Misfits (#2)

By linaawritess

843K 16.8K 28.4K

{𝘉𝘖𝘖𝘒 𝘛𝘞𝘖 𝘖𝘍 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘓𝘖𝘝𝘌𝘓𝘌𝘚𝘚 𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘓𝘖𝘎𝘠} The perfect picture of elegance. It's all Viole... More

author's note + cast
all my love


11.4K 236 694
By linaawritess

Aurelie's eighteenth birthday has been one she's anticipated since she was twelve. Her aim's always been to throw the wildest, biggest party of the year. Tonight's that night.

I'm sort of terrified.

When she came over to my house in a rush of excitement and business, I showed her my outfit. It was just my usual but telling from the way she looked at me like I'd committed a freaking murder, I don't think it was of her standard.

Now, we're in a shopping mall and I'm following her around like a lost puppy. I mutter, "Why do we have to buy something new? I can wear one of my dresses."

"I love you, Vy. But your dresses are hot in a I'm richer than all of you, regal sweetheart way. And we've always said that my eighteenth is the night we dress slutty." She explains, rifling through a rack of dresses. I stand by her, fidgeting with my skirt.

"You said that." I point out, "I can't dress slutty. I'll look stupid."

You have to have a specific allure for that. A sort of confidence that catches eyes, which I don't wear well. Aurelie grabs my shoulders and spins me around to her so quick I almost get whiplash. I actually have to blink a few times in order to regain my composure.

"You're gonna look hot. And I'm gonna prove it to you." She grins, turning back to the shelves, " Johnny Cade won't know what hit him."

"I don't like Johnny Cade." I try to tell her. He'd tried hitting on me a few days ago and now Aurelie's spinning it all out of proportion. When I try to tell her about Everest, she changes the whole topic. I follow her as she goes, "Aura?"

"Hm?" She pulls out a red latex dress and I literally almost flinch. Not only is that a fashion travesty - shabby stitching - that would cover nothing. She smirks like she knows it.

"No." I give my opinion and then continue to reiterate, "I don't like Johnny Cade."

"So who do you like?" She absently asks, putting the red dress back and hurriedly walking over to the next rack, "I barely see you anymore. I know its cos of a boy."

When I stay quiet, not knowing how to approach this, Aurelie narrows her eyes and turns to me. She stands in her assessing pose. I squirm under her scrutiny until realisation seems to dawn, "Oh, come on. We're still on Everest Jones, Vy?"

I swallow, suddenly feeling like an idiot. I don't know what it is. Maybe her condescending tone or the way she seems to dismiss it.

"I like Everest." I say meekly, "I don't like Johnny. I don't even know him."

"Oh, but you know Everest?" She turns back to the dresses.

I wince a little and I'm about to settle on keeping quiet. But Everest's been trying to teach me how to speak my mind. That my voice matters, just as much as anybody else's. Don't let anybody keep you quiet.

"Yeah." I say. Don't back down, Vy, "I know him cos he's who I've been spending time with. I like him, Aurelie."

"Vy." She sighs and turns to look at me softly, "I get it, you know? He's a pretty face and a good fuck-"

Something snaps, "If somebody said that about a girl, you'd get angry enough to tear off their heads."

She blinks back, "I- okay. Relax." She seems to slink back slightly at that and a sense of pride starts in my chest, "Whatever. I'm just looking out for you, as your best friend. You're not the same person he is. You're all heart eyes but I just— Everest's made a point to be anything but that for years."

She tips my chin up, "I'm just looking out for you, okay?"

I nod and force myself to smile a little. She smiles too and then sighs, "Okay, let's find you a pretty dress. One that'll make Mr Jones all puppy dog eyes for you."

I'm glad she's letting it go and I follow her across the shop, where the darker dresses are. I run my hands over the different materials. Silk and cotton. Burgundies and purples. They're all so beautiful; I've always had a soft spot for fashion.

I never wear darker colours because Amory colours are creams and whites. Me, my brothers and my mom are expected to adhere to it, modesty and primness. I don't loathe my fashion sense. I love it but I've also always wanted to explore.

My mind drifts and a smile starts at my lips.

"Black." I mutter, turning to Aurelie, "I want to wear black."

Aurelie pulls out a dress from the rack in this flourishing fashion, holding it up. When she looks at me, I'm already smiling. Her grin is wide, "Try it on. Now."


"Don't you look mighty fine?" I raise my eyebrows, purposefully scanning my gaze down their body.

Luca looks at me like he wants to punch me.

What's new, huh?

He leans against the counter besides me, a drink in his hand. I've not seen much of him or Hudson recently. Probably because him and Ria are wrapped up with one another and focused on Benji, or college. We're all intending to buy an apartment in NYC together which might be absolute chaos.

He also looks ill so I'm pretty sure he's wearing himself out.

"Are you sleeping, dude?" I ask and he doesn't look at me, gaze on the raucous party around us. It booms and builds, only getting bigger with every passing minute. Lights and music and a whole lotta debauchery.

His lips lift a little at that and I realise why when Ria comes into his eye-line, "Like a fucking baby."

Ew. I literally almost shiver. It's pretty difficult to not think about your best friends fucking when every time they look at each other, it's like they're mentally tearing each others clothes off.

Ria's with Valencia, the both of them dancing in the midst of the party. She knows what she's doing, taunting Luca but I'm not focused on them.

It's Aurelie's birthday. I'm hoping - pretty fucking desperately - that a certain best friend of hers makes an appearance. If not, I may - to put it lightly - dowse myself in fire because I miss her.

I saw her like a couple days ago but I miss her. I'm filled with a room of people and I crave her presence more than anybody else here. That delicate smile of hers.

Hudson weaves his way through the crowd, coming to stand besides me on the other side. He looks fucking decrepit. Like a corpse. Ignoring the decaying state if my brooding friends, I look between the two of them and grin, "Aw."

They both turn to look at me. Already glaring before I even speak.

"You're like two cutesie bodyguards." I say and immediately, they're rolling their eyes and cursing at me. I laugh and hurriedly dodge from Luca about to whack me upside the head, "Okay, chill! Protect me. Do not harm me."

"Who were you looking for?" Hudson asks, a drink in his hand too. I swallow, averting my attention to anything but alcohol. There's gonna be a lot of it tonight.

"Your mom."

Mr Punkster glares. Your mom jokes on orphans. I snort. I've done it since we were kids and I always will.

"For all the fucking jokes you make about me and Ria, you're screwed now, love." Luca tips back his alcohol.

"I dunno what you're talking about." I raise my eyebrows.

"Sure. Don't jizz your pants when you look over there." He challenges then, tilting his head towards the party.

I follow his gaze and it takes me a moment to figure out what he's talking about but when I do, I don't know how I'm supposed to look away.

Oh fuck.

Hudson lifts my jaw so it's shut again, "Subtle."

Fucking fuck. It suddenly feels like a rock's stuck at the base of my throat.

Violet Amory's always walked with a sort of elegance that can somehow make a person fall into a daze. She tends to make herself invisible but once you catch a glimpse of her, it's as if she's burned into your memory.

And right now, she's anything but invisible in that fucking dress. It's black. It's black and I think I'm losing my mind.

I swallow and mutter to both of them dazedly, "Would you visit me in a mental hospital?"

They both look at me. Luca slaps my shoulder, "Nope. This one's gonna get me in there first." He says, talking about Ria whose walking over.

"Are you even gonna try and keep it together?" Hudson asks me flatly, "You look fucking brainless."

I shake my head like a lost dog.

She walks behind Aurelie, the crowd lighting up at the birthday girl's appearance. But the attention to her, leads to all the attention ending up on Violet. The sudden urge to yank her over to me is pretty fucking strong.

It's not Violet's usual style but somehow, it still is. A black rustic dress with a laced bodice, hugging her waist. It's loose around her thighs, fading out to lace at the ends. The straps are thin, her fair skin on show against the deep black.

It's a dress that's somehow elegant yet wild. A sense of decorum, mixed with promiscuity. I am...deathly fucking obsessed with her. She's so easy to be obsessed with and I want to snatch her to me, hide her in a safe because right now, she walks through and even without trying, it's as if she has a spotlight on her.

Violet's light hair lies freely over her shoulders and under the light, her cheekbones and jaw are sharp. Green eyes that haven't met mine yet. She's smiling at somebody but it's not me and I almost want to chant, look over here. Here, here, here. Me!

I don't realise my feet are moving on their own accord until Hudson pulls me back by my shoulders. I mutter, still looking at her, "Thanks."

She's talking to someone so I can't just wander over. Who am I fucking kidding? Yes, I can-

"Okay, buddy." Hudson spins me to face him, "How about you smoke this?" He sticks a cigarette between my lips, "And look less like a stalker? Capiche?"

I blink and whisper, "I want her to have my babies."

"You look like an idiot right now. Stop your big eyes." He grimaces.

"Three babies."

"Snap the fuck out of it, man." He shakes me.

"Can't. I'm gone." I sigh, letting him light the end, "I'm not Everest Jones anymore. I'm just Violet's. Do you think she'd have my babies?"

"Why would you want a baby?" Hudson cringes like its his worst nightmare. Because it is. He's never wanted a kid and has always been adamant about it because of his addiction. The likelihood that they'll inherit his tendencies.

"Because they'll be ours-"

"Fuck this. I'm handing you over to the one more capable of...you. And all this." He spins me so I'm facing Luca, whose tongue is in Ria's mouth. They both pull back to glare at me, his hand around her throat. Hudson announces whilst I take a drag, "Your problem now."

And then he leaves. In typical Tempest fashion.

I smile, "Hey, Ria."

"Hey, Ev." She acknowledges, a black corset top around her waist. She looks deadly, leaning into Luca.

"If you take her away from me, I'll kill you." Luca snaps.

I pull my face back, "How would I-"

"You drink. She gets concerned. Ergo, she's not with me. Ergo, I hate that she loves you." Luca explains and mine and Ria's lips twitch into a smile.

"Just so you know, she was mine before she was ever yours." I proclaim and then take a step backwards because he's about to punch me. Ria takes him by the shoulders and stifles a smile, looking at me.

"You're okay?" She makes sure.

As much as I'm protective over Ria, she's just as protective over me. Since I started drinking and blacking out, it was Ria that looked after me most times. She'd give up fun, pause any conversation to make sure I was okay and I know if she needed to, she'd do it right now.

Ria Romano will always be one of those people that are at the top of my list. She calls, I answer.

I nod, "Not drinking. You don't need to give up Lu's cock for me. I was just wondering how many babies you want."

They both look confused.

"I want three." I smile, "With a ballerina."

Both of them look at each other and both of their lips tug upwards, into this sort of smile that incites my suspicion.

"What?" I ask.

"He wins." Ria says and then clears up, "I bet that it'd take you a little longer to get so whipped. Luca said he'd never seen you like this. You're a goner, huh?"

I mutter, whispering like it's a secret, "It's scary."

Ria smiles then, "Until it isn't. Don't do anything stupid to that girl."

"You see this," I point dramatically to my palm, "She has me right there. In the palm of her freaking hand."

"She's also walking over." Luca bites back a smile when I try not to let my eyes bulge out of my head, "And she's with that friend. So tone it down."

Right. Because we're still supposed to be secret. I can do this. Maybe I should just avoid all eye contact with her because as soon as Violet looks at me, I'm like putty. Or maybe I should just go somewhere else-

"Hey, dude." Taylor stands by my side.

"Hey. Dude." I clear my throat because I think I just squeaked. If I could, I'd punch myself in the fucking face. I'll ask Luca to later because this is getting embarrassing. Who am I becoming?


That was Violet's voice. Sweet, soft voice that was directed towards Ria who is saying hi back. I shouldn't look over there. But she's right there, in my vicinity and I desperately want her to turn to me. I want to be the one she looks for.

Taylor's holding a bottle of alcohol by the neck and my fingers itch to chug some down. It's been a while since I've drank alcohol, longer than it's been for years. I don't want to break that but I need to relieve some of this stress somehow.

"What is...up with you?" Taylor's eyes narrow whilst he tries to analyse.

"So much." I grit out, "So much, dude."

I want to kiss her so bad. Fuck her, preferably. But even kissing her quells my desire. Any bit of her eases me. But I'm not allowed to touch her or make out with her as badly as I want to in public because she has a psycho, rich family. Fuck, get your head straight, Ev!

"Johnny was over there, you know? Someone said he was gonna try and talk to you tonight." Aurelie chirps and it takes me a second to realise she's talking to Violet. Immediately, I'm running through options.

Johnny Smith? I'm pretty sure he's a freshman. Johnny Tiller. He's a fucking douche sophomore. Johnny-

Luca discretely whispers, "You look like you're about to break the counter."

"What other Johnny's are there?" I lean towards him to secretly whisper back, "Smith, Tiller—"


"Fucking Cade." I mutter.

"Are you not gonna...say hi to her?" Luca asks, sipping his alcohol.

"No. I'm scared I might get on my knees and ask her to marry me." I say genuinely and he chokes on his alcohol, fighting a laugh. I'm not kidding, "Hey. Take this seriously."

"I've never fucking taken you seriously, you dimwit." He answers, speaking through his laughs.

"No." I hear Violet exclaim, sounding nervous to whatever was just said to her, "I do not want to...have sex with him. I- not that I don't want to have sex at all. Never mind. Sorry."

I grab the bottle Taylor's holding and without a moments hesitation, I pour it all over my head. I choke out, "I need air."

Everyone just watched me do that, I am soaking wet and there's a puddle at my feet. I couldn't care less because all I can think about is fucking Violet Amory over the counter I'm leaning against. She's adamant on keeping us a secret so if I near her right now, I'm gonna go against what she wants.

I slip past Taylor, dragging my hands down my wet face and muttering, "A ballerina. A fucking ballerina is going to be the death of me."


"I want to change." I mutter quietly to Aurelie. She refills her second cup of alcohol, the party around us wild and chaotic.

"What?" She looks at me, confused, "Why? You love the dress."

"I know." I scratch my arm, "But I just- do you have a hoodie or something?"

"Violet." She turns to look at me now but my anxiety's on a high today. I'm antsy and find it hard to meet her gaze, attention scattered. Her tone softens, "What's going on, Vy? Something's up."

"I'm okay." I assure, shaking my head, "Honestly. I'm just cold."

It's easier for me to lie to Aurelie when she's a little tipsy. It sounds bad but I don't want her to make me feel more embarrassed than I already do. I feel freaking stupid. I came to the party for Aurelie, but I knew Everest was gonna be here.

I wanted to look pretty. For him, I guess.

I've never dressed up for anybody more than myself and I've never really been taught how to. It's why I always wanted an older sister but I tried today. I've been here for almost an hour and he hasn't glanced at me. He's barely been in the same room with me for more than a minute. It was a stupid idea anyways, thinking I could compare to how pretty everyone else looks.

"Vy. You look like ants are crawling over your fucking body. Breathe." She tries to assure.

"I'm not having a panic attack." I tell her, truthfully. I know what my tells are and these aren't it, "I swear I'm good. I'm just gonna get some water."

Before she can ask, I weave my way through the packs of bodies around me and try to make it out. Anywhere that's a bit less...populated. Normally, the back of living rooms are good places to hide out. The stairs are a no go. And the kitchen is definitely a no go. They're hotspots for people.

I squeeze past people but as I'm moving past one, hazel eyes catch mine within the flashing strobe lights. Ria pauses and pulls me back by my shoulders in the midst of the crowd, "Violet?"

"Hi." I smile, holding onto her too so I don't lose the way. Or get freaking trampled.

"Here." She gestures to the hoodie wrapped around her waist, "I'll get us out of this fucking mess."

I let her take the lead, fisting the back of that hoodie so we don't lose contact. She keeps checking over her shoulder to make sure I'm okay whilst leading a pathway through the crowd of dancing, wild people.

Eventually, she gets us into a less cramped spot in a hallway. We breathe, finally, the boisterousness still overwhelming. She looks me over and asks, "Are you okay?"

I nod, "You?"

She nods too, "There are way too many people here." She leans back against a wall and her eyes soften slightly when she looks at me, "Violet, your arm."

I look down and realise I've been scratching at it so pull back. I've covered all of my scars with thick makeup and it's new to me. Most of the time, I just cover my arms with clothes. I'm not entirely sure whether that's the source of my anxiety but it's a factor.

"Have you seen Ev?" She asks me.

I shake my head.

Her eyes narrow, "Have you seen him at all?"

"No- not really." I clear my throat and try to reroute, "You look really pretty."

Scarily pretty. Dangerously pretty. She has the sharp features? Cheekbones that belong on mannequins and these really pretty coloured eyes, mixes of browns and green and she sort of remind me of a deep, dark forest. A beautiful one.

"Thank you, darling." She responds in that British accent of hers, leaning off the wall, "What's he done?"


"Everest." She deadpans, "He's an idiot. What did he do?"

"Nothing." I assure, slightly terrified at how attentive this whole friendship group seems to be. I can't hide around them. Her hazel eyes pierce me and I don't know if this is purposeful but it feels as though she's slowly tugging the truth out of me, just with that gaze.

I look away. Don't look to her. She's gonna figure you out-

Her tone softens, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I clip and she tilts her head, sending me a look, "I just- I don't wear black. Or dresses like this. I felt pretty and it sounds pathetic but I wanted to- look pretty, I guess."

"For Everest?" She asks.

I grimace, "Is that pathetic?"

"No." She lets out this small gentle laugh, shaking her head, "Of course not. And if he knew, I think he'd combust into a ray of fucking sunshine."

"He hasn't even looked at me." I mutter, sinking into myself, "He's Everest Jones. He smiles at like everybody but it's like I've got a disease or something."

"Oh my god." She pinches her eyes shut and then grasps my shoulders, "Violet, you've got this all wrong. Oh, he's gonna fucking hate himself." She lets out a laugh, "You know what? We can have our fun with this."

"We can?" I balk.

Her lips tip up, "We can. So Everest Jones has no way but to notice you and all your prettiness. You in?"

"You scare me." I admit and her smile rises higher.

"Good." She winks, "It'll be fun." She waits for me to answer, smiling this sweet smile.

I concede, "Oka-"

And she's taking my hand, yanking me back into the wildness of the party. I'm not sure how many people Aurelie invited exactly but I know it wasn't this many. We squeeze past, turning our shoulders and worming our way through the throng.

The kitchen is slightly less populated, though the music's much louder. The bass drums through my body, no room to think or feel or do anything but absorb it all. I follow Ria and she taps on the island, gesturing for me to sit atop it.

She leans to my ear, "Have you ever done a body shot?"

My eyes widen.

"Relax." She assures, "Nobody cares here. Everyone's wild and for a minute, if you want, you can be too."

"I don't drink." I tell her, warming up to the idea. I'm not particularly against receiving Everest's attention. And I'm also kinda curious.

"Well, I do." She smirks and then asks, "You sure? I'll keep you safe."

I nod then, looking to her and letting a tiny smile sport my face, "I mean, I'm not a rock. Having you straddle me doesn't sound too bad."

A grin takes up her face then and a laugh bubbles from her chest. Without another moment's hesitation, Ria pushes my shoulders back so I'm laying on the counter.

I swallow, excited sort of nerves prickling at my skin as she braces her hands on my thighs. In one fell shift, Ria lifts herself up and straddles my legs. I don't know how she does it but at that one movement, eyes start to turn already. As if she's just rung a bell and a sign's lit up over her head I'm being hot right now!

Oh my god.

She looks down to me, black hair slung over one shoulder, "Wait. It'll only take a second."

My eyebrows furrow, "What are we waiti-"

Luca Hernandez momentarily rests his chin on her shoulder from behind and mutters, "Do what you want. They touch you and I'm punching."

"I know." She smiles, turning to him. She pouts her lips and he pecks them, also smiling.

Oh. We were waiting for her big scary guard dog.  Ria braces her hands on my thighs, "Precautionary measures. Now, we're totally safe."

She leans over me to grab the neck of a liquor bottle and a small shot glass. I'm not sure exactly who hands her the salt and lime but it only takes her a moment of asking, and they're handed to her. I can sense the eyes on us, people gathering around now to witness.

Ria's at my ear, "Relax for me, Vy. Touch me how you like. Show him what he's fucking missing."

"What if I like do it wrong? I'm not skilled in-"

She presses a finger to my lips, "Shush."

"Okay." I squeak.

She lifts my hands from my sides and braces them on her bare thighs, her lips lifting as she slides them upwards on her skin. The crowd rouses, cheers sounding out but we're okay because Luca's standing guard. I'll take a guess and assume that's why she's so comfortable. Paired with the fact she's hot and she knows it.

Bass booms around us, dark red flashes envelop us and we're making sure to only look at each other. It sort of feels like putting on a show and I've never done anything like this in my life.

I want to be good at it. I want to feel desirable, to let loose and explore. To not remain trapped within modest constraints because I'm young. I can be risky, or promiscuous and it shouldn't be something to be ashamed of.

"Where do you want the salt?" Ria leans down to ask me. My hands slide upwards to her waist, "He's watching."

I think about it for a moment and once a thought pops into my head, I say it to her with our faces close, "My neck."

Where his hickey still lies.

"As you please, princess." She says and though I've come to hate that nickname, it makes a smile bloom at my lips when she says it like that. Like it's attractive.

Her presence is freaking domineering and I submit to it, letting her tilt my chin up so it's arched. I feel her lay the trail of salt on my skin and the crowd heightens in noise, excitement.

"Open up." She orders and then places the lime wedge between my teeth. I smile at first, a random laugh bubbling from my chest. Ria smiles too and pulls it out again, "Giggling is gonna mess this up. We're hot, not fucking adorable."

"You think I'm adorable?" My lips lift.

She rolls her eyes, still smiling, "Shut up."

The wedge is in my mouth again and the crowd starts cheering in anticipation as soon as Ria starts to pour a shot. I crane my neck back, looking around at the humid atmosphere. The depravity, the drinks and darkness, the thick clouds of smoke. The freedom.

I turn my head to the side and within the crowd, my eyes meet bright blue ones, dark under the red.

I swallow and don't look away from him, even as I watch him lift a blunt to his lips. When he breathes out the thick smoke and it wafts around his face in a misty fog, he doesn't leave my gaze.

So I rise my hands higher on Ria's thighs. I lie beneath her, the lime between my teeth and my head tilted towards Everest. I watch the way his jaw ticks, darkness clouding his pupils as if trying to compose himself.

He starts to breathe heavier and his eyes flit to where one of Ria's hands lie on my waist. My lacy dress pools around my legs, where her black skirt meets my thighs. He flicks his eyes back to me, sucking in his cheeks when he takes another drag. I've never seen somebody so luring. So enticing, like the air between us is enlivened.

I don't know how he makes me want to rub my thighs together, just by looking at me like that. Wild hair and that usual recklessness to his eyes. I want it for myself. I've never thought that about anyone. Lust.

But god, I want him to show me, to teach me, to look at me like that in more ways than one.

Abruptly, our eye contacts breaks when Ria turns her head to face me and her tongue meets my neck. She licks off the salt quickly and I ensure that the small smile on my face is visible to him, arching my head back. Before I can look, her hands hold the side of my face and she sucks the juice from the lime.

There's no distance between us, eye to eye and she winks tauntingly. We both know he's watching. My eyes shut when she sucks harder and the cold liquid slowly trickles down my neck, dripping down my collarbone. I squirm slightly at how cold it is, shifting underneath her.

Ria lowers her lips further until I can feel them atop mine. When she sucks harder, more juice runs down my jaw.

It's filthy and eyes are on us and the thrill, the rush coursing through my stomach is one I wish I could always have surging through me. It's ecstasy. Feeling so free, so unburdened.

Ria pulls back as the yells and whistles around us brim the air, taking the wedge from my teeth. I swallow the juice that I can and just as I go to lap it up, Ria smirks and licks it off my chin.

She whispers, "You see this? Not giving a fuck about anybody else? It's the best way to live, Violet Amory. You'd prefer it." She smiles now and nears closer to my lips, "I'm gonna make my boy jealous now."

Just as she makes it to my lips, she's ripped away from me. Her shriek sounds out and I sit up on my elbows, Luca having thrown her over his shoulder. She slaps his back, "I'm gonna puke, fuckface! I just took a shot."

"Puke later, love." He responds to her, "Do you want me to fuck you in the bathroom or-"

"Yes." She breathes lustfully and then lifts her head up enough to see me, "Good luck, Vy."

Luca sweeps her away and just as I'm to hop off the counter, wiping at my neck, I gasp when my legs are braced apart. I flit my eyes up to Everest and abruptly, the air is terse and hot and pent up. I'm still sat on the counter, one of my palms braced behind me as I stare up at him.

"What are you doing?" He demands, his voice low and filled with things I can't place.

I can barely breathe, "What am I doing?"

"What are you fucking doing, Violet?" His hand rises until it's under my hair gently, "You can't do that to me."

I muster up the strength to push at his chest. He backs away and I jump off the counter, not looking at him as I walk past. Immediately, he's following me through the dimmed party and he spins me back to him.

"Where are you going-"

"Why do you care?" I retort, tilting my head, "My whereabouts don't seem to matter to you."

God, I'm trying to be mad but he's so awfully difficult to stare at without admiring that face. His eyebrows furrow, confusion etched over his features, "What are you talking about?"

"It doesn't matter." I murmur, turning away again. I need to find Aurelie anyways because it's been a while since I've lost her. Hopefully Taylor's with her so she's safe-

"Violet." He calls as I walk faster and weave through people with more urgency, "Vy- stop, come on."

He's chasing me and I'm doing my best to outrun him but before I can he's turned me around and walked me backwards. I gasp when my back meets a wall and I'm pinned between it and him, craning my neck up. He...is so tall.

"Go away." I breathe shakily.

"You look at me like that, and you want me to go away? If I didn't know better, sweetheart," His hand delves into my hair again, just above my neck and I have to stifle the noise I want to let out, "I'd think you would've let me fuck you. Right there."

"No-" I shove his chest again but he doesn't move. I make my upset clear, "You- you haven't spoken to me all day. You haven't even looked at me."

"I haven't looked at you? Violet," His palm finds the wall besides my head, "All I've been fucking doing since you walked through that door is looking at you. I'm losing my mind because of it."

"What?" I look between his eyes, "No, you've been ignoring me. Which is okay, if you don't- if you didn't let me believe so constantly that I'm different. Or special."

"That's not what I- god, Vy-"

"What was I supposed to think?!" I'm surprised by my yelling, by how conflicting these emotions are, "I wore this stupid dress for you! And you walked away as soon as I-"

His lips smash against mine and I gasp, taking every move he makes. It's feverish from the very start and I'm trying to steady my dizzying mind but it's impossible because in a swift movement, he lifts me so my legs are around him. He backs me against the wall again.

"I wanted to tear that dress off you as soon as you walked through that door." He breathes against my lips, low and serious. He kisses me again, "I wanted to fucking worship you. If I looked at you, Violet, the whole world would've seen how badly I wanted to fuck you against the first wall I could find."

His lips meet mine again, like he needs it. As if it's a primal necessity and a small moan leaves me, dissolving against him. I don't think I've ever been more desperate for something in my entire life. Body against body.

It's dark and the music pulses around us like shockwaves. The only thing I can seem to feel, is him.

I pull back, breathing through his kisses, "Please."

"Please what?" His teeth find my bottom lip. I arch against the wall and whisper my next words.

"Please just-" I languidly swing my head back down to look at him, his eyes electric with desire as he flicks them over my face, "I want you, Ev."

He just stares, blue eyes burning with desire. I gently tug at his hair and taunt, "Do you not want to? Do I find somebody else-

"Fuck, Violet. Stop it." His jaw clenches and he bows his head, fingers tightening around my thighs. Possessiveness is an awfully attractive look on someone like Everest Jones.

"I'll say their name. They'll be who I want-"

He hurriedly lifts his head, grazing his lips against mine so I shut up, "I don't fuck soft, Vy."

"I'm not as soft as you might think." I say between desperate, yearning kisses on his lips that he returns with so much more urgency.

"You deserve better than your first time being at a fucking party."

"I deserve wild and chaotic and being a stupid teenager." We can barely speak, we keep kissing, "Let me."

He's silent, right in front of me. Only looking at me, surrounded with people who would regularly thrive off his attention. I don't care how it sounds. I want him to keep looking at me. Not the girls that he would usually flirt with, or kiss instead. I want him to be mine.

"Say it again." He whispers against me.

I quip, "I deserve wil-"


My lips lift, "Ev."

"God, you're so fucking hot." He groans, looking away from me.

"Fuck me." I say it and at that, any thread of composure he was trying to maintain, snaps. He sets me on the floor and before I can even look up to him, his hands in mine and we're hurrying through the crowd and up the stairs.

I rush after him, trying to keep up with my smaller legs as we bound up steps. I squeeze past people whilst he leads me down a hallway and into a room and as soon as he shuts the door, he's lifted me again.

"Do you just like me up here?" I ask.

"I like you anywhere." He nears my neck, "As long as I'm right fucking there too."


this is sort of what i imagined for her dress:

buckle up for the next chapter :)

all my love <3

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