||~ ĒCNES ~||

De Siriusnotserious

56.5K 2.3K 677

LOVE, a mere word made up of four letters, many would say it's vastness or how pulchritudinous it's feeling i... Mais

||~ DIVINE~||

||~ ELYSIAN ~||

855 50 15
De Siriusnotserious

Following content will contain some mention of intimacy, it's not explicit and no explicit thing has mentioned, so not mature fully. If not comfortable to read please left the portion from the asterisk, I would like to ask to read the thing before the asterisk come, as it's important.

Marriage, a new bond, bond between two people who actively involved in it, bond between their family, their cultures, their beliefs, their liking - disliking, their thoughts, their comfort and most importantly their love. It's the two different people who are going to start a new phase of their life, obviously with their family, but at the end of all the gathering and hustle in family, it'll be only those two people who will sleep together at same bed, who will be bare to eachother emotionally, who'll eachother's soulmate to share agony, or rejoice any happiness, they'll be only for each other in front whom the other can be truthful in every aspect, be it feeling or pain, they'll be the one to unite with each other the way the supreme couple had United: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They will be the one to bring a new blossom of life in this world, as the sign of their love, they'll be one to nurture a life, the greatest creation of universe, they'll be the one to grew old with time, and they'll be the one who'll dream to reach their destination at the end in eachother's warm embrace. Marriage or love, neither of it is a destination, it's journey, a beautiful one, where the lovers walk with hands conjoined to the ultimate destination which is to sleep the last slumber of their in each other's arm.

The newly married couples feels anxious and it's very normal for them to feel, till sometime ago the other one was either unknown or your lover, but now they both are not just lovers, but a couple, they're given the affirmation from the society to love each other openly, now they're not two confusing soul, but soulmates for each other, now they're them, not just one or another. From a marriage, the society has different expectations, they somehow had differentiated the duty of the couple, as if the man of the relationship has always to be forward with his move, he should not falter to keep his ever calm look, he is not allowed to open up fully, even in front of his life partner, he has to dominate the relationship,he has to channelise it in its direction, he have to be recipient of the emotional vulnerability of his spouse but the vice versa should not be happened. He has to take lead be it in any discussion or intimacy, and he has to be the ultimate for the same too. Somehow, society wants a man to be driven by logics, outer responsibility and physical intimacy. Where as from the woman, society had written different rules. She has to be understanding no matter what the situation is, no matter how much she's suffering, she has to be a submissive person, keeping mum to everything not having the right to speak until her man or the society gives her the permission. Her duty is bound in the house only, taking care of everyone, because she's a mother. Her life should be devoted to her husband, vice versa can falter also, she needs to fulfill every need of her man, in any plane. She can cry, society has not put any regulations on it, but silently, no one should know your agony. She has to take everything her man gives, be it love or mental trauma,not to forget physical hurting too. She can learn, society is free minded about it,but cooking, and house keeping is only in the syllabus, and if someone dared to go out of syllabus they'll be criticized heavily, in front of them or in their back. So, what society really wanted from a woman is submission, devotion, and her ability to stay silent in any situation. How different the rules aren't they?

But, not every man is like that, but even in the exception, they could not forget the primary trait of them, dominance and urge to take lead in anything, may be not all time, but sometimes for sure.

And that was what Arjuna, the third pandav wanted to break. He was known to be someone who had broken many stereotypes the society has embarked, it was not he done to be exceptional,but those were simply out of his own pattern, he sometimes had also changed them for others too, but what he got was reluctance either from the recipient or fear of the reluctance that someone would get from the society if they heard of him. So, at very initial time, he was got clear of the fact that he could not change one, if he or she did not wanted to be.  He was determined to break every darkness of the realm he was living, he would try for others too, but as they said, revolution started from your own house. Therefore, at the brink of new life, when he was informed that, his ladylove,now his wife, who was decked beautifully on the occasion of their first wedding night, he was steadfast on the fact, that this following night, they not would be consummate their new relationship but will be transparent to each other fully, at least this was what he wanted, he always wanted someone who would not judge him on the scale of archery or chivalry being a royal but would question his action, appreciate his small achivement and most importantly would be warmth in his gloom. He might be a selfish to expect so much from his newly wedded wife, but he wanted someone to bring light to his soul not just someone only his anatomy would require, if that was the case, he might not have wander like vagabond to get a glimpse of his lover in the stormy night without his lover's knowledge or did she know? He wanted someone who would gave relief to his inner self, the almost dying inner child whom he was trying his best to keep alive. He was well known of the fact that there was someone in this world who will love him for him,not for those glittering achivement. He was not sure of the face, but he knew about the possibility of the existence, that was why maybe no woman could ever lure the alpha male of him, because he was always devoted to the ruler of his heart unknowingly, until he met his ladylove, his krishnaa, his, he should not be possessive about her, but her love for him always defy his sanity, so the ascetic mind of him acted as lovelorn possesive teenager for her.

He could not thank the supreme God to bless him to be called as the husband of the fireborn, he was even termed to be wife's servant as a joke from his second eldest. But he took it as it's real sense, not the disfigured meaning some people had coined. He really is her servant, always in service to love her, protect her though knowing his love had the ability to do it for herself, to cherish her, to give her support. But also got rebuked for the same thought by his lover too, according to her they were same, there's no division of power, no difference of mentality, the only thing that should be different is their anatomy only but nothing more than that. He was just giggling like a child when his lover was rebuking the words and at the end, what he did was peck her nose and hid himself in her heart like a child do due to extreme shyness. She was his home, his safe haven, the inspiration of his life, the love of his life.

Collecting all his thoughts, he proceeded towards the room the newlywed had assigned for, a little away from the main gathering, to give them their required privacy, with the protection of divine being. Opening the massive mahogany door, what he first encountered was a dimly lit room, not too bejeweled like a royal abode should be but very minimalistic yet aesthetically pleasing. His hazel orbs wandered for the woman he loved, his lover now his wife, his, he chuckled mentally at his teenage possesiveness. And then his orbs stuck on the figure standing in front of the large window, glistening with the ray of full moon, thick locks plaited in a loose braid fallen upon her sculpted back, a off white saree draped around her figure in not so jewelled or tight, but in a soft flowy manner. He could not look into her face, but her stature was giving him the idea of her drowned in deep sea of thoughts, he knew she was aware of his presence, but despite be the woman to leave everything for the man to welcome him, she kept his stature, because she knew he won't judge her, or rather scold if she did the beforementioned, there was a comfort between them where they didn't have to put fakeness to cover themselves.

He slowly approached where his wife was now standing. Large window decked with Jasmine and creeps, spring breeze was engulfing the whole ambience. What he thought to be fragrance of jasmine from the creep was actually the garland placed on her braid, and now that he looked her closely, his breath got hitched. There she stood, with bare minimum jewellery, a single seeta har made up of diamond was placed on her bosom, which reached at the upper stomach, but the hundreds of diamond faltered at the shine which the single small diamond secured with gold and black beads was erupting, the thread of their marriage, the sign of her love for him. Her earlobe had two relatively small diamond earrings, which was glowing against her beige skin, two pairs of bangles in her warrior wrist and obviously the sleak chain at her feet in the name of anklet, which he noticed despite her feet almost covered by the garment. A small emarald nose ring was glistening in moon light, a small dot of vermilion on the forehead. But going forward what made his orbs moisture was the not so heafty amount of vermilion on the part of hair, not too much to cover her small forehead, or neither to little to witness, the perfect amount to cover her parting and some specks on her forehead. He could not feel more blessed, witnessing his ladylove, filled with vermilion, as if he was witnessing the heaven, he could die now without any regret. He was dazed on the divine scene of his beloved that he failed to sense a slight tilt in her head along with an uplifting in her red lips and sudden glow on her lotus shaped blue black orbs which was darkened a little with kajal .

"Done staring, O Vijaya, or am I the aim now" she teased with small erupted giggle.

"I would never be done staring at you, O my divine lady. And talking about aim, you're not, you're the destination of my life, you are the determination to my self, the shakti of my power, the Annapurna of my life, my krishnaa, my life" he chimed with equally lovelorn gaze, with a divine smile playing on his lips.

She inched closer to him, lacing her fingers into him, she joined both of their palm.

"I thought, i would be under dressed, by the teasing I recieved for getting ready like this for my first wedding night, even get to heard about your preparation to deck yourself. But now witnessing you, I can assure myself with the fact that I know something about you, my handsome prince" she uttered, tracing his baby locks which was falling on his forehead to cause visible goosebumps on his body.

He was also teased when he decided to just to wear a single necklace along with a one bangle on each wrist, he chose a simple white dhoti with lightly decked. He was also got rebuked to be under dress in front of his wife, but he also knew, what he wanted, what they wanted, though had a little fear to loose his confidence about their preference, but life is worth for risk. And he was right. They were standing, finger interlinked with eachother with bare minimum artificial jewellery.

"Who said, I'm not the victim of same? But I had utter confidence on us, our preference, my empress" he voiced with little playfulness, pulling her little closer to him, their bodies are almost touching.

She hummed in response with her enchanted smile.

"You want to tell something, am i right? My dear?" She stated again looking upto his orbs.

"You know me to well, aren't you" for which he recieved a smile, he removed the last gap between them, pulling her closest to him, embracing her frame in his warm embrace.

"We are at the threshold of new life,love. Now I want to promise you something. No I'm not talking about the usual protecting you or loving you because that's in my nature, in my veins, they are my basic needs, basic performance by myself. But I want to promise to never keep any gap between us, I will communicate with you every time, I will be in my real self in front of you, naked with my emotions. You might have to take care of a child before we have our own, because I'm very childish. I promise to be loyal, no I'm not talking about other woman, because the other females are either my elder or my younger, you're my other half, my love, the only woman in my life, the only woman I love like a man love his woman. But I promise to be loyal with my thoughts in front of you, never hide anything from you which I have committed consciously till now. And from now on to till my last day in this realm. I promise to not to be someone whom you can dislike, I promise to be someone to whom you can transparent as I'm infront of you. I would not promise for your knowledge which society gossip about, because it's your basic right to have those,be a warrior, I would not promise to help you in those, because I already made them my life the day I get to know, and I am very open with my life needs, never restrict them to anything. But for the sake of words, I, Arjun, your husband, will never let anyone to stop you,and burn down who'll badmouth you. And lastly I promise to be a better husband, a better lover to you, loving you and respecting you are breathing to me, but we also can do better like advised, so I'll always try to  better myself. I won't say, you never get to witness my gloom, because you will. We are equal my love, in every aspect, we are equal no one has any advantage or anything to dominate other. I promised to be better father for your future offspring. But, call me selfish, I want you to promise me something. I want you to gaurd me, my conscience, me consciousness, or my unconscious state. Please, krishnaa, I need your love, your warmth, your protection. Arjun can be a warrior, but his heart,his soul, even his body need your protection, please protect me, please let my inner child flourish. Please promise me" he broke down at the end,
she could feel her shoulder getting wet by his tear, she was holding them for them, because he needs assurance right now, he could be great warrior but at the end he was also human, with insecurities, with the fear of loosing himself in this daily life.

"Look at me" she guided his head from her shoulder and made him look into her orbs.

"Look into my eyes, and hear it clearly. I, yagyaseni Draupadi, your wife will never let you loose your actual self amidst of this gruesome politics or bloodshed. I will be someone whom you can share anything, from small hurt to big conflict, from your passion to your biggest insecurity. I will always help with my knowledge. I will always love you, Cherish you, respect you. I will never let anyone to taint your self. I will be sanity to your turmoil. I will pamper you like a child, love you like my lover and respect you the way you deserved. I will always protect you from every evil, even from your inner demon, if it ever happen. I promise the equality in between us, none is high none is low. We are equal. And I will always share my thoughts, my emotions with you everyone of them, I assure you. And I will protect our future offspring with all my might and to be good mother to them. And lastly I promise to be better wife and lover to you." She completed wiping the tear stain from his slightly red cheek.

"I love you" he whispered to which she smiled divinely, he whined at her response, teasingly poking her waist, causing both of them giggle.

"May I?" She asked him, both are very close to each other, hot breath falling onto eachother's face, passion burning down in their veins.

He hummed with a smile, and that was enough for her to join their lips together to seal the promise for upcoming life.
Their lips are moving in slow tempo,but with a constant acceleration , with each passing moment, magnitude of the speed of tangled lips were increasing, little sounds of pleasure could be heard from both of them, his hands protectively snaked around her waist, while her palms were on his cheek guiding both of them for the intense feeling. They both knew what was upcoming, and they were equally nervous,but thrilled as well. They going to be united completely without keeping any coarse in between them

Lifting her body, on his arm in bridal arm, he guided both of them to the large bed which was simple with perfectly architected in mahogany wood, still joining their lips caressing eachother's. Placing her on the soft mattress, he sat on his knees in front of her. They detached from eachother when the air became the necessities after over pressuring their lung capacity. They joined both of their forehead, with a smile playing on their swollen lips. His palm guided to her feet sneakily to open the sleak chain, but she found out about his sneakiness when she felt a cold metal touching her ankle.

Looking downward at her feet, she witnessed her husband to put a different anklet.

"Caught you" she teased, slightly pulling his ear to which he giggle.

He hoisted her feet to keep them on his thigh, now he could do it openly. She tried to protest but he resolved it by a peck on her lips and her infamous pleading eyes. He knew trick to convince her, he could not help but feel a smirk within himself.

It was sleak chain, not too much heavy,but beautifully crafted, with three balls which could produce sound when they would jiggle. Finishing making her wear the anklet he pecked her ankle to made shiver ran down her spine by his sudden touch.

Her orbs were closed due to the pleasing feeling inside her.

"Open your eyes my love, please don't ignore this poor man of yours, let me quench myself by drowning in those blue black orbs" he chimed, faces too close to eachother's.

Her lotus orbs was slightly open, hooded erupting the pleasure he provided just now, passion lacing through them. He peck both of her eyes.

Hoisting himself from the ground, he sat beside her, holding her hands caressing her knuckle.

"Krishnaa, I know it's our first wedding night, and it was meant to be consummate our marriage,but I would not advance or let you do that, until you feel comfortable with me. It's very important for you to feel comfortable with me to take this step. A big step if I would say it correctly. Are you ready?" He asked her feeling, he had no rush, he could wait for eternity for her, but what important was her comfort and consent.

"Are you ready, Arjun. It's my first time, true. But so is yours. Are you comfortable with me to share the deepest emotion with me, to share the possession which every human carry with me, to give me your chasity?" She questioned him, in the society where physical intimacy was very oblivious, some men out there asked for the consent of their woman to take the step, but a man was never asked to give him consent as if he was always ready, he always burning with desire,no one talked about their preference or comfort. But she did. And he was again thanking the heavens for that. He again engulfed her, placing his head on his bosom.

"Will I be a pervert, if I say, my desire for you is never ending. And talking about comfort, krishnaa you made me feel comforted from the day we met first. And trust me when I say this, the only woman I ever willing to give my chasity is you, and will be you only. " He uttered in her embrace.

"Feeling is mutual my love, the only man I could ever think to love romantically is you only. And I am very much comfortable to take a step ahead in our New life" she consented her thoughts.

He hoisted his head from her bosom to look into her enchanted orbs.


"May I" he chimed
"You should" she giggled.

Hoisting her a little more, he placed her at the middle of the huge bed, and keep himself hovered over her. Both of their eyes locked. His fingers went upto her neck to detangle the lock of her necklace, unlocking it he carefully took it out from her neck placing garlands of kisses on her clavicle.
His lips went upto her earlobe, where he admitted his love for her again with his husky baritone, making her shiver with the closeness. He pecked her earlobe, his fingers were skilfully removing the earrings from both of the earlobe. Both of their heart beats were high and easily audible to others, breathing heightened at anticipation of upcoming pleasure.

Her fingers had already removed his necklace from his neck along with his bangle, keeping the sacred thread of marriage and obviously their wedding ring. His fingers are caressing her face which was glowing by the falling moonray. His lips were busy caressing the skin of his neck, along with his tongue and slight bite at some places. Reaching upto the part of lower neck, he placed a smooch there causing her to let out a breathy sound of pleasure, he took no moment to understand his victory to find the pleasure spot of his beloved. His lips soon got assisted by his tongue, caressing them, siphoning the skin, making the petite vessels to erupt to make the place reddit purple. The mark of his love, the mark of his undying passion for her.

Her fingers which were laced into his hair, tug them slightly to make her tilt a little, when she placed her lips on her neck, and at first attempt she discovered the fragile spot on his neck when she got blessed by husky hum from him. Both of them caressing eachother's skin, siphoning them to put their love marks on them.

With a little force, he changed their position, now he was sitting on the bed, while his ladylove on her lap, her saree was little distressed, falling from her shoulder. He again joined their forehead, which she intimated by joining their lips. Her fingers tracing the skin of his broad sculpted chest, while his on her hair, detangling them from the braid to let them fall free.

His fingers went to the knot of her blouse at his back, he slowly started to unknot them, lips still joined caressing eachother's. With the last tug the piece of cloth fell from her bosom, her sense got hightened with it. Detaching her lips from her, she suddenly embraced him, hiding her bare bosom, which was now covered with thin material of her saree. Cheeks flushed, breathing staggered.
But he thought of her discomfort.

"Are you not comfortable krishnaa?" He asked worriedly.

She nodded her head in disagree.
" I am shy, I know we had this much intimacy before, but obviously I can't help but get shy again, and also-" she got cut off by him.

"Also, you thought I may not be pleased with the effect of training in your body? Huh? Tell me, krishnaa. Do you think such low of me?" Sense of hurt was evident in his voice.
She quickly engulfed him in her embrace, his head placed on his now bare bosom, as the thin piece of cloth had fallen due to their shuffling.

"I could never. But you know right, the insecurity, we all have that. A woman was always expected to be feminine and busty, but the effect of training that I had, making me not that busty, compel me to feel insecure" she voiced her inner thought.

"You call yourself less feminine, trust me Krishnaa, you're the embodiment of feminity. And talking about the effect, should I be concerned? Absolutely no. It's the proof of your determination and again trust me when I say this, you're more feminine than I could ever imagine or deserve. Now let me remove this insecurity of yours krishnaa,let me love you, let me worship you like the goddess you are" he husked in his baritone still engulfed in her embrace.

He flipped their position.In no time his lips collide with her lucious one. It starts with a calm and loving note but soon it turns into a passionate and hungry one. Their lips are caressing eachother with oh so romantically. His hands are on her back pulling her into her embrace more powerfully. His slight squeeze on her skin on diaphragm earned a gasp from her, and he without wasting the opportunity slid his tongue into her mouth exploring every inch of it.

Her fingers are exploring his bare toned back.He's placing Garland of sweet kisses on the line of her collar bone.
He travels further to the sternum. He feels his mouth is not enough to worship this part efficiently. His broad palm joins into this scenario. His palms along with his labium are every portion on the fat deposition on his sternum.
He leaves no action left to justify the worshipping, siphoning , using his teeth along with using his palm to squeeze the embonpoint.

He travels further to the waist ,he showers uncountable kisses on to her waist along with her belly button. His labium was touching every bare body part of hers.

He hoisted him again to look into her eyes.

"Are you ready to consummate this marriage, my love? To tear the last layer of coarse between us to be eternally each other's" he asked her.

"With my pleasure my love" she answered with peck on his lip. He placed his labium on her forehead to seal the promise.

On the night of full moon, the eternal lovers became each other, bare with eachother at the most primitive state, sealing their bond, making love to each other. Rustling sound of leaves due to spring breeze got accompanied by the sound of pleasures from them, their whole self was drowned into the ecstasy of togetherness, the heavenly feeling of love. Their body was tangled with eachother, glistening sweat was glowing on their skin, with some dried tear of pleasure on her cheek, his palms always caressing her face and whole self, lips busy in with caressing hers or whispering sweet nothing to her, he engulfed her hum of pain in his when they got United wholly, caressing her hair to make her feel comfortable, whispering lovely words to divert her mind from the new kind of pain she was experiencing for the first time, he was sometimes even feeling bad for her to have to pain at first due to his alpha self before drowning into sea passion, where he could experience the ambrosia from first. If he could he could take all her pain, so only thing he could do was divert her mind until she patted his back for advancement. He held her close with each passing moment, under the fresh white sheet, the lovers now wedded, experience the final bliss of conjugal euphoria. Tangling their body with eachother they lived though the moment, with continuous caressing on their bare body.

The Chandra witnessed the divine love making with his beloved rohini, reminiscing their lovely moments.

The tired bodies engulfed with each other under the sheet, hint of red evident in both of their orbs, reflecting their tiresome, awakening night in each other's embrace, loving each pore of their beloved. The horizon now witnessed the moon to go down along with the eternal lovers to finally drown in the land of slumber in each other's embrace, holding other close to them with love and passion, bodies attached with each other, glistening with sweat and bearing uncountable marks of love. He snuggled more into her bosom, while her arms pulled him closer, covering both of the bare self with the thin white sheet, blessing the universe by granting them to witness the divine conjugal bliss.


Author's note:
It's the longest chapter of the book till now.
It's really tough to write this chapter without being explicit.
I want to portray their passion, love making not some lusty action.

Please comment how you liked it!

We are at the end of first phase
From the next chapter the second phase of their life will be started.
Lot's of hardship, wars obviously with eternal love of ArDi.

Thank you

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