The level 5's gets isekai'd

بواسطة unkownperson12345

5.8K 177 469

Around the world there are 5 people that get killed all by at the same time because of one's blunder and now... المزيد

Let's stop this bitch before she ruins everything!!
Let's prepare our shield hero for the future!!
Dealing with the scum is harder than dealing with the waves!!
Wait so we are leaving now...
So, we're in a new fucking world now?
Becoming Adventurers!!
Tribute, R.I.P Maon Kurosaki
Ending this World's Overlord
Nabe: Finished
Nazarick's demise

Fixing the problem's, the scum will make in the future

263 7 120
بواسطة unkownperson12345

|Author's note|

Author: = Speaking

() =Thinking

** = Action

|Author's note end|

The light shined through as it hit's Sasaki's eyes, as he opens them to see a beautiful scene, Asami with one leg over his leg, Mugino with her arm on his chest while Qliphah was laying on his belly and Raphtalia was lying next to him as Suzutani was resting her head on his shoulder.

Sasaki: (I know what I said last night but...) This is very tempting...

The door then bursts open as we see the other boys come through.

Kinzaki: Sasaki look at what we found...

Kinzaki then turns and sees Sasaki and the others.

Naofumi: We waited the whole night for it but we finally...

Naofumi then sees the same scene with Kinzaki.

Izumaki: Oh, did you watch over Asami?

Izumaki seemingly unphased by what he sees just asks him that question, as Sasaki just gets up.

Sasaki: Yeah, yeah you guys took a while, so they decided to come sleep with me

Izumaki: Well, thanks for protecting them while we were gone

Izumaki then pats Sasaki's shoulder.

Kinzaki: ...

Naofumi: ...

Sasaki: What, worried?

Kinzaki shakes his head as he tries forgetting what he saw.

Kinzaki: Anyway, look at what we have!!

They then show an egg.

Sasaki: So, you finally got it, filo...

Suzutani then sits up as she heard this.

Suzutani: You finally got Filo!!

Sasaki then pats her head.

Sasaki: Yep, they got her already

Suzutani then walks over to them and takes the egg.

Suzutani: So when do you think it will hatch?

Sasaki: If given some time it should be able to hatch by this afternoon

Suzutani nods as she gives it back, as she does this the other girls start to wake up.

Mugino: *Yawn* What the fuck are you guys talking about?

Asami: Oni-Chan *yawn* are you finally back?

Izumaki then picks up Asami and spin around.

Izumaki: HAHAHAHA I am finally back Asami!!

Asami: E-Eh Oni-Chan why so lively in the morning?

Izumaki then puts her down and hugs her.

Izumaki: I just missed you so much Asami

Asami then hugs him back.

Asami: I missed you to Baka

We go to Kinzaki and the others as they stare at this.

Kinzaki: They are so happy together, right?

Mugino: No shit

Mugino then says under her breath.

Mugino: We can do that too you know baka~

Kinzaki then leans down.

Kinzaki: Said something?

Mugino just pushes him away.

Mugino: I didn't say shit!!

Sasaki: Can you 2 flirt someone else, it's too early in the fucking morning

Mugino: Fuck you bitch!!

Qliphah then starts floating to Sasaki.

Qliphah: Are you jealous of them Master? *Yawn*

Qliphah then wraps her arms around Sasaki.

Sasaki: Why would I be jealous by a bunch of kids having some fun?

Raphtalia then gets up and hugs him too.

Sasaki: What are you doing Raphtalia?

Raphtalia: I am just lonely being left out like that

We now face Naofumi who is covered in darkness.

Naofumi: Am I being left out...

Suzutani then goes to Sasaki.

Sasaki: What you too?

Suzutani shakes her head as she opens her mouth to speak.

Suzutani: No, we should get going before the bitch goes to the village before us

Sasaki then pushes everyone off.

Sasaki: That's right we have to go now!!

They all then tidy themselves as they get out of the inn.

Sasaki: Hey, Kinzaki

Kinzaki then turns to him.

Kinzaki: What is it?

Sasaki: Since we will be dealing with the village, how about you guys deal with the other incidents you know?

Kinzaki: Are you talking about the dragon and the plants?

Sasaki: That exact one

Kinzaki: Then what will be the teams that are going to deal with them?

Sasaki then pulls everyone together.

Sasaki: Ok, so basically Mugino and Kinzaki will take care of the dragon

They both nod.

Sasaki: Izumaki and Asami will take care of the plants

Izumaki then shoots his arm into the air and Asami just nods.

Sasaki: Naofumi and Raphtalia will feed the people and give them a good leader

Naofumi nods but Raphtalia tugs on Sasaki's shirt.

Sasaki: What is it Raphtalia

Raphtalia: I want to be with you actually

Sasaki: No, not right now Raphtalia

Raphtalia: but-

Sasaki: Naofumi needs you

Sasaki then gives a small smile, Raphtalia then nods and goes with Naofumi.

Sasaki: Ok, here is a map marked on where you guys will need to be going

They all nod and go their separate ways. Sasaki and Suzutani reach the village, but they see that the bitch and Motoyasu are already there.

Motoyasu: And that is why-

Motoyasu was then cut off by a rock flying in front of him and hitting the mountain in the back making a whole in it.

Bitch: Who dares-

A coin then goes flying making a smaller whole in the mountain cutting her off.

Sasaki: Sorry but this village doesn't belong to you

Bitch: This is an order by the-

Sasaki: The king? What will he do if he sees your dead corpse on the wall of the kingdom?

Suzutani: Kill us? not like he can even touch us

Motoyasu then points his spear at them.

Motoyasu: If you so want this village then you have to challenge me for it!!

Sasaki then smirks at this.

Sasaki: sure but-

He gets cut off by Motoyasu.

Motoyasu: This won't be a duel but a race

Sasaki then makes a bored expression.

Sasaki: Boring but fine

They then prepare for the race. Motoyasu rides a dragon while Sasaki just stands there.

Bitch: Do you intend to race his Motoyasu with just your puny legs?

Sasaki just nods still adorning the boring expression. They then get on the track where they will be racing.

Motoyasu: This is a dragon; do you really think you can beat me with just your human legs?

Sasaki: Just get on to the race, I am getting very bored here

Motoyasu nods as he faces forward.

Bitch: Ready set go!!

Motoyasu then speeds off and Sasaki just walks calmly with his hands in his pockets, he then zooms in front of Motoyasu with one step. A magician that was hidden tries firing a spell that would create a hole, but the magic never comes out and a laughter can be heard from the sky.

Qliphah: Nehehehe~

Sasaki then finishes the first lap and sits down waiting for Motoyasu.

Villager: What are you-

He gets cut off by Sasaki raising a finger up

Sasaki: Shush I am doing this for you

Motoyasu then arrives and the second lap begins. Motoyasu is then given a head start and Sasaki then dashes off, but this time multiple Magicians then try making the floor slippery, but with Sasaki's Vector manipulation he could change friction to anyway he wants.

Sasaki then reaches Motoyasu and decides to talk with him.

Sasaki: I thought this was a dragon?

Motoyasu: Your cheating!!

Sasaki: How? actually you should be the one cheating since I a human is using my legs to run and not some dinosaur to do it for me

Motoyasu grits his teeth as Sasaki reaches the line first, and the 3rd lap now begins. There are now even more Magicians, but all of their magic were cancelled out by Qliphah.

Sasaki was about to reach the finish line when the bitch fired a shot at Qliphah, smoke then envelops Qliphah and the bitch then starts smiling only for it to go away when a laughing can be heard.

Qliphah: Nehehehe~ Shouldn't have done that

Qliphah then gracefully flies out of the smoke as she starts flapping her wings. Sasaki then reaches the finish line first, the villagers then erupted into cheers.

Villagers: YEAHHHHH


Elrasla: I knew you got it in you kid!!

Motoyasu and the bitch grit their teeth at this, and Sasaki then turns to them.

Sasaki: Leave this is my dominion now!!

They then leave but not before spitting on the ground.

Qliphah: Nehehe~ Great work master

Suzutani: I must say you did a fantastic job

We now look on to Kinzaki and Mugino.

Mugino: How long until we get there!!

Kinzaki: Just a little bit up this mountain and we get there

Mugino: Ugh my leges are killing meeee

Kinzaki then picks up Mugino as they fly up.

Mugino: Thanks

Kinzaki: No problem

They then arrive and see a dead dragon.

Kinzaki: Tch we are too late

Mugino: Whatever let's just dispose of it before it spreads the curse around

The dragon's eyes then burn a bright red as it stands up.

Kinzaki: Can we really beat that?

Mugino walks past Kinzaki as she smiles a smile that resembles Sasaki's

Mugino: Come on you giant lizard, come at me!!

The undead dragon the raises it's arm as it slams it down only to notice that its arm had suddenly been ripped off by a green orb.

Mugino: What can't even hit a girl?

Mugino then fires six more shots of her proton orbs.


The dragon now having holes in its body, starts shooting out black miasma like breath from its mouth. Mugino not having enough time to block just braces herself, only to feel nothing and looks up to see 6 familiar wings.

Kinzaki: Hey now, calm down we should do this as a team remember?

Mugino just nods and looks down.

Kinzaki: Now then, how do we do this?

Kinzaki then remembers something and moves his wings to touch the dragon, then the parts that Kinzaki touched turned into sand.

Mugino: Woah what did you do!!?

Kinzaki: I remember the properties of my dark matter don't exist and so should react differently when being touched

Kinzaki then places all his wings together and smashes it down as it turns half the body of the dragon into sand. The dragon roars in pain as it falls on the ground.

Mugino: *Sigh* This wasn't much of a challenge

Mugin then fires off 6 white beams into its head killing it, Kinzaki then wipes the rest of its body off the face of the earth.

Kinzaki: *Sigh* this was less eventful than I thought

Mugino: Oh well, let's go home now

Mugino then jumps on Kinzaki as they both fly off. We now move unto Izumaki and Asami who are now inside the cave.

Asami: Oni-Chan this is kinda-


Izumaki then punches the wall and walks into the hidden room.

Asami: (-_-)

They walk in and see some flying one-eyed bats.

Asami: We should be careful of-


A laser beams then erases all of the beats and lights up the cave.

Asami: Ohhh Oni-Chan listen to me for once!!

A chimera then comes out of no where and tries slashing Asami only for it to be stopped.

Asami: Do not disturb me and Oni-Chan!!

Asami held up a remote and pressed a button.

The chimera then walks over to the corner.

Izumaki: What is it Asami I want to fight the Chimera!!

Asami: I want you to be more careful; Oni-Chan!!

Izumaki: I am being careful

Asami: No you're not you just push ahead and don't listen to me

Izumaki: What do you-

He was cut off by Asami hugging him.

Asami: I don't want to see you hurt Oni-Chan

Izumaki then pats her head.

Izumaki: Don't worry I will never get hurt why? because as long as you are alive, I will be there to protect you

Asami then presses a button, then the Chimera starts charging them only for Izumaki to push it into a sumo pose.

Izumaki: AHAHAHAHAHAHA you seem to have some GUTS on you HAHAHAHAAH

Asami: *sigh* what am I going to do with an Oni-Chan like you

Asami smiles. We now cut to Raphtalia and Naofumi.

Naofumi: So Raphtalia how are we going to do this?

Raphtalia: I don't know but we should be able to feed them then we should get a new leader for them

Naofumi nod as they arrive.

Villager: Are you a hero?

Naofumi: Yeah, I am a hero!!

The light then shines as we time skip to a bit where Naofumi is giving out bowls.

Naofumi: Remember everyone share!!

Raphtalia: Here, come back when you finish it

Raphtalia then hands out a bowl.

Naofumi: That should be the last of them

Raphtalia: *huff* Yeah

Naofumi: So, how do we deal with the leader part?

Raphtalia: Naofumi I think you should be the leader

Naofumi: What makes you think that?

Raphtalia: You know how to properly manage a place and you seem kind to everyone

Naofumi: Wow to hear you say that is..

We now cut back to Sasaki and Suzutani.

Sasaki: *Sigh* I am bored

Suzutani: Me too

The egg then starts shaking.

Suzutani: It's hatching!!

Egg then breaks open and a small bird comes out.

Filo: Chirp!!

Sasaki: I need to protect this...

We now time skip to everyone coming back to the inn.

Izumaki: AHAHAHHA that chimera showed a lot of guts!!

Mugino: And then we blew it's shit up like it was nothing!!

Naofumi: Yeah, so I became the new mayor...

They then walk into the room to see Sasaki and Suzutani hugging eachother.

Asami: What are you guys doing...

Kinzaki: So that's how much your relationship developed...

Raphtalia: That is quite bold of you Saki...

Sasaki just turns around to show them a full-grown Filo.

Mugino: Oh it's that little shit

Filo: Hey I am not little!!

Izumaki then walks up to Sasaki.

Izumaki: Here, you thought I would forget?

Izumaki then hands Sasaki a thread of magic cloth.

Sasaki: With your personality, I did

Izumaki just slumps down.

Asami: Don't worry Oni-Chan I believe in you

Izumaki then gets up and starts laughing.

Izumaki: AHAHAHAH I only need Asami's approval!!

Sasaki: Shut up dip shit

They then walk to the witch's hut, and walk in.

Witch: Oh and to what do I owe the pleasure of the hero coming into my little shop

Sasaki: I need you to make clothes that can expand to any size

Witch: For that I would need-

Sasaki then places down the magic thread.

Witch: This will do

The witch then weaves them a dress that Filo wears.

Filo: Yey I like this one!!

Sasaki: Looks good

They all then walk out of the Hut and jump into the air.


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