Not Your Edgy Bitch (ROTTMNT...

By Toddels

128K 4.8K 25.3K

Are you a simp for Donnie??? Awesome. Me fucking too bro: Ever since (Y/n) witnessed an oozequito turning th... More

Unexpected Ally
Ninja Stalker
A Spark
Nightly Foes
Dr. Donnie
Not A Café Date
Stay Bitchin'
Heating Tension
Growing Feelings
The Purple Dragons
The Art Fair
Make Amends
Two Geniuses Hand in Hand
The "Exterminator"
The Exterminator Returns


6.7K 274 1.5K
By Toddels



"So you finally admit that you like (y/n)?" April asks.

Donnie mutters something at an inaudible level.


"Y-Yes... a little..." he answers shyly.

"About time!" Mikey shouts, "I was about to bring out Dr. Delicate Touch to slap the silly out of you son!"

It was later in the day now and everyone was hanging out in the common area in the lair.

Leo chuckles, "I find it hilarious— outta all people it's Donnie to fall in love first!"

"Nardo I'm not in love— it's just a harmless crush!"

"Either way I am so looking forward to you embarrassing yourself in front of (y/n). That's going to be comedy gold!" Leo says excitedly.

"Hardy Har Har..." Donnie spits annoyed, "Sorry to disappoint but this nerd is too rad and smooth to allow that to ever happen..."

"Yeah, hate to break it to ya: I'm not convinced in the slightest and still cannot wait!"

"Oh c'mon Leo, have some faith in Donnie!" Mikey says.

"Please— it's Donnie..." Leo says.

"If Leo's brain is suddenly replaced with an inanimate object one day, this is why..." Donnie mutters.

"Everyone save your anger and frustration for our patrol later, it will come in handy if we have to smash some bad guys..." Raph says.

"Hey Raphie, brother to brother, please pick us another word instead of "smashing"... it's really misleading..."

"No it isn't." Raph says.

"Yeah, what else could it mean?" Mikey asks innocently.

Donnie opens his mouth to answer Mikey but Raph shoots him a death glare, "Do NOT answer his question..."

Donnie closes his mouth and Mikey tilts his head in the background.

"If you don't let Donnie explain it, then I'm going to..." Leo says amused.

"Ugh please don't..." April groans.

"I don't get it?" Mikey says, "Explain what?"

Leo slowly turns to Mikey with a smirk.

"Don't you dare Leo!" Raph threatens, "I will tell Pops!"

"Why you little snitcH!" Leo complains as he crosses his arms, "How come I never get to have any fun..."

"Because we must preserve Mikey's innocence! He's the youngest." Raph whispers as April aggressively nods in the background.

Mikey pulls out his phone, "No worries fam, I'll google it..."

"nOO!" Raph yells as he slaps Mikey's phone out of his hand.

"Now that was rude..." Mikey says offendedly.

"You'll thank him later..." April explains.

Mikey picks up his phone and crosses his arms,"I doubt that."

While the four bicker in the background, an alarm starts to blare in Donnie's lab.

"What the—?" Donnie gets up and makes his way over to it.

On a Tv screen it flashes red and speaks "Advanced lock down initiated" on repeat.

"Huh how peculiar... nothing in the lair is in lock down nor has it been activated by any of us..." Donnie fiddles with his computer as he talks to himself, "So why is it doing that?" He traces the signal and sees that it leads to your apartment.

Donnie worriedly steps away from the computer, "Oh gosh— that can't be good..." He taps into your security system to try to communicate with you.


"Fuck fuck fuck!" I ramble as I try to break open my front door with a chair. I was trapped inside my apartment! Big Mama is going to kill me if I don't show up to the factory today— It's my first day as a boss!

I suddenly hear my door buzz.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" Donnie asks through the radio. Oh thank gosh!

"NO!" I yell back, "I'm stuck! Everything is locked and I cannot get out!" I say in a panic.

"Alright stay calm! I can get you out." he says, "Why did you need to initiate the advance lock down? Is there a threat nearby that needs to be neutralized?"

"No no not at all— I think I only put in the wrong code. I was trying to lock my door before I left for work and now nothing will open— not the doors or windows!"

"Well I did program it to do that, try punching in the code 1111."

"Okay..." I punch it in and still nothing happens.

"Anything?" he asks.

"No! I'm still trapped!" I say.

"What? It shouldn't be doing that..."

"What do you mean?!" I yell, "I don't have time for this situation to be even worse than it already is— if i don't get out of here in the next few minutes I'm going to get fired!"

"Fired? I thought you told me you were self-employed?"

"Uh—" Shit, "I am! I mean that my client will no longer wish to work with me..."

"What's your job again?"

"It's not going to matter if you don't get your ass over here and fix this! Please!"

"Alright alright cool your pits, I'm coming..." he says as he grabs a tool box, "I'll be over in 5." He ends the call and walks out of his lab. Donnie turns off the screen and leaves his lab.

"SMASH CAN MEAN SEX?!" Mikey shouts surprised.

"LEO!" Raph yells, "WHY WOULD YOU TELL HIM?!"



"Yeah, you're right. I totally did it on purpose. It's better that he knows." Leo admits.

"mY EYES!" Mikey complains as he reads through his phone.

Raph snatches the phone away from Mikey. "I cannot believe you Leo! I'm going to hit you so hard that you'll—"

"Take the spotlight off of me for a second and everyone look at Donnie! He's sneaking away!" Leo says as a distraction.

Donnie was making his way out of the lab quickly and doesn't stop for Leo's comment.

"Where you heading to D?" April asks.

"(Y/n) is locked in their apartment so I have to rescue them!" he quickly explains.

"Just tell them to unlock it." Leo says.

"Easier said than done Leo, it's a highly advance lock system that I designed and requires the mind of an absolute genius to solve."

"So it's your fault that they are trapped?" Leo asks.

Donnie stops walking for a second, "N-No? Yes? Not entirely... they got themselves into this, not me!"

"Sounds fishy... I bet you did something on purpose." Leo accuses.

"What?! How DARE you— I would never!" Donnie shoots back.

"Donnie, don't listen to him. He's already in deep shit, go to (y/n)!" April says.

"Yeah you're right, I don't have time for this." he continues walking.

Leo starts to chuckle, "Wait! I got the most perfect thing: Mikey, why don't you use the new word you learned in a sentence by applying it to Donnie's situation..."

Donnie freezes for a second and blushes, he whips his head around to Leo, "Oh you so did not just imply what I think you are implying..."

"Ah that's so gross why would you sAy that..." Mikey whines, "I wish to forgeT!"

Leo bursts out laughing, "Look at his stupid little face!" he says while pointing at Donnie, "It's priceless!"

Raph then appears behind Leo and tackles him, the two begin to wrestle.

Donnie gives Leo the middle finger before storming off.

"Agh!" Leo says as he tries to break free from Raph's grasp. He manages to climb out a little, "YEAH GO RUN AWAY AND BE THE SIMP THAT YOU ARE—WAH!" Raph engulfs the turtle once again. April chuckles at the scene.

To make up for the 30 seconds that Donnie lost by listening to Leo's nonsense, he sores through the air at such high speeds that he cannot see his surroundings. He had to solely rely on his tech that he wouldn't crash.

When he arrives to your apartment, he runs up the stairs and to your door. He knocks, "(y/n)? I'm here!"

I get up and run over to the door, "Oh finally! How long until I'm free?" I ask.

Donnie sets his tool box down and begins working, "I literally just got here therefore I cannot give you a proper estimate until I see how much damage there is..."

I pout and lean my back against the door defeatedly.

"Don't worry, I'll have you out in no time..." he says as he toggles with the security system. He lowers his goggles to focus. "However I am curious, enlighten me on how you managed to put in the wrong code after I gave you a paper with all the codes listed..."

"I was in a rush and thought I knew it..." I say, "I didn't have time to check."

"Huh well that didn't work out for you in the long run did it? If anything, not checking ended up taking more of your time..."

I roll my eyes, "Why is my regular lock code 3829 and the advanced lock 1234? I think 1234 is more memorable and convenient..."

"And because of that fact, that's why I made it an emergency lock." Donnie explains, "A code like that is most efficient for emergencies."

"You should've let me pick my own lock codes..."

"Okay sweetheart, what numbers you want then?"

"0000, 0001, 0002...—"

"Request declined. That's too basic and can be hacked by someone with only one functioning braincell..."

"Nu uh! Because it's so simple, no one will actually try it. That's what makes it so smart!" I argue.

"Don't try to justify idiocy!"

"Let me pick my lock codesss!" I press.





"In case you haven't noticed, my answer still remains."

"Fine... could you at least set the lock to something that's easier to remember?"

"I'm not compromising, you'll thank me later."

"I really can't tell if you're being genuine or trying to burden me on purpose..." I say.

He sighs, "I'll put it to you this way: the more complex the numbers, the safer you'll be. It'll be a pain but you'll soon remember all the codes." Oh, so genuine then.

"Wait so in other words, you're being stubborn because you are overprotective of me?"

"Uh!" I hear one of his tools clatter to the floor."N-No, definitely not! I just—I'd do this for anyone okay?"

I chuckle at his flustered reaction. I bet it looked real funny too. "Mkaaayy..." I tease.

I hear him mutter something from behind the door.

"What?" I ask since I couldn't hear him.

"Don't worry about it." he answers.

"Fine whatever, are you almost done?"

"By the looks of it, no. I'm trying my hardest to rewire the system to restart it. But if I can't, the advanced lock mode will deactivate in 12 hours..."

"Donatello I do not have 12 hours! Am I really going to have to wait that long?" I ask worriedly.

"I don't know yet! Last time I was in a situation like this, I couldn't deactivate anything."

"Last time?"

"Let's just say Raph and April like pushing big red buttons and it led to my brothers and I getting locked in the turtle tank for 24 hours and then we got locked in the garage for an additional 24 hours!"

I groan and bury my head in my hands.

"What time did you have to be at work?"

"Well, there is no set time really. Yesterday, I was just told to be there in 2 business days..."

"Are you sleep deprived (y/n)?"

"Most likely, why?"

"Firstly, you typed in the wrong code and second, if you were told yesterday to be at your job in 2 business days, that means you are supposed to show up tomorrow— not today." he explains.

I feel a wave of relief wash over my shoulders, "Wait— you're right! Oh thank goodness... I literally lost track of what day it was! I'm thinking way too ahead..."

"Yup that'll do it..."

"In that case, I guess I'm not in a rush to be anywhere..." Now I felt more at peace, can't believe I've been stressing over nothing!

Donatello sighs, "Good because the pressure was really getting to me..."

"I'm sorry."

"No don't be, who wants to be in captivity?"

"Not I, however, if it's in the comfort of my own home and I have no where to be... I'm alright with it..."

He chuckles at my response. I could still hear him rewiring the lock system.

"Hey if you can't fix it, don't worr—"

"What exactly is your occupation?"

Ugh this question again, let me think of something believable. "I'm an exterminator... for bugs of course." Fuck.

"That's it?" The audacity! Now part of me wishes he did catch onto me lying.

"What did you expect me to say I'm a trained assassin?" I spit.

"Kinda? Although exterminator fits with you being an entomologist and all... I just thought you'd be something a bit cooler." Little does he know.

"At least I have a paying job. You got no bread." I joke.

"Bread? Bread as in the baked food containing flour, wate—"

"No bread as in you BROKE."

"In case you have forgotten, which you obviously have, I am literally a mutant turtle that no employer will ever want to hire."

"Ha that's not true, you could get a job in the hidden city!"

"..." I hear his tool stop moving.


"How do you know about the hidden city?"

Fuck— play it off play it off play it off.

"Ohhhhh you knowww... I followed a luminous vermin there once when I was trying to catch it, explored along the way..." I lie.

"Hm... I suppose that makes sense..." His tools continue to make noise again. That was close.

"How do you know about the hidden city?" I ask.

"Long story short, basically some bad guys took April's pet making her blindly follow them into a portal which made my brothers and I blindly follow her into a portal."

"Huh, interesting." I say.

"Yeah, we learned a lot that day..." he says. "Hey wait a second, (y/n) you put in the right code here..."

"Huh? I did?"

"Well, not exactly. You were one digit off but it appears that you must've misclicked..."

"HA! I'm not an idiot then!"

Donatello chuckles, "What makes you say that? You were never one to begin with."

I smile, "Oh thank you..." It's rare to receive a compliment from him.

"Although I might be because I cannot override this system!" he complains.

"Don't say that— you know what, don't even worry about it! I'm fine with just waiting the 12 hours, I swear!" I say.

"I can't do that to you..."

"Well you better because I'm not planning on leaving my apartment for the next 12 hours regardless if you open the door or not." I tell him. I was trying not to let him feel bad.

He sighs on the other side of the door, "In that case..." I hear him sit down, "I'm waiting with you..."

"Wha— Donatello are you crazy? You don't have to do that! You're not sitting out there for 12 hours!" I complain.

"Too late, can't convince me." he remarks.

I cannot believe him! Why would he go through the trouble of doing that for me? Does he feel that bad?

Well shit. I can't just leave him by the door! Guess I might as well stay here too!

"You truly baffle me Donatello..."



"I-I want you to call me Donnie, you don't have to call me Donatello anymore."

"I'll call you whatever I want but thanks for the permission." I joke. I hear him laugh. Man, he's really being nice. I'm finding that I'm not hating him as much anymore. Speaking of which:

"Hey Donnie? Thanks for the breakfast earlier, it was really sweet of you." I say.

"Oh that—" Donnie slightly blushes, "It was nothing. The least I could do..."

"How's your shell feeling?" I ask. As he answers, I get up to get my sketchbook and pencil.

"Much better thank you. I think I'll be good as new by the end of the week." he says, "My family still doesn't know about it but I at least made amends with them this morning."

I sit back down and start doodling. "That's great."

"Can I ask you something?" he asks.

"Oh I don't know Donnie, you still owe me those 5 questions..."

"Heh, I forgot all about that... you'll get an additional question if you answer mine." he compromises.

"Deal!" I say as I sketch out a softshell turtle.

"What's your phone number?"

I giggle and continue to draw.

"K-Kidding, I was kidding— Don't answer that haha..." he says embarrassed.

"Shh, I'll give it to you. Give me a second..." I reassure. I finish up the drawing and write my phone number beside it. I then carefully tear the paper from my sketchbook and slide it under the door.

I hear Donnie pick up the paper, "Oh my— did you just draw this now?!"

"Yes. It's a—"

"Softshell turtle!"

"Oh yay! It's recognizable!" I cheer.

"Of course it is— Wow you are really talented."

"Thanks! Keep it, it's for you."

"Really?" he asks surprised.

"Yes" I chuckle, "I drew it in like 2 minutes flat, and my phone number is on there."

"Yeah I see!" he says as he pulls out his phone and creates a contact.

Soon I feel my phone vibrate and see it's a message from an unknown number, well obviously it was Donnie.

It reads: "The very beginning of conversing with Othello Von Ryan."

"You know, you could've just sent a simple hello." I say.

"That isn't dazzled enough!" he argues, "Besides, now you know for sure it is me."

I roll my eyes, "I would've known it was you regardless of what you sent!" I start to make a contact for him.

"I beg to differ."

"Whatever." I then start to laugh, "I think I know the perfect contact name for you."

"What?" he asks.

"Give me a second."


"Okay now you're waiting extra." I say.

"Can't be more than 12 hours."

"That is very true." I send him a screenshot of what I named his contact, "The Edgy Bitch." with a picture of a softshell turtle stolen from the internet as his icon picture.

"WHA— Are you serious?!" he says offended.

I start to laugh, "Whattt? It's perfect!"

"No change it to something else!"

"Nah, I don't think I will."

"How dare you—"

I laugh some more, "What contact do you have for me?" I ask.

"I kept it formal. It's the exact same thing I do for everyone. It's your first name and then Hamato."

"What's a Hamato?"

"My family clan— but my last name technically."

I blush, "Huh?! Why w-would you do that?!"

"I don't know your last name so I just put Hamato." he says.

"I— and you didn't think to ask me? I'm right here! It's (L/n)."

"It doesn't matter what it is, I like Hamato better. Plus it fits with your name, therefore you should change it." he says.

"I'm not changing my last name!" I argue with a heating face.

"We will see about that..." he says in a teasing tone. HUH?!

I'm so glad he can't see my face right now. I sketch out a middle finger and slip it under the door for him.

He laughs and picks up the paper, "Now that was a creative insult... Can I borrow your pencil?"

"Sure." I roll it under the door with a chuckle.

I then hear him scribbling aggressively.

"What are you...—?" He then returns the paper back under the door. I lift it up and see he drew an additional finger which turned the middle finger into a peace symbol. He also colored in the nails.

"You're so stupid." I joke, I hear him laugh on the other side. But that gives me an idea. 


An hour flies by.

I had gotten my black nail polish and was painting Donnie's six fingers under the door.

"Can I see yet?" he asks.

"Wait, I have to put another coat on!" I say.

"Okay fine fine, but I'm definitely painting yours afterwards!"

"Do you even know how to paint nails?" I ask.

"Um do you take me for some kind of idiot? Of course I know how! Who do you think taught Leo?"

I chuckle, "Alright fair enough."


Two hours fly by.

Donnie was now painting my nails.

"You have too many fingers..." he complains.

"No, you don't have enough fingers!" I retort.

"Valid point but I like mine better."

"That isn't surprising in the slightest narcissist."

"Ditch the sass or I'll mess up on purpose..." he warns.

I gasp, "You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me sweetheart."


Three hours fly by.

We were now watching Jupiter Jim at the same time since Donnie could stream it from his phone to mine.

"See look!" Donnie shouts with a mouthful of pizza, "That isn't what happened in the comics!" He slides me another slice on a paper plate under the door.

"Hm you don't say— hush Don." I say as I pick it up and eat it.


Four hours fly by.


I gasp for air, "3.14159265358979323846264338327950–"


"BECAUSE I KNEW YOU'D PICK PI!" I say, "My turn, I'm thinking of a number between 1 and—"


"DAMN IT." I shout.


One hour flies by.

It was now late at night.

"Wow (y/n), we've been here for 11 hours! We only have less than an hour left."

"Whoop whoop!" I cheer, "That went by really quick!"

"I know right? I never hung out with someone like this before. It was very unique..."

"Well I am honored to be your first, and you should be too because I can say the same!"

He chuckles.

"Let me ask you something," I say, "And yes, I am using one of my questions."

"Okay go on..."

"Have you ever been in a relationship before?" I ask.

"Do fictional characters count?" he asks.

"Not unless you brought them to life."

"Then no. Why? Is this the part where you ask me out?"

My face tints and I laugh nervously, "Haha— I've known you for less than a week so no. I was just curious..."

"Curious or interested?" he teases.

I grow annoyed, "Wanna be my boyfriend?" I mock.

He chokes on his words, "L-Like seriously or—?"

I snicker.

His face immediately reddens, "Yeah obviously you weren't serious... I wasn't going to say yes anyways."

"That was adorable." I tease as I try to calm down my laughter.

Donnie groans as he grows even more flustered. He then gets an idea. He aims his tech arm piece at the door to scan your blood pressure.

"Hey (y/n)?" he calls, "Have I ever told you that the first time I saw you, I detected all the atoms in your possession to have a lot of kinetic energy?"

"A lot of kinetic energy?" I question, "Wait— Are you saying that you think I'm hot?!" Which is ironic because I could feel myself starting to burn up.

"Wow would you look at that; the hottie is smart too." he adds.

I sit there flabbergasted, he just called me hottie! The fuck am I supposed to say to that? Thank you? Shut the fuck up? No U? I don't know!

Donnie then laughs from the other side, "HA, your blood pressure increased so much— you're blushing aren't you?!"

I gasp, "You said that on purpose so you could scan me?!" I shout.

"Yep and I'll do it again hottie." he says.

"Oh I'm so gonna kick your ass you sly purple bastard..." I mutter.

"Aaaand it increased even more!" he laughs, "You like it when I say that don't you?"

My eye twitches. I slowly inhale, then exhale, and walk away.

"(y/n)?" Donnie calls out, "No please come back! I'm sorry!" he yells as he tries not to laugh.

I go to my closet and pull out a spider in a jar. "Oh you're gonna be..."

"Whatdoyoumeanbythat?" he asks quickly.

I release the spider, "Go now son, seek revenge for your creator..."

The spider crawls out from under the door. When Donnie sees it, he springs upward. "Oh what the fuck (y/n)! That isn't funny in the slightest..."

I start to laugh, "Who knew payback had 8 legs and 4 eyes... Scan that sucker!"

He laughs, "Well played sweetheart." He watches the spider crawl away, "I think I am finally starting to get used to having someone as resourceful as me around here..."

My laughter dies down, "R-Really?"


"So in other words—" I start to say.

"I don't hate you." he finishes.

I smile with warmed cheeks, "I don't hate you too."

My door then beeps and clicks open. The timer was finally up, we have completed the 12 hours.

I push open the door to see Donnie standing there. We both kinda stare at each other awkwardly so I silently wave to him to break it. He waves back with a smile.

"So uh..." Donnie starts, "I guess I'll get going..."

"Yeaahh... I'll catch you later..."

He nods and begins to leave.

"Hey Donnie!" I call out one last time.

He turns, "Yeah?"

I run over to him and engulf him in a hug. "Thanks."

He tenses up for a moment before hugging back, "For you, anything."

This felt nice.

Afterwards we part and finally go our separate ways.

Now tomorrow was the real deal. I can't screw up my first day as a boss.


When Donnie returned home he excitedly told everyone what happened.

"AND THEN THEY ACTUALLY HUGGED ME!!!" he says while jumping up and down.

"WOO WAY TO GO D!" April cheers.

"YEAH BABY THAT'S WHAT I AM TALKIN ABOUT!" yells Mikey. Raph claps in the background.

"Gotta admit, I am actually impressed Donnie. I guess I will have some faith in you after all." says Leo.

"EEEeeeee!" Donnie says as he spins around. "Now if you excuse me, the king of being smooth is going to find a proper place for this." he says as he holds up the drawing you made him. He walks to his lab.

"I am so proud." says April.

"Yeah! The guys even got their number! How does that even happen?!" Leo says.

"I thought it would take awhile too but aye, at least he did it!" adds Mikey.

Raph wipes a tear from his eye, "My little bro's on a roll..."


In the lab Donnie hangs up the drawing next to the photo you both took together last night. Both hung proudly on the wall.

As Donnie steps back to admire it, Shelldon flies over by his side. "So are they like my second parental unit?" he asks.

Donnie happily sighs, "Not yet...


Whoop whoop another chapter completed now I can die in peace 😌 speaking about dying, on Tuesday I got locked in my schools staircase by myself as I was trying to get to my next class and the damn security guards couldn't even find me to let me out when I contacted them for help :')

It was scary because I was banging on all the damn doors and not a single soul could hear me. I also tried prying open several doors but obviously it didn't work.

So I ended up going allllll the way to the ground floor and using the emergency exit (which was supposed to sound an alarm if it's opened but it didnt) to the garage because I did not have the time to be waiting for the security guards— I had a class to be in bruh 😩 They might still be lookin for my ass!!

Unlike (y/n), I did not have a Donnie to save me ;u; The point of me sharing that "traumatic" story is because I thought it was ironic how it's somewhat similar to this chapter.

Why I had to experience that? I have no idea. I literally already had this chapter planned before all of that happening so I kinda saw it as pointless— all I learned was that's the best place to commit a murder which isn't very helpful to me since I'm not a murderer. I mean, ig it might've influenced this chapter a tinny bit.

ANYWAYS,,, any news on our season 3??? TuT PLEASE I NEED MORE ROTTMNT 💜 I saw recently Nick uploaded another rise video so go watch it to help the show if you haven't already🐢 (attached above)

(Also I redesigned my interpretation of (y/n) bc I ain't like the old one. it was funny bc i asked many of my friends if they could tell what gender they were and they couldnt so im very happy #genderneutral)

Also these are obviously rough sketches I do not have the actual time to make masterpieces— TuT

Another note: The "Indeed Indeed..." comment chain under "A Spark" chapter genuinely concerns me 💀💀💀

Prepare. 🤭

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