"

Ethan said in a gutsy tone, "Today's courses are......

(opens all of the covers).......Fresh Mushroom Pasta, Bread Pudding, Carrot and Watercress Salad, Hearty Fish Stew, Fish and Chips, Fried Catfish, Vegetable Tempura, Fried Hamburg Steak, and last but not least, 4 Deluxe Cheese Pizza!!!!"

(Author's Note: I took a photo and made it in real life.)

Our friends smiled as they all said, "Ohhhhhh!"

Luis said, "I'm actually surprised, Ethan."

I said, "Yeah. Normally, you would put lots of pepperoni on pizzas."

Ethan said, "Well. Due to our friends being carnivores and herbivores, I thought about just making the four cheese deluxe so no one can feel left out. It even has black pepper too."

Mero looked at Ethan with a smile and said, "That was very nice of you, my Dear Prince."

Cerea said with a smile, "I couldn't agree more. (bows down) I'll be sure to enjoy the pizza you've made, Master Ethan."

Danielle said, "Come on and sit with us you three!"

Miia said, "Yeah! Dinner wouldn't be good without you guys! (looks at me) Especially you, Darling!"

Luis, Ethan, and I joined the others as we're all eating dinner. Luis sits next to Cerea, Ethan of course sits next to Mero, and I sat in between Miia and Papi.

Luis said, "I made sure that there are plenty of fish leftovers in the fridge after we made dinner. And lot's of vegetables as well."

I said, "Thanks for the heads up. I think we should be fine for now. (look at Suu with a smile) I couldn't even do the last part of grocery shopping without Suu."

Mr. Stretch asked, "What's that? Lil Sis Suu helped ya, Ri? (smiled as he pets Suu right on the head) Good job, Suu. You've made Big Bro proud!"

I smiled and said, "Yeah. Thank......"


I walked up to the door and then, I opened it and I saw Miss Smith and the other 4 girls.

Miss Smith smiled and said, "Well. Good evening, Darling! We were in the woods so we'd thought about joining you all for dinner!!"

Zombina said as her mouth's drooling, "Oooh!! That smells good!!"

Tio said with a smile, "Yeah! I'm really hungry!!"

Manako said with a plain expression, "We're sorry to be intruding."

Doppel said with a smirk, "I even tried to tell them not to, but here we are."

I was completely shocked that Miss Smith and her friends came. But it's not wrong with them coming over, it's because we might run out of food that we all just bought today. Those ladies came in where the others are. Miss Smith and the other 4 looked at the food that Luis, Ethan, and I made.

Miss Smith said with a smile, "Ooooh!! That looks good!!"

Tio said, "Um. Not to be rude but there's not really enough food."

Miss Smith said, "You're right."

She looks at me as she giggles.

I said, "Crapolus."

Luis asked, "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

Ethan asked, "Mr. Stretch? Can you bring another table and some more seats please?"

Mr. Stretch said, "No problem."

He went really fast as he set up another table next to the one that the rest of us are at and the chairs too.

Mr. Stretch asked, "Ready to order?"

Miss Smith said, "Thank you, Mr. Stretch. (looks at me) Can you and the other two take our orders as well, please?"

I laughed heroically and said, "You ladies are hungry too?! Well in that case, I'll whip you all something tasty!!"

Ethan went flame-eyed and yelled with encouragement, "LET'S DO THIS, THEN!!!!"

Luis said with a sweat drop, "Why do I always get involved with your guys' shenanigans? But, oh well."

The two guys and I got all fired up as we ran straight back to the kitchen and made some more food, FOR THE LADIES!!!!

Miss Smith said, "Okay. I would like some more tempura!"

Cerea said, "I would like some more salad, please."

Luis yelled, "Coming right up!!"

Luis gave Miss Smith the tempura and Cerea the salad.

Tio squealed with excitement, "More bread pudding please!"

Miia gasped and screamed, "AAAHHH!! I HAVEN'T HAD ANY OF IT YET!!"


Luis and Ethan yelled, "AND OURS TOO!!!!"

We've been cooking non-stop. Luis keeps slicing some more vegetables, Ethan uses his fire breath to cook some more meat,

....and I keep giving everyone more food.

Luis yelled, "Have...."

Ethan yelled, ""

I yelled, "....much...."

Luis, Ethan, and I yelled, "....AS YOU PLEASE!!!!!"

(music stops here)

The two guys and I have fainted from all that cooking that we have done.

Ethan said as he's panting, "That.........was.......some.........crazy.........cookin.....guys."

Luis said as he's panting, "You could........say that......again."

The three of us looked at Mr. Stretch and the Ladies looking all satisfied with their meals.

Miia smiled and said, "That was great!!!"

Cerea said as she's wiping her face, "Thank you three very much."

Papi burped in the background.

Zombina said in a gutsy tone, "I totally stuffed myself to death!"

Doppel said in a sarcastic tone, "But you're already dead."

Mr. Stretch pushes Mero on her wheelchair and puts her on the floor near Ethan.

Mero said, "Thank you, Sir Stretch."

Mr. Stretch said with a smile, "Anything for one of my Masta's Lady friends!"

Then, Mero looks at Ethan with a smile as she scoots closer to him. In the background, Miia tapped Tio with her elbow and pointed at what Mero's doing.

Mero said, "Your cooking are always exquisite, My Dear Prince. (looks at Luis and me) Even your guys' cooking are so exquisite as well."

I said, "We appreciate your compliment, Mero."

Luis said, "But Ethan was the one who cooked some fish the most. While Riley and I made some other courses."

Ethan said with a smile, "It was kind of challenging to cook that many fish, but I managed to pull it off. I'm also glad to eat some of that with you, Mero."

He was about to get up but failed to do so.

Ethan said, "Oof!! My arms sure are rubbery after all that cooking."

Mero giggled as she put Ethan's head on her lap.

She said with a bright smile, "Then, allow me to reward you, my Dear Prince~."

Ethan blushed a little and then, he fell asleep on Mero's lap while Mero petted his head and hummed. Ethan even told me that even though Mero has a fish tail for legs, her lap feels soft and smooth. Tio and Miia said that's cute on how Mero did to my Broseph.

Zombina chuckled and said, "Ethan sure is the Luckiest Dragon that has Mero for his lady friend."

(music stops here)

Mr. Stretch said, "I get your point, but I think you're confusing him with Fal-"

Zombina gets irritated as she pulls the zipper and literally zips Mr. Stretch's mouth.

I said to the others, "We should probably give them some alone time with each other."

Danielle said with a smile, "Yeah. We probably should."

Luis whispered to Danielle, Mr. Stretch, and the others to stall Miss Smith and her four friends for us. Luis and I checked the refrigerator and it turns out, WE'RE OUT OF FOOD!!!

I said all disappointed, "Crapolus. We're out of food, again!!"

Luis said, "We even just bought them today!"

I said, "At least Mr. Stretch hid some lobster and swordfish for Ethan's sake."

Luis said, "Well. Yeah. Didn't Ethan ask Mr. Stretch to hide them for special occasions for him and Mero?"

I said, "Yep. He even told me that he'll be making a special dinner for themselves one day. And if we ended up using his lobster and swordfish, Ethan would be upset."

We both heard Miss Smith's voice asking, "Upset with what, Darling?"

Luis and I both flinched as I said, "M-M-Miss Smith."

Luis said as he's shivering, "I-I-It's nothing. Everything's under control."

Out of nowhere, Suu popped out and said, "They don't have enough money for food. So the free loaders just showed up and ate all of their crap. So they're both a little pissed about it."

I gasped and asked in a shocking tone, "HEY!! WHAT THE FOWA, SUU?!"

Mr. Stretch came and asked, "What's going on?"

I said, "It's Suu!! She ate some poisonous plants and they just changed Suu's personality!! And she's been calling everyone else, Free loaders."

Mr. Stretch gasped and said, "Suu!! What in the choco thunda is wrong with you!? Calling your own friends Free Loaders is a big no no!!"

Suu looked down all sad.

Mr. Stretch smiled and said, "It's okay. I forgive you, Little Sis. But stop calling people names like that. It's not nice at all. We wouldn't be no better than some big meanies like....(looks at Mero) Can you cover E's ears, please?"

Mero said, "Sure."

She covers Ethan's ears and Mr. Stretch said, "We wouldn't be no better than some big meanies like Caesar, would we?"

Suu shook her head no and Mr. Stretch smiled and said, "Outta Girl, Suu!!"

I smiled at how Mr. Stretch is being like a big brother to Suu until I saw Miss Smith looking all serious.

She said, "Darling."


(After the Music's over)

Miss Smith took a drink of her coffee.

She asked, "When you and Prince Ethan were both filling the job applications, didn't you both read the benefits on what your guys' jobs can give you besides a great home for you and your homestays?"

I asked, "Huh?"

Luis realized it and said, "Oh! I forgot. What Miss Smith is trying to tell you is that she and her other Co-Workers can reimburse for your guys' expenses, Riley."

I asked, "What do you mean?"

Miss Smith said, "It's simple, really. (fixed her sunglasses) Whenever you and Prince Ethan go grocery shopping and if none of you have enough money, you gentlemen will just have to hand over the receipts to me and we'll cover everything for the both of you."

(Music Stops Here)

I was in awe as I asked, "And just like that?"

Miss Smith nodded.

Luis said, "However, feeding the bigger species is not necessarily easy."

I said, "Yeah. Like how Mr. Stretch has a massive chocolate addiction and how Ethan craves pizza a lot. (smiled) But thanks for giving me the tip, you guys. Now if you all excuse me, I'm about to go to bed. It's been a rough day for me."

Mr. Stretch gasped and screamed in slow motion, "Ri!! Wait!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"

As everything is in slow motion, I walked up the stairs to my room. I opened my bedroom door and I noticed lots of food filled my room. I saw an orange fall down.


In normal motion, all the food fell on top of me. Everyone else came all worried. Especially Miia. Popped my head out as I was gasping for air.

I said, "For a minute there, I thought I was going to die for sure!"

Miia slithered straight to me all worried and screamed, "Oh, Darling!! Are you alright?!"

A jar of peanut butter is rolling towards my face as I said, "Uh-oh."


(Luis's POV)

Riley got knocked out after a jar of peanut butter rolled down to his face.

Ethan got confused as he asked, "Um. Can anyone else remind me where all that food came from?"

Mr. Stretch said, "Oh, yeah. I did some shopping like you guys."

Danielle asked, "But weren't you with us when Miia's cleaning her mess that she made?"

Rachnera smirked and said, "Indeed. Even I was wondering the same thing."

Lala said, "It would seem that this Sludge Man has pulled a trick to us all! (points at Mr. Stretch) Confess your sin at once!!"

Mr. Stretch gulped as he got nervous and said, "Well. (sweating bullets) What you ladies and Chewie have seen is actually a clone of me. And when I was coming back from that shopping, I decided to put all that food in Ri's room for a surprise."

Miia got mad as she yelled, "YOU WHAT!?!?"

Ethan said, "Uh oh."

Danielle said as she's nervous, "Let's not get involved."

I said, "Yep. Let's give them some alone time."

After we all left, Mr. Stretch gasped because of it.

He's sweating like bullets as Mr. Stretch said, "Well. Um."

As Mr. Stretch laughs nervously, Miia is getting really angry with him while she's beginning to attack.

Mr. Stretch screamed, "YOU NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!!"

He jumped out of the window as Miia's chasing him non-stop.

(Please skip the music to 1:38)


Ethan's laughing out loud.

Mr. Stretch screamed, "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, MIIA!!! I SWEAR!!!!"


Mr. Stretch screamed, "COME ON, MIIA!! CAN YOU FORGIVE ME, PLEASE?!?!"


As Miia's chasing Mr. Stretch, the rest of us are just watching the whole thing.

Zombina asked, "Do ya guys have popcorn?"

I said, "At the pantry."

Zombina went down stairs as Tio came because she wanted some too.

Miss Smith said with a sweat drop, "Mr. Stretch is..........something."

Danielle said with a sweat drop, "Yep. He just has his own ways."

I said with a sweat drop, "So it would seem."

Miia is still chasing Mr. Stretch as she yells, "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY!!!!"

Mr. Stretch screamed, "HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

End Credits:

(Author's Note: Thank you all for reading another chapter for life with Monster Girls, Everyone! Can you believe what Miss Smith told Riley and Ethan? She said that her and her Co-workers can help these two Dudes cover the food bill. Pretty cool, huh? And it's hilarious when Ethan taught the Orc from the Manga Store and the Gecko Chick that tried to harass Miia a lesson with the power of the spiciness. What do you think will happen next? If you all want to know, stay tuned for more, please. And be sure to hit the Star-Like Icon if you love the chapter and save it to each of your guys' libraries while at it, please. Because all of you will receive notifications for when I have posted another chapter.)

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