Fire and Ice - Jacob x reader...

Autorstwa fayebailie1864

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You've always been alone, year after year. But that changed when you moved to Forks, Washington. A certain pa... Więcej

Chapter 1: As the leaves turn golden
Chapter 2: Jacob Black
Chapter 3: Phone calls and unexpected visits
Chapter 4: Leaving me behind
Chapter 5: Secrets and lies
Chapter 6: I guess the wolf's outta the bag
Chapter 7: The Cullens
Chapter 9: Compromise
Chapter 10: Living in both worlds
Chapter 11: A promise
Chapter 12: Morning glow/ Making a deal
Chapter 13: Normal life huh?
Chapter 14: Family
Chapter 15: Reckoning
Chapter 16: As white as snow
Chapter 17: The smell of fresh firewood
Chapter 18: Trip away from home

Chapter 8: Wishing this could last forever

489 13 9
Autorstwa fayebailie1864

Authors note: I'm back!!!!! I'm super excited to start this chapter :)  Please Enjoy, comment & vote! Lots of love <3


Rosalie's pale skin reflected of the gorgeous windows. Her mouth turned into a frown and the anger inside of her practically glowed from her silhouette. 

'Come'on babe, You've gotta be happy for them now. Jasper's finally settled' said Emmett.

'How could you be happy Emmett? Another human! .... It's just insanity' cried Rosalie.

Emmett stroked her arm softly, trying his best to comfort her. 'It'll be okay... how about we make a trip or something? I know for a fact that you miss Paris' said Emmett, while smirking. 

Rosalie's face lifted and she couldn't help but smile at Emmett's face. 'Fine' chimed Rose. 

Emmett grinned happily and quickly started making the arrangements. 

'Do you think he'll tell her?' asked Esme. Sat on the leather chair in the lounge area.

'Yes. He loves her. I just hope she takes it well' said Carlise.

'Alice said that she took Jacob's secret well. So all should be fine..' chimed Esme.

Carlise held her hands lovingly. 'It will be fine, my love' said Carlise. 

'I love you Carlise' cried Esme. Carlise smiled and kissed her gently. 

'Oh Esme, I have loved you every moment and I shall continue to love you forever' said Carlise, while holding her close. 


'I can't get over how nice your room is!' Y/n said, excitedly. 

Jasper smirked and slowly bit his lip. 'I'm glad you like it ma'am' whispered Jasper.

Y/n felt her heart skip a beat and suddenly the intense passion had returned in her chest. She turned around slowly and Jasper came up close to her. Their noses were almost touching. Y/n could hardly breathe anymore. 

Jasper gently stroked the side of her face. 'Jas..'- 'Shhhh' whispered Jasper. 

They stayed still for what seemed like hours, Jasper ever so slowly began kissing her cheek and other parts of her face. Y/n struggled to keep still as she felt herself loosing control. 

Gently he kissed her neck, Y/n's breathing hitched and suddenly Jasper pulled away. But not to far and they were still holding each other. 'Wow, you really know how to make a girl feel special huh?' asked Y/n, a little breathless. Jasper smiled.

'I know there's not been a lot of time. I know I've been distant and strange towards you. For that I'm sorry. But I can no longer deny my feelings for you' said Jasper, his golden eyes glowing.           Y/n tried to control her breathing and she started smiling.

'All I ever wanted was to be good for you. To be.. human for you' breathed Jasper. Carefully Jasper, looked at her reaction. To his surprise there was no fear in her eyes, just love and trust. 

'You've probably guessed it by now but I'm not human..' said Jasper, trying to get his words out. Y/n put her hand on his cheek and gave him a reassuring smile. 'I know' Y/n said, unafraid.

'And you're still not afraid? Have you any idea of how many people I've killed!!' cried Jasper.

Y/n didn't halter from where she stood but felt a bit of anxiety by the tone of his voice. 

'I think you know, what I am' said Jasper, his eyes's almost becoming darker.

Y/n nodded. 'You're a vampire'.

'And are you afraid now?' asked Jasper.

'No' Y/n replied, her tone not wavering.

He should have been angry, but in fact he wasn't. To his surprise he felt something else. Suddenly Jasper was hit with such relief that he almost fell to his knees. Y/n gave him some space while he got himself together. 

When he had picked himself up again, he ran into her arms. Of course at human speed. They both held each other tightly for a while. 

'I think, we should get out of here for a while' said Jasper, quietly. 'Sounds good to me' said Y/n, with a smile.


'They've gone' chimed Alice. Carlise, Esme and Emmett smiled in response. Rosalie sat reading in the corner, not wanting to be involved.

'Did it go the way you saw it too?' asked Esme. 

'Yes, although there were a few other possibilities. She took it really well' said Alice, with a smile.

'And now?' asked Carlise, with his brows furrowed. They were all curious as to see what happens next. 

'Now, we wait. You'll just have to wait and see' said Alice with a huge grin. 

Carlise chuckled and Esme nodded in response. Emmett rolled his eyes playfully.

'Gosh my mind is spinning with questions, can't you answer one Alice?' asked Esme, sweetly.

It was hard to refuse Esme, so Alice gave in and allowed her one question. 

'Will they marry?' said Esme, quietly. But everyone in the room heard her clearly. 

Alice's eyes went out of focus and you could see she was going through all the possible routes in her head. Once she came of it, her reaction was confusion. 

'There are so many paths that I saw, I'm afraid you won't like what I have to say...' paused Alice.


Jasper took her up the mountains and to a small wooden hut in the middle of two pine trees. It only had a few things inside. Some lights, a coach, a small table and a locked chest. 

'Esme built me this place a few years ago when I was struggling with my hunger. It's been a place I go where my mind can be open and also were I can regain control. I thought you'd need somewhere warm as it's a cold day and I know you can't handle the cold as much as I can' said Jasper, calmly. 

'It's perfect Jasper and it looks very cozy' said Y/n, happily. 

Jasper smiled and they went inside, Y/n shivered slightly.

'I'll defiantly install a heater so that next time, you won't be as cold' said Jasper.

'I'm alright, my jackets keeping me warm' said Y/n, trying to reassure him.

They both looked out and admired the beauty of Forks, Washington. How the huge trees were a perfect shade of green and how it seemed to go on and on. Since it was autumn time, going into winter. A lot of the trees were beautiful shades of red and orange. Giving it a comfortable feeling. It soon started to gently rain, making them both more at ease. 

'You said that you struggle with control.. tell me about that' said Y/n, gently.

'I didn't quite have the same upbringing as my siblings. I was born in 1844 in Houston, Texas. I became a part of the war and became a Major when I was just 19. One of the youngest they had. It wasn't until one day I was out helping a nearby village when I came across a certain immoral. Maria.' said Jasper, looking at Y/n to continue. She nodded in return.

'She turned me and with all the skills I had learned in the army. She began to make me train newborns. To make her the perfect army. But what I didn't realise at the time was that I was just her puppet. I thought what Maria and I had was love. But I was wrong' said Jasper, his eyes distant as if he was re-living it all. 

'I'm sorry Jasper' said Y/n, feeling his pain. It was then that she noticed Jasper's arms and that they were covered in scars. Without thinking she gently started tracing them. 

'Battle scars' breathed Jasper, his beautiful accent coming through. 

'They're beautiful..' whispered Y/n, afraid of his reaction. 

Jasper smiled and lifted her head gently. 'I never lost a fight. The scars are just a reminder that I made it through them' said Jasper.

'Alice soon found me and then bought me here, to my home. And new family' said Jasper.

'Did you and Alice... were you two..' Y/n struggled to get the right words out. 

'No.. I couldn't' replied Jasper, his eyes hard.

'Why?' wondered Y/n, afraid of prying. Then she suddenly felt calm.

'Alice has always known that my..' - Jasper stopped to look in her eyes. 'Love, was elsewhere' he finished. Y/n wanted so badly to lean in and kiss him but for some reason, something was holding her back. 

'Are you hungry?' asked Jasper, randomly. 

Y/n regained composure. 'Yes actually, shall we go back to the house?' asked Y/n.

'No need' smirked Jasper, before looking outside. 

There a few paces from the door was a white box, tied with a red ribbon.

'Alice' chuckled Y/n. Jasper laughed too and bit his lip.

'Did you plan this?' asked Y/n, with a huge smile.

'Of course, it was my idea. Alice was of course happy to help' said Jasper with a smirk.

Jasper gave her the box and she opened it, more hungry than she realised. Inside was a beautifully cooked meal and with another small box that was also tied with a ribbon. Y/n's face lit up with happiness and she kissed Jasper's cheek in gratitude. 'This is amazing' Y/n said. 

'I can't thank you enough for this! Who made it?' asked Y/n. 

'Carlise and Esme. Esme in particular was keen to cook for you. But I didn't want to overwhelm you with a sit down, family meal. So I thought this was better' said Jasper. 

'It's perfect' breathed Y/n. Without caring, she put the meal aside and sat on his lap, going closer to him. It was as if Jasper was human too because suddenly all he could feel was his passionate love for her. No thirst, no burning venom. All he needed was her touch. Slowly she leaned, their noses touching. Y/n was trying to calm her breathing. Jasper stroked the side of her face and with their eyes closed. Their lips met. 

They practically melted into one another. The kiss becoming passionate fast. Y/n almost wanting to rip her clothes off. Jasper also wanting the same. But Y/n somehow got the memo to not do that tonight. Despite having complete control Jasper didn't want to overdo it and he wanted to wait until the right moment to fully make love to her. They continued kissing for a long time, until they finally pulled away breathless. 

Even though Jasper didn't need to breathe air all the time, he felt completely drawn of breath. They stayed in each other's embrace and Y/n remembered to start eating the food that had probably long gone cold. Jasper chuckled. He seemed to have forgotten about the food too. While Y/n ate the food Jasper described his diet and how he couldn't consume human food. Y/n listened intently and soon the sun had gone down and it was getting late at night. After Y/n had finished the cute dessert (which was chocolate covered strawberries) Jasper then, using his vamp speed took them back to the house. Where it seemed everyone was waiting. 


Over at Emily's place, the pack was hanging out as usual. Eating, laughing and talking. Jake was stood up against the wooden stairs, feeling uncomfortable and like he was in agony. Emily saw this and came up to him, worried. 'Jake, you haven't eaten anything tonight' said Emily, her face showing concern. 'Not hungry' grunted Jake. 'She's okay Jacob, she's safe' said Emily, trying to convince him. 'Would Sam ever leave your side if you went over treaty line and especially when one of the leeches has feelings for you' cried Jacob, trying his best to stay calm. Emily didn't answer. 'Exactly, I can't even make sure that she's alright. And especially with the track record of that certain blonde haired leech-... it's just... agony' cried Jacob, feeling useless. 

'Does she love him?' asked Paul, who was clearly listening in. Although Jake hadn't exactly been quiet he wasn't expecting the whole pack to be watching them. 'No' replied Jake, starting to get angry. 'Are you sure?' asked Paul, whilst smirking. He knew what he was doing. 

'It's none of your business Paul..' growled Jake. 

'That's where your wrong Jake. Wolf telepathy, remember?' replied Paul, not backing down. Jacob started growling, warning him to not go on about it any longer. 'Speaking of your imprint, by the looks of how long she's been gone who knows? Maybe he's taken something much more vulnerable than death...' sneered Paul. 

Jacob growled knowing exactly what he meant, almost phasing but Emily stood in front of him. And that's when Sam came stamping in the house, in just some blue shorts. He must have been doing a nightly check of the borders.

'What's going on here?' asked Sam, his eyes serious. 

Jacob was struggling to resist phasing in the house while Paul just sat there looking smug. 'Jacob calm down, we don't want to destroy the house. Tell me what's going on?' asked Sam, in his deep voice. 'Ask him..' growled Jake, looking over at Paul. Paul put his hands up in surrender but it didn't somehow reach his eyes. 'Outside now' commanded Sam. Paul rolled his eyes and slowly made his way outside. 'Jake, go and fine Y/n. Before you kill someone or go insane' said Sam. Jake only nodded and then he was out the door faster than anything. 


Once they had made it back to the house, they entered Jasper's room which was now lit by a few pretty lamps. The house was quiet, as if no one was home. But they both knew that wasn't the case. 'Do you get nightmares?..' Y/n all of a sudden asked. Jasper knew what she meant.

'No, we don't sleep' said Jasper, smirking a little.

'Like ever?' asked Y/n.

'No. It can be a burden at times' said Jasper, walking around with his hands behind his back. This is what made Y/n imagine him in his uniform. Once he turned to look at her, the image faded and she felt a bit embarrassed. Jasper knowing that he had an effect on her gently walked up to her, but he was dragging his steps. Y/n giggled and went all red in the face. Once Jasper was right up to her, he wasted no time and connected their lips once more. Y/n moaned into it, feeling complete. She never wanted this night to be over. And she had a feeling he didn't want it to be either. 

Knowing that they weren't alone and that the other's desperately wanted to talk to them, he pulled away and smiled gleefully. 'You are Everything to me Y/n L/n' said Jasper, holding her close. Y/n closed her eyes and melted in his arms. She held his face as well and looked into his glowing amber eyes. He could feel that she felt the same but that something- or like someone, was holding her back from saying it. Jasper gently kissed her forehead.

'I wish this could last forever' breathed Y/n, gazing into his eyes. 

Jasper couldn't help but kiss her again, this time with even more passion. Even more so he began kissing her neck, while his hands began to trace her thighs. Y/n tried not to make her sound, although her breathing was all over the place. 'Jaz, we're not alone right now' breathed Y/n, reminding him. Jasper sighed and nodded. He gave her one last kiss on the lips before, they prepared themselves for what awaited them downstairs. 

Hand in hand, they walked down the stairs and into the living room. Where everyone either had a huge smile on their face or a huge smirk. 

'How'd it go guys? Break a few trees? Or maybe the mountain itself? asked Emmett, smirking. 

Everyone practically burst into laughter, even Rosalie. 'I'm not going to answer that Emmett because it's downright inappropriate' said Y/n, still smirking. 

Emmett gave a look at Jasper and he couldn't hold the laughter together either. Before replying Jasper cleared his throat and got himself together. 'A true gentleman, never reveals what has gone on' replied Jasper. Y/n blushed and she got butterflies in her stomach. 

'Did you enjoy the meal?' asked Esme, trying to change the subject. 

'Yes, it was delicious thank you. But you didn't need to go to such trouble' replied Y/n, very flattered. 

'Please my dear, it was my pleasure' said Esme, with a proud smile.

'Plus you gave us an excuse to finally use the kitchen for the first time' said Carlise, with a smile.

Y/n nodded understanding what they meant. 

'Jaz, may I please borrow Y/n for a few minutes?' asked Alice. 

Jasper held Y/n's hand firmly and his body language didn't seem open to the idea.

'It is getting late Alice..' replied Jasper, not wanting to leave her.

'It'll only take a second' chimed Alice, raising her eyebrows. It seemed no one could say no to Alice. 

Jasper hesitated and nodded, letting go of Y/n's hand. Jasper kissed her hand before Alice took her upstairs, away from the others. 

'It looks like it went well' murmured Carlisle, smiling.

Jasper stood in awe of everything that happened and smiled, it was like he was a million miles away. 

Carlise smirked and chuckled at his response. 'I'm glad to see you happy Jasper' chimed Esme, while stroking his arm. 'Thank you Esme' replied Jasper, his accent coming through. 

While upstairs, Y/n and Alice giggled like little girls on Alice's bed. 'I'm sorry I had to steal you away from him. But I need to know the details!!' giggled Alice. 'Won't they be able to hear us?' Y/n asked. 'Only if they listen in but when there engaged in conversation, like they are now. They won't be' replied Alice. Y/n raised her eyebrows. 'Only Rose' said Alice. Y/n nodded. 'But I thought you could see the future, doesn't that mean that you know what happened?' Y/n wondered. 'I saw many paths of the future but not the exact one' said Alice. Y/n raised her eyebrows again. Alice laughed. 'Okay, I only saw a bit but I didn't exactly want to give myself spoilers' said Alice, smiling. 

'Oh Alice, it was perfect. It was everything that I could have wanted' said Y/n.

Alice noticed that she looked sad. 'Then what's wrong Y/n?' asked Alice.

'How am I meant to tell Jake....' breathed Y/n.


Authors note:  If you have made it this far than thank you so much for reading!! Something tells me that this is the longest chapter I've written so far. It's certainly been my favourite to write. I'm incredibly proud of this chapter and I really hope you've enjoyed reading it!

We finally learn the truth about Jasper and that how things have gotten a lot more serious now than they ever have been. Writing this chapter has given me much thought as to who we should end up with in this story. And to be honest, I love them both equally. 

So I have no idea what's going to happen. Anyways thank you again for reading this story, This particular chapter has taken me all day to write (obv with breaks).  So I hope the writing and detail is up to scratch.  Please like, comment and vote! 

And hopefully I shall update soon <3

Much love 



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