Ultimatrix Male User x My Her...

By DeadFizh08

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Hi! My name is Jon or Jonathan Kirby Tennyson the Older Brother of the famous Benjamin Kirby Tennyson or Ben... More

Episode 1: Planet Terra
Episode 2: Explanation
Episode 3: Ultimatrix Part 1
Episode 5: Headed to U.A High
Episode 6: Jon vs Ectoplasm
Episode 7: Visiting Undertown
Episode 8: Meet the Airhead and Class 1-A
Episode 9: USJ Incident part 1
Episode 10: USJ Incident part 2
Aliens Part 1
Aliens Part 2
Harem Members

Episode 4: Ultimatrix Part 2

2.4K 42 25
By DeadFizh08

3rd P.O.V

After Rath turns back into Jon with Kota's apologies and heads inside the Homebase into their living room, then Jon tells Kota that he is a Plumber an intergalactic law enforcer and that aliens exist and his Ultimatrix can turn into a different kind of alien

Kota: "Awesome! That means that from outer space that there are aliens out there and you can change into different kinds of aliens with your watch!?"

Jon: "Yup, but promise me that you won't tell anyone but this since this planet doesn't know about the existence of aliens here and I promise that after I explain the rest of the conversation to them, then I can transform one of my new aliens, how about it? Deal?"

Kota: "Deal!"

Jon: "Great! *Look at everyone* Sorry about that, Rath gets angry all the time."

All Might: "It's alright, Young Jon."

Aizawa: "Most importantly why did you suddenly change alien when the kid punch you between your leg?"

Jon: "Well I add a function when someone punched me between my leg it automatically turn me into Rath."

Vlad King: "That's a very good function. When you become unable to move by being punched within that area it can change into Rath very impressive."

Jon: "Anyway *Look at Aizawa* You want to how the difference between the Omnitrix and the Ultimatrix, am I right? *Then look at All Might* Then also my villains, right?"

Both of them nod and everyone was also interested as well.

Jon: "The difference between the Omnitrix and the Ultimatrix is that the Omnitrix can contain billion of alien DNA, but the Ultimatrix contain a little bit, but it has one thing that the Ultimatrix had than the Omnitrix."

Aizawa: "And that is?"

Jon: "You see, the Ultimatrix has the ability to hyper-evolve some of my aliens into their Ultimate Form, granting them new powers and new abilities that make them more powerful than ever. The Ultimatrix does this thanks to a special feature called the Evolutionary Function. The Evolution Function works by placing the DNA of the alien in a certain simulation, making it suffer the worst possible scenario in millions of theoretical years in order to "Force" evolution in the genetic code in the virtual environment, the evolutionary developments are then modified into the existing DNA. This "Survival of the fittest" method of evolving the aliens makes the Ultimates more suited for combat."

Everyone was eyes widen, not only did Jon watch only transform into an extraterrestrial from this universe but has the ability to evolve his forms into their Ultimate Forms. Nezu though was shocked and amazed at the same time. Albedo one of Azmuth's assistants makes the Ultimatrix the ability to evolve the alien's forms into a more powerful version of themselves.

Pixie-Bob: "Can you please show us an example of these Ultimate Forms, Jon? Pretty please?"

Kota: "Yeah! I want to see it too!"

Jon: "Sure.

Stands up and activates the Ultimatrix and turns the face plate to search for a specific alien to choose from and then slowly and gently pushes the Ultimatrix turning into an alien name Spidermonkey.

Spidermonkey: "Spidermonkey!"

Everyone sees Jon turn into a monkey-colored blue with four arms, six eyes that resembles a spider,

Kota: "So cool!"

Present Mic: "Woah! He's a monkey that had spider-like features!"

Midnight: "I like how he names those aliens of his! It sounds perfect!"

Spidermonkey: "Now, everyone. All of you will now witness me change into my Ultimate Form. As I say in desperate situations, there is a time to go Hero, and there is a time to go ULTIMATE!!!"

He presses the Omni symbol on his chest, causing it to grow four spikes as a green light consumed Spidermonkey turning it to its Ultimate Form.

U. Spidermonkey: "Ultimate Spidermonkey!"

He shouted as he beat his chest like a gorilla, then he began to shoot webs out from his mouth as he aimed his webbing at the ceiling while he was doing that everyone was surprised to see that Spidermonkey turn into a gorilla with spider legs and shooting web from his mouth.

Present Mic: "He turns into a giant gorilla with spider legs and he shoots web from his mouth?!"

Kota: "Awesome! A giant gorilla!"

Vlad King: "So that's his Ultimate Form? It looks more powerful than the first one."

U. Spidermonkey: "So what do you guys think?"

Aizawa: "Impressive I can see that the Ultimate Form is powerful in that it can defeat Vlad King and Tiger in a one-on-one combat."

Midnight: "Really?'

Tiger: "I can see that."

Then U. Spidermonkey turns to the ground and pressed the Omni symbol turning back to Spidermonkey and then press it again turning back to Jon.

Ragdoll: "Aww, why did you turn back?"

Jon: "Cause using Ultimate will consume the Ultimatrix energy and turn me back faster."

All Might: "Seems fair since Ultimate is quite powerful and easily drain the Ultimatrix."

Aizawa: "Jon. Just how many Ultimate Forms did you get from one of your aliens?"

Jon: "I think eight at most, but I didn't unlock the rest of my aliens. Anyhow *Look at All Might* So you want me to talk about my villain next, so that you guys will have to face them when they will get here, am I right?"

All Might: "Yes you're right about that, Young Jon."

Vlad King: "We have to be prepared for the incoming alien invasion when they suddenly came here and invaded us."

Aizawa: "That's why we do have to prepare and train our students for the incoming attack."

Jon: "Don't worry, even if there is an alien attack I'll be here and help you with and also the Plumbers as well."

Everyone sigh in relief that Jon will help them with the alien threats that will be coming here on Terra.

Jon: "Anyway our enemies our everywhere on our planet Earth mostly in Bellwood our town, namely Dr. Animo, The Forever Knights, Khyber the Huntsman and so much more..."

All Might: "Do any of them qualify as your team's arch-enemy?"

Everyone present was taken aback when Jon suddenly scowled and his fist tightened.

Jon: "Yeah. *Pause for a minute* There's one. Vilgax."

All Might: "Vilgax?"

Jon: "An alien conqueror who has already conqueror ten worlds including his home planet obsessed with getting his hands on the Omnitrix and the Ultimatrix. Remember that the Omnitrix and the Ultimatrix were meant for peace?"

Everyone nodded in agreement since the Omnitrix creator Azmuth create that watch for peace on understanding with each alien DNA.

Jon: "Well some people see it as a weapon. In fact, he wanted to create an entire army of Omnitrix users and Ultimatrix users."

All of them were stunned and scared especially Kota in silence upon hearing that. An entire army? All of them imagine it, hundreds, possibly thousands of shape-shifters destroying buildings and killing innocent people just to conquer the universe.

Mandalay: "Oh my God, that was his plan?...No wonder he was bent on conquering your planet."

Vlad King: "We don't want to hand over the Ultimatrix to him at all costs."

Aizawa: "About this Vilgax, just how much power and strength does he have?"

Jon: "He probably take on all of you if he was serious."

A bomb just dropped on the floor and everyone was stunned and scared that this Vilgax was so strong that he can defeat all of them if he was serious.

Present Mic: "I-Impossible..."

All Might: "If All for One meets Vilgax and work together they would be unstoppable."

Pixie-Bob: "D-Did you managed to defeat him?"

Jon: "The first time we meet him I don't have the Ultimatrix since it doesn't exist yet, only the prototype of the Omnitrix that Ben had, since he was ten years old and can't even defeat him alone since he had more experience fighting aliens than Ben, but we managed to defeat by work together."

Everyone is once again stunned and scared that he can manage to defeat his little brother with the prototype Omnitrix, that he can easily defeat his little brother.

Ragdoll: "Then how about when you guys were teenagers? Did you manage to defeat him?"

Jon: "Barely..."

All in everyone's mind right now is when Vilgax will come here on planet Terra, he would decimate everyone and already conquer their planet.

Nezu: "Well, Jon. Your story is amazing. This Vilgax was quite a ruthless character. I don't know how your team could have possibly faced anyone as dangerous as him."

Jon: "Don't be too sure, Nezu, you already know that there are others as well. There was that time when we faced the Highbreed back when we were still teenagers."

Tiger: "The Highbreed?"

Jon: "Yeah, this race of plant aliens who thought they were better than every other species in the universe because of their genetic purity. They secretly invaded Earth enslaving humans by turning them into these things called DNAliens, building weather towers to make the planet colder for them to thrive. I and my team were able to thwart them time and time again."

Aizawa: "You mention something about the Highbreed's true plan. What was it?"

Jon: "A hyperspace jump gate. A portal that allowed them to bring their fleet right to Earth."

Mandalay: "That's incredible...They create a portal that can instantly be here in seconds."

All Might: "David would be passing out right now on how much their technology advanced so much."

Jon: "But it wasn't just Earth they were after. That was just the starting point. The Highbreed wanted to wipe out the entire universe. The fleet was too powerful to fight, so there was only one thing to do. We went straight to the Highbreed's home world and confronted their leaders."

Aizawa: "A risky tactic. However, if their main forces were out attacking other planets, the leaders themselves would be vulnerable."

Jon: "Yup. The Highbreed Council. When we confronted them, we learned the real reason why they wanted to wipe out the universe."

Midnight: "The real reason?"

Jon: "At first we thought they wanted to destroy every other race simply because of their superiority complex, but turns out, their obsession with genetic purity caused their entire race to become sterile from inbreeding. They were the last generation of Highbreeds and they decided that if they were going extinct, everyone else should too."

Everyone: "WHAT?!"

Aizawa: "*Rubbing his temple* So let me get this straight. These Highbreeds guys decided to destroy the universe because they were dying and wanted to take everybody else with them?"

Jon: "Yup."

Vlad King: "That's insane!"

All Might: "And how did you and your team stop them?"

Jon: "Well Ben's Omnitrix had the ability to heal damaged DNA. So he used it to spread a universe-wide wave of energy that gave each Highbreed different DNA from his Omnitrix."

Everyone: "WAIT WHAT?!"

Mandalay: "You mean there wasn't some great battle to the end? Your little brother healed them? After everything they did?"

Jon: "The Highbreeds had us outgunned and outmatched, they would've overpowered us if we continued fighting them. So he figured if he could save them instead, they would call off their fleet."

Nezu: "But due to their obsession with genetic purity, I doubt they were initially pleased with how he helped them."

Jon: "You got that right. They were originally going to kill themselves over it, but this Highbreed that Ben became friends with, Reinrassic III, showed up. He had gotten some of Swampfire's DNA a while ago and used it to convince the Council having different DNA wasn't really that bad. They called back their army and anointed him the new Highbreed Supreme."

All Might: "So your team saved the universe not through force and power, but through understanding and healing. Looks like Azmuth must've been so proud to have their creation be used the way it was meant for."

Jon: "Nope just boosting Ben's ego when saving the universe and costing us trouble when facing Vilgax again, but I don't tell them that."

Nezu: "Looks like our questioning is over and looks like it's almost night time might as well begin to leave this place and headed back to school."

Jon: "By the way, Nezu? Why did you call me?"

Nezu: "It's simple I want you to become our assistant teacher here in U.A High and I got your Grampa's permission to stay here and help us."

With that, the final bomb exploded causing Jon wide open in shock and so does everyone as well.

Everyone: "WHAT?!"

End Chapter

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