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Eden was getting ready for Tina's Halloween party and listening to a mix tape she made herself. Looks that Kill by Mötley Crëw was playing through her radio as she bopped her head along. She's decided that she was going as Marcie Cunningham from Friday the 13th, it was a simple costume really. She'd already done her makeup and was curling her hair currently, brushing it out to make it as frizzy as Marcie's was in the movie. Once she was finished she put on her outfit. She skipped on a bra, pulling a cropped pink tee over her head, and slipping on some tan loose pants. She finished her outfit with some low white Converse, and as she stood she heard the roar of a vehicle fly through the trailer park. Eden walked over to her window and looked out, seeing Billy's car pull up in front of her house.

"Who's the douche outside?" Eddie yelled from the living room.

"A friend!" Eden yelled back quickly turning off her music and rushing out of her room before her brother could get the door, however she was too late.

"State your business." Eddie stood in the door frame.

"Uh, im here for Eden. Am I at the wrong house?" Billy looked around.

"No! No, you're not. Eddie move out of the fucking way!" Eden was trying to shove her big brother out of the way.

"Listen I just want to make sure he's not some weird crazed murder. I'd like my little sister back in one piece okay?" Eddie said as Eden finally got out of the door.

"Of course, I'll have her back by the end of the night." Billy nodded at she weird man, he assumed was Eden's brother that stood before him.

"Come on Billy." Eden grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to his car, where they both got in.

Billy immediately peeled out of the trailer park and began the drive to the party. The windows were rolled down and Eden's hair was flowing with the wind, happy to be going fast again. Eddie drove like a grandpa compared to how she drove. She was always pushing at least 15 over the speed limit, seemingly always in a hurry. Billy glanced over at Eden and saw her smiling, he smirked as he cranked up the radio, Whiplash by Metallica filling their ears. Eden began mumbling the words, Billy catching this.

"You know this song?" He had to yell over the music.

"They're one of my favorite bands." Eden replied and Billy nodded his head, pulling into the neighborhood already seeing kids in the lawn. He parked the car and rolled the windows up as they both got out.

Billy walked around to Eden's side of the vehicle, looking at her as she bent over and fluffed her hair in his car window and wiped a corner of her mouth, then rubbed her lips together. When she let go of her lips it made a "pop" sound and Billy's heart jumped as dirty thoughts filled his mind again. Eden stood up and Billy walked over to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders to bring her close to his body. Eden didn't mind, she honestly liked the jealous stares she got from the girls as they walked in together hip and hip. Billy had directed her towards the drinks and she filled her cup with vodka, downing it then refilling it with the same vodka. She took a swig as Billy smirked. He raised his cup to hers, and both without saying another word downed their drinks. Eden went to fill up her cup once more, and as much as Billy liked seeing her rebel he knew he was somewhat responsible for her this evening, so he pulled her cup down away from the bottle.

"Slow down sweetheart, the alcohol will still be here in a bit. Let's dance." He smirked.

"Fine I guess." Eden sighed, but smiled as Billy pulled her onto the dance floor. The two danced together at a comfortable distance for a while, but between the alcohol and Eden's body heat she quickly began to feel the effects from the 2 drinks she had prior. She made her way closer to Billy and turned herself around as she began to grind on him. Billy's eyes widened, however he grabbed the girls hips and followed the motions of her body, the two synchronized.

Billy had finally been spotted by Tommy and some of the other boys and was soon pulled away as he was challenged to do the keg. Eden made her way back to the kitchen island and ended up pouring herself 3 more drinks before Nancy and Steve came in, Nancy trying to get more punch as Steve tried to stop her. Nancy ended up spilling punch all over he shirt and stoned off to the bathroom, Steve following close behind. Eden heard cheering from outside that gradually got louder as the cheering began to come in the house.

"We have a new keg king everyone!" Tommy shouted as the teenagers cheered. Eden spotted johnathan and gave him an awkard wave as the two had never been close. Suddenly she saw her bestfriend storm down the hallway, not looking happy and she made her way over to him.

"Hey are you okay?" Eden giggled.

Steve looked at her, seeing she was obviously drunk and sighed. "I'll talk to you about it later. I'm gonna head out, you gonna be good?"

"Yeah. Be careful okay?" She gave him a drunken smile.

"Yeah, yeah." He nodded and left the party, that's when johnathan came up to her.

"Hey have you seen Nancy?" He asked.

"Um, she spilled punch on herself and went to the bathroom. Steve just left so she's probably still up there." Eden remembered where she was.

"Okay thanks." He headed toward the hall assuming to find Nancy, and Eden was alone again.

She found herself dancing alone, as if no body else was there. She didn't have a care in the world, she was on cloud nine. That is, until the 3 drinks all hit at once and she suddenly felt extremely ill. The familiar feeling came rising up her throat as she ran to the front yard, spewing out the contents of her stomach, trying her best to hold her hair back. Her head was thrown forward violently as more of what was in her stomach came out. Suddenly she felt hands brush against her own, pulling her hair away from her face. She'd glanced back only to see Billy and a wave of embarrassment washed over her.

"Oh my god I'm-im so sorry." She gagged once more as her body jerked forward.

"Don't apologize sweetheart, just let it out." Billy chuckled.

Suddenly a wave of sadness fell over Eden. Whenever she got too drunk she'd end up feeling horrible about herself, it happened everytime. However, she'd drink to try and drown out her sadness. It was never ending it felt like. Then, the tears came and they wouldn't stop. Billy hadn't noticed until a sob escaped her lips. He'd never been good in situations like this, so he wasn't sure of what to do.

"Hey, are you okay?" He finally spoke up.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I just- I think I'm going to go home." Eden removed his hands from her hair and she began to walk away from the house.

"How are you getting home?" Billy remembered he'd drove her and wanted to hear her response.

Eden stopped in her tracks and shrugged, continuing to walk. Billy sighed as he jogged to catch up with her, grabbing her arm gently and guiding her back to his car.

"I've had a few drinks tonight but that doesn't mean I'm going to let you walk home, especially alone." He opened the passenger side door as she fell in.

Once he was in he started his vehicle and began the drive back to Eden's house, trying his best to remember how to get there. It was a quiet ride home, minus Eden's sniffling every few minutes, but even that finally stopped. Billy glanced over and realized the girl had fallen asleep, her body slumped over head resting on his door. He tried to drive as gently as possible trying not to jerk her awake and he succeeded. He finally pulled in front of her trailer and got out, heading to her side of the car. He opened the door, careful to not let her fall out and picked her up bridal style, carrying her to the door. He knocked and Eddie answered, eyes immediately falling on his sister.

"She uh- we got split up some time in the party and I think she had too much to drink. She's gonna have a nasty hang over." Billy explained.

"It happens often, i got her from here. Just, thank you for bringing her home instead of making her walk like all the other douche bags." Eddie thanked Billy before grabbing Eden to take her inside. The words stuck with him, how could a guy let someone so defenseless walk home alone? He thought as he got in his car to head back home for the night.

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