A Certain Magical Keyblade Wi...


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Waking up in an unfamiliar city, Sora has no idea where he is now. After saving Kairi and bringing her back h... More

Chapter 1: City Lights
Chapter 2: Encountering Misfortune
Chapter 3: Meeting New & Old Faces
Chapter 4: Confrontation
Chapter 6: The Good & The Bad
Chapter 7: Explanations and Events to Come
Chapter 8: Late Night Fights
Chapter 9: New Day, New Friends
Chapter 10: Eventful Situations
Chapter 11: Light Meets Light
Chapter 12: Challenges That Await
Chapter 13: First Clash of the Night
Chapter 14: Secondo scontro del destino
Chapter 15: Prelude to the Road
Chapter 16: Rising Tensions
Chapter 17: Magical & Scientific Issues

Chapter 5: Hospital Friends

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*Disclaimer - I do not own the copyright for Kingdom Hearts or Toaru Majutsu no Index series.


*A/N - Hey everyone, hope you're all doing good. Figured I'd give this story a bit of love since all my other stories are much further along. Also, seeing that Sora has now made the news. How will that affect the Keyblade Wielder and whom will that attract? Expect friends and enemies. Either way, hope you enjoy it and stay tuned for more.


Sitting in the passenger seat of Yomikawa's car, Sora continued to look out the window and was amazed at the sight in front of him. Even having explored Hiro's world, San Fransokyo, Academy City had a different kind of feel to it. Especially because over 50% of the people here have Esper powers. It all sounded so cool!

Moreover, there were still many questions he had. Not only about this city but this world. How could the Heartless already be here and attacking people? Were they here before he got here? Or... did the Heartless start appearing after he arrived in this world?

Many more thoughts began to make Sora feel guilty about the whole thing. The Heartless were attracted to hearts so it wasn't far off that they were already in this world. But that just made Sora have another troubling thought in his lap. Sora recalled Leon's words that he said to him back in Traverse Town during his first adventure which felt so long ago.

"They'll come at you out of nowhere. And they'll keep on coming at you, as long as you continue to wield the Keyblade"

Guilt crawled up Sora's throat as he was starting to put two and two together and was having inner turmoil with himself. While he was sure that the Heartless didn't just show up as soon as he arrived in this world, that didn't mean they would not come after him now. Seeing that the ones that he just dealt with were not your everyday Shadows. There was something wrong and he needed to get to the bottom of this.

However, that would have to wait as Yomikawa cleared her throat to get his attention. She probably had a bunch of questions to ask him which he did owe her.

"So, you feeling all right? Now that you got a minute to get your energy back" Yomikawa said, getting a quick glance at the boy.

"Yeah. I'm feeling better"

"That's good to hear. In that case..." Yomikawa turned her attention back to the road and let out a sigh that she didn't know she was holding. How was she supposed to go about asking him what exactly just happened in the past half-hour?

"Do you want to start talking or should I just throw something out there and you go from there?"

Bringing a hand under his chin to give a thinking pose, Sora had a feeling that Yomikawa had a lot on her mind. It didn't seem fair that she wasn't in the know. So, he figured she could start.

"You can start"

"... all right. Well then, first, what the hell was that!?" Yomikawa asked, letting her emotions become apparent.

Sora had a surprised look on his face as he stared at the mature yet beautiful woman still wearing her Anti-Skill attire and the expressive look on her face.

"Err... what do you mean?"

"Are you kidding me? Sora. We just got done fighting small dark monsters that were ripping people's hearts out. But it wasn't their real heart but something like a heart and then the people who were attacked ended up becoming said monsters" Yomikawa said without even taking a second to catch her breath.

"And on top of that, you're able to summon a giant key-looking weapon that kills those monsters. I mean, the Heartless. And when you kill the Heartless, small pink hearts appear and float away which didn't happen when I killed them" Yomikawa added.

"Plus, don't get me started on how you were able to throw a school bus at the Heartless tornado" Feeling a headache start to come, Yomikawa let out a long sigh before continuing to talk again. "But I guess if we need to start somewhere. My first question to you, Sora, is... are you ok?"

This threw Sora off completely as the entire time she was pouring her thoughts out; he did not expect her first real question to him to be about how he was.

"I-I'm all right. A bit tired though. Usually, I have no trouble dealing with the Heartless. But... it seems like I'm not as strong as I used to be" Sora replied, having an inkling of why he wasn't as strong as he used to be.

Chirithy's words seemed to resonate with him at that moment. "You'll lose your powers. You won't be able to use the power of waking"

At the time, he didn't really take heed of Chirithy's words. But now waking up in a whole new world with no way home. He would need to be extra careful. Moreover, while his magical powers seemed to be heavily weakened, his physical abilities were still with him. However, after his most recent battle with the Heartless, it appeared that his newly gained strength was also gone which left him working twice as hard in a fight. He'll have to adjust his fighting style at least until manages to reclaim his lost power for the fourth time now.

"Not as strong as you used to be. Are you telling me that you used to be a lot stronger?" Yomikawa asked, looking bewildered at the young man.

"Yeah. Before I would be able to kill Shadow Heartless with ease. Almost like swatting a fly off the wall" Sora responded.

This left Yomikawa to have a small smile on her face as she recalled a certain white-haired boy who was also dealing with the problem of once being super strong but now having to adjust himself and his Esper ability.

"Normally, if someone said they lost their power or they used to be super strong they would be really upset. But you clearly look fine"

"This isn't my first time losing my power" Sora stated.

"And you just continue to amaze me. Well then, seeing that things are going to be a bit hectic in the city for a bit, while you are getting checked up, I'll be calling headquarters to help me get you somewhat situated into the city's database" Yomikawa said.

"I thought we had to go and get the paperwork for me to stay in Academy City?"

"That was the original plan. However, seeing that monsters suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started attacking people. Things are going to be a mess around the city. Plus, there is another problem..."

"Huh? Another problem? What do you mean, Yomikawa?" Sora asked, not sure what the ponytailed woman was getting at.

"Well... you do know that drones were flying around the area and surveillance cameras on buildings that were broadcasting everything that was happening, right?"

Frowning at what she was saying, Sora still didn't get it.

"Sora. You were most likely caught on video fighting the Heartless"

"Ok? I'm betting that in a place like Academy City there are bound to be a lot of people using their Esper powers and being recorded" Sora explained which earned a shake of the head from Yomikawa.

"Yes. But not everyone is recorded fighting against dark monsters that have never been seen before and managing to save people left and right. Plus, you did just fight a large tornado that was made up of dark monsters and even threw a school bus at the twister" Yomikawa added.

"I...I can see your point" Ruffling his hair and looking a bit embarrassed, Sora was now getting at what she was trying to say. "So, does that mean I'm in trouble?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure. While I think you were right to fight the Heartless, even though your account of the whole thing sounds crazy. Others will think of you as the next big thing. You know how people can be when it comes to seeing something new" Yomikawa said, trying to explain that people will be looking at Sora in an all-new light. And the boy had only just gotten here less than 24 hours ago!

"But I do think that someone will want to have a word with you about the whole situation. Seeing that you are familiar with the Heartless" Yomikawa added.

"Yeah. I figured as much. But will that affect me being able to stay in Academy City?" Sora asked.

"I think the sooner we get you the paperwork needed. The less we need to worry about some higher-up sending Anti-Skill to escort you out of the city. Plus, I'll talk to the doctor I'm taking you to. He's got some connections with the higher-ups of Academy City. I'm sure he could help us"

Sora let out a breath he didn't know that he was holding in and sheepishly looked grateful at Yomikawa.

"That's a relief. Thank you, Yomikawa, for everything" Sora said, meaning every word.

"Don't worry about it, Sora. You know, it's ok to rely on others and not deal with everything on your own" Yomikawa responded with a hint of worry in her voice.

"I know that. I just... didn't want anyone else to get hurt while dealing with the Heartless. But..." Looking out at the passenger window, Sora was able to see that he and Yomikawa were in another part of the city with trees and windmills that were in the distance. "Now that the Heartless have shown up, things are going to change"

"No kidding. A brand-new creature has appeared in a city full of scientists that make the crazy scientists in movies look sane. That just spells bad news" Yomikawa said, grimacing at the thought.

"Yeah... I'm going to need help. Do you think you could help me, Yomikawa?" Sora asked, already knowing the answer but still wanting to ask the question to the mature beauty.

"I think you already know the answer, Sora" Yomikawa replied, flashing the young man a warm and confident smile to which he returned the smile.

Now having another friend in this world that could help him with the Heartless, Sora had another person in mind that he could ask for their help. A certain black spiky-haired boy with a mysterious right hand. However, Sora would be knocked out of his thoughts as Yomikawa spoke up which caught his attention.


"Well, would you look at that? Time seems to fly by when you're having a good time"

Coming into view was what appeared to be a hospital of sorts. It made sense since Yomikawa said she had a friend that would check on him for his injuries.

Pulling into a parking spot, Yomikawa stopped the car and turned it off while pulling her phone out and typing something. Sora just looked around the area seeing that the hospital looked quite busy. Maybe that was because of the incident with the Heartless?

After getting out of the car and stretching, both Yomikawa and Sora began walking through the front doors of the hospital and could see that a bunch of people were in the waiting room. They must be waiting to hear about their friends that were here seeking medical help.

Yomikawa had a concerned look on her face but didn't say anything and went to the receptionist who was looking at something on her computer.

"Excuse me"

"Oh! Miss Yomikawa. What brings you here? Did something come up with..." the receptionist never got to finish what she saying as Yomikawa stopped her.

"It's not that. I'm looking for Heaven Canceller is he available?"

"Let me check and see really quick" the receptionist began typing away on her computer looking up this Heaven Canceller.

"All right, it appears that he is currently free now. I'll send him a message about you and..." the receptionist turned to look at Sora who awkwardly waved his hand at her for a greeting which she also waved back somewhat confused. "And your friend heading to meet you"

"Great! Thanks. C'mon Sora"

Following right behind her, the two began to walk down a long narrow hall before stopping in front of a large door that looked a bit different compared to the other doors in the hallway. Yomikawa knocked on the door twice before a response could be heard.

"Come in"

Upon entering the room, Sora was met with an older fellow that had the appearance of what many would identify as a frog face, but not in a rude way. Just that he reminded many of the occupants of Academy City with his similarities to a certain frog mascot.

The older gentleman had a smile on his face as he was now facing Yomikawa who also had a friendly smile.

"Long time no see"

"You were just here not that long ago"

"You know what I mean"

Having had their greeting, Sora was now the focus of attention as the frog-faced doctor was now looking at him a with friendly smile.

"I take it you're the young man Yomikawa has told me about?"

"Right, sir. I'm Sora. It's nice to meet you..." Sora replied, not sure about his name.

"Please, call me Heaven Canceller," the older doctor who was now known as Heaven Canceller said while offering a handshake which Sora returned.

"Now then, why don't we get you a seat while I perform a check-up on you? Does that sound all good?"

"Yeah. I'm good with that"

"Mm. If you would" Heaven Canceller said, directing Sora to a hospital bed that would serve as his seat.

Taking a seat, Sora was a bit curious about what the doctor, err... Heaven Canceller would do. His answer would be that of a gun of sorts that had what appeared to be a screen on it that was almost see-through but not so much. The first thought that came to Sora was that it reminded him of his AR headset back in San Fransokyo where it would send him information and highlight important features.

However, Sora would be stopped from thinking about anything else as the thing Heaven Canceller was holding seemed to light up and activate while projecting a bunch of data on the screen from pointing at him. This left Sora stumped and a bit weirded out by the device. Heaven Canceller seemed to notice the young man's reaction and chuckled a bit.

"Haha. Don't worry about it, Sora. This device is scanning your body and gives me your temperature along with letting me know if there are any abnormalities around your body. Normally, I'd have you step into a large scanner of sorts that would tell me if there was anything wrong. However, this device is making things a lot easier and speeding up the process" Heaven Canceller explained.

"Whoa... that's so awesome! Is that device something only available here in Academy City? Since the city is advanced in technology?" Sora asked, curious about the helpful technology.

While he was not exactly all that familiar with technology, Sora was beginning to learn more and more thanks to his latest adventure and meeting the Big Hero Six gang. His new friends introduced to him the many wonders technology had and how it could help everyone live a better life. Since then, he's been working on paying attention to everything regarding technology. Plus, he was in a highly advanced city that relied heavily on science and technology.

"You'd be correct. However, at the moment, I'm the only one with this device. It's still going through a testing phase and once I'm done, then it can start to be published for others to use" Heaven Canceller said.

"I'm guessing you've had some help with testing the device, huh?" Yomikawa suggested which got a chuckle out of the frog-faced doctor.

"Yes. If it weren't for those girls, I'd be stuck with a whole lot more work to do. But thanks to them, they were able to help me get things moving right along" Heaven Canceller stated, having put down the device.

Yomikawa had a content look on her face hearing that news.

"Well, Sora, based on what Yomikawa has told me, you were involved with that monster attack happening"

"Yeah. I let my guard down and got hurt by a few of them. But I was able to stop them" Sora said, frowning at the truth of what happened.

The loss of all his strength had thrown a wrench in his way causing him to have to use more energy than he was used to, which was thanks to him losing his power. Once things calmed down, he would need to readjust his fighting strategy and come up with ways to substitute his lost power.

"We've been receiving victims from the attack and have been able to treat most of them. I'm guessing you are to thank for helping these people get help"

"It wasn't just me. Yomikawa and the others in Anti-Skill were able to help push back the Heartless"

"The Heartless? I take it that's what they are called?"

"Yes. And as much as I don't like saying this... you might want to prepare yourself and your fellow doctors and nurses for more cases involving Heartless attacks" Sora said, grimacing at the negative truth.

Even though he was able to defeat the Demon Tide, that still didn't explain where the Heartless came from. Whether it was from someone trying to command them or if they just spawned due to the manifestation of darkness in people's hearts, the Heartless were still a threat. That thought lay right at the forefront of Sora's mind.

He needed to regain his strength. Better yet, he needed to get stronger.

"I see... thank you for the heads up, Sora" Looking over at Yomikawa who seemed to be listening to the two's conversation while also thinking about something in deep thought. Heaven Canceller addressed the pony-tailed woman, "Can I also get a detailed report on what I should be preparing for regarding these Heartless?"

"Yeah. I'll send over an official Anti-Skill report on the situation once we're done here" Yomikawa said, still recalling the many thoughts she had.

"That would be great, thanks. Now, Sora, based on results, it really does appear that you're in good healthy shape. Though it does appear that..." Before Heaven Canceller could finish whatever, it was that he was going to say. The door to the room slammed open and a brown blur dashed right into the room and straight at Heaven Canceller.

"Did you see?! Did you see it?! Misaka Misaka asks as she is alluding to the fact that the savior was on the TV" a small brown-haired girl energetically said.

"Yes. Last Order. I did see the news in fact the person you saw is standing right over there" Heaven Canceller said, pointing over at Sora.

However, before anyone could say or do anything, the little girl now identified as Last Order bolted right at Sora and started firing off questions all while her eyes were closed.

"Oh! It's you! The savior! I saw you on the TV fighting those monsters! You looked so cool! How are you doing? Did those monsters hurt you? Is that why you're here? Says Misaka Misaka as she is wondering why you are here" Last Order said, now opening her eyes and was met with a pair of blue eyes and brown-spiky hair instead of black.

"Uhm...Hi?" Sora said, taken back by the little girl and her many questions.

Last Order was silent for a moment before jumping back and yelping at what she just did.

"W-whaa?! I-I thought you were... Ah!" Lowering her head and giving an apologetic bow, Last Order felt a wave of embarrassment hit her. "Misaka Misaka is terribly sorry for that"

"Hehe. Don't worry about it. I'm sure everyone is all excited about seeing what happened on the television" Sora said, ruffling the back of his hair.

"I thought you were someone else Misaka recognized says Misaka Misaka as she shakes her head and is once again sorry"

"You mistook me for someone else? I think you mentioned someone having black hair. Do they also have spiky hair?"

"Yep! He's known as the savior due to how he saved all the Misakas. Says Misaka Misaka as she immediately realizes that she shouldn't say something strange like that" Last Order said.

"Hmm" Crossing his arms and thinking for a second, Sora had one person come to mind. But in a large city like Academy City, there had to be more people with dark spiky hair and not just one boy, right? "Is this savior you're talking about named Touma?"

"Oh! You know the savior! Says Misaka Misaka as she instantly recognizes that name!"

"Yeah. Touma has been helping me ever since I got here. I'm new to Academy City" Sora said, not wanting to confuse the young girl with his story.

"That's great to hear! Says Misaka Misaka as she is happy that the savior is still helping others out"

Sora was now beginning to realize that the young girl was talking in a third person or at the very least repeating someone's name over and over. However, Sora wasn't one to judge someone on their personality. Besides, it was something new and Sora was growing used to it by the second.

"Last Order. I thought you were with the others?" Heaven Canceller asked.

"I was. But once I saw the TV, I grew excited at the idea that the savior was fighting monsters. And one of the other Misakas said that she saw a head of spiky hair entering the hospital and looking for your room which was exciting! Says Misaka Misaka explaining why she is here"

Yomikawa had a smile across her lips while she stayed quiet while the young girl was looking all excited to meet her hero, but even with it not being the person she thought it was. The little girl was still excited to meet the boy. Plus, Sora was very friendly and had an air of positivity around him that was infectious to be around.

"I see... well, he is pretty much done here. He's in good health but just fatigued which is understandable given what he's just been through. Last Order, do you think you could give him a tour around the place while I discuss some things with Yomikawa here" Asked Heaven Canceller.

"Sure! I'd be happy to do that. Says Misaka Misaka as she is getting all giddy at hanging out with the boy from the TV" Last Order cheerfully said.

"Last Order. You do know he has a name..." Heaven Canceller said, chuckling to himself at the young girl's antics.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I've been calling you the boy from the television. Says Misaka Misaka feeling guilty for not knowing your name"

"Ehehe. It's all good. My name is Sora. It's nice to meet you, Last Order" Sora said, having picked up the girl's real name or the name she went by and not the name Misaka that she keeps on saying.

"It's very nice to meet you, Sora! Says Misaka Misaka happy to have made a new friend" Last Order replied, eager to show Sora around.

Sora shot a look at Yomikawa who nodded and responded, "Go on ahead. I'll catch up in a bit. I want to talk with Heaven Canceller about some things"

Hearing the mature woman's words, Sora smiled and returned the nod before following Last Order's lead.

"All right, Last Order, lead the way," Sora said, ready to follow.

"Alrighty! Make sure you stay close to Misaka. And we'll have to walk fast but not as fast as running. Says Misaka Misaka as she recalls getting yelled at by one of the nurses for running in the halls yesterday"

With that said, the Keyblade wielder and Misaka control tower began making their way to show Sora around the place. Yomikawa now looked over at Heaven Canceller with many questions at the forefront of her mind.

"Is Sora going to be, ok? Or were you just saying that to put him at ease?" Yomikawa asked.

"Sora's results from the device showed nothing really physically wrong with him. His temperature and eye coordination all appeared to be normal and there were no instances of any other physical injuries besides fatigue which is understandable since he's been fighting against those monsters" Heaven Canceller said, pulling out the device.

"However, while I can certainly guarantee that my device works as I've used it not only on myself but other patients as well. There was something that bothered me" Heaven Canceller added.

"What do you mean?"

"Sora's eyes," Heaven Canceller said, having a serious tone of voice behind his words.

"His eyes? I'm not following..."

"I've seen my fair share of cases while in Academy City along with the spectacles that newer technology can bring to the table. But when I observed Sora, it appeared like something was bothering him"

"Bothering him? Are you sure it wasn't just fatigue he's dealing with as you said?" Yomikawa suggested.

"Perhaps. But for now, I'd like to keep this between the two of us. It could be nothing or... it could be something"

"Ok..." Grasping her gloved hand, Yomikawa had to take a deep breath. So much had happened today and the day was still not even halfway through. Plus, while she may have talked with Sora. She still didn't completely know the boy. Looks like she'll have to keep her eye out for another teenager.

"Now then, let's talk about the other thing you wanted to discuss," Heaven Canceller said which drew Yomikawa's attention back.

From one subject to another, Yomikawa was in for a long day.


Following Last Order and Sora

The two had been exploring the other side of the hospital for quite a bit of time. And now the young girl was speed walking right in front of Sora pointing to thing after thing in the hospital forcing the boy to chuckle at the girl's energy.

"Oh! And over there is where Misaka and her sisters go to get our eyes checked says Misaka Misaka as she is wondering if anyone is in there"

"Mm. Hey, Last Order, based on what you've said are your sisters here in the hospital? Are you guys, ok?" Sora asked, becoming considered after hearing about Last Order and her sisters staying in the hospital.

"We..." before Last Order could finish what she was saying, a nurse walking by seemed to recognize Last Order and called out to her.

"Oh? Last Order. What are you doing around here? Are you with one of your sisters?"

"Nope. This Misaka is giving her new friend a tour. Says Misaka Misaka as she is liking being a guide"

Noticing Sora standing there, the nurse offered him a smile.

"I see, it's nice to meet you. I hope Last Order is a good guide and shows you everywhere that is accessible. Do note that there are areas that are restricted to the public. Other than that, if you have any questions, you can find another nurse or even a doctor" the nurse said.

"Understood ma'am. And yeah, Last Order is a good guide showing me all sorts of cool areas the hospital has" Sora responded.

"That's good to hear" Checking the clipboard she was holding onto and then looked at the two again. "Well, I've got a few patients to check on. Last Order, please remember. No running and no going into random rooms"

"*Sigh* Misaka knows that already. Don't need to tell her again. Says Misaka Misaka as she remembers being scolded for walking into another patient's room and getting yelled at"

With that said, the nurse began walking away leaving Sora and Last Order alone yet again.

"So, we've seen a lot of the hospital. But I take it that everything we couldn't see is off limits?" Sora asked which made Last Order groan.

Nodding her head up and down, Sora realized that it wouldn't be a good idea to let Last Order go into a room that had someone else in there. That would be rude and probably get the two of them into trouble. At that sudden realization, Sora had a thought hit him. Even though he had spent a bit of time with Last Order enjoying the girl's company. He still had no idea who she really was.

"Hey, Last Order, since we can't go anywhere else, there is something I'm curious about"

"Oh? What is it? Says Misaka Misaka as she is getting excited" Last Order said, practically jumping up and down.

"Ok. Well, *rubbing the back of his neck* who are you exactly?"

Last Order tilted her head. Almost like she was confused by the question.

"I mean, I know that your name is not Misaka even though you keep mentioning that name. I figured that's just your sister's name. And that you go by Last Order but other than that you came running into Heaven Canceller's room and thought that I was the 'Savior' and then you jumped at me" Sora explained, hoping to get some sort of answer.

"Hmm. You raise a big point. Says Misaka Misaka as she begins to take a thinking pose" Last Order replied.

"If you don't feel alright telling me anything that's ok. I was just curious about who you were. And I'm betting that you have questions about who I am as well" Sora stated.

Taking a moment to think things through, Last Order remained quiet as if she was thinking deeply about what Sora was asking. However, what she really was doing was communicating with the Misaka Network and gauging what her sisters were saying about the whole ordeal. After spending a whole minute quiet, Last Order finally got her answer and looked chipper about it.

"Alright. Misaka has just talked with her sisters about your question, and we have decided to tell you a bit about ourselves. And one of Misaka's sisters would like to join us. Says Misaka Misaka as she is excited for you to meet her sister!" Last Order replied, earning a smile from Sora.

"Mm. Got it. Thank you, Last Order" Sora said, excited to learn more about his new friend.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Misaka's sister said that she'll meet us outside at one of the benches. Says Misaka Misaka getting ready to speed walk outside.

Now with a plan to follow, Sora nodded at Last Order's determination and gave her the go-ahead which sent Last Order the confirmation she needed to zoom out of the hospital. Sora could only chuckle and began to slowly catch up with her.


Meanwhile, back with the Railgun gang

It had been some time since the Heartless attack, that most of the citizens who were bunkered down at the Anti-Skill's safety zone were either sent to the hospital or home. However, four girls remained in the area looking for a certain spiky-haired boy who was nowhere to be found.

"Onee-sama, I don't think he is here anymore," Shirai said, looking at the Railgun with a concerning look.

"This doesn't make sense. We didn't see him coming back this way" Saten said with a frown crossing her lips.

"Maybe he's still out there?" Uiharu suggested.

"No. If there are any more attacks from those monsters, then I'm sure that's where he would be. But nothing has popped up on the Anti-Skill radio frequency" Misaka stated.

"Do you think he might have left then?" Saten asked.

"Well..." Uiharu muttered but had no real answer for her friend who looked worried about the boy.

"Maybe we should ask one of the Anti-Skill officers about any information on him" Shirai suggested.

With that in mind, Misaka spotted one Anti-Skill member talking with another before the other person left to go do something which left the other all alone. Taking this chance, Misaka began to walk up to the lone Anti-Skill member leaving her friends stumped at what was happening.

"Hey, excuse me"

"Young lady, even though the monster attacks have stopped it's still not safe for you... to be... here..." the Anti-Skill member stopped what he was saying as he now realized who he was talking to.

"O-oh... Uh... sorry about that. I thought you were..."

"It's alright. Realistically, no one should still be out here. But my friends and I were looking for someone" Misaka said, understanding where the Anti-Skill member was coming from.

It was dangerous for anyone to be in this area given that the monsters had disappeared but may still be out there. Plus, Misaka still had no idea what those monsters were. And that was something she had to be careful about. One wrong move and she could be next.

"There was a boy with brown spiky hair here earlier when the monsters were attacking. He helped save one of my friends and we were wondering if you had seen that boy anywhere?" Misaka asked.

"A boy with spiky brown hair?" The Anti-Skill member looked puzzled for a moment before a look of realization hit him. "Oh! I think I know who you're talking about. But I'm afraid that I can't give away any of his personal information. Just know that he managed to help us out a great deal and retreated to get checked up. He was with another Anti-Skill member"

"I see... thank you for the information" Misaka replied.

"No problem. But would you mind getting your friends away from here? We still don't know if those monsters will show up again"

"Understood. Thanks again for the help"

With that said, Misaka began walking back to her friends who looked at her with varying expressions.

"So, what did he say?" Saten asked.

"He said that the boy was here. But he left to get checked up at some hospital. We must have missed him" Misaka responded.

"Darn" Kicking a piece of rubble at her feet, Saten was glad to hear that the boy who saved her was safe but wished she could at least thank him. "That's good to hear that he got away. I just wish I could have thanked him"

"I'm sure you'll get the chance another time. But what should we do now?" Uiharu asked.

"Well, the first thing we should do is get you two out of here" Saying that Shirai grabbed Uiharu and Saten's hands along with Misaka planted her hand on her shoulder and then in the matter of a split second the group of girls was gone from the Anti-Skill safety zone.

The next thing the girls knew was that they were now further away from the safety zone and could see it from a distance. Shirai had teleported them a bit away so that they could talk about what their next move would be.

"Now we can discuss what to do next," Shirai said, dusting off her school outfit.

"I think that we should split up and look for the boy" Misaka stated.

"Are you sure you want to do that, Onee-sama?"

"Why not? I mean, not only did he save Saten, but he was also saving people from being attacked by those monsters. We should at least make sure he is ok. Or maybe he even knows something about those monsters?" Misaka reasoned.

"*Sigh* Ok, Onee-sama. We'll go with your plan. Besides, it's not that usual ape who's involved so that makes me a bit relieved" Shirai muttered that last part to herself.

"Do you have a plan in mind, Misaka?" Saten asked, curious about what the brunette-haired girl had in mind.

"Yeah. I'll look at one of the hospitals around here while you three head back to the Judgment office to get a better idea on security cameras and whatnot. That way we can see where he might have gone" Misaka explained.

"Are you sure you want to go alone, Misaka? Wouldn't you want Shirai to go with you?" Uiharu asked, confused why the Tokiwadai girl would want to go alone.

"It'll be more convenient if Kuroko goes with you guys. I'll have my phone on me in case you guys catch anything" Misaka said while having another reason why she wanted to check out the hospital on her own.

Maybe she could get some information from her sisters on who the boy was. Moreover, Misaka wanted to make sure that all her sisters currently in Academy City were ok and not caught up in the monster attack.

"Alright, Onee-sama. We'll go with your plan. Just please make sure you have your phone on you" Shirai said, knowing that she couldn't talk her dear friend out of her plan.

"Got it. See you guys soon" With that said, Misaka bolted away from the girls and started jogging to a certain hospital that not only had her sisters but where a certain frog-faced doctor was working at.


In a luxury apartment where four girls were residing

Not having moved from their previous spots, the four girls were still lounging around the living room, each minding their own business. However, this group of girls was not your typical group as they were elite members of a Darkside group better known as ITEM. Their leader, Shizuri Mugino, was the one with tea-colored hair and had a magazine stationed in front of her face.

The other girls were Frenda, Kinuhata, and Takitsubo. Together the four of them made ITEM. And on a day like this, no assignments or contracts were being offered which basically gave them a free day.

However, their moment of peace would soon be cut short as Mugino's phone started to vibrate, alerting her that a call was coming through. Letting off a scoff, the tea-colored girl picked the phone up and had her face turn to a scowl instantly.

"Girls. We got a call coming through" Mugino said, setting the TV up so that the encrypted call would come through and letting the other members get ready.

Now prepared to answer the incoming call, ITEM was annoyed but ready to receive the call. The TV now lit up with a green soundwave appearing so that whenever the person on the call was talking the soundwaves would bounce up and down while also coming in clearly.

"Greetings, ITEM. Hope you are doing well" the voice coming from the call said.

Mugino could only look at the television screen with a bored expression and scoffed at the voice. Not really wanting to make chit-chat with their current job contractor.

"Cut the bullshit. You're getting in the way of my free day" Mugino said, clearly irritated.

"Not my problem. However, there is something I have for you that might pique your interest"

"Oh? I doubt whatever it is that you're offering will have me interested" Mugino retorted.

"How about a mission dealing with what's been happening lately?"

"Huh?" Frenda's attention was now piqued.

Kinuhata perked her eyebrows while Takitsubo remained quiet with no real reaction on her face. Mugino, however, had an impassive look.

"The hell are you talking about?"

"Don't any of you watch the news? I'm talking about the monster incident that's all over the news"

Frenda had stars in her eyes as her interest had now been caught.

"Oh. That. What does that have to do with us?" Mugino asked.

"I'm offering you a job," the voice said.

This left the ITEM girls all quiet as they were mentally considering the job offer. Especially since it was such a high topic of interest.

"Caught your interest, have I? Well, I'll sweeten the deal. The job details are that you're to be on the clock for whenever these 'monsters' appear again"

"So, you're putting us on a wild goose chase? Hunting down monsters..." Mugino stated with a distant tone. Something about this job sounded off.

"You didn't let me finish, Meltdowner. The job is asking that you clear out all but a few of the monsters. The monsters left alive are to be captured" the voice on the call said.

"Wait? Do you only want us to capture a few? That seems super redundant" Kinuhata said, confused by the job details.

"Don't ask me why. All I know is that this job offer is out there on the market, and I figured you girls would want something different. Rather than protecting a package or defending a position or taking out a target. Besides, from what I'm hearing from sources, the monsters are extremely dangerous. Hence, the job is only asking for a few to be captured"

"Sounds simple. But difficult..." Takitsubo muttered, finally showing some interest.

"Did I mention that the price on this job is triple what you made on your last job?" the voice said which got most of the ITEM girl's eyes to widen.

"T-triple?! Basically, that sounds too good to be true" Frenda said, wiping her mouth of the drool that was appearing.

Kinuhata and Takitsubo were also considering what the voice just said. They already got paid quite well from their last job and the jobs before that but hearing that this job offered so much more managed to get them interested quite a bit.

However, Mugino was heavily considering what the voice said. While the monster incident was something she brushed off, this job offer set many flags off in her mind. What was the reason for so much interest in this job and collecting a few of the monsters? Why the interest in only a few monsters instead of collecting more?

"What about the public? Isn't everyone on high alert with these monsters appearing?" Mugino asked, wanting some more information.

"That's the kicker. Sources are telling me that these monsters can appear and disappear at any time. So, while the public is aware of these monsters, it's not like everyone can report about every sighting of these monsters"

Mugino did not like that answer. While she didn't go out of her way to hide the fact that she was a Level 5, she didn't exactly go out and let everyone know. Plus, if these monsters could appear and disappear at any time then that would mean that things could get complicated. Beams of light would be seen by others leading from one problem to another.

"...what do you all think?" Mugino asked, wanting to get an idea of what the others thought about it all.

"Hmm... well, we super don't know how dangerous the monsters are as we've never dealt with them. But then again, we've got a Level 5 with us so it will probably make things easy?" Kinuhata suggested.

"...I think we should take the job. We don't know if they'll show up later when we're doing another job. Plus, I can scan them for an AIM to get a better idea of what they are" Takitsubo answered, speaking a bit more than usual.

"Basically, I think we should. If things were to get worse which I doubt since we have Mugino, then we can just kill all the monsters and try again later?" Frenda responded.

Having a clear answer, Mugino let out a sigh as she realized that she was going to take the job.

"Fine. We'll take the job"

"Excellent. I figured as much" The voice went silent for a moment before picking back up. "I've sent you all the information on the job. Good luck hunting, ITEM" With that said, the voice ended the call leaving the girls to think to themselves.

Mugino noticed a message coming from her phone which must have been the information on the job. However, what she found was another file attached to the job details. Becoming curious, Mugino opened the file and was left puzzled at what she saw. A few pictures showed different points of view from security cameras of what the monsters looked like. Dark creatures that were somewhat small with large yellow eyes. Different pictures showed more of what the monsters appeared like.

But there was another picture that piqued Mugino's interest slightly. There in the picture was a boy with spiky hair wearing a black, grey, and red jacket holding what appeared to be a large, oversized house key. The boy appeared to be fighting the monsters with that ridiculous weapon if you could even call it that. However, a realization hit her as she recalled Frenda talking about some boy on the news. Maybe she would have to give the news a look.


Back with Sora and Last Order

Now sitting on a bench just outside the hospital in a nice little opening that wasn't too far away from the main building, Sora was waiting for Last Order's sister to join them in the discussion. However, it appeared that Last Order was losing her patience.

"Ooh, c'mon! How slow can Misaka's sister be?! Says Misaka Misaka as she is angry by her sister being slow"

Sora could only chuckle at the younger girl's words. It made him consider an idea that he really had never thought of before. What would it have been like to have a sibling? An older sister or brother? A younger sister or brother? If they were younger, would they be like Last Order?

He would have to give this idea some more thought later as he heard someone getting closer. Jumping out of his thoughts, Sora looked around and immediately spotted a girl that looked around his age but most likely younger than him. The girl had chestnut hair and while wearing a white and tan school uniform with a little cross on the left side of her vest. It was most likely an insignia from her school. In addition, the girl was wearing a grey colored skirt with white socks However, on her head was a pair of what looked to be goggles. And above all else, she had a strikingly similar appearance to Last Order. This must have been her sister.

With Last Order, back when she was asking the Misaka Network what to do about Sora's question, Misaka 10,032 was the first to respond and took interest in helping her out with an answer. She had also seen the news and was curious about the boy on the TV and wanted to meet him. Hence, Misaka 10,032 would be the one coming to speak with Sora.

"Hello, I take it you're the one that the newest Misaka model is escorting around. Replies Misaka noticing your very spiky hair that reminds her of another" the older sister of Last Order said.

"Yeah. Last Order was a big help showing me around. By the way, my name is Sora. It's nice to meet you"

"I see, it's very nice to meet you, Sora. The control tower has told Misaka about you and the questions you have in mind. Notes Misaka as she is ready to give an answer" Misaka 10,032 replied.

Hearing what the older sister had to say, Sora was a bit confused by whom she meant was the control tower. That was until he looked at Last Order who was smiling back at him. He figured the two sisters must've had special names for each other. And judging by how the older girl talked, her name must have been Misaka.

"Great! I'm also ready to tell you about myself as well..." Sora said, happy to be learning more about his new friends.

"Well then, shall we begin? Questions Misaka as she doesn't know what to do next" Misaka 10,032 said.

"Right then, well, I guess I could start" Clearing his throat and mentally preparing himself for what he was going to say. Making sure to not bring up anything difficult. "As I said, my name is Sora and I'm new to Academy City. I just got here last... actually, I think it's more like I got here today. When I got here, I wasn't sure where to go but by chance, I ended up running into a new friend. Someone you two already know"

"You seem to be alluding to the Savior, states Misaka as she was already told this revelation by the control tower"

"Yep. Touma really helped me out. He took me to his place where I met his roommate, and we came up with a plan to help me. From there, we made our way to his school to meet one of his teachers who could help us. And after that, I went with Yomikawa, who was the woman that was with Heaven Canceller" Sora mentioned to Last Order in case she didn't know who the blue-ponytailed woman was. "But as we were on our way to get me some paperwork done for the city, that's when those monsters attacked"

"Oh! Oh! And then, that's when you were on the TV fighting those monsters like this! And this! Swinging your very large house key around. Says Misaka Misaka as she is reenacting how you were fighting on the TV"

Sora began to chuckle at the young girl moving her body in a... somewhat exaggerated manner while trying to re-enact his fighting style. He even saw in the corner of his eye the strange look Last Order's sister was giving her. 'Also, did she just call the Kingdom Key a large house key?' Sora thought.

"Yeah, that's pretty close to how I fight hahaha. Hey, Last Order, how much of me was shown on the TV?" Sora asked, wanting to get an idea of what the public all saw.

"Hmm. Well, the TV showed a lot of you fighting the monsters and doing all sorts of really cool tricks with your Esper ability. The TV also showed you throwing a bus at that strange tornado that appeared out of nowhere. Says Misaka Misaka as she recalls everything that was shown"

"Might I add that the way you were using your weapon was truly fascinating. How were you able to fight like that? Asks Misaka adding that you don't have to tell us if you don't want to"

"Well... that's a bit complicated. While this is my first time being in Academy City, I seem to have a light manipulation Esper ability that allows me to use my weapon and somewhat control different elements and abilities. And..." Sora stopped himself and had to take a breath. He figured that he could mention not knowing how he got to Academy City without making it complicated.

"And I have no idea how I got here" Sora finished.

"Huh? You don't know how you got here? But..." Last Order didn't get to speak as her sister beat her to it.

"Is the likely scenario in which you don't know how you came to be in Academy City and that you may have suffered a case of amnesia and are dealing with memory loss? Replies Misaka as she is giving a guess based on the information being presented"

"Err... something like that. I remember standing on top of a building and then blacking out only to wake up lying face down in the middle of the street" Sora explained.

"Mm. Perhaps you may already be a resident of Academy City but lost your memory of such a thing. Suggests Misaka as she is growing quite curious about your predicament"

Hearing that Sora might be suffering from memory loss, Last Order began to worry about him.

"A-are you ok? Do you need to see Heaven Canceller again? Says Misaka Misaka as she is suddenly really worried"

"Ehehe. Everything's all right, Last Order. Nothing else hurts. I think now I just want to get that paperwork that Yomikawa mentioned done with, and then see what else I need to complete to be allowed to stay in Academy City" Sora elaborated.

Waving his hand in the air, Sora didn't want to worry these two about his situation. There was still much he didn't know about, and it wouldn't help to stress his new friends already.

"I see. Well then, seeing that you've told us a bit about yourself it's only fair we tell you a bit about us. Says Misaka as she is looking narrowly at the control tower"

"Hey! Why are you looking at Misaka like that?! Says Misaka Misaka not liking the look you're giving"

Either choosing to ignore what the younger girl said or just brushing her off, the older sister began speaking again.

"As you might have suspected, my name is Misaka" Pointing to Last Order, Misaka 10,032 began introducing her. "And this specimen is a Misaka as well. But given that she is the last Misaka model to be produced. She takes the name Last Order. She is also the last to order when it comes to food. States Misaka as she is laughing under her breath"

"Pfft! Haha!" Sora couldn't help but laugh as he was not expecting that.

The older Misaka had a mix of expressions appearing on her face as she was trying to keep her blank and bland expression, but it was slowly becoming diminished as a smirk was starting to appear on the corner of her lips. Last Order looked like she had just been deeply betrayed.

"Hey! What's the big idea!? Says Misaka Misaka as she is furiously stomping her foot on the ground"

"In addition, there are... other Misakas around Academy City. However, you may run into our big sister. And before you say anything, yes, she looks just like us or rather we look just like her. However, she is not wearing any goggles and can be a bit of a hard head at times. Just know that if you see a Misaka fawning over a cartoon frog, then you will have found the oldest Misaka. Replies Misaka as she is moving the conversation along and ignoring the control tower" Misaka 10,032 said.

"Understood. If I happen to see another Misaka and she's not wearing any goggles, then it's the oldest Misaka. Are there any younger Misaka's then?" Sora asked.

"Negative. The control tower is the youngest Misaka model out there. Says Misaka as she explains the dire information overload of Misaka's"

"Hmph. I may be the youngest but I'm still the most important. Says Misaka Misaka as she reminds her sister of how important this Misaka is" Last Order responded.

"Misaka will pretend that she did not hear anything just now. States Misaka as she is focusing her attention elsewhere" Misaka 10,032 said, having a bland expression on her face.

All Sora could do was smile at the two sisters and their strange way of showing affection. And if he had to be honest, he was getting used to how the two said things. Especially the repeating of their names.

"Well, either way, it's nice to meet you, Misaka, and Last Order. Although... since you both were already here at the hospital, are you guys, ok?" Sora asked, becoming concerned for the two sisters.

Hearing Sora's question, the two sister clones looked at each other and shared a look of understanding while also communicating with each other via the Misaka Network. Having spent a good bit of time with the boy, Last Order was happy to report that he was friendly and fun to be around. Even though the entire Misaka Network already had an idea about Sora from Last Order, to see the boy's friendliness in person was something else. It made both Misaka 10,032 and Last Order feel a wave of happiness covering their hearts.

"Misaka would like to report that we are doing well. We were only here for a minor... checkup. Explains Misaka as she does not wish to worry you" Misaka 10,032 said.

"That's good to hear. That doctor, Heaven Canceller, was really friendly. And that device he had that scanned me for any injuries was so cool!" Sora exclaimed, recalling the frog-faced doctor.

"Yep! He also gives Misaka a treat for helping him with watching over another one of his patients. Says Misaka Misaka as she is wishing that she had a treat to eat right now"

Hearing the word treat brought a sense of hunger to Sora as it dawned on him that he was feeling a bit hungry which wasn't out of the realm of possibility. He did just get done fighting a bunch of Heartless, and that always resulted in an empty stomach.

"Hey, does the hospital have a cafeteria of sorts? I'm feeling a bit hungry hearing about treats all of a sudden" Sora said, followed by one of his awkward laughs at the sudden change in topic.

"Uh-huh! The cafeteria food here is really good! Misaka is always asking for seconds anytime she eats down there. Says Misaka Misaka as she is now wanting to eat"

"Mm. I feel like we've talked a bit and now have a better understanding of each other. Seeing that we're already friends. If there's anything else you guys want to ask, do you think we could chat while we visit the cafeteria?" Sora suggested, hearing his stomach grumble.

"Misaka would very much like to eat and talk. Therefore, we should relocate to the cafeteria. Suggests Misaka as she is also feeling hungry" Misaka 10,032 said.

"Great! Well then, Last Order, would you mind showing me where the cafeteria is?"

"Of course! Misaka is your guide. Says Misaka Misaka as she is ready to show you to the cafeteria" Last Order stated.

Following the younger girl who was acting as his guide, Sora realized that a lot had happened recently and that he hadn't yet contacted Touma. Reaching into his pocket, he took out his Gummiphone and worked his way to find Touma's contact information and shot him a text message. Just a friendly message about him being at the hospital and getting something to eat. Along with telling him to not freak out if he sees the news. Having sent the text message, Sora put the Gummiphone back into his pocket and continued to follow Last Order and Misaka to the cafeteria.


However, on the outside of the hospital stood the original Misaka who was going off a hunch that the boy who saved Saten would be here. Plus, this would give her the chance to stop by and check up on her sisters. And hopefully, that idiot wasn't here otherwise she would... she couldn't finish that train of thought as she felt her cheeks get warm.

Shaking her head furiously, Misaka calmed herself down and began making her way into the hospital to check the place out.


Back with Touma

The misfortunate spiky-haired boy was still sitting in class trying his hardest to listen to the lecture being taught on the board when out of nowhere he was struck with a series of intense sneezes.

Each sneeze felt like a punch to the gut, causing his left arm to feel numb. This drew everyone's attention and even forced the teacher to stop talking and look at Touma.

"Kamijou, are you ok?" Asked Miss Komoe who was concerned for her... troubled student.

"Y-yeah. I'm all right. Just... got someone thinking about me" Touma replied.

"The hell, Kami? What? Is it more girls thinking about you?" Aogami remarked, jealous of the spiky-haired harem protagonist.

"Lucky..." Said one student in the background.

"More girls..." Another student said this time being a girl.

"It's probably the girls that Kami-yan wasn't aware that he infected. And now on a day like today, they are thinking about him while bored out of their minds. Curse you, Kami!" Tsuchimikado explained, earning a loud facepalm from Touma.

"Would you two quit it already? For starters, this poor Kamijou has no girls interested in him" Touma said while expressively holding his index finger up to emphasize what he was trying to say. "And second, nothing good ever happens to me"

"Oh, I call bull" Aogami muttered.

"It's true. Whether or not you choose to believe me, this poor Kamijou is riddled with misfortune now and forever"

"Now and forever? Does Kamijou need serious help?" Himegami softly said while watching the whole scenario play out.

"That's not a very good mentality to have, Kamijou" Komoe suggested.

"It's the truth, Sensei, this Kamijou is cursed to have misfortune plague his entire life," Touma said, sounding very dramatic.

"Okay. That's enough. Seriously, Kamijou, when are you going to drop this whole misfortune act?!" Fukiyose questioned, livid that Kamijou was still using misfortune as a scapegoat.

"Act? There's no act. I'm seriously doomed to have misfortune follow me for the rest of my life" Touma said.

"Don't forget the Kami-yan disease as well" Tsuchimikado muttered.

"And yeah, that disea... there is no disease!" Touma exclaimed.

"You just don't want to admit it. But the facts are all there, Kami. You unconsciously get girls to fall head over heels for you" Aogami said.

Having had enough of the Delta Force, Fukiyose promptly stood up from her desk and in a matter of seconds instantly appeared right in front of Aogami's desk and swiftly hit him. This sent his head down onto the desk with enough force to daze him but not leave any lasting damage.

Fukiyose then made her next move at Tsuchimikado who was already prepared to dodge the Iron Wall's next attack. However, what he didn't account for was that she used her other hand to faint an attack against Tsuchimikado which forced him to move and ultimately allowed Fukiyose to land a solid hit to the blonde's forehead sending him crashing into his desk. It looked like the boy was taking a nap now even though he had just been knocked out.

Now, Fukiyose had her sights set on Touma who was beginning to look pale and felt sweat coming down the back of his neck. He quickly raised his hands in the air for defense knowing full well that his chances to block an attack from the Iron Wall girl were practically impossible. Maybe Fukiyose's Esper ability had something to do with her brute strength? Would Imagine Breaker work to stop her? Touma did not want to try and find out.

However, the sad truth was that before Touma could think about what to do next, he found himself staring right at the desk and looking up at Komoe Sensei from a sideways angle. He had been hit to the point that he was still conscious but dazed enough to see the front of the class. In all honesty, this was better than ending up like those other two Delta Force members.

The rest of the class could only shake their heads or bow their heads to honor their fallen classmates who had just been dealt a blow from the Iron Wall girl. Komoe Sensei looked worried for her students hoping that they would wake up and pay attention to the rest of the lecture before class ended.

With a scoff, Fukiyose made her way back to her seat while readjusting her seat and looking to Komoe Sensei ready to begin the lecture again. As did the rest of the class. It was all just another day in Komoe's classroom.

But at the same time, Touma's phone received a message that would later leave him stumped and realize that this was the misfortune he was dreading. And things would only get harder for the poor misfortunate boy. Thanks to the involvement of a certain Keyblade Wielder.

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