Chase Me

By LencySlamet

390K 9.6K 936

Amari Vasilios, the CEO of a rapidly growing Advertising Company in California, experienced a heartbreak from... More

Little note to my readers
"Muse" P U B L I S H E D


7.2K 136 6
By LencySlamet

Life has been treating me well. It's been half a year since Milan's wedding, and since then, I've been immersed in work from the moment I stepped off the plane. Time for myself has become a luxury, and my apartment has fallen into disarray. Fortunately, I've hired a maid to keep it clean every day. It was a much-needed decision.

Aside from work, I occasionally have video calls with Zane. Yes, video calls. Our friendship has flourished and feels reminiscent of the good old days. Though we still have some healing to do, things are going smoothly for now.

We've caught up on many things, especially what happened after high school. Savannah was mentioned briefly, and Zane informed me that they ended things amicably. She's now married to a man who owns multiple fast-food chains in the country. Deep down, forgiveness for Zane's actions still eludes me, but I'm hopeful that with time, I'll be able to let go.

Leaning back in my chair, I let out a sigh as the clock struck 7:30 AM on a Monday morning. My employees began streaming into the office, and I had been here since 4 AM, working on a presentation due at 9 AM. Some days, I yearned to sleep in, but the thought of my expensive lifestyle served as a motivation to get out of bed. As my phone rang, I glanced at the screen to see who was calling.

A small smile graced my face.

"Zane." I said as I picked up my phone and beckoned my PA who just came in with coffee to place it on my desk. She was the sweetest PA I had so far. Always looking out for me and making sure I'm taking well care off.

"Amari." He answered. He sounded very cheerful today and I wondered what the occasion was. "How's my girl doing?"

I may be a full adult now, but I still get butterflies when someone calls me my girl. Especially when that someone's name starts with Zane and ends with Shaw.

"Your girl is doing amazing. She's been up since three am and is only functioning on coffee and fresh morning air."

"Amari Vasilios! What did I say about eating in the morning?,"

"That it's important bla bla bla-,"

"Don't bla bla bla me," I laughed and there was a short silence before he continued, "good thing I'm here to feed you."

I frowned my eyebrows. What did he mean by that?

"Goodness!" I exclaimed as my office door flew open and Zane barged in followed by my assistant. I was a bit taken aback by the sudden unexpected entrance. "What is going on?"

Zane smiled and said, "We just wanted to make sure you were alright and check in on how everything was going...And I brought you food."

"That's very thoughtful of you." My eyes immediately lit up at the sight of the familiar green logo and the enticing aroma of fresh pastries.

"I come bearing treats!" he announced, placing the cup and the bag on my desk.

I couldn't contain my excitement as I peeked inside the bag to find a donut and a bagel, both perfectly tempting. Zane had remembered my favorite Starbucks drink and my weakness for baked goods.

"You remembered!" I exclaimed, genuinely touched by his thoughtfulness.

He chuckled, leaning against my desk. "Of course I did. After all these years, I better know your go-to order and your favorite treats."

I grinned and took a sip of the steaming Starbucks drink, savoring its familiar flavor. Zane and I engaged in lighthearted banter as we indulged in the delicious pastries. It felt like old times, comfortable and effortless.

As we relished our treats, Zane explained that he was in California on a business trip and had seized the opportunity to visit me. It warmed my heart to know that he made the effort to see me amidst his busy schedule.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I asked him about the nature of his work that had brought him to California. Zane shared some insights into his current project, revealing his passion and dedication.

Our conversation drifted to catching up on life since we last saw each other. We laughed and reminisced, feeling a sense of comfort in each other's presence.

Eventually, Zane's gaze turned earnest, his eyes holding a hint of longing. "Sugarplum, are you free tonight?" he asked tentatively.

I sighed and glanced at my busy schedule for the day, filled with meetings and deadlines. It seemed almost impossible to carve out time for anything else.

"I wish I could, Zane, but I have such a packed schedule," I replied, a tinge of disappointment in my voice.

He looked at me with pleading eyes, and my heart softened. I knew how rare it was for him to ask for something, especially with that vulnerable look on his face.

"Okay," I relented, a smile forming on my lips, "I can make some time for you tonight."

His face lit up with a mixture of relief and excitement. We quickly made plans to meet for dinner at a cozy restaurant. I could already feel the anticipation building within me.

"Sugarplum, there's something I need to tell you," he began, his voice filled with excitement. "Angelica and Alex, they're planning to get married."

My eyes widened in surprise. "Married? Already? But they're so young!"

Why was my best friend keeping this from me?

Zane nodded, his expression filled with both amusement and affection. "Yes, they are. Angelica mentioned that being a part of Milan's wedding gave her wedding vibes. She wants to wait until she graduates, but after that, they're ready to take the next step."

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Angelica and Alex's love story progressing. It felt like just yesterday we were all carefree high school students, and now they were planning their future together.

But Zane wasn't finished yet. "There's more," he continued, his tone becoming more animated. "The Billionaire Boys Club is hosting a grand ball, and guess what? You're invited and you better show up!"

My eyebrows shot up in surprise and curiosity. "Really? And when is that? You know I have a busy schedule, Shaw."

Zane's face lit up with excitement as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a sleek, black invitation. He handed it to me, and I carefully unfolded the embossed card to read the details.

"The ball is in two months, Sugarplum," Zane explained eagerly. "I know you have a busy schedule, but trust me, this is an event you don't want to miss. It's a chance to mingle with influential individuals, expand your horizons, and showcase your talents."

I glanced at the invitation, taking in the elegant script that detailed the date, time, and venue of the ball. The grandeur of the event was evident, and I couldn't deny the allure of such an exclusive gathering.

"You know me too well, Zane," I said with a chuckle. "But I'll do my best to make time for this. It's not every day I get invited to a ball hosted by you."

Zane grinned, clearly pleased with my response. "That's the spirit! Besides, it wouldn't be the same without you there. We'll have a great time, I promise."


The night had arrived, and I found myself standing in the spacious confines of my walk-in closet, surrounded by a myriad of clothing options. I scanned the racks filled with elegant dresses, chic jumpsuits, and stylish ensembles, feeling a mix of excitement and indecision. Tonight's dinner with Zane called for an outfit that struck the perfect balance between elegance and cuteness, and I couldn't seem to settle on one.

"Come on, Amari," I muttered to myself, staring intently at the array of clothes before me. "You've got to pick something. Time's ticking."

I browsed through the hangers, carefully examining each piece, searching for the one that would make me feel confident and stunning. My eyes fell upon a black off-the-shoulder dress with a high split. Its sleek silhouette and subtle elegance caught my attention.

"That could work," I whispered, pulling the dress from the rack and holding it up against myself. The fabric felt soft against my fingertips, and I imagined how it would drape on my figure. It was a perfect blend of sophistication and allure, exactly what I was aiming for.

Satisfied with my choice, I moved to the shoe section, where my treasured Christian Louboutins awaited. The red soles glinted under the soft lighting, adding a touch of glamour to the ensemble. I slipped them on, feeling a surge of confidence as I admired the way they elevated the entire look.

With my outfit almost complete, I turned my attention to my hair. Opting for a sleek and sophisticated style, I gathered my locks into a high ponytail, ensuring a polished and chic appearance. A few strands framed my face, softening the overall effect.

As I stood in front of the mirror, admiring the final result, my phone buzzed, signaling an incoming call. It was Zane. I smiled and answered, hearing the anticipation in his voice.

"Hey, sugarplum," Zane greeted. "I'm waiting for you outside in the car. Are you ready?"

A surge of excitement coursed through me as I replied, "Almost there, Shaw. Just putting on the finishing touches. I'll be right out."

With one last glance in the mirror, I took a deep breath, embracing the excitement and butterflies swirling within me. I know I wasn't supposed to feel butterflies for my guy best friend, but oh well.


I opened the door to Zane's car, anticipation bubbling within me, and my eyes immediately fell upon a stunning bouquet of roses adorning the passenger seat. A delighted squeal escaped my lips as I exclaimed, "Oh my goodness, Shaw! These are absolutely beautiful! I love them!"

Zane grinned, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "Beautiful roses for a beautiful girl," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. I couldn't help but blush at his words, feeling my heart swell with joy.

"They're just perfect," I gushed, carefully picking up the bouquet to inhale their sweet fragrance. The vibrant hues and delicate petals made my heart feel so full.

Settling into the car, the scent of roses enveloped me, creating an atmosphere of romance and enchantment. I thanked Zane once again, unable to contain my happiness at the gesture.

As we began our journey to the restaurant, a comfortable conversation flowed between us. Zane explained that he had come straight from a meeting with a Chinese investor, and he couldn't wait to unwind and spend the evening with me. The fact that he had made reservations at ADDISON, a renowned five-star restaurant in the area, only added to my excitement.

A smile played on my lips as I responded, "I love ADDISON! I've been there quite a few times. The food is always so delicious." Memories of exquisite dishes and elegant ambiance flooded my mind, and I eagerly anticipated the culinary delights that awaited us.

Zane nodded, his eyes gleaming with shared anticipation. "I wanted to take you somewhere special," he confessed, his voice laced with sincerity. "And ADDISON seemed like the perfect choice. I hope you'll enjoy the evening as much as I will."

"I'm sure I will," I assured him, a wave of gratitude washing over me for his thoughtfulness and the effort he had put into planning our time together.

As we entered ADDISON, the warm and inviting ambience enveloped us, creating an atmosphere of coziness and elegance. Zane's thoughtful gesture of opening the door for me heightened my excitement for the night ahead. With grace, he pulled out a chair for me, and I settled into it, feeling a sense of anticipation.

To kick start the beginning of our evening, Zane ordered a bottle of Champagne, and as the golden liquid flowed into our glasses, the effervescent bubbles seemed to mirror the effervescence of our shared connection. With each sip, the taste of celebration lingered on our tongues.

As we savored the exquisite atmosphere of the restaurant, I couldn't help but bring up one of the most audacious and foolish adventures of our childhood. With a mischievous glint in my eye, I reminded Zane of that fateful night when we managed to smuggle a bottle of Champagne into his room, only to be caught by his vigilant maid.

A hearty laugh escaped Zane's lips as the memory resurfaced in his mind. "Oh, how could I forget?" he chuckled, shaking his head. "We were so terrified when she caught us red-handed, our faces turning pale as snow. And in a moment of sheer panic, we thought it was a brilliant idea to toss the bottle out the window."

I couldn't help but join in his laughter, the image of our younger selves consumed by fear and impulsivity still vivid in my mind. "And who would have guessed that poor guard would be at the receiving end of our ill-fated escape plan," I remarked, a mix of remorse and amusement in my voice. "We certainly left a lasting impression on him."

"Trust me," Zane laughed, "we did, he still has that scar and he still reminds me of it everyday."

Our conversation paused as the waiter gracefully placed our plates before us, each dish a work of culinary art. The aromas wafted through the air, tantalizing our senses and making our mouths water in anticipation. I took a bite of the perfectly cooked meal and savored the explosion of flavors dancing on my palate. Unable to contain my delight, I looked at Zane with shining eyes and exclaimed, "This is incredible! The taste is out of this world! They truly never disappoint!"

Zane's face broke into a wide grin as he took his own bite, nodding in agreement. "You're absolutely right," he replied, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "They really know how to deliver an exceptional dining experience here."


As the night drew to a close, our laughter and conversation filled the air of the restaurant, accompanied by the clinking of glasses and the satisfied hum of contentment. With our dinner finished and dessert savored, we left ADDISON and made our way back to the car.

As I settled into the passenger seat, a warmth spread through me, both from the lingering effects of the cocktails and the pleasant company of Zane. In my slightly tipsy state, a surge of boldness overcame me, and I leaned over towards him, the desire to express my feelings in that moment overpowering any sense of rationality.

"Sugarplum, what—" Zane's voice trailed off, his eyes widening in surprise as my intentions became clear. In an instant, the alcohol-induced haze lifted, and reality crashed down upon me. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and I recoiled back into my seat, feeling a mix of regret and utter foolishness.

"Oh my goodness," I muttered, my voice filled with mortification. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. Please just forget I did that."

I grabbed the flowers and stepped out of the car. "Goodnight, Shaw! Thank you for dinner."

"Amari, please listen," Zane pleaded, his words falling on deaf ears as embarrassment overwhelmed me. I couldn't bear to hear the rest of what he had to say. With a heavy heart, I closed the car door and rushed towards my front door, the weight of my emotions propelling me forward.

As soon as I closed the door behind me, I leaned back against it, my body sinking to the ground. A torrent of thoughts flooded my mind, racing and intertwining, refusing to let me find peace. In that moment of despair, I instinctively reached for my phone and dialed the number of the only person who could truly understand my turmoil.

"Amari? Why are you calling at this hour?" Angelica's voice, laden with sleep, greeted me on the other end of the line. "Are you okay?"

"No," I choked out, tears welling in my eyes. "I'm not."

"Where are you?" She asked worriedly.


"Stay where you are. I'll be there in a few."

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