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"Eddie can you please stop right here?" Eden practically begged her brother to stop his beat up van a couple blocks from the school.

"What's wrong little sis? Embarrassed of your big brother?" Eddie shot Eden a smile knowing well enough his van Embarrassed his little sister beyond belief. He didn't understand it though, it got them around just fine. What's so wrong with it?

"Not necessarily you. Just this stupid old thing!" Eden mumbled the word stupid as she kicked an empty beer can on the floor board of the beat up 1971 Chevrolet Van.

"Well that's just too bad." Eddie smirked, "I could've left you in the dust, left you to ride your bike. How dare you disrespect my beauty!"

As they pulled into the parking lot students that crowded the lot turned their head as not everybody enjoyed the metal music that came blaring out of the van. It didn't help that Eddie was known for his Dungeons and Dragons group and everybody thought he was a satanist. Eden groaned and slumped in her seat until Eddie parked in a free spot. She had practically jumped out and kept her head low as she sped across the parking lot.

"Love you little sister!" The 19 year old called, getting a middle finger from Eden in response. 

Eden was listening to the commotion amongst the students, she'd always been an observer. Among the whispers were how Eddie apparently sacrificed animals in the woods on weekend nights, how obnoxious his "devil" music was, talk of a new boy- wait. Talk of a new boy? Eden immediately lifted her head up and began to scan the parking lot trying to find the boy that mainly girls had been gossiping about. That is, until a body blocked her view.

"Hey shorty." Eden looked up to meet the grinning face of no other than Steve "The Hair" Harrington.

"I'm not even short, lower your ego. You're not even 6 foot yourself." The brunette smirked at her best friend of who knows how many years at this point.

"Hey! You take that back, last time I measured I was 6'1." The boy pouted at the girl. She had only stood at merely 5 foot 5 inches.

"Your hair doesn't count Steve. The doctors told you this before." Eden tried to stifle a laugh, "anyways, who's this new kid I'm hearing about?"

"Oh, Mr. 'I'm so hot, I'm probably the hottest boy in hawkins and i drive a cool Camaro, and wear this cool leather jacket'" Steve mocked rolling his eyes at the end.

"Damn Harrington, if you weren't with Nancy I'd have assumed you had a crush on him too." Eden laughed out loud as she took out a cigarette from the pack hidden in her jacket pocket, lighting it as her best friend complained.

"You're literally going to get cancer, how can you even smoke those they smell like shit." Steve coughed as she blew a cloud in his face, telling him to shut up as they continued to walk.

Before long a hand snaked in between Steve and Eden and Eden was found cigarette-less. This immediately brought rage upon Eden, because who was this idiot to think they can just snatch her cigarette out of her mouth. Another part of her had been pinged with anxiety thinking a teacher was out in the lot. The figure stepped in front of her, slithering his way over to a blue 1979 Chevrolet Camaro Z. Eden narrowed her eyes as she studied this boy, she'd never seen him before. She had multiple thoughts circling, is this the new guy everybody's talking about? Did he seriously take my cigarette? Damn he is kind of hot.

"Like what you see, princess?" The boy spoke immediately snapping Eden out of her thoughts.

She had slightly shook her head before responding, "no, I'm just trying to figure out who the fuck you think you are to snatch away my cigarette."

"I smoke the same ones, didn't feel like lighting a new one when classes start in a few minutes." He smirked, shrugging as he took a drag.

"Okay but like, what if i had herpes? Like do you not think before you do?" Eden crossed her arms, pushing up her bust unintentionally causing the boy to glance.

"A pretty thing like you? No way. Unless you know, you're a whore. Then that'd really be a problem." He shivered after saying the word "whore".

Eden scoffed, "well I'm not a whore. You don't even have to be a whore to contract herpes dumbass anyone can get it."

"Listen if I thought you had some gross shit i wouldn't have even looked your way. Chill out." He leaned on his car.

"Hey Steve, hey freak junior." Tommy Hagan approached the group, also interested in getting to know the new kid.

"Fuck off Tommy." Eden glared, "I'm gonna be late for class, are you coming Steve?"

As Eden began to walk away she heard Tommy chuckle and Steve tell her he'd meet up with her in a second. She had just passed whoever the new kid was when she felt a hand gently, but firmly grab her jacket sleeve. With that she turned to see whoever needed her attention, only to come face to face with the new kid.

"I'm Billy by the way, Billy Hargrove." He smiled.

"Oh wow, i almost gave a shit." She shot him a sarcastic smile and snatched her cigarette back, taking a drag before flicking it on the ground, turning and stomping away.

"Damn Hargrove, already on the hottest chick at this schools bad side." Eden could hear Tommy laugh.

"Tommy what the hell?!" Eden chuckled at Carol Perkins high pitched voice before she entered the school building.

I don't know if I'm going to hate this story lol

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