Princess in Love - English Ve...

By LenaSantos171892

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In 2005, the British royal family welcomed a new member, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who is... More

The cast of Princess in Love
Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 2 - A Royal Birth (a new princess!!)
Chapter 3 - Line of Succession to the British Throne (2004)
Chapter 4 - Baptize of the Princess
Chapter 5 - America's Tour (Part 1)
Chapter 6 - America's Tour (cont.)
Chapter 7 - Nursery + Kindergarten + Pre + Primary School and Vacation
Chapter 8 - Line of Succession to the British Throne (2012)
Chapter 9 - Tour of Europe
Chap. 10 - Tour of Europe (Final Part)
Chapter 11 - Kings College + Meghan Markle (2017)
Chapter 12 - Wedding of Eugenie & Jack (2018)
Chapter 13 - Kings College + Wedding of Harry & Meghan (2018)
Chapter 14 - Line of Succession to the British Throne (2019)
Chapter 16 - Final Year King's College + Oprah Univ.Liv + Covid+Oprah (2021)
Chapter 17 - IMPORTANT: Questions!!!!
Chapter 18 - New Story!!!
Chapter 19 - 1st Year of University + Still Fucking Covid (rest of 2021)
Chapter 20 - Lilibet of Sussex
Chapter 21 - 1st and 2nd (end and beginning) University Year (2022)
Chapter 23 - Commnwealth,Universaty + Harry & Meghan (rest of 2022)
Chapter 24: Meghan and Harry (Documentary) and interviews
Chapter 25 - University + Harry & Meghan (Jan to August 2023)
Chapter 26 - The Windsor Agreement
Chapter 27 - Trial of the Century (Doria + Meghan vs Liverpool)
Chapter 28 - Three Royal Funeral's
Chapter 29 - New Book
Chapter 30 - Royal Honors and Medals of Honor
Chapter 31 - University of St. Andrew (Scotland)
Chapter 32 - The Death of Edinburgh

Chapter 15 - Kings Collegue+MEGXIT (End 2019+2020)

703 12 0
By LenaSantos171892

Before you read this chapter: if you want to write a suggestion, feel free to write and like the chapters thank you and good reading!!!


On the penultimate day, the royal family with Doria and Kate's family went to the church to hear the priest.

Bishop: "In the name of the father of the son and the holy spirit, we are gathered here less than 11 hours before the start of the new year 2020. The year that is ending has seen the birth of a new member of the royal family Archie. year we lost one of the best car drivers, Niki Lauda, ​​the tragedy of Brumadinho in Brazil in which 300 people died, the terrorist attack on two mosques in New Zealand, the horrific fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, crises in South America , but also the Liverpool team for the 6th time won the Premier League and the English Premier League, the birth of Archie among so many events."

Anne: John said: "Greater love has no one than he who lays down his life for his friends", which in short is we have to love one another whether family or not strangers, let's help each other in what Christ taught us:

Bishop + Royal Family: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen"

Mike Tindall: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not mistreat, it does not seek its own, it is not easily angered, it does not hold a grudge. Love does not rejoice in injustice , but rejoices in the truth. All suffers, all believes, all hopes, all bears." - Corinthians 13:4-7

Helena: Dear Beloved, never seek revenge, but leave the wrath to God, for it is written: "Vengeance is mine; I will repay greatly", says the Lord. On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink. In doing so, you will heap burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil." with good. Romans 12:19-21"

Bishop: God bless the land Queen Elizabeth her family the Commonwealth and the rest of the world to establish peace and harmony here on earth. This is the last time we will see on the last day so let us pray for the graces and sins we have done. (...) so in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit amen and happy new year!!

During the afternoon, Philip Charles William Helena Harry with Queen Elizabeth II Camila Kate Meghan Michael his grandfather and the queen with hiking clothes and even hunting (Philipe and Helena) with security guards accompanied them on their walk, until they stopped on the way , security said that at 100 meters were deer.

Filipe: Shotguns please!!

Queen: Philip, it's New Year!!!

Filipe: My great-granddaughter and I started last year and as long as I live we will do this, in fact when I die they will continue.

Queen: Give them the shotguns. One more thing whoever kills the poor bigger deer with big body will get a reward. Not today.

Filipe+Helena: Bet.

With the shotguns, they measured the deer until they reached their targets and counted down, fired and handed the shotguns to the security guards.

(Philip Deer)

(Helena Deer)

At Sandrigham Palace, those who went on the hike and hunted went to their respective rooms to shower and dress for dinner and New Year's.


At this dinner everyone talked and had dinner until the countdown to the New Year began "5,4,3,2,1, - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" everyone greeted everyone then went to see the queen's message.


In January until February, during the month of January until the 3rd of February, Princess Helena returned to school, where during classes she watched documentaries about the "Stuart Dynasty", "Mary Queen of Scotts", "American Declaration of Independence " "Leaders of the American Revolution" "War between parliamentarians and royalists", in which when they finished watching the documentaries want all students to write what they saw and wrote their opinions about the documentaries more if they were them at the times they saw the documentaries.

The princess wrote that in the Stuart dynasty both parties are guilty "a king cannot interrupt the session of the House of Commons, in the English Parliament, King Charles I broke a promise since Henry II on the separation of powers, in which parliamentarians and supporters of the king went to war... Charles I was executed, England became a republic under Oliver Cromwell...", (...) in total she wrote about 40 pages on the pc that in the end had her opinion and handed over to the teachers.

Helena's birthday (5/2)

In the official residence of the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, Helena woke up to have someone in her bed, she woke up opened her eyes and saw two people in the dark. She opened the blinds where the sun came into the room and when she turned around and saw who was.

Kate+William+George+Charlotte+Charles+Camila: Congratulations to you, on this date dear, best wishes, many years of life. Today is a party day, our souls sing, for Helena.

A round of applause!

Have all the best, from what life contains, have good health and friends too.

A birthday cake appears from behind, George Charlotte and Kate with Luís on her lap in bed, two servants brought plates and spoons, with the cake in front of her, Helena blew out the two candles that everyone applauded. Helena cut a piece of cake for each person in the room.

Daily Mirror: Congratulations Princess!!!

TheSun: Helena the birthday girl - come meet and see the historic steps of the princess's life"

Times: Kings and Queens and Heirs to the European Crowns will be at the Princess's birthday party - Find out who they are!!

DailyMirror: The Next Queen - Come meet the princess. "Extraordinary friendly colleague..." "One of the best students who attended the College!!".

After leaving the room, already dressed, she went to the family in the living room, where she was given gifts. In the afternoon, she received messages from colleagues and also spoke with Isabella.

Isa: Congratulations Helen!!!

Helen: Thank you Isa.

Isa: Look, my parents are already in London they're going to the birthday party at Buckigham Palace.

Helen: Seriously!!! And don't you come, Isa?

Isa: No, I have it next week, but don't worry, my parents have my present it's cute!!

Helena: I hope so beautiful!! Look, I'm going to take a shower and at 7 pm I'll have to go to Buckingham.

Isa: Happy holidays and kisses honey!!!

Helena: Thank you and Kisses to you beautiful dear Isabelle!

After talking to Isabelle, the princess went to shower and put on her dress (...) in the living room at Buckingham Palace, she greeted the invited groomsmen and thanked them for coming. Want Helena and the guests went to another room to take the picture.

(Oficial photograph of Helena with her family with reignant's monarch's crown princess of europe, incluiding the crown princes of Denmark Sweeden Norway Greece, the monarch Alberth and his wife, the kings of Portugal Spaind Belgium Holland, the duke of Oasta (italy), the grand duke of prussia (russia - Romanov) the heir to the prussia throne George Friederch, the arquiduke of Austria Hungary and many others... )

After the photo was taken, everyone went to the state room. Already in the sitting room, already seated, the queen spoke.

Queen: Good evening, their Royal Highnesses, family guests. We are gathered here to celebrate the 15th birthday of my great-granddaughter Princess Helena. I remember the first day I met her, she had just arrived from the hospital with her parents William and Kate, she was wide-eyed, blue eyes, she didn't cry, I was moved because she had the eyes of her grandmother Diana and my father. As she grew older, I watched her grow, we watched her grow from a baby to this beautiful, charismatic and studious young woman. I pray that she finds the love of her life, that she has support from her family and that she supports and helps those closest to her. So a toast to Princess Helena!!!

The guests and everyone present rose and toasted the princess. Then it was William who gave a speech that he was proud of his daughter and after finishing the speech they toasted again, then it was Helena giving the speech.

William: Good evening to all guests, family members thank you so much Grandma for organising this birthday party for your great-great granddaughter for my daughter Helena.My dearest Helena, from the moment your mother told me she was pregnant with you I said "I am going to be a father!!! We are going to be parents!!!", I cried as any father would do, after nine months and of course also visits to consultations, you came into the world. I of course I was by your mother's side whether she screamed I screamed at her I was the first one you were on my lap I gave you a kiss on your little forehead and said "Welcome daughter." And then I communicated first to my grandparents my dad and Camilla, my brother and your mum's parents and then the rest of the family I can only say that everyone was euphoric I also remember hearing fireworks. I can say that the first months were not easy, because every night at 2 in the morning you were crying and your mother and I would pick you up from the cot where you were and you would sleep between us in bed and of course you would fall asleep. Basically from the moment that I and your mother and all the family, both paternal and maternal, godmothers and godfathers, teachers, friends and friends that you have made up to now, all the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth have seen you grow up over these years.
For your brothers and sister, you always want the best for them and even though you are the eldest, when they need you you help with schoolwork, and of course for your cousins you are basically a big sister and mentor guide for them.
So daughter my dear Helena, many happy birthday and lots of health!

Helena: Thank you great-grandmother Your Majesty and father for making me feel so young. I would like to thank the Kings of Spain Belgium and Holland, Prince Albert and Charlene of Monaco, the Crown Princes of Denmark Sweden Norway the heirs to the thrones of Italy Romania Portugal France including Anjou Bonaparte and Bourbon, Germany Russia of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, from Bulgaria Serbia and among so many that I can't remember I apologize, but welcome descendants of Queen Victoria of Prince Albert. We are gathered here to celebrate my fifteenth birthday, in which I can say that it was a discovery for me and my family, it was for primary and secondary kindergarten in which during that time I gained two more brothers George and Charlotte, my first loves of my life I learned to ride a horse with the queen with my aunt Ana and my godmother Zara, in the last two years I lost in which I twisted my left foot in the afternoon and with a security close by little by little we arrived at the palace, I also started hunting with my great-grandmother, in the last year I gained another brother Luís, the beautiful wedding of my godfather Harry and Meghan plus the wedding of Eugenie and Jack and after 10 months we had another baby my cousin Archie. I also want to inform my godparents that I behave well at the College, I am learning History and my grades are in the top 3 of the class. Finally I want to dedicate this toast to my parents, you are an inspiration to me, my brothers and sisters, the family and the rest of the world and even though I don't live with you in Kensington, I call to talk to you and my brothers, this on my behalf and on their behalf thank you so much for being our parents. A toast!!!!

Queen Philip Charles Camilla William kate plus the rest of the family and the Middleton family and guests toasted and applauded the princess' speech. After that, the birthday girl and her family had dinner. This dinner lasted about 60 minutes, after they finished dinner, everyone went to the music room. In that room, the princess danced first with her father to the music.

After the song "Despacito" ended, some senior members of the royal family including the Queen and Prince Philip, grandfather Charles Camila Michael and Carole said goodbye to Helena in which she thanked them for organizing the birthday party and also for coming. After that, DJs David Guetta and Jonas Blue started doing what they like to do. 

David Guetta: A round of applause for Princess Helena!!! 

Jonas Blue: Princess, now the fun begins!! All ready and JUMPPP!!!

It was after 3 am when the party ended, Helena thanked everyone for coming (only she and her classmates remained at school. After the party ended, a butler delivered the letter sent from Isa, in which Helena opened the envelope and opened the letter and read.

"My dear cousin Princess Helena Elizabeth Diana Filipa Alexandra Mary Victoria from Cambridge Mountbatten Windsor more as I know you Helena. We met when we were 7 years old you and your parents visited Denmark but paid a visit to my parents and siblings in their summer property, I remember asking you and I to be they accepted and then we went horseback riding around the property we talked for hours about our families school movies series sports we did everything I remember the laughs we had mainly yours I made you laugh but you made me laugh crying with your anecdotes especially with this anecdote Teacher: - Maria, point on the map where North America is. Maria: - Here it is. Teacher: - Correct. Now class, who discovered America? Class: - Maria!, from then on I started to like you as a cousin and as a person. In that conversation we spoke two languages ​​in Danish and in English, at the end of the conversation we exchanged numbers s, and over the years we chatted on the internet more specifically through Messenger in which we confessed that despite being friends we started to fall in love with each other. Finally, I want to say that the gift in your room is special and big. Congratulations Helen!! of your beloved Isa!!!"

Having finished reading the letter, Helena ran to her room in the palace, and before entering the room, she sighed, closed her eyes and opened the bedroom door. With her eyes closed, she smelled perfume and felt someone putting their hands over Helena's eyes.

Helena: Whoever is here in my room, do I know I know martial arts, Kong fu wrestling and I know how to practice swords?

?: Seriously? Me too, black belt you?

Helen: The same.

?: Umh... Stay here and put your hands over your eyes and when I say 3 you can take your hands off your eyes.

Helen: Okay.

?: So 1,2,3 opens your eyes.


Helena sees that Isabelle is sitting on the bed, both hug and give a Huge Kiss.

Helen: How?

Isa: Well first, both our parents know we're dating and even our grandmother's your grandparents and your family approve of us dating. Second, the dinner was very good, I wasn't there, but I was in the dance hall until 1:40 am and I went back to your room.

Helen: I love you!!

Isa: Me too honey!!

After talking, dating a little, they fell asleep hugging each other.


After her birthday, and saying goodbye to her girlfriend, Princess Helena returned to school, where during these three months, she made homework presentations on topics to the class about the American Revolution and French History - 100 Years War until French Revolution and also tests and wrote an essay of what he learned in 50 pages. At the end of the school year, Princess Helena passed her exam and essay with a score of 20.

(Official Photo of the Queen on her 94th birthday with Crown Prince Charles with William, Princess Helena and George - Buckingham Palace)

DayliMirror: Rumored Dukes of Sussex want to leave the royal family!!!

TheSun: "We are blackmailed, nobody helps us!!!" - Harry and Meghan!!!

TheMail: Former employees who worked for Harry and Meghan accuse they were victims of bullying!!! The Duke and Duchess of Sussex deny allegations...

TheGuardian: Queen Charles William outraged by the news that Harry and Meghan want to leave the royal family.  - "The Truth About How Dan Wootton Broke "Megxit" Story, Despite Prince Harry's New Claims"

In the summer of 2020, at Sandrigham Palace in a large room, on one side Queen Elizabeth II Charles William and on the other side Harry Meghan with their representatives, began to present their reasons.

Queen: Good afternoon, everyone present. We are gathered here to discuss and analyze the decision of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex Harry and Meghan who have decided to leave the royal family, and also the person who will decide your fate its not present in this room but he/she is watching. Harry Meghan please present your reasons.

Harry: Thank you very much Your Majesty and good afternoon to all. Me and Meghan are so grateful to be here. As you know my wife and I have decided to leave the royal family, we want to say that we will support the queen and the family whenever they want us. We are available to answer your questions.

Queen: Harry and Meghan, when did you decide between yourselves to leave the family?

Meghan: During my pregnancy, a senior member of the royal family asked what color our son would be, but we felt increasingly persecuted by the press who called us"Waiting for the Throne!!" "Near the Throne?", each time we arrived at our residence we saw and read letters calling us names, Harry and I contacted the queen's private secretary who informed her.

Queen: Are you sure they contacted my secretary?

Harry: Yes!

Queen: Because I don't remember anyone warning me or telling me anything.

Carlos: And where are you going to live?

Meghan: We thought about living in Canada in Toronto as it belongs to the Commnwealth.

William: And security? Who will pay for the security that will protect you?

Harry: With his father's duchy paying him 35% which you and I receive about £44 million annually, I think he could pay me annually rather than £25 million annually.

Queen Elizabeth II+Charles+William: WHAT!!!

?: I have a question.

Harry: Please.

?: My question is what will happen when you leave. Because there are a lot of rumors circulating about you Harry and Meghan. These rumors include an interview with a famous American presenter, book launches among others. Some word, prince Harry?

Harry: This is completely false, all false, we would never do that, never in our lives!!!

After hours of discussing, analyzing and answering questions, the queen ended the first of three meetings. Queen Charles and William went to a room to discuss and drink a gin while Harry and Meghan went to their rooms and ?invited her great-grandfather Philip to walk.

Halfway through, Helena asked Filipe how he adapted to the family.

Filipe: Right at the beginning of the relationship between the queen and I we exchanged letters, when I was a kid with an aunt of mine we did residency here in England I was a Greek prince with no money but my aunt with her money then asked to marry me the day before marriage I renounced the Greek and Danish titles, in 1947 I married the love of my life a year later Charles was born two years later Anne and in 1952 King George VI died and everything changed forever our lives died. In 1960 Andrew was born and in 1964 Edward was born. In 1973 Anne got married and four years later Peter and Zara were born in 1981, in 1981 your grandparents Charles and Diana got married a year later your father was born and in 1984 your uncle Harry was born, then he married Andrew and Fergie in 1986 both had two daughters Beatrice and Eugenie. In 1996, Andrew Fergie Charles Diana divorced and with the fire in a part of Windsor Castle, the Queen dubbed it "Annus Horribilus", a year later in Paris, persecuted by the media bastards she was persecuted to death, she had the accident because of them they even took pictures of her dying, In 2002 the women who welcomed me to the family passed away Princess Margareth and the Queen Mother, Margareth with a personality that I will never forget sometimes we had drinks we two she had a funny smile while the queen mother and your great-grandmother are almost the same but they are the same in terms of smile and the way they talk and entertain guests and family.

?: And what is your opinion of Harry and Meghan wanting to leave the family?

Filipe: They are crazy, they will regret it for the rest of their lives, that's for sure.

?: If you were the person to decide what you would do?

Philip: First, i removed the titles of Dukes from both more military to Harry, second, he removed the patronage of both and redistributed to other family members, third, Charles stopped paying Harry, fourth,  just call them to Counts.

The queen saw through the window coming, went out and saw what they hunted.

IsabelII: My God, not again Filipe!

Filipe: It was her idea, by the way, the best one she's ever had!!

Helena: Great-grandmother, I had to unwind with everything that is happening.

IsabelII: Very well 5 rabbits are enough to feed us.

After the day had passed, and everyone had breakfast and lunch, at 2:30 pm a new round of negotiations began between the family and Harry and Meghan with their representatives.

IsabelII: Welcome back. I hope everyone is ready to pick up where we left off yesterday. But I want to remind you that we have important classified documents in our possession that will never leave this room, all understood. We have started, Meghan please.

Meghan: Thank you so much Your Majesty Prince Charles Prince William. Harry and I want to inform you that we will no longer be senior members of the royal family. From the moment Harry and I stopped dating secretly from everyone and knowing who Harry's girlfriend was, we were afraid, especially me, one day I left the apartment in Toronto where dozens of journalists had photographed me and asked me questions. in that moment I felt unprotected, I felt like the late Princess Diana. We are being accused of bullying the staff that I mistreated them, this is totally untrue, and lastly I want to say that the British newspapers and commentators were always against our relationship. Thank you very much.

Charles: William and Harry's mother when we started dating she used to drive to work and whenever she met journalists either at the entrance or at the exit of her work they chased and photographed her, I proposed she started to live either in Clarance House and Kensington Palace and when we got married, Diana and I were wherever we went we were always persecuted. When William and Kate were dating, he didn't want to repeat what happened to his mother, but even so, she was also photographed persecuted. You see, whoever dates a family member will always be persecuted until marriage.

?: If you don't like living in Toronto, where are you going to live?

Meghan: Me and Harry, in the background we have California, where we're going to buy a property, and we also have my mom.

?: Last question. If in the near future you give an interview in which you will say "evil of the family" that will be paid, books about us and the relationship between us, if the queen and prince filipe pass away in the near future will you want to come to the funeral ceremonies?

Meghan: As Harry said yesterday we will never be interviewed, we will never publish books between our relationship and family and regarding the last question, we will come to the funeral ceremonies.

After Meghan spoke, the meeting was given a 20-minute period to refresh.

IsabelII: "Before you open the Helena folder, I want to tell you that you will be the one to decide their punishment, analyze the documents very well in private, not in public. PS: You can use my office, you have until tomorrow. Good questions you asked. .You can do it honey!!"

Helena, after reading the note, hid it in her big suitcase, she drank a red bull and a cruissant.

Queen: Well I hope everyone is clear about the decision of the Dukes of Sussex, tomorrow around 3:45 pm I will inform everyone of the decision I made. They are dismissed.

Now dismissed, everyone in the room left the room and went to their respective rooms, Helena, alone in the room, told the secretary that she would see the files and depositions of Harry and Meghan's former employees, and only after dinner and of everyone being in their rooms and with the living room and the door always guarded by a security guard and the remaining doors locked and only with the permission of the queen or herself they could enter the room and I also wanted a connection with the prime minister, that connection would be made through the computer.

With dinner going on, certain people spoke to others, the atmosphere was not warm, everyone wanted to know the queen's opinion, which she didn't know, who would decide it was Helena who was watching them carefully. When everyone finished dinner Helena waited about 3 hours to see them go to their rooms, Helena in the middle of the night left her room and went to the living room.

Helena: Good evening Prime Minister and Secretary of the Commonwealth, I hope I'm not bothering you.

(Sir Keir Stamer - Prime Minister since 2020, Labour)

PM: Good night princess, you're not bothering me.

Sec: Good night princess.

Helena: Let's do it. Her Majesty has instructed me to decide the Duke and Duchess of Sussex fate, I have had several meetings between academic constitutionalists family members and now I want to hear the opinion of both. Prime Minister please.

PM: Thank you very much princess. First, he would remove Harry's most military titles, second, he would remove patronage from both, third, the Prince of Wales would stop paying Harry money and security, fourth, remove Harry from Privy Council as he would be living in a different country.

Helena: Thank you very much PM Starmer. I would like to know your opinion on the confidential file that the Queen's private secretary handed me during the break, I've read it and I'm completely even perplexed and sad that the former servants had to hear from their mouths what their opinion is.

PM: Your Highness myself and the entire government had to read the report more than twice, we were baffled by the reports they described about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The bullying that the Dukes did to them was very serious. It is a report that 10 employees were horrified by Meghan's bullying, after a year they resigned from their positions and had to go to psychologists. And also during the visit of the Dukes of Sussex to South Africa the couple had a strong argument, in which the Secretary and Head of Security had to act.

PatriciaScotland: As Secretary General of the Comwealth, this is one of the worst days since the abdication of Edward VIII. Since the announcement by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, I immediately called a meeting with the 15 Governors General and Prime Ministers as well as the Prime Ministers of the 36 Republics. Everyone told me and in which everyone had access to confidential documents including the report of bullying by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is disgusting. In the meetings I've had with everyone, everyone has agreed the following - Withdraw the Duchess of Sussex from her patronage as deputy of the Association of Commonwealth Universities and withdraw from both her positions as President and Vice-President of The Queen's Commonwealth Trust.

Helena: Thank you very much PM and Secretary Janet, I've already decided and I hope it's the best choice for the family for them all. Thanks again.

PM: You're welcome Princess Helena.

PatriciaScotland: Good night princess.

With the calls finished and with more than 10 sheets written with the opinions of the Prime Minister and the Secretary-General, Helena left the room in which she had locked and went to her bedroom. After the night, Helena and the family had breakfast, everyone noticed that the atmosphere was warmer, no one spoke to anyone. After finishing breakfast, Helena and Charles went for a walk, on the way they both talked a lot. At lunch, some talked to others who, despite the warm atmosphere, all talked. 45 minutes before entering the room, Helena went to the queen's office and with the help of the private secretary, they stayed in that room for 25 minutes, rewriting and amending errors and sentences, after completing the text, the printer printed the official document . Before entering, a large room butlers entered with the documents ready and put them in their places minutes later everyone entered including Prince Consort Philip Camille Duchess of Cornwall Kate Duchess of Cambridge Princess Royal Anne and Timothy Princes Andrew Edward with his wife Sofia. The queen started.

Queen: Thank you so much for being here. The three days were of immense discussion arguments on both sides. So, before you open the documents, I want to say that it is not my decision that is written in the documents. I've personally given this person my approval to decide what's best for both sides, so please get the person up and come to the middle of the room, don't be afraid to speak up.

Everyone present looked like they were caught, who would be the person who decided, but when they heard a chair crawl, everyone looked at the person who was getting up and heading to the podium that was in the middle of the room.

Charles+Camila: Oh my God!!

William+Kate: WHAT THE...!!!!

Harry+Meghan: Fuck!!!

As soon as Helena positioned herself on the podium and spoke.

Helena: Before I read the Document, I want to say that the idea came from Her Majesty in which she gave me her approval, also to say that yesterday, with everyone asleep, I had several meetings with about 20 constitutionalists, with some of my teachers and also with the British Prime Minister, the British Government and the Secretary General of the Comnwealth, the meetings lasted more than 4 hours with each party expressing its opinion. You can open the document in which I will read the summary, as they all have an explanation for each question you ask.

"I Princess Helena Elizabeth Diana Phillip Alexandra Mary Victoria of Cambridge Mountbatten Windsor with the approval and consent of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 24 June 2020 at Sandrigham Palace, in which with opinions from both sides in three days we deliberated we asked questions from both Harry Duke of Sussex and Meghan Duchess of Sussex, and also with diverse opinions from more than 10 constitutionalists of the British government of the British Scottish Welsh North Irish Prime Ministers of the Secretary General of the Comnwealth and the opinions of the Governors General and Prime Ministers I decided the following:

1º) The couple will no longer represent the Queen in engagements wether in the UK and the Comnwealth. This contrasts with the couple's earliest statement's on that they would fulfill future duties for the Queen;

2º)Harry has a personal fortune of 35 million dollars and Meghan has a fortune of 25 million dollars, totaling 60 million dollars;

3º) They will not keep the Royal Highness style, but they can use (The Rt Hon) and will be called Harry, Count of Sussex, and Meghan, Countess of Sussex, Harry will no longer be Privy Councilor in the Privy Council as they will move overseas and that according to Letters Patten of 1975, which reads as follows " ... should a Royal member of the Privy Council wish/leave the Royal Family, his place will be removed, and have a new member take his place." ;

4º) They will be financially independent and pay Frogmore Cottage's £20.5m refurbishment costs;

5º) Harry would cease his duties for all British military appointments (including Captain General of the Royal Marines) and would no longer officially represent the royal family in military ceremonies, and also Megha wil cease his duties of his patroneges;

6º) Harry and Megan, no longer be President and Vice President of The Queen's Comnwealth Trust, Megan will step down as patron of the London Theater and the Association of Commonwealth Universities;

7º) The couple will live in the US in the State of California as Harry and Meghan spoke at the meeting;

8º) The Frogmore Cottage would continue to function as the British home, where they would both pay a "commercial rent" for it (£1,800,000/month);

9º) The couple will keep their sponsorships and private associations (eg Invictus Games), but not the real ones like the patronegeas;

10º) His Royal Higness Prince Charles would not continue to provide $ million in financial support until the next month.

11º) The couple will pay for their own security, not Prince Charles or the Queen they will pay them nothing.

12º) Harry and Meghan's children, according to the "Royal Act 2020, passed by both houses of parliament and signed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II which reads the following: "If a member of royalty and their spouse decide to leave the royal family without telling the queen or her private secretary and family members ... Their children will always be called lord and lady forever.... The eldest son of the royal member and his wife will inherit the title of Counts of Sussex".

13º) If in the near future both Harry and Meghan decide to be interviewed either for a television channel and speak badly about the royal family and its members, the Queen will remove the titles they both hold.

14º) The Counts of Sussex in a private letter addressed to their former employees and on social media will apologize to former employees for the bullying caused by them in a video.

Helena: That's all.

When Helena finished speaking, everyone present in the room was silent until Megan spoke.

Megan: How did you come to these conclusions, especially at your age!!!

Helena: First the Queen asked me to decide which one she gave her approval for, regarding the conclusions I was present at the meetings but neither can see me and when everyone was already asleep, from 1 am that i went to the queen's private office, in which for 5 hours I talked and wrote down everyone's opinions.

Then, one by one, Helena was asked questions to which she answered in a sincere and humble way. During dinner, Harry and Meghan announced to everyone that they would be leaving next week but that they would participate in Tropping the Collor.


Tropping The Color

After Trooping the Color, everyone said goodbye to Harry and Meghan who then left for the airport.

On summer vacation in Balmoral (Scotland), everyone made their morning routine some walking, jogging or fishing around the property.In September, Princess Helena began her final year of the course. Either in the last two years of school in which she learned a lot of subjects and History, the princess's grades have since been the best in the class. Also in mid-September, with Asian countries and their population, chaos reigned with the arrival of the "COVID-19" virus and after weeks it reached Europe and the United Kingdom. No one knew how to deal with the disease until patients in the hospital with fever and vomiting died.

All governments around the world announced measures including the entire population to stay at home, wear masks and have online classes between students and teachers during course hours. For four and a half months Helena and her colleagues and teachers, in those months they studied the change of name from "Saxe Coburg Ghota" to "Windsor", the First and Second World Wars its antecedents, who was an ally, the students did work and at the end of the 1st period they did the tests. During the Christmas and New Year period, Helena Kate William George Charlotte and Luis stayed at Amner Hall where they celebrated Christmas and New Years.

APPY NEW YEAR 2021!!!!!!!!!!!

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