Yours Truly | B. Hargrove

By itsaleef

61.1K 1.3K 113

Eden Munson was only known for being Eddie "The Freak" Munson's little sister. She grew tired of it by sophom... More



2.1K 51 3
By itsaleef

The next morning Billy awoke not remembering where he was at first. All he saw were bed sheets that weren't his and posters stapled around the walls that definitely weren't his. He heard the sound of running water and that's when he remembered that he had came to Eden's last night. He sighed and fell back on the bed, scratching his head before running his hand down his face. He turned to the alarm clock that blinked on her night stand. The time read 9:32am and he just knew Neil was shitting bricks because he was sure his father figured out he never came home. The water suddenly cut off and a few minutes later Eden walked into her room in only a towel, jumping back once she saw the boy was out of his slumber.

"Jesus Christ. Good morning." She sighed as she went over to her dresser to fish out some undergarments, sliding them on trying to keep the towel over her bare body.

"Good morning." Eden could practically hear the gigantic smirk that was spread across Billy's face.

"Did you sleep alright? I hope I didn't wake you." Eden spoke as she went toward her closet trying to find a shirt to wear before she determined what pants to wear. She decided on a green striped turtle neck sweater and paired it with some dark blue mom jeans, tucking the sweater into her pants.

"Yeah, I slept fine. You didn't wake me up." Billy walked over to her vanity, taking in his appearance and grimaced. He looked rough.

"The showers to the right of my room if you'd like one, scoot." She lightly pushed Billy out of the way so she could sit down and begin putting curlers in her hair.

"Thanks." He nodded before slipping his pants back on so her could head for the shower.

During Billy's shower Eden managed to put the curlers in her hair, do her makeup and blow dry her hair the rest of the way before she began taking the curlers out. She went for a loose but voluminous look today, swooping her grown out bangs over her forehead. She fetched some shoes to put on, not really knowing her plan for the day but she knew she wanted to go out and do something. Billy soon came back into Eden's room, drying his hair with a towel.

"What are you all dolled up for?" He smiled taking in the appearance of the girl.

She just shrugged, "I want to do something today but i don't know what."

"You're ditching me?" He frowned as he walked over to the girl, grabbing her chin between his pointer and thumb to make her look up at him.

"You implied that, i just said i wanted to do something." She grinned.

"What are we doing today, doll?" He rubbed her bottom lip before she placed a quick kiss to it.

"I'm sure we'll find somethin'. We can go roller skating at the rink right outside of town." Eden pointed out.

"I can get down with that." Billy smirked, "can I borrow a comb?"

Eden nodded and pointed toward the one on her vanity as the two continued to get ready. It was quite cold outside, especially to Billy because he was from California. Unfortunately Billy had only shown up in a white tee, stained with drops of blood and the jeans he was currently wearing. He slips his shirt back on and his boots as well before he went to go warm his car, only to realize his tank was just about empty. He groaned as he walked back inside and plopped on Eden's bed.

"What's up?" She asked looking over at the boy.

"My cars out of gas." He rolled his eyes.

"Then we'll take mine." Eden smiled dangling her keys in the air.

"Can I drive?" Billy's eyes lit up.

"No body drives my baby." She glared and Billy's mouth dropped as he realized sue was dead serious.

"Fine. Can we stop by my place though? I need to change." He asked to which Eden nodded.

They both headed out of the house, Billy shivering as Eden started her car trying to have it warm up. Billy had finally told her to just go and she started her way to the Hargrove/Mayfield household. Billy told her directions as they went and when they began to get close Billy's heart sunk. He had somewhat forgot about his dad but now he was terrified he was going to be home. He didn't want to hear it, at least not yet. He knew he couldn't hide from it forever but he was enjoying his time with Eden and he knew Neil would cut it short. As they turned on to Billy's street he cursed.

"Shit. Just-just park here." He sighed as he rubbed his hand over his face, Eden parking 3 houses away from his own.

"Hey, are you okay?" Eden asked, confused about his reaction.

"Yeah. Just wait here, okay? Don't move." He firmly ordered to which Eden nodded.

Billy got out of the car and jogged toward the house, making his way to the side and sliding open his window as quietly as possible. She watched Billy climb in his window as carefully as he could, trying not to alert whoever was home that he finally got home. She watched a older man walk out of the house, cursing loudly as a older but beautiful woman with fire red hair chase out behind him.

"I'm gonna kill him Susan! When I find that boy he's dead I tell you! He's probably with his faggot friends." He yelled, neighbors peering out behind curtains.

Eden couldn't hear what the woman, presumed to be Susan said to the man but he got in his car and slammed the door, turning on the ignition and recklessly exited the drive way. The man and Eden made eye contact as he sped out of the neighborhood and she finally put two and two together. That man, she assumed was Billy's father had been the one who hit him. Eden quickly became enraged as she couldn't understand how a person could hurt their own child. Yes, her parents hurt her in a way but never physically. She watched as Billy climbed back out of his window, now in new jeans and a black crew neck sweater and he jogged back to her car. Susan was still outside and watched Billy, only he hadn't noticed until he went to get in Eden's car and gave her a look. Susan just gave him a curt nod and waved a quick goodbye before he hopped in the girls car. Eden just sat there staring at him.

"What are you doing? Go." He scoffed.

"Your dad hit you." She said with venom laced in her voice.

"What are you taking about Eden? You're delusional." Billy shook his head.

"Billy I fucking heard him. I know you did too." Eden scoffed as she crossed her arms.

"Eden you don't know what you're talking about. Let's just fucking go." He demanded and Eden decided to shut up and just drive.

She sped out of the neighborhood, knuckles turning white from how hard she was gripping the steering wheel. Billy glanced at her noticing how hard she had her jaw clenched. He liked to go fast, but only when he was behind the wheel. Eden was pushing well over 70 and they were approaching a curve in the road. It wasn't sharp but it still wasn't safe to be going the speed she was.

"Eden slow down." Billy spoke calmly at first, but Eden didn't listen. She honestly couldn't hear him, she was drowning out everything around her due to the thoughts racing around in her head.

"Eden slow down!" Billy yelled as she was just a few hundred feet from the curve at this point. Eden finally snapped out of it and slammed on the break, turning her wheel as they hit the curve just barely staying on the road.

"Jesus christ what is wrong with you? Are you actually mental?" Billy shouted and Eden just pulled over as tears stung her eyes, Billy continuing to shout. "Eden what the fuck was that? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Eden's mother yelled at her father, grabbing a plate and throwing it toward him. "You told me you were done with her for good!"

"She came onto me stop being a crazy bitch!" Her dad yelled back as he walked closer and grabbed the plate her mother was about to throw, smashing it into the ground.

"Oh I'm the crazy bitch? I'm trying to have a family with you and yet you go back to that whore!" With that Eden's dad slapped her mom across the face.

"Stop it!" She shouted tears streaming down her face.

"Go to your fucking room! You hear me, go to your goddamn room!" Her dad shouted as her mother continued to scream at him, telling him not to bring Eden into it. Eden just ran to her room and slammed the door, sobbing uncontrollably because she knew her family was broken.

"Eden? Eden!" Billy shook Eden, her finally snapping back to present time as she realized she was shaking and crying, she just looked at Billy and let out an inhumane noise as she continued to cry.

Billy had not a clue about what was going on but he knew he triggered something in the girl, knowing from his own experiences. He had no idea about what but all he knew was the girl was broken. She was completely and helplessly broken, but why? He was determined to find out.

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