Five months after... *Book 2*

By Rebeccaxchapman1

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Continuing from Violetta's future, as the boys have been on tour for five months as they are about to come ba... More

Previously on Violetta's future:
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Chapter 1 - A few months later:
Chapter 2 - After the Show:
Chapter 3 - Going home:
Chapter 4 - Violetta's Nightmare:
Chapter 5 - Band meeting:
Chapter 6 - I'm pregnant, Federico:
Chapter 7 - The girls talk about the Guys:
Chapter 8 - Maxi talks to the guys and Naxi breaks up:
Chapter 9 - Discussions and heartbreaks:
Chapter 10 - Leonetta's date:
Chapter 11 - At the Studio:
Chapter 12 - Girl's night in:
Chapter 13 - Unexpected surprise:
Chapter 14 - Grace in the hospital:
Chapter 15 - Telling Grace the news:
Chapter 16 - The week of the Wedding:
Chapter 17 - Drama the night before the wedding:
Chapter 18 - The morning of the wedding day:
Chapter 19 - The Wedding Day: *Part 2*
Chapter 20 - The big announcement:
Chapter 21 - Can we talk about this?
Chapter 22 - One day left till the honeymoon:
Chapter 24 - A couple of weeks after Leon and Violetta went on their holiday:
Chapter 25 ~ A week after Leon and Violetta went on holiday: *Part 2*
Chapter 27 ~ A video to cause trouble:
Chapter 26 ~ On Leon and Violetta's honeymoon:
Chapter 28 ~ 1 week after:
Chapter 29 ~ Music Video plans:
Chapter 29 - Francesca's wedding preparations. Part 1:
Chapter 30 ~ The girls talk at the studio. Part 2:
Chapter 31 - Camila and Francesca talk about Violetta:
Chapter 32 - The band talks about their futures:
Chapter 33 - The girls come over:
Chapter 34 - Naxi talk:
Chapter 35 - Diego and Francesca last night before the wedding: *Part 1*
Chapter 36 - Diego and Francesca last night before the wedding: *Part 2*
Chapter 37 - Before Diego and Francesca's wedding.
Chapter 38 - Diego and Francesca's wedding day:
Chapter 39 - Diego and Francesca's wedding day: *Part 2*
Chapter 40 - After the wedding day.
Chapter 41 - Diecesca in Seville:
Chapter 42 - Meanwhile after Diego and Francesca went on their honeymoon:
Chapter 43 - Leon the Spy/ Maxi and Naty kiss:
Chapter 44 - Secrets come out:
Chapter 45 - After Leon left:
Chapter 46 - The DVD and Show: *Last chapter*

Chapter 23 - More Secrets:

170 5 0
By Rebeccaxchapman1

Violetta ~
When Camila and Francesca talked about the boys being back in the band, I thought I would go to talk to Leon. When I walked to the Zoom, I saw him talking to Andres. I put the music sheets in front of my face, so he didn't know I was spying.

Andres: Are you getting second thoughts about the band Leon?

Leon: No, I was just thinking about Violetta that's all.

Andres: Oh, do you think she will allow you to do the band?

Leon: Well, I'm thinking about that, but no not just that, I feel like I might've made a mistake on a surprise that I booked on our honeymoon that's all.

Andres: What, Surprise?

Violetta was still standing by the door still hiding behind the music sheets, hearing Leon's conversation about the Honeymoon but he suddenly knew she was spying so he changed the subject.

Andres: What, Surprise Leon?

Leon: Why do you want to know?

Andres: Oh, I thought you were going to tell me.

Leon: I want to tell you, but someone is spying behind the door, *Sees Violetta* Violetta, if you're hiding behind the door then come out.

Violetta got nervous and left to her locker and acted like she did not hear anything, until Leon caught up with her, which made Violetta run out of the Studio, she went to her dad and Angie's house to see Grace for a bit because she did not want Leon knowing she was there listening.

Violetta went into the music room and Angie came in into the room as Violetta hoping Leon didn't come and chase her.

Angie: Violetta, you, okay?

Violetta: Hey Angie, I'm good how are you? 

Angie: I'm doing well, but you like you fear something.

Violetta: Look, I am his wife. I have the right to know what is going on in my husband's life because his life is my life, just like my life is his life.

Angie: I am surprised he did not catch you.

Violetta: *gave her a look* He did, but I ran away.

Angie: What? Violetta, you must tell Leon you were listening.

Violetta looked at Angie knowing she was right, she made her way home as she thought Grace was staying over at her dad and Angie's, when she got home, she saw her little girl running at her, and Leon came out of the kitchen wiping his hands with a towel.

Grace: Mommy, Grandma and Grandad are going to look after me.

Violetta: *On her legs* Are they? Well, I thought your other Grandma and Grandad were looking after you. *Looks at Leon*

Leon: I can explain, my mom called me, and they want to spend some time with Grace so I said they could have them this week and Herman and Angie will have her next week.

Violetta: *Stands up* Leon, we said that my dad and Angie would look after her, and your parents haven't even seen her so why now do they want to look after her?

Leon: I don't know my mom called me and I couldn't say no, and now they want to see her, so they are coming over tonight to stay over.

Violetta: What? Are they coming over for dinner?

Leon: Look, I know it's last minute but we leave tomorrow morning so my dad thought instead of moving Grace from house to house he will just stay here.

Violetta: Oh, that's why you're cooking because you don't usually cook.

Leon: *Puts his arm around her waist* Why don't you and Grace get ready they will be here at 6:00 pm.

Violetta: *Kisses his lips* I hate you sometimes.

Leon: You know you love me.

Violetta and Grace went to get ready until the doorbell rang Leon answered the door and his mom and dad walked through the door with their suitcases.

Mrs. Vargas: Leon, honey how are you?

Leon: Hey, mom, Violetta and Grace will be down now she's getting changed.

Grace ran downstairs while Mr Vargas picked her up and spun her around, while Violetta came downstairs.

Violetta's Outfit ~

Mr. Vargas: Hey, my favourite daughter-in-law, and there is my granddaughter.

Ms Vargas: Hi Violetta honey, how are you? I hope you don't mind us taking care of Grace this week.

Violetta: Hey, and I'm good pregnant but you know how it is, and it's okay I was a bit surprised, but I understand.

Mr. Vargas: So, when is dinner I'm starving.

Leon: It will be 5 minutes, baby, do you want to serve the drinks? Or cook?

Mr. Vargas: Leave the girl alone, she's catching up with her father and mother-in-law.

Violetta: I'll get the drinks.

As they went into the kitchen, Violetta was pouring the wine and juice for Grace, and Leon was taking the food out of the oven.

Leon: Does that look cooked to you?

Violetta: Do I look like a chief to you?

Leon: Oh, yeah you can't cook, I forgot. *Laughs at her*

Violetta: *Pushes him playfully* You know if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Leon: Hey, it's not my fault my mom called me and asked me, what did you want me to say no you can't see your granddaughter because my new wife has settled the babysitting.

Violetta: *Smiles at him* Well, it would've been nice to be warned that's all.

Leon: Then why are you smiling at me?

Violetta: Because you called me your wife and it just feels weird still, I'm not used to it.

Leon: *Wraps his hand around her* Well, we only got married yesterday, although I can't wait till, we are on holiday then I get you all to myself, no band talk or Studio talk and no Grace coming into our room.

Violetta: Umm, I think you're forgetting something, Mr Vargas.

Leon: What?

Violetta: Our little one is in here *Holds his hand on her tummy*

Leon: Right, we're already pregnant, so no sex then?

Violetta: Well, no but more make-out sessions are allowed.

Leon: *Kisses her neck* For right now or on holiday?

Mrs Vargas: Leon, Violetta do you need any help in there?

Leon: No, we're fine mom, food is being served.

Violetta: Well, I better serve these drinks before they start wondering where we are.

Leon: Actually, Mom can you come and check if this is cooked for me because I don't have a clue?

Mrs Vargas came to serve the food while Violetta put the drinks on the table ready for food and laid the table, while Mrs Vargas put the plates on the table and started to call everyone.

As they were sitting and eating Mrs and Mr Vargas were talking about the band and memories.

Grace: Daddy, guess what Olga told me today?

Leon: *Looks at her* What, honey?

Grace: Olga, told me that when you and mommy were first going out that you dressed up like a knight and a princess.

Violetta: Did she? That was for Auntie Francesca's birthday party.

Mrs Vargas: Well, Grace that was when they first started dating and your daddy was besotted with your mom.

Leon: *Buts his arm on the back of her chair* When your mom couldn't make up her mind whether she wanted to be with me or Tomas.

Violetta: Grace, don't listen to your father, he's being stupid.

Leon: Not stupid, Grace it was true, but it was a great night too.

Violetta: And then for Auntie Francesca's other birthday party, I had a Youmix recording session, so I missed her party, but daddy here went with another girl called Lara, and that's what pushed me to go out with Diego because your dad moved on so fast it was like I didn't exist.

Leon:  Why would you tell her that?

Grace: Daddy had another girlfriend?

Mr. Vargas: Yeah, let's just say your daddy was a big player back then, I was surprised when he kept getting back with your mom, and settling down I never thought that would happen.

Mrs Vargas: Well, yeah, Violetta you really changed him as when he was with Ludmila he didn't care about the Studio he just cared about himself and being popular, so you really tamed the Lion.

Grace: Daddy, how did you know that Mommy was the one for you?

Leon: *Whispers at Grace* I just got lucky.

Violetta: *Hears him* Uh, Leon.

Grace: Mommy, did you think daddy was the one for you? 

Violetta and Leon looked at each other.

Violetta: *Looks at him* I knew it in my heart even when I fell for other guys that your dad was the only one that could complete me, and now I'm married to him.

Meanwhile, they finished their dinner and Grace was sitting in between Mr And Mrs Vargas looking at photo albums while Leon and Violetta washing up and talking.

Violetta: Leon, did you really mean when you said you just got lucky to fall for me? Like do you still remember why you fell for me?

Leon: Well, that first time I saw you out on that street with Tomas I thought there was no way a guy like him could be with a girl like you, and then there was saving you from those skaters and then our first kiss and that is when I really knew you were the right person for me, and you know what out of everything we have been through my love for you grew stronger than I ever felt for anyone.

Violetta: Really? Well, I remember you singing "Find more tears" for the first time and that's when I fell in love with the song, and the first time I saw you play the Piano every time you played the Piano my heart skipped a beat, but I really fell in love with you when you kissed me it felt so magical and that was when I knew who my heart wanted and every time I kiss you I still fall in love with you over again.

Leon went around the counter and pulled her close as they were about to kiss, Mrs. Vargas came in to give them glasses to wash, as she knew she interrupted something.

Mrs. Vargas: Hey, watch it you two you already made another one.

Leon laughed as his mom left making Violetta put her arms around his neck and he put his hands on her stomach.

Leon: You know I'm happy we're having another baby, right?

Violetta: Of course, Leon, but I'm scared that you won't be around for us.

Leon: What do you mean?

Violetta: The girls told me that you and the boys have the band back together Leon, I thought you gave that up for us as you didn't want to be apart, don't let my nightmare come true, please. *Starts to cry*

Leon: Hey, baby we're back in the band but I promise you I'm going to be here for you, I'm never going to be apart from you.

Violetta: No, Leon, because what happens if you go on tour again, I can't cope without you again, those five months really were awful without you.

Leon: Shh, *Pulls her close* I'm not going anywhere besides, we're not talking about tours we are just talking about an album that's all.

Grace: Mommy!!! See this. 

Violetta: *Hears Grace call her* I'll be right there, honey. 

Grace: Quick and bring daddy with you.

Leon: *Wipes her tears* Don't cry okay, don't show Grace or mom and dad that your crying, okay? We'll talk about this in bed, okay? Now come on our daughter wants us.

Violetta wipes her tears and holds Leon's hand as they walked into the living room Grace looked at them. 

Leon: What have you got there?

Violetta: *Looks at the pictures* Awe, it's cute Leon in a Mexican hat.

Leon: What? Mom, why are you showing pictures of me?

Mrs Vargas: Because you are still my son. 

As they were looking through pictures it was then time for Grace to go to bed, so Violetta went up and tucked her into bed, and read her bedtime story as she fell asleep,

Violetta went into their room where she thought she would change into her pyjamas, as she got changed Leon came up after saying goodnight to his parents, he walked into the room and saw Violetta in bed already.

Leon: Have you got the alarm on?

Violetta: Yeah, what time is our flight again?

Leon: Half 6 so we will have to get up around 5:00.

Violetta: Okay, I got the alarm on.

Leon: Are you okay, baby? *Gets into bed*

Violetta: *Cuddles into him* I'm better now, I have some reassurance, and I have to say considering I wasn't pleased your parents were coming over, it wasn't a bad night.

Leon: *Strokes her hair* Hey, we're going to be okay, and Grace and this one is always going to have us I promise, and it was a good night and Grace got to have fun and got some stories of our love story.

Violetta: A very messed up love story, but we're together the four of us.

Leon: The four of us.

Violetta: I love you, Leon Alexander Vargas.

Leon: *Puts his arm around her* And I love you, Violetta Maria Castillo –Vargas.

Violetta cuddled up to him and he kissed her forehead as they fell asleep.

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