Ultimatrix Male User x My Her...

By DeadFizh08

38.4K 650 300

Hi! My name is Jon or Jonathan Kirby Tennyson the Older Brother of the famous Benjamin Kirby Tennyson or Ben... More

Episode 1: Planet Terra
Episode 2: Explanation
Episode 4: Ultimatrix Part 2
Episode 5: Headed to U.A High
Episode 6: Jon vs Ectoplasm
Episode 7: Visiting Undertown
Episode 8: Meet the Airhead and Class 1-A
Episode 9: USJ Incident part 1
Episode 10: USJ Incident part 2
Aliens Part 1
Aliens Part 2
Harem Members

Episode 3: Ultimatrix Part 1

2.6K 49 35
By DeadFizh08

3rd P.O.V

"Once again promise me that you'll have to keep these a secret unless you convince me and have permission from Nezu, then you call tell others, am I clear?"

Everyone nods in agreement as they embrace what Jon was going to tell his secret about the Ultimatrix the most powerful tool in the whole 5 galaxies.

"This one here." He said while removing his left sleeve and showing them his Ultimatrix. "Is one of the most powerful tools in the whole universe, the Ultimatrix, and its power is that it can alter my DNA and turn me into one of my 30 Aliens and still counting."

"WHAT?!"Everyone yelled except for Nezu and Jon as they know this will be happen.

"What do you mean that this watch." Aizawa pointed towards Jon's Ultimatrix on his left wrist. "Is one of the most powerful tools in the whole universe a Quirk that can alter your DNA and change it into any different Alien species with different powers in the whole galaxy?"

"You're right about the one, but Azmuth creates the Ultimatrix for peace as to communicate with other Alien species and their culture."

"I-Impossible that this U-Ultimatrix watch can turn you into many Aliens?!" Vlad King was in denial as he didn't believe that Jon's watch can do that.

"So you want proof, huh? Then I'll show you." Jon said as he activate the Ultimatrix and select one Alien. "IT'S HERO TIME!!!"

He softly pushed the face plate of the Ultimatrix and suddenly a green light appeared surrounding Jon's body as everyone is trying to cover their eyes from the brightness of the green light

"W-What's happening?!"

"You're about to see how powerful the Omnitrix or you just called it the Ultimatrix that Jon called it."

Suddenly when the green lights disappeared or faded away, everyone sees Jon turn into one of his 30 Aliens called Ditto.

"Ditto! So..." He said as he looked at everyone's expression. "What do you guys think?"

Everyone was shocked to see that Jon transform into Ditto an Alien meaning that the watch called the Ultimatrix is real and that he can turn into any kind of Alien within this universe.


"It can turn itself into any kind of Alien that he wants." All Might be shocked and in awe. "Amazing."

Suddenly Ragdoll quickly came over and hug Ditto between her breast area making him unable to breathe and also making all the women jealous that Ditto was being hugged by her.

"H-Hey!" Ditto trying to breathe. "W-What are you hugging me and also l-let go of me!"

"Why you're so small, cute, and adorable!" Ragdoll is excited as she continues hugging Ditto. "Also I want to hug you forever!"

Suddenly Ditto began to split into two clones as one of them will take his place while the other two were on the ground. Everyone was surprised to see two Dittos

"Good luck with that me." Ditto 1 said as he salute Ditto 2 who was being hugged by Ragdoll.

"H-Hey!" Ditto 2 who is struggling to breathe. "That's unfair! Y-You take this place and I'll stand right there with the other me!"

No way! It's suffocating there!" He crosses his arm as he looks towards Ditto 3. "Right me?"

"Right me!"

"Boo-Yah!" They yelled as they high-five each other

"You cheaters!"

Everyone just sweatdrops as they saw their interaction unable to comprehend what just happen.

"How are two more of you there?"

"Maybe that's this Alien Quirk or ability?" Mandalay said towards the two Ditto who are on the ground. "Am I right?"

"You got it right, beautiful madam!"

Ditto 1 complimented Mandalay as she was blushing meanwhile Midnight and Pixie-Bob were jealous, but Ragdoll kept hugging Ditto 2.

"Hey!" Ditto 3 interrupts him. "I was gonna say that to her!"

"Then tell her about our abilities so that you can show off mister!"

 "Right!" Then he looks at Mandalay. "Me and my little brother name this Alien Ditto cause we can split ourselves into many duplicates as many as we like, but the downside is that when one of us takes damage every Ditto will also take damage as well like a link of some kind."

"Why thank you, little guy."

"Don't call us little!"

" Yeah!" Ditto 3 joins with Ditto 1. "Since my human form is much taller than you, thanks for the compliment, beautiful madam."

Aizawa: "What do you mean little brother? Does that mean that there is one more watch user who is your little brother beside you?"

Ditto 1: "Yup! He's my little brother age 18 and the first user of the Omnitrix while I wear the Ultimatrix instead. Since Azmuth gave it to me 3 years ago while Ben had the Omnitrix since he was ten years old."

Everyone once again in shocked that my little bro got the same watch as me since he was ten years old.

Vlad King: "That kind of power from a ten-year kid who can change into a different kind of alien must be a nightmare for causing trouble and havoc."

Aizawa: "Looks like your little brother is a problem child."

Ditto 3: "Don't worry the Omnitrix when he was ten years old is just a prototype and only contained 10 aliens first, but it began scanning aliens turning into them in the process. Until when he was a teenager at the age of 16, Azmuth gave Ben the complete version of the Omnitrix when we save the universe 3 times."

Present Mic: "Wow! You and your little brother save the universe three times already?! That means you're a Hero?!"

Ditto 3: "It's not just us, you know? There's our cousin named Gwen who uses magic and our best friend Kevin whose power has absorbed materials into armor and can reshape it into a weapon with that we were a team of four until we go to our separate ways of life."

All Might: "What do you mean by that?"

Ditto 1: "Gwen went to college and Kevin went with her since she is his girlfriend while I and Ben continue our work until our Grampa gave Ben a new alien partner name Rook and with that the next year we had fun beating bad Aliens, save a planet, protecting Earth from alien invasion and dealing with many villains along the way, but for the next two years I left since it's time for Ben to become responsible for his own action and I also want to go solo adventure and helping others along the way."

Ditto 3: "Aaah...The memories."

Ragdoll: "At least he got matured when he was older, right?"

Ditto 1: "Sometimes. For example, when he was still 16 years old, he manage to create a fire in the bathtub in our house and we didn't know how he do that."

Aizawa: "He's a problem child 2.0 version of my student. *Look at Ditto 1* What is the difference between the Omnitrix and the Ultimatrix from you and your little brother?"

All Might: "And you were saying that you also got villains as well care to explain that?"

Before I could answer them, Nezu interrupt to answer their questions.

Nezu: Before Jon could answer your question we should head to the Wild, Wild Pussycat base first since it's  almost nighttime."

Ditto 1: "*Look at the sky and see that it will become dark* Looks like those questioning and standing here wasted our time going inside, huh?"

Mandalay: "Follow us. We will guide you to our home base."

Jon: "Awesome! But first *Press the Omni symbol making all the Dittos combined and turning back to Jon's human form* That much better."

With that, we were headed to their home base and while we were talking Ragdoll spoke to me.

Ragdoll: "Aww~ I want to keep hugging you!"

Jon: "I can't just keep being alien, you know? Since the Ultimatrix had a time limit of 1 hour and after that, it will have to recharge for one minute and thirty seconds, I can cancel it so that it can charge faster and change into different kinds of an alien during an emergency."

Aizawa: "I see...So it has a small amount of downside of your watch, but I figured you all covered that area as well?"

Jon: "Of course I did. I didn't want to rely on the Ultimatrix all time and with that, I train my body ways so that I can easily dodge the incoming alien attack and am good with close-close combat and range weapons using the Proto-Tool, of course."

Then I showed them a weapon called the Proto-Tool that Rook had and I ask when I was still with them teaching me how to use it.

Vlad King: "That's an impressive and looking gun you have there, Young man."

Jon: "Just call me Jon it also transform into a sword and had a grappling hook as well."

Midnight: "Looks like Power Loader would like to make one of those."

Mini Timeskip

3rd P.O.V

After walking a few minutes they arrive at their home base and then Jon sees a kid with a red hat with yellow horns on it his name is Kota.

Jon: "Hey, little guy. *waving at him and crouching down* My name is Jon or Jonathan Kirby Tennyson. I hope we get alo-."

But before he could finish his sentence Kota punched between his jewels and Jon start screaming lowly and he slowly fell down. Meanwhile, all the men were "Oooh" and feeling Jon's pain.

Jon: "Nezu...Please explain to them what will happen next, please!"

Mandalay: "Jon! *Look at Kota* Kota why are you punching our guest?"

But before everyone could go to Jon to see that he was okay a green light appeared bright covering their eyes and then the green light started to fade away to see that Jon transform into one of his aliens named Rath.

Rath: "RATH!!!"

Everyone sees a large orange tiger who had one similar trait that this alien.


Everyone except for Rath: "It doesn't make any sense at all?!"

Then he starts to trash the trees from the forest by punching them and kicking them.

All Might: "Nezu, what kind of alien he is, and why he is always angry like a certain student of ours?"

Nezu: "This alien is called an Appoplexian or Rath what Jon called it. Appoplexian is powerful, Argumentative, and extremely aggressive, they deal with the problem by hitting it and hearing the example of it."

He should them the video about Rath's angry moments.


Everyone except for Rath: "That doesn't solve any problem at all!"

Aizawa: "*Sigh* This alien is even worse than Bakugo in angry management."

Nezu: "It also said that they were also not very bright."

Rath: "I HEARD THAT!!!"

Mandalay: "Then how do we stop him from destroying all the trees in the forest?"

Nezu: "That's easy. *Look at Kota* You have to apologize to him, Young Kota."

Kota: "Wha-I doesn't want to! He hurt my feelings..."

Mandalay: "Kota..."

Kota: "Fine...*Walk towards Rath* Uhm...Am very sorry for hitting your family jewel, Mr. Beast. I hope that you'll forgive me."

After he said to Rath stop destroying the trees and he walked towards Kota seriously while the rest nervously got worried that Rath would do something bad to him.


Everyone except for Rath: "IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!!"

Rath: "I KNOW!!!"

Suddenly Kota laughs at what Rath on speaking in the third person making Mandalay, Ragdoll, Pixie-Bob, and Tiger shocked to see that Kota was laughing.

Kota: "You're very funny, Mister Beast." 

Rath smiled and press the Omni symbol on his waist and turn back to Jon surprising Kota that Mr. Beast turn into a human.

Jon: "You're welcome and I accept you're apology, Kid."

Kota: "Just call me, Kota and I hope you can tell me about your transformation into that beast, Sir?"

Jon: "Jon, call me Jon and it's not a beast...It's an alien."

Kota was shocked that the orange tiger is an alien that looked back to Mandalay and the rest nodded meaning that is the truth, then he looked back to Jon who smiled at him.

Kota: "WHAT?!"

End Chapter

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