Chase Me

By LencySlamet

390K 9.6K 936

Amari Vasilios, the CEO of a rapidly growing Advertising Company in California, experienced a heartbreak from... More

Little note to my readers
"Muse" P U B L I S H E D


5.8K 110 14
By LencySlamet

Once we landed back in New York, Zane's driver promptly picked us up from the airport. The familiar sights of the city greeted us as we made our way through the bustling streets. However, my mind was preoccupied with the impending family meeting that awaited us.

With an empty stomach and a craving for biryani, we decided to stop at a local Indian restaurant. The aroma of spices filled the air as we entered the cozy establishment. I ordered a plate of biryani and some samosas, eagerly anticipating the flavors that would soon dance on my taste buds.

As we sat in the car, indulging in the delectable meal, I couldn't help but express my apprehension about meeting my family. "I don't even want to go," I confessed, my voice heavy with uncertainty. Zane's reassuring presence and his comforting words provided solace in that moment of vulnerability. "I'll be there with you, and you'll be fine. We can leave whenever you're ready," he assured me, his voice brimming with support and understanding.

The memories of our enchanting time in Paris seemed like a distant dream. The magic we had experienced together had temporarily shielded us from the complexities of our personal lives. However, the reality of the family meeting now demanded our attention. Tomorrow, I would have to return to California, tending to my responsibilities as a business owner.

The remaining hours of the day passed in a blur as we prepared for the family meeting and contemplated the path forward. Though our time in Paris had been brief, its impact on our relationship was profound. We wished we could have extended our stay, cherishing each other's company without the weight of familial issues.

Zane and I arrived at my parents' mansion, stepping out of the car and walking towards the front door. As we entered, my mom greeted us with a cheerful smile. "I'm so glad you're finally home," she exclaimed. "How was Paris?"

"Paris was great," I replied, returning her smile. "Where's Angelica?" During my time in Paris, Angelica had stayed at the mansion with my family in my room.

"She went to visit her parents," my mom informed me. "Are you two hungry? Do I need to make something?"

I shook my head, indicating that we had already eaten lunch. "No, we're good," I assured her.

My mom then directed us to the living room, where my dad, Milan, and Yasmin were seated. Zane and I greeted them and took our seats on the opposite side of the couch. It was clear that a family meeting was about to take place.

My mom took the lead and addressed the room. "So, from what I've heard," she began, her tone serious, "you two," she pointed at my dad and Milan, "made a deal with Zane and Savannah to hurt Amari years ago."

My dad shook his head, a pained expression crossing his face. "We didn't mean to hurt her," he admitted. "It was meant to keep her safe."

Confusion and frustration filled me. "Is Zane in the mafia or something?" I asked, annoyance lacing my words. "Why did you feel the need to protect me from him?"

My dad let out a deep sigh, his eyes filled with regret. "You can hate me all you want, but I did it because I wanted to keep my little girl safe," he explained. "When Milan told me about Zane's feelings for you, I immediately went into dad mode. I didn't want some stupid boy to cheat on you, break your heart, and make you run away pregnant for..."

My mom cleared her throat loudly, interrupting my dad's words. "Uhmm, you're getting carried away, Vasilios," she interjected, her voice firm.

Confusion etched across my face as I looked at my dad. "What do you mean, cheat, run away pregnant?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mix of shock and disbelief. It took me a moment to piece two and two together. No way! He used to cheat on my mom?!

My dad's guilty look confirmed my suspicions. "Well, it was just a kiss, but your mom still considered it cheating," he admitted, his voice filled with remorse.

"And you took him back?!" I exclaimed, looking at my mom with my mouth wide open.

"I forgave him," my mom replied calmly. "It was just a kiss, and we worked through it."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My dad, who had been so overprotective of me, had a history as a notorious player. The irony of his actions weighed heavily on me. It was difficult to comprehend how he could have been so concerned about Zane's intentions when he himself had betrayed my mom.

"So you thought Zane would hurt me the way you had hurt mom?" I asked, my voice filled with a mix of disappointment and frustration. My dad nodded, his expression reflecting a sense of remorse. "I was scared, okay?" he admitted.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes in dismay. "He's a grown man now," I pointed out. "After we rekindled our friendship, you still wanted him to stay away from me. Why?"

My dad took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I thought he wanted to hurt me through you," he explained. "I'm the one who broke you two apart with the whole deal and everything, and I thought he wanted to take revenge."

Turning my attention to Zane, I posed the question directly to him. "Have you ever thought of taking revenge on my dad?" I asked, my voice tinged with concern. Zane shook his head calmly, his eyes fixed on mine. "Never," he reassured me. "The only thing I cared about was you. I just wanted you back in my life."

My gaze returned to my dad, a mixture of sadness and frustration evident in my eyes. "You see," I said softly, "Zane never harbored any ill intentions towards you or our family. He simply wanted to be with me and make me happy."

My dad's face displayed a genuine sense of remorse as he processed my words. "I'm sorry," he apologized sincerely. "I know he's a good guy, and I can see how he treats you so well. You're so much happier around him. I cannot turn back time and undo all my mistakes, Amari. The only thing I can do is ask you for forgiveness and hope we can move past this."

I took a deep breath, allowing his words to sink in. It wasn't easy to let go of the anger and resentment that had built up within me, but seeing the sincerity in my dad's eyes, I knew that forgiveness was the path I needed to take. After all, holding onto the past would only hinder our progress as a family.

"I appreciate your apology, Dad," I responded, my voice filled with a mix of acceptance and hope. "It will take time for me to fully understand why you did what you did, but I forgive you. And Millie Billie."

"I'm sorry, sis," Milan apologized sincerely. "I've watched you grow up, and it's been difficult for me to accept that you're not little anymore. I know I should have stopped Dad when he told me about the deal years ago, but just like him, I only wanted to protect you. I just wanted to keep my pearl safe."

Touched by his words, my heart softened, and I reassured him, "I'll always be your pearl." It was a nickname he used to call me when I was little, a symbol of our bond and love for each other.

"But," I continued, "heartbreaks are a part of life, and no deal or warning can shield you from what you're destined to experience. They shape us and teach us valuable lessons."

Yasmin chimed in, adding her perspective. "She's absolutely right. What you guys did was extreme. I hope you both realize that shielding someone from heartbreaks and challenges won't prepare them for life. It's important to let them learn and grow from their own experiences. I hope you won't be like that with your future daughter," Yasmin remarked, casting a meaningful glance at Milan. I couldn't help but inject some humor into the situation. "If that's the case," I said, playfully teasing Milan, "I'll invite my future niece over to my house, where she can freely have her boyfriend or girlfriend over anytime."

Milan narrowed his eyes at me, but a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "And that's exactly why I sometimes hate you," he replied, his voice laced with affection and amusement.

Laughter filled the room, and it felt as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The air was filled with a renewed sense of unity and understanding.

My mom looked at all of us with pride and joy in her eyes. "So, I guess everything is settled now," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "We all approve of Zane now."

My dad stood up from his seat, a genuine smile on his face. He extended his hand towards Zane.

"Welcome to the family."

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