Football Love

By New_Prodigy

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Follow the love as it flows through the players of the Atlanta Pharaohs. See the drama unfold with dancers, p... More

Football Love Cast Info:
Chapter 1: Lucky
Chapter 2: Game Time
Chapter 3: Fancy
Chapter 4: Right Now
Chapter 5: Drown In It
Chapter 6: Decisions
Chapter 8: Werk Bitch
Chapter 9: Coin
Chapter 10: Boss Life
Chapter 11: Dance For You
Chapter 12: Beg For It
Chapter 13: Foolish

Chapter 7: Tired

1.8K 73 10
By New_Prodigy

Tired - Kelly Price

Alex POV:

          Practice has been kicking our ass this week. Our first game of the playoffs is this weekend. I feel like a damn rookie right now who still going through conditioning. Speaking of the rookie he's been at the coaches side all the time. He's even taken a few ice baths, interesting. Mello hasn't given up, just not playing like I know he can. Coach calls the practice to a end. Usually he gives some kinda speech but him and the rookie disappear.

          I sit on a bench next to Dallas and Mello. Mello seems spaced out. "What you think is going on in his head," I ask. "Any and everything. He was just told he's leaving us. I'm nervous for him," says Dallas. We look at him, still gone. "How's Niko handling this?" "You know I have no idea. I don't even know that he told him." Niko walks in all sweaty hair sticking to his head. I look around and everybody gone. "Hey guys," he says. We smile as he guides Mello out.

          "Seeing him like that bothers me," says Dallas. I agree with him,"Yeah but eventually he will come around. I do gotta say you got rookie around coach's finger. All those damn ice baths, he can fart and won't hear it." I pack my bag and walk out off the locker room. To my surprise I see Destiny and Tariq on the field talking to the team. "So I see the Egyptians have two new members," I say leaning down to kiss Tariq. "Possibly. Tryouts are in a little bit and we're always looking for new members. What do you guys say," asks Jasmine while flipping her hair.

         I look up at him cause I decided to lay between his legs. Then he looks down at me,"Maybe. I gotta quit my job though but it sounds fun." Destiny automatically agrees and they revel bout it. "I'm going to get something to eat you guys wanna come," I ask. They all agree and we head out. "Ladies and Alex, also the guy I suspect is his boyfriend; nice to meet you. Don't forget no practice tomorrow. You guys need to rehearse though," says Gina, the dance coach. They nod and we keep walking.

          We pile into my truck and we head to a Mexican spot. We get a table for five and sit down. "Is coach working you as hard as ours is," ask Jasmine. I nod and tell her he's been killing us. "I hope we win Saturday. I done want the road to the Superbowl to be short," says Solange. I agree as the waiter comes over, we order our food and a round of margaritas. "I still can't believe that Mello won't be playing with us next season. Then there's nothing we can do. I tried talking to them, Solange, Niko, Gina and coach. They wont here us out," Jasmine says.

          She's right. Everybody on the team has asked but they won't listen. It's like they're dead set on getting rid of him. See something ain't right in the water. It gets real quiet. I guess we're all in our own thoughts. My bro, no longer by my side. "I guess Dallas did right by inviting us to Ibiza. I know we'll need this vacation," she says. I almost forgot about that. A trip is what we need. Our food comes and we talk a little, then the check comes.

          I pay for everybody and I go to take them home. I drop Jasmine and Solange at their apartment. "See you later tonight Destiny," they say. She smiles and nods,"I be back in a little bit. Girls night!" They scream. Oh God, such girls. I wanna drop them off but I actually wanna take them to my place. I mean me and Tariq have been together for a while now but he's never been over.

           I look over at Tariq. He and Destiny are knocked out. I pull my Jeep up to the house and cut the engine. I give both of them a shake and they wake up. "Baby, where are we," he asks. I smile,"My place. You've never been so I wanted to show you." We get out and unlock the door. Their eyes grow big as they check it out. "Babe! This... is... amazing!," screams Tariq. I grip him from behind,"This could be you one day. We gotta play our cards right."

       That's my dream to live in this house with my man and three kids, or four. I look up to see Destiny has took off somewhere in my house, she'll be fine. I walk me and T over to the couch and lay down together. We don't say anything to each just us enjoying each others bodies. In a non sexual way. He plays with my fingers like a little kid, real adorable. My phone vibrates and it's Dallas.

Bro D : Ibiza is all planned. Who you bringing? Besides Tariq.

Me: I guess Destiny. Since she is his best friend.

Bro D: Alright but I think Jasmine and Solange were gonna invite her.

       I finish my conversation with him and jump when I feel Milano licking my face. "You didn't tell me you had a puppy! I love them," Tariq squeals. He puts him in his lap and it's love at first sight. "Boy! This house is giving me everything right now," exclaims Destiny. Milano starts to growl. I think my dog could be gay. Is that possible? He never likes when there are women around. "Milano heel," I command, he goes instantly quiet. "Not to ruin this beautiful moment but I really gotta go grab my stuff and head to their place," Destiny says.

           I scoop up T and Milano, then place them on the floor. Coco comes running around the corner to antagonize her big brother that gives us enough time to sneak out without them following. We get in and head to their apartment. We get there and she runs in. "I was wondering if you wanna come back and have a movie night. Cause I just wanna chill since game day is a couple of days." He smiles,"Sounds great. A movie, cuddling and getting my booty rubbed on." I laugh at kiss him real quick as Destiny runs out of the house. "Ready?" She nods and we take off.

⇨⇨⇨⇨2 Days Later: It's Game Time

Tariq POV:

         It's the 4th quarter and the game is tied. Did you hear me? Fucking tied! Then there's only 30 seconds left. One more play should win it, we're at their 20. I'm so nervous. The ball is snapped and they rush Mello. But little did you know Alex has the ball and snuck right passed them. The crowd goes insane! The other team, the Knights, are looking lost as fuck. We all cheer in Alex' box. I turn and look and Destiny and notice this woman staring at me.

        I feel like she doesn't like me. Weird?? I run out the box and head for the locker room. Apparently the couch has already gave his talk to the team and the guys are heading out. I run to Alex and jump in his arms and kiss him deep. "Great game baby." He smiles,"Thanks." I drop down and we walk out. Someone clears their throat. We turn around and see that same woman from earlier.

        "You're still as smooth as you were in high school," she says. His face, I can't read it. There are a billion emotions going on at once. Hurt, betrayal, anger with a pinch of loathing. But none of them are caring or loving. I feel his muscles tense under my arms. He looks like he could spit venom,"What are you doing here?" "What do you mean?! A mother can't come see her child play the game he always loved?" His mother, he never talked about her. More about his dad and uncles.

        "I see you think you're still a fairy. Who is this anyway, Tinkerbell? He was all happy and flying around in your box." Did she really just say that to and bout me? He tenses even more and a vein is ever present in his forehead. He pushes me behind me, like he's protecting me. "First off, who the fuck invited you here? Plus don't you ever, I mean ever! Talk bout my baby like that. He ain't did shit to you for you to be talking to him like that. You still mad I came out, huh? Get the fuck over it. Or are you still mad that your boyfriend wanted me, not you.

           "That's the only reason he came over. We would get you drunk and you'd pass out. He came in my room, twice. Cause he wanted a real man, not some dried up bitch pussy!" I wanna be mad. But why? This happened way before me. She clinches her jaw,"You wouldn't have none of this without me!" "Your boyfriend wanted all of me, Sandra," he exclaims and we start walking off."

   ⇨⇨⇨⇨⇨Another 1 Done⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦

Let me tell you something Ms. Sandra is not gone yet. I'm gonna have fun with her.

More drama to come! Stay with me!

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Love ya - New Prodigy

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