Chase Me

By LencySlamet

390K 9.6K 936

Amari Vasilios, the CEO of a rapidly growing Advertising Company in California, experienced a heartbreak from... More

Little note to my readers
"Muse" P U B L I S H E D


5.6K 132 10
By LencySlamet

Zane and I glided through the ballroom, hand in hand, searching for his parents amidst the sea of guests. As we spotted them, a warm smile illuminated his mother's face, her eyes brimming with happiness.

"I was hoping for this," she exclaimed joyfully, taking me in a warm hug after we told her the news. Her embrace radiated a genuine affection, welcoming me into their family with open arms. Zane's father stood beside her, wearing a proud and contented expression.

Amidst the joyous reunion, the time came for Zane to take the stage and deliver his speech. As he stood before the crowd, his confident presence commanded attention. Every eye in the room turned toward him, eagerly awaiting his words.

With a charismatic charm, Zane captivated the audience, sharing his gratitude for the support and opportunities that had led him to this moment. And then, as his speech reached its climax, he uttered the words that made my heart flutter.

"...and this all wouldn't be possible without my beautiful girlfriend by my side, the one and only Amari Vasilios." A blush bloomed across my cheeks, spreading a rosy hue as I felt the weight of his words sink in. Low murmurs and whispered adorations rippled through the crowd, casting a spotlight on me.

I glanced around, feeling a mix of excitement and shyness as I sensed the collective gaze of the guests upon me. Their whispers and awe-filled chatter seemed to create a symphony of admiration, intertwining with the melodies floating through the air.

As Zane gracefully stepped off the stage, the room seemed to shift. My attention shifted from the delighted crowd to my father and Milan, approaching Zane with determined expressions etched upon their faces. A hint of tension filled the air, and my heart skipped a beat, uncertain of what was unfolding before me.

Intrigued, I watched as my dad engaged in an animated conversation with Zane, his gestures and tone suggesting a heated exchange. Milan stood nearby, his face a mask of concern and determination. It was evident that something significant was transpiring between them.

My father beckoned Zane to follow him, a silent command that left me on edge. My mind raced with questions, wondering what had prompted this sudden confrontation.

As they disappeared into the depths of the ballroom, I found myself standing in a momentary stillness.

Taking a deep breath, I made a resolute decision to follow my dad and Milan too, my curiosity overriding any hesitation or fear. Leaving the vibrant ballroom behind, I stepped into the dimly lit hallway, where faded photographs adorned the walls, capturing moments from our younger years. A nostalgic smile tugged at my lips as I glanced at a picture of me and Angelica, clad in our princess dresses, embracing the innocence of childhood.

As I neared the office room, the voices grew louder, permeating through the slightly ajar door. My heart raced with trepidation, unsure of what awaited me on the other side. But my desire for answers propelled me forward, inching closer to the heart of the conversation.

The first voice I recognized was my dad's, his tone filled with anger and frustration. "This cannot be happening, we had a deal!" His words reverberated through the hallway, laced with a sense of betrayal and disappointment.

Zane's voice, impassioned and determined, interjected, dispelling any illusion of submission. "That deal is over! You cannot interfere in my life anymore, I'm an adult!" His words held a hint of defiance, a declaration of independence that clashed with my dad's expectations.

The intensity of the situation weighed heavily upon me, each word deepening the confusion that had clouded my mind. Milan's voice entered the fray, his tone stern and resolute. "You will end it now!" His demand echoed through the door, leaving me perplexed as to what exactly he was referring to.

The weight of their words settled upon me, their implications sinking deep into my consciousness. Zane's anger and frustration echoed in the room, his voice filled with a desperate plea. "She thinks I'm the one who abandoned her!! I did everything to mend our friendship again, I'll not do anything to lose her. I already lost her once!"

Confusion consumed me as I tried to make sense of their cryptic conversation. Was Zane referring to me? Even from outside the office room I could feel the air thicken with tension, and Milan's dry laugh cut through the silence like a blade. "So many other girls you can choose from, why my sister? Why break her heart?"

Milan's accusation hung in the air, leaving me stunned and searching for answers. Zane's voice, laced with frustration and disbelief, responded to Milan's question. "I didn't intend to break her heart back then, and I'm not going to do it now. That's just something from your imagination!"

My dad, his voice tinged with a mix of regret and determination, spoke next, revealing a piece of the puzzle that had eluded me for so long. "We made a deal, Zane," my dad revealed, his words piercing the room. "Years ago, we reached an agreement. You were to end your friendship with her and leave her alone for the rest of your life. We even made a deal with Savannah to play along!"

The weight of my dad's revelation crashed down upon me, shattering the illusion of choice and free will. The room spun, and I struggled to comprehend the magnitude of their actions. Why had they conspired to keep Zane away from me? What had led them to believe this was for the best?

"End it now or there will be consequences!" My dad continued, his voice stern.

Zane's voice, now tinged with disbelief and indignation, cut through the air. "What consequences?" he questioned, his words dripping with incredulity.

"Consequences that could impact your career, your future," he replied, his voice holding a sense of warning. "We took steps to ensure that you would never come into contact with Amari again. It was for her protection, for her well-being."

"I won't let this continue," Zane declared, his voice resolute. "Amari deserves to know the truth, to make her own choices. I won't allow her to be a pawn in your game any longer."

I widened the door to the office room and confidently entered. "What truth?" I asked with unwavering determination, observing the fear that flickered across my dad's and Milan's faces.

The tension in the room was palpable as I confronted my dad, Milan, and Zane. Their faces twisted with a mix of fear, guilt, and surprise as I challenged them to reveal the truth. My dad attempted to downplay the situation, his nervous chuckle failing to mask his unease. "Sweetheart, it's nothing, just business," he stammered.

I shook my head in disbelief, my frustration mounting. They had underestimated my determination and my ability to piece things together. "How many times do I have to tell you that eavesdropping is not ladylike?" Milan retorted, his voice dripping with condescension.

A surge of anger coursed through me, propelling my words forward. "Shut up, Millie Billie. Last I checked, lying isn't manlike either," I fired back, refusing to be silenced or undermined any longer. The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of unspoken truths hanging in the air.

With a resolute gaze, I pulled out a chair and took a seat, crossing my legs as I prepared myself for the revelations that were long overdue. The power dynamics shifted as I positioned myself as an equal in the room. "I'm listening," I asserted, my voice firm and unwavering. "And I better not catch one of you lying."

Their eyes met mine, searching for a way to evade the truth. But I wouldn't back down. The fire in my eyes mirrored the determination within my heart. I was tired of being kept in the dark, tired of the lies and manipulation. It was time to uncover the secrets that had held me captive for far too long.

My dad sighed heavily, the lines on his face etching deeper with a mix of regret and resignation. "Amari," he began, his voice filled with a mix of remorse and vulnerability. "There are things that we've hidden from you, things that were done with the intention of protecting you."

I listened intently, my eyes fixed on my father, refusing to let him escape the truth. Milan shifted uncomfortably, his gaze faltering. "We made a pact, a deal to keep you away from Zane," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

My heart pounded in my chest as the pieces of the puzzle started to align. Their actions, the conspiracies, everything began to make sense. But I needed to hear the whole truth, to understand the extent of their involvement and the consequences that had been hinted at.

Zane stepped forward, his voice firm and unwavering. "Amari, I fought against their demands. I never wanted to let you go," he confessed, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and pain. "But they threatened my future, my career."

The weight of their admissions settled upon me, a mixture of anger, hurt, and a growing sense of determination swirling within me. "You thought you were protecting me," I said, my voice shaking with a mix of defiance and vulnerability. "But in doing so, you took away my ability to make my own choices."

"It was for the better," my dad murmured softly. My anger surged as I retorted, "Better? You found satisfaction in watching me suffer?" I demanded to know the full truth about this pact-when it began and what it entailed.

My dad exchanged a glance with Milan, who took a deep breath and began unraveling the secrets. It all started in high school. Zane had confided in Milan about his feelings for me, seeking his perspective. However, Milan, being my protective brother, didn't approve of his best friend harboring romantic interest in his sister. Milan also feared that Zane might break my heart, and he was determined to prevent that from happening. That's when Milan brought my dad into the picture, and together, they devised a plan. They confronted Zane with threats, warning him that any advances towards me or even the suggestion of his feelings would result in the ruin of his future and career. They orchestrated a similar situation with Savannah, too. Savannah was assigned the role of being Zane's supposedly mean girlfriend, pretending to despise me. She was meant to be the reason Zane and I drifted apart. Savannah had dutifully played her part all this time.

I was angry at the wrong people for so many years, it felt sickening. Overwhelmed with a mix of anger, confusion, and profound sadness, I felt a surge of intense emotions. It wasn't Savannah or even Zane who deserved my anger-it was my own father and brother. I locked eyes with both of them, my gaze burning with fury and resentment.

"I will never forgive you!" I screamed, my voice echoing through the room as I stormed out, forcefully slamming the door behind me.

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