Dragon Phoenix Arises

By ShonuaSDK

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Shattered heart and a shattered soul... after waking up from the Gianyin temple Hua Ying wakes up and finds h... More

Chapter One Shattering my soul
Chapter Two Deceit
Chapter Three Through Empathy
Chapter four Punishment
Chapter Five The Rebirth of the Supreme Demon Ghost Phoenix and high Goddess
Chapter Six What happened in the two months Hua Ying was in the Kiln
Chapter Seven The suffering made worse
Chapter Nine The Ceremony and The Nightmare
Chapter Ten The sighing at Shudong.
Chapter Eleven Spoiled princess
Chapter Twelve Vampire Corpses
Chapter Thirteen Valley of flowers
Chapter Fourteen A broken heart is mending
Chapter Fifteen QiShan
Chapter Sixteen Hua ZhiRuo find the truth
Chapter Seventeen Lan's learns the truth
Chapter Eighteen Memories Lost
Chapter Nineteen Rescuing of Lan Sizhui and Hua Xuanyu
Chapter 20 The war has started
Chapter Twenty-One The water prisons and the castle made of ash
Chapter Twenty- Two An eternity with only you
Authors Notes
Hi there, Just another notice

Chapter Eight Lan Zhan's secret revealed

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By ShonuaSDK

The next day Lan Zhan was nervous as he stepped on his sword with Lan Sizhui, Lan Jingyi and Jin Ling and headed for Laning Jin sect. Lan Zhan didn't know what kind of reception he'd receive beside one of hate, yet as he landed and his arrival was announced he and the boys were taken to the pavilion where it was known that Jin Yanli spent her days since pregnancy. As he approached, he bowed in greeting the boys greeted as well as Jin Ling walked up to his mother and hugged her before kissing her belly and taking the boys with him.

You are here about what happened last night said Jin YanLi softly as she gestured for him to sit as she poured the tea

He is alive. Stated Lan Zhan

Yes A-Xian is alive, he was revived three days ago said Jin YanLi

Thr... three days? Asked Lan Zhan shocked

"Mn" he wanted to die, he refused and fought his family but Wen Ning appeared and reminded them of something vital then he accept them and left the Kiln three days ago. You should know this as you both share a soul Said Jin Yanli

Mn replied Lan Zhan as he looked down

Jin Yanli looked at Lan Zhan expression, she decided to come clean.

I met with him yesterday, he helped me with this little one she said as she touched her stomach, he said any longer and both me and my child would've died, he looks well... different but well, he sounds well... like he use to before all that has happened, happened.

He went back? Asked Lan Zhan thinking that he might've gone to the burial mounds

He has not gone to the burial mounds but yes, he went back home he was weak and in flux. A-Zhan, I know what you are feeling but as I have said before, be there for the people and one day he will surely show. Said Jin Yanli as she placed her hand on his arm

There is something no one knew said Lan Zhan as he took the talismans from his sleeve and placed it in the table near her, she took it and looked it over. Where did you get these? They are truly dark said Jin Yanli

On me said Lan Zhan

You... you had five... you had five! she screeched as Jin ZiXuan and Jin Ling run towards them ...that... that... IF HE WASN'T DEAD ALREADY, I WOULD CUT HIS THROAT AND WATCH HIM BLEED shouted Jin Yanli

A-Li what's wrong? asked Jin ZiXuan as he approached her, she threw the talismans at him and sat down with a white-faced Lan Zhan

You mean to say that all your emotions and actions were twisted, you weren't in control asked Jin ZiXuan as Jin Ling fell next to his mother and started sobbing

"Mn" replied Lan Zhan

Trapped in your own mind like a living corpse said Jin ZiXuan

That is not all said Lan Zhan as he looked to Jin YanLi

A-Zhan, I truly feel sorry for both you and A-Xian but what more could there be, besides being trapped in our own mind for three months while your own soul fought for freedom? she asked

Beauty then came out and played Hua Ying's final message, once it was done Jin YanLi paled.

I can't... you both have been so wronged she said as the tears poured down her face, I am so sorry, if I knew of this then I would've spoken to him but he won't be back until the birth I have no way of telling him she said.

The Nie Sect. Replied Lan Zhan

Second master Lan we are on good terms with the Nie Sect but there is no guarantee that he is even is in Yuandao. Replied Jin ZiXuan softly

I understand replied Lan Zhan down casted

I promise if he shows, A-Zhan I will explain, I will ask him to see you. Allow me to keep these and I give you my word I will tell him said Jin YanLi

I have no use for it but a horrid reminder said Lan Zhan as he got up, he bowed and left.

A-Zhan, they survived called Jin YanLi,

ZhiRuo and DiSung they live that was the message Wen Ning conveyed, "if you live, they live. If you die, they die" he was there in the phoenix nesting grounds for two days for them.

They are beautiful and ZhiRuo, she is the female image of you, even your uptight posture but, she is A-Xian's daughter whereas your son, he looks like A-Xian did when he was younger, and he is the light to his sister's dark.

You've seen them? Asked Lan Zhan shocked

I have held them; spoke to them I placed our clans vermillion mark above their brow, I have told them if they would love to hear stories of their mother's past, they are more than welcome. said Jin YanLi

Are they not infants? Asked Lan Zhan

No... no they are one-year-old children, Boashan Sanren said it is what Mother Phoenix's do they force growth on their children to allow them to escape while they defend, A-Xian did the same but he wanted them to ascend to his parents so they could be safe, but he failed replied Jin YanLi

Thank you said Lan Zhan as he walked off, Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi followed as they had left

A-Li? Was that wise? asked Jin ZiXuan

A-Xian believes the children have the right to know who their father was, he would agree that even their father has a right to know of their existence replied Jin YanLi

Even though I hate to admit it A-Li, I believe you are right said Le' Fray as she stepped through her portal, may I see them she asked as Jin YanLi handed over the talismans.

If you want, I can tell A-Ying about this or I can have him, come and you can tell him yourself said Le' Fray.

Looking at Jin Ling who had his eyes open pleading she turned back to Le' Fray and retrieved the talismans, A-Xian right now has a more important task ahead and he needs a clear mind. Once the task is done then I will tell him... you know as well as I he is already in turmoil from the memories that the first had kept and now revived said Jin YanLi

You realize he might be angry that you withheld this from him? said Le' Fray

It is a chance I am willing to take, A-Frayer he wants to cleanse Shudong and coffin city, the burial mounds, Yunping city and that graveyard then there is Qishan, he wants to settle Yuandao and have the children that are old enough to explore the world and night hunt. Would you rather have him clear minded or clouded over asked Jin Yanli

You are right said Le' Fray as she looked towards Jin ling

He will not say a word or he can stay at Lan Sect said Jin YanLi

He is right now regaining his memories. The ones he had forgotten and the ones that aren't in order said Le' Fray

He is going to be broken again A-Frayer, my A-Xian... what did he do to deserve this torment asked Jin Yanli

Gave A-Shi his life and took Her's as his own said Le' Fray

What do you mean? asked Jin Yanli

A-Li I cannot speak of it but know this the truth will soon come to light said Le' Fray

After saying his goodbyes to his parents and Le' Fray Jin Ling flew towards Lan Sect again, as he reached his mind wondered trying to think of a plan to get these two to meet so that they could work out the misunderstanding, Jin ling didn't realize where he was walking and bumped into someone;

My apologies said Jin Ling as he bowed

It is fine, what has clouded your mind so? asked the person

Looking up he realized just who he had bumped into and instantly the plan formulated.

Sect Leader Lan I am sorry I was thinking of my adventures I had with my uncle before everything happened said Jin Ling

ZeWu-Jun smiled; they should be happy memories for you is it not so? Asked ZeWu-Jun

No not particularly but here is one thing that has caught my attention, second master Lan has told us of his adventures as well and I was wondering what are we going to do with the effect areas? coffin city is still shrouded in mist Shudong is still highly effected then there is where the temple was, and the graveyard said Jin ling

I see your meaning pondered ZeWu-Jun

There is not much we can do at the burial mounds as the Lan Sect and the Jiang sect cannot enter Yiling but the others there is surely something we can do said ZeWu-Jun.

There is a discussion conference tomorrow at Laning that I must attend to, I can bring it up with the rest of the sect's said ZeWu-Jun

Sect leader I may be forward but please phrase it as your idea, if my mother knew it was me, I'll be banished said Jin Ling

This has something to do with Wangji doesn't it? Asked ZeWu-Jun

What better way to show remorse than help the people that need it the most? He is back sect leader; I know my uncle is back. And knowing my uncle the places effected by the Yin Iron and his amulet he will want to cleanse these area's said Jin Ling

Alright Jin Ling. I shall do as you ask smiled ZeWu-Jun

As Jin Ling walk away ZeWu-Jun turned, now that you have heard what he said what do you think Wangji ? Asked ZeWu-Jun

'Mn' replied Lan Zhan, he is right, help clean the mess and maybe he will show replied Lan Zhan

What did Jin YanLi say? Asked ZeWu-Jun

They survived, they live, they were all reborn said Lan Zhan trying to express himself

You mean? The children. They live? How? Asked ZeWu-Jun

Wen Ning said Lan Zhan

Care to tell me? asked ZeWu-Jun

Lan Zhan looked at ZeWu-Jun and turned to walk away as he did beauty fluttered and played the memory of what happened at Jin sect.

Such a high-spirited woman smiled ZeWu-Jun

Nie Sect

Mingjue they are beautiful, but how do maintain the heat asked Hua Ying as he approached the Quillians

Fire talismans on them said Nie Mingjue it is rough as there is more than twenty and the other two females are pregnant. Being at Wen Sect with all the resentment made most of them sick but they have healed thanks to Huaisang constant watch and their eating habits.

Why are they here and not in the Gobi Desert where they belong? Asked Hua Ying

They were forced here there is something in the sand stated Nie Huaisang as he came in with barrels of green food.

A-Sang? They bonded with you asked Hua Ying

Bonded? Asked Nie Mingjue

Quillians bond with a person, if the leader finds them worthy, she will never leave their side. You now have a pack of Quillians said Hua Ying

What are we going to do about the heat problem? asked Nie Mingjue

I am a phoenix Mingjue said Hua Ying as he took out thirty clear crystals tied them to a thin rope then blew on them. The crystals immediately changed color from clear to shining red. A-Sang I believe you should tie them; do not touch the crystals they will burn you.

Phoenix fire said Nie Mingjue

Yes, with this it will help them survive the cold and thrive, the pups of course will grow into the temperature and will be able to survive these ones however will never leave said Hua Ying

We have a new Motif grinned Nie Huaisang

No, not we! You however do. Said Nie Mingjue

What? asked Nie Huaisang

Tomorrow at the discussion conference we will be stating you will head your own branch sect and make it independent. It will consist not only of saber and sword, but fan as well said Nie Mingjue

You're kicking me out cried Nie Huaisang

No, I am giving my little brother his own wings to fly said Nie Mingjue, I will always be here but it is time for you to start on your own and grow.

A-Sang he is right, with your spy network and the Quillians now and your high cultivation. Not to mention you ran the sect secretly for thirteen and more years. It is time to make us all proud and start your own sect. Said Hua Ying

But I am a Nie not a Hua said Nie Huaisang

and I am a Hua yet I have a Banyue, a Yuandao and Kyoshi and Beimian said Hua Ying

No, you're amazing, I am just me said Nie Huaisang

I know, but you were also taught by me so this makes you amazing too, choose the place where you wish to start, it doesn't have to be now it can be when the pups are born and stronger said Hua Ying then turned to Mingjue, do not mention me tomorrow unless needed, I will clear out the Desert tomorrow and make sure that the Quillians can pass through anytime. Oh, and Mingjue I will be asking A-Sang tomorrow night if you have told the world of your engagement tomorrow, I believe everyone deserves a nice surprise smiled Hua Ying as he scattered returning to the Sun-Phoenix Palace where Chenric awaited him.

Sun-Phoenix Palace

Are you sure it is wise to go out there asked Chenric

I will be taking my sister and Wen Ning, I shall be fine said Hua Ying

The children have been calling for you said Chenric

They should be more concern on their studies than where their mother is said Hua Ying and sighed.

You still haven't healed enough after the memories... shall I bring them to you? Asked Chenric

Please, I shall explain to them why it is they need to stay within the heavens and yuandao as I am needed here said Hua Ying

Lan Sect.

The next day, once again Lan Zhan sat in front of Wangji as he stared at the box in this hand, WangXian was engraved on it and was decorated with the pink medicinal Peony, this was originally meant for Hua Ying but, he had died in the burial mounts before he even had a chance to, so he continued to gather his most prized and cherished memories and placed them within.

Some of them never made sense to Lan Zhan as his memories had been sealed, another mistake on his part. Why had he not trusted that their love could withstand it all? He would've been with him now instead of staring at a box. Before he had carved it as it was, there were already many things he had collected in those years.

When they were five it was the small grass figure that was supposed to be Hua Ying, Ten it was the flower that he stood closest too.  

At fifteen was the first portrait Hua Ying had ever made for him and a lock of his hair that cut from his beloved hair and tied it with a red string, at the first autumn fest he had taken a red poppy and a black poppy and a golden wire and tied them together, at defan mountain it was the flowers that grew there that he had taken a sprig from and the last they had been together before his memories were sealed was the ash from the incense burner within his room in paradise manor, it smelled as he did but Lan Zhan could never place the floral scent and the last was the clarity bell the day he went searching and found it within the entrance of the burial mounds.

All memories after it was the tortoise of slaughter, he still had the pouch he now uses that was flung by Mianmian, all because Hua Ying wanted the herbs inside for his leg and the last fruit, he never ate no matter what then the first time he had seen him at the supervisory offices, he had collected the golden dust at Nie sect it was the wine bottle that he had left on the banister outside his room, that held the cherry blossoms at the Jiang Sect it was the Pink Peony, the phoenix mountain it was the flower on his chest, at the burial mounds it was A-Yuan and the sprig of wild sage that grew along the small lake and that now grows alongside the Gentian cottage.

After he came back it was the band on his forehead. As he had thought about the treasures, he could help but feel that there was more.

Wangji said ZeWu-Jun as he knocked on the door and came in to find his brother sitting in front of his Guqin holding the box in his hand. Are you ok? he asked

There should be more said Lan Zhan as he took the little Hua Ying doll that Jin yanLi had made those months ago and gave it to him, he remembered it as though it was just a minute ago:

"ten days after Jin Guangyao was condemned, he had spent his time in the burial mounds only going into Yiling for supplies, then Wen Ning had shown and told them to leave after he had told him of his brothers plight, immediately left for his brother as caught him as he was about to fall, Nightshade then left him and flew to Nie Mingjue, the gates were opened and he stepped out took ZeWu-Jun and left A-Sang stayed with Lan Zhan and told him that Nightshade had a message from Hua Ying the day that he had shattered but before he went to the pavilion as Nie Huaisang was explaining twenty big dogs with spiked manes appeared in the dust and as Lan Zhan looked Nie Huaisang explained that it was the dogs that Hua Ying had asked to save as they were forced to do what they did, after they parted ways Lan Zhan made his way to the river not knowing that the jade stone he had in his hands was not the true jade stone that was made to pass and in anger he threw it in the water and went home back to Gusu there he stayed in seclusion not meeting with anyone until one day there was a knock on the door.

They spoke of many things, and she had come once a week after that day he had received the doll and to her word came every week. On the last week she told him that she could come anymore due to complications with the child and Jin Zixuan was still furious at what had happened, but she took him to the kitchen and taught him how to make all of Hua Ying's favorites including the lotus and spare rib pork Hua Ying had created for him. After that Lan Zhan came out of seclusion at Jin YanLi's behest and started night hunting again while looking for clues, until the night. Until yesterday it was confirmed, they lived.

Will you be coming with to the conference today Wangji? asked ZeWu-Jun

"Mn replied Lan Zhan as he placed the doll within the box, yet he still felt something was missing.

Brother, have you ever spoken to father? asked Lan Zhan

I was meant to but I never got the chance, why do you ask Wangji? asked ZeWu-Jun

A feeling, what was it about? Asked Lan Zhan

Mother. Said Zewu-Jun

Mother, that was it that is what he was missing as he got up and searched his room, his book that was given to him by Pei Ming and mother's life scroll. It was the two things that had disappeared once Wen Xu attacked and sealed himself at his father's request.

Wangji I do not understand said ZeWu-Jun as Lan Zhan sat back down and placed the book and scroll in front of them. this is mother's scroll, and this is Wangji how? Asked ZeWu-Jun

Father made replica's but returned the originals replied Lan Zhan, A-Ying knew. He gave mother's scroll to me said that it was meant for us.

So, so when he said he had overheard father and uncle fight over the truth about mother? Asked ZeWu-Jun

He lied, he doesn't even know the full story said Lan Zhan, we never finished the scroll so he could never read it.

Not all black is black and not all white is white said ZeWu-Jun

'Mn' replied Lan Zhan

Alright keep them with you once the conference is done, we shall read it then said ZeWu-Jun as they both got up and headed towards Laning.

Carp Tower

As everyone sat and had a meal before the discussions started, Ji Ling, Lan JingYi and Lan Sizhui had snuck out and went night hunting once again without anyone knowing. Suddenly they heard braying as they had just exited Laning, they turned Fairy was suddenly kicked and started a fight with the donkey.

Little apple? Asked Lan JinYi

Little apple cried Lan Shizhui as he ran toward the donkey, it's really you he cried

Fairy, come here said Jin Ling as he called his dog to him

Looks like little apple is angry for being left behind said Lan Jingyi laughing

I guess we need to take him back to father said Lan Sizhui as he pulled on the reins and led little apple back towards Laning

There are two announcements that I wish to make public before everyone said Nie Mingue as he stood up, firstly I have advised my brother Huaisang to start a sub sect that in future will grow into a main sect he will be taking over Hejan and expanding it north its motif...

My motif will be the Quillain dog said Nie Huaisang as he walked in followed closely by the two massive black animals that flank each side.

A-Sang, they are beautiful said Jin YanLi as she came forward and petted the female, however did you find them?

I didn't, Shijie they found me or more like was captured and was used to torture A-Ying said Nie Huaisang

But that would mean that they said Jin Yanli as she froze

Shijie it isn't what you think, Quillans are vegetarians they were forced once their siblings were murdered these were but just pups afraid for their lives said Nie Huaisang

No, you misunderstood me A-Sang, these are the same ones A-Xian asked you to save she said as she smiled, I froze because they are big.

This is as big as they get said Nie Huaisang as he scratched his head and laughed, I was shocked as well.

Well, they are more than welcome in my garden said Jin YanLi, let the kitchen know what they eat and I will have it arranged.

Shijie honestly, I have already bought what they need, there food isn't grown here said Nie Huaisang and plus brother has another announcement to make said Nie Huaisang as he looked over at his brother who looked at him with pride.

As you all know that before I was murdered, my cultivation partner was XiChen and since I have returned, I had closed my doors to every sect except Jin sect, I recently had someone talk sense into my thick head and XiChen if you are willing, I would like to renew the promises we had made to each other back then within a month said Nie Mingjue.

You are the most straightforward man I know to actually say it like that laughed sect leader Yao.

Where is the romance laughed sect leader Ouyang

What romance is needed when I had already done this once already growled Nie Mingjue, making everyone laugh harder, XiChen what say you? Will you take the chance with me once again? asked Nie Mingjue

I would be honored replied ZeWu-Jun with a slight smile on his face

Well, I will drink to that stated sect leader Yao as they all raised their glasses and congratulated them.

We to have something to say said Jin ZiXuan as he held his hand out for Jin YanLi to receive it, days ago there was a phenonium where stars rained in the skies the flowers bloomed and the trees danced happily with the wind it was said that in Yiling celebrations could be heard and I am sure everyone is curious to know why is that said Jin ZiXuan as everyone nodded

The reason is said Jin Yanli, A-Xian has been reborn, he was here and he helped save not only my life but the life of our unborn child she stated.

Murmurs ran through the sect, is he going to come back asked sect leader Yao

I am afraid not, A-Xian made it perfectly clear that he is done with this world and wants to live in peace with his own said Jin Yanli, he doesn't hold anyone accountable for what has happened if that is what you all are worried about.

This is not right cried sect leader OuYang, we should still be able to apologize for the things we had done and had spoken! The crimes we have committed! Not all of it can be blamed on the talismans.

And yet you were fooled by the two people that wanted him for their own, so what was your crime exactly besides being ignorant asked Jin yanLi, he came here to help you all not once but three times, tortoise of slaughter, Yin Iron and then Jin Guangyao, why should he now choose to stay?

The best we can do right now is prove that we can look after our people said ZeWu-Jun

We have been looking after our people said another sect leader

Really? Then tell me has any one of us done anything about the Chang graveyard? Or Shudong and coffin city that is still shrouded in mist and what of the burial mounds that use to be a celestial ground before the first battle of the Yin iron four hundred years ago, Qishan? Up until now whether it is a major sect or a minor sect we have never worked together, Gusu Lan Sect is famous for our strings yet we have never asked any other sect to help in the fight because everyone just assumes that we will be fine Jiang sect controls the lakes and rivers yet it is their own they defend what of Caiya town or any other lake towns, it was master Hua who took care of the dancing fairy twice said ZeWu-Jun

The Wen sect had tried cleaning the burial mounds before said Yi WeiChun

That is where they were wrong, one sect cannot clean a vast area such as Shudong and the burial mounds, we are all needed said ZeWu-Jun

Are you sure? Asked sect leader OuYang

We can only show our redemption by helping those no matter how small replied ZeWu-Jun and these aren't small problems. We have all many juniors who wish to explore, I say give them a destination have an experienced elder accompany them let all sects work together. Said ZeWu-Jun, have we not learned from the past yet or must there be another Yao?

He is right said sect leader Yao too long have we relied on making our own powerful that we have forgotten the weak.

I second it said Jiang Cheng

As everyone started talking among themselves about the change that would be instilled meant making friends would be easier and enemies harder, Jin YanLi approached the jade twins and had a brief discussion before returning to her place.

There is one other matter that need to be taken into consideration said Jin Yanli as the hall quietened again. As she bought out the two talismans that was given to her Xie Lian, Hua Cheng and Le' Fray walked through the doors.

Welcome Tai Zi Danxia, Hua Cheng Zhu and Queen Le' Fray bowed Jin Yanli and Jin ZiXuan and the others stood up and followed suit

A-Li what is the meaning of this asked Xie Lian

The truth said Jin yanLi

Madam Jin this was not what we discussed said Lan Zhan

No and yet it is the right thing to do, we cannot tell him yet but we can tell his parents and family said Jin Yanli

He is in the Desert as we speak fighting a monster that has chased the Quillians here in the first place, him, his sister and Wen Ning said Nie Mingjue as Lan Zhan paled

Do not fret he is stronger than you remember, and he has been training harder than ever said Le' Fray.

She walked to Hua Cheng and handed the talismans to him.

A-Li where did you get these asked Hua Cheng shocked

Do not ask me, I was dead and stayed at the palace before returning remember, if you must know ask your son-in-law said Jin Yanli

You... you had this on you and said nothing said Hua Cheng

I found it after I had returned home and asked if I could go through my clothing again, my thoughts and actions at the time were conflicted and I had no idea why said Lan Zhan

Crimson rain sought flower it was I that told him not to speak of it, Hua Ying's soul was shattered we had no way of speaking to you, I only found out he had told madam Jin the day he returned home said ZeWu-Jun

A living corpse said Hua Cheng

San Lang, I do not understand? said Xie Lian

It means while Lan Zhan's spiritual veins was kept closed and he was poisoned by that whoreson he was under two additional talismans he said as he handed them over one to twist the emotions from love to hate and the other to seal the actions of protect his soulmate and rather hurt or in this case destroy him. When Lan Zhan here wanted to save the children what came out was kill them, when he wanted to draw his sword on everyone that was alive at the time in this room, he instead drew it on his soulmate the intention was to kill him but instead he had cut his hair. An action worse than death itself, when he wanted to beg for forgiveness right there and declare his love, he spewed venom and hate, even with a shared soul under these it was like Mingjue Qi Deviating growled Hua Cheng

This means that even Lan Zhan was wronged said Xie Lian as he looked over

No said Lan Zhan, they would only work if I had resentment towards him.

I do not follow, second young master Lan what resentment had you held against your own soulmate? Asked sect leader Yao

My brother was hurt the time when master Hua during before the campaign and did not seek him out they had their misunderstandings due to miscommunication, then when he found out that not only had master Hua stayed away for thirteen years, he also never came in search of the person he had dreamed about his words were that if he had never met Lan Zhan, he would have taken master Mo and returned without seeking him out, replied ZeWu-Jun

So, the resentment was one of pain and not of hate or anger said another sect leader

That right, ask sect leader Nie Mingjue pain is much more unbearable than hate and anger said Jin YanLi

San Lang, we need to tell him of this said Xie Lian, if he knew then...

NO! shouted Jin YanLi, Le' Fray and Nie huaisang together

But they have both been wronged argued Xie Lian

It still does not excuse what I have done replied Lan Zhan as he got up bowed and left. As he stood outside the door, he heard Jin Yanli say:

Right now, he is still in flux, imagine what it would do to him if he knew. He is already out there fighting the giant sand scorpion crab, he is also reviving and sorting his scattered memory that was held by the first, you know the pain it causes him, and he has other things he must take care of. I have told Lan Zhan; I had promised him that when I see A-Xian I will explain it myself that will only be once the baby is born said Jin YanLi.

Then he walked back to his room. He knew that his brother would seek himself out later but right now he wanted to be left alone

A-Li, I know that you are trying to protect them both at the moment but as it stands, my little demon is not whole he is happy but is not and A-Zhan... he locked himself away due to his feelings with 'what if', this is not right said Hua Cheng

And yet she is right, A-Ying can only know once his core is stable and you know how long it will take, he had said so himself when he came from the nesting grounds. Said Le' Fray

San Lang they are right, if he knew before his memory is fully restored, we could lose him said Xie Lian

Nesting grounds? Asked Sect leader Yao

Yes, the children were reborn alongside their mother stated Le' Fray

You mean... that... the children... that... that woman had murdered so brutely, they live asked Jiang Cheng, my niece and Nephew live?

Yes, A-Cheng, our Niece and Nephew are alive smiled Jin YanLi after all that he had endured, the hooks that shredded his hand and feet, the spiked that was stabbed into his arms and legs, the skinning, the whips the dogs eating his flesh forcefully the continuously being raped, the fact the babes were murdered and then sown shut back within to die.

Everything he had endured he finally has what he wants he has his children, granted as Xie Lian said it is not enough A-Xian isn't whole but right now neither of us nor this information can come to light. He needs to heal completely remember a shattered soul can easily shatter again.

With the braying of the donkey everyone turned around to see Lan JingYi who had Lan Sizhui in his arms and Jin Ling who had paled.

m... m... meat hooks? Spikes? Whips? THEY FUCKING TORTURED MY UNCLE AND YOU ALL KNEW?! Why have you never told us? Mother why have you kept it from us? Asked Jin Ling as the tears poured down his face as little apple would not stop braying and nudging Lan Sizhui

Because of your reaction RuLan, why are you here? She asked

We... we were sneaking out again to fetch OuYang Zizhen and go night hunting, but we met little apple along the way, and he attacked fairy because after the talismans were lifted fairy returned, we came here because master Lan is here, and we knew he would want to keep little apple as it was master Hua's animal said Lan JingYi

ZeWu-Jun walked up and placed a fainted Lan Sizhui on little apple then turned to Lan JingYi, how much have you heard? He asked

Nesting grounds said Lan Jingyi

ZeWu-Jun let out a sigh of relief. We weren't going to tell you how master Hua suffered because Sizhui can't handle it and if Jin Ling knew he would certainly tell the both of you and ZiZhen said ZeWu-Jun as he petted the donkey

XiChen, I think it's best to take SiZhui to Wangji said Lan Qiren, the child needs his father.

We shall take him growled Jin Ling as they took little apples reins and guided him out.

I knew when I changed the koi tower, I would receive unexpected guests but I never imagined it would first be Quillian dogs and now a donkey sighed Jin YanLi

Everyone began laughing, dispelling the darkness that loomed over them as the truth came to light. We shall take our leave said Xie Lian the sects stood and bowed as they left.

Back to business said Jiang Cheng I suggest that we all break into teams since the jade twins are profound in cleansing one should head to Shudong and the other to the Chang graveyard since Lan Qiren still has classes to attend, I will stay at Lotus Pier and send my best disciples to accompany them and help.

Once everyone was done, they had agreed to start once the ceremony for Nie Mingjue and ZeWu-Jun was complete and everyone left for their own sects. ZeWu-Jun, Lan Qiren, Jin Yanli and Jin Zixuan arrived at Lan Zhan's room the door was open and Lan Jingyi and Jin Ling was sitting at the table and tears ran their face, they heard Lan Zhan's soft voice as he explained in detail what had happened those three months of Hua Ying torture and what had happened in the temple.

But father it is forbidden in cloud recesses to do such things cried Lan Sizhui.

We were never allowed in at the time we believed that the darkness and resentment was so thick that it would poison us, we never knew said Lan Zhan, if we had, if only we had gone in...

It is too late for what if's said Jin YanLi as she came and Jin Ling rushed into her arms. You were sickly, dying, XiChen was worried for you and believed him. Neither of you knew, A-Cheng only said that to him as a scare tactic not to do what was done. Neither one of you knew so why blame it on yourselves, remember he not once screamed, cried, whimpered or threw up blood or did he allow himself to bleed how could you have known?

I always wondered how was that possible asked ZeWu-Jun

He used the corpses darkness that was next to him to keep himself at bay and alive but just barely, then when he was bought before you all your hatred fed him and he only threw up blood by the tree, Xie Lian said that when he went to fetch A-Ying his marks they all bled said Le' Fray as she walked in.

A-Frayer how are they? Asked Jin YanLi

As expected, Xie Lian broke down and Hua Cheng is now busy entertaining all three of them with the ghost realm said Le' Fray.

They are alive? Asked Lan Qiren

No, they are very much dead, but their souls are in the ghost realm smiled Le' Fray although I have seen what Hua Cheng can do, I worry what would happen once A-Ying gets hold of them after learning the truth, he is worse than his father and daughter.

It serves them right snorted Jin Ling; I also want a piece of that bastard.

Jin Ling language scolded Jin YanLi, but I agree with my son.

Are you really going to cleanse those places? asked Le' Fray

It was our fault in the first place that Shudong was neglected, and coffin city used as it was and it was also my fault that I never took notice what truly happened to the Chang's said ZeWu-Jun

Then what of the burial mounds asked Le' Fray

That was our ancestors doing and now it is up to the younger generation we all need to stand together to make the Burial mounds back to what it was. Said ZeWu-Jun

Mother always wanted to see it clean and pure replied Lan Sizhui softly

I am sorry said Lan Zhan

What for? Asked Jin Yanli

When it came... when I said to kill... murder the children I was defeated I couldn't fight I went to my knees brother thought it was because I was still weak said Lan Zhan

Anyone would do what you have done if they heard the same coming from their mouths unless they had no heart growled Le' Fray, and it is your children not the children. You will see them one day, A-Ying had already said if they want to meet you, they may.

I went there before Wen Ning showed, said Lan Zhan I saw the blood it was...

Is that why you chose to stay? Wen Ning thought you were after Hua Ying's light stone that he had left behind when he first came to the burial mounds said Le' Fray

How are they learning of their father? asked Jin ZiXuan

Pei Ming has put a book together of A-Ying and Lan Zhan's life it ends at the temple, A-Ying has ordered that none of what happened after is to be told and none of their other activities either said Le' Fray smiling

But those children are from Him And second master Lan they will learn the truth on their own said Jin YanLi

DiSung I am not worried about he is the reasonable one he finds the story in between the story the truth behind the lie, it is ZhiRuo we all worry about; she is about the facts and hard evidence. If she were to learn the truth, she will hate him Said le' Fray

If she is to hate me then it is within her right to do so, I would too. stated Lan Zhan

Who said anything about hating you? I meant the one being tortured; you she will resent for a while until she learns from your mouth your side like I said facts she seeks the truth from both individuals and not a book smirked Le' Fray.

Later that night Lan Qiren slowly made his way to where Lan Zhan was staying, he knocked on the door.

Wangji may I enter asked Lan Qiren

The door then opened and Lan Zhan bowed slightly to Lan Qiren then stood aside to allow him entry.

As he entered, he saw that ZeWu-Jun was also there sitting beside Lan Sizhui who was asleep on Lan Zhan's bed holding a little Hua Ying doll.

Grandmaster is there something you need at this hour asked Lan Zhan

May we sit asked Lan Qiren, as the two jade twins sat opposite their uncle, they saw that he had not slept well, he looked tired.

Since the truth came out, I have been reflecting on my actions and events, Wangji I have hurt you since the beginning intentionally trying to keep you away from him, then when you both were wrongfully accused, I never asked or looked for the truth I had just taken another's word and had you both punished, to say my hatred for him was intense would be underestimating it.

He was exactly like his mother a lively and carefree person she was mischievous and her love for rule breaking, he was also his father with his crazy thoughts and idea's but once I knew that who he actually was before we all got out memories sealed, I actually liked him and wanted him apart of our family because I saw I change in you that I wanted to see.

Then when he came back and was a demonic cultivator my hatred for him grew, I had you read out the rules as to warn you not to mix with evil that day in the cave I admit I wanted to kill him but you stood in the way and once again I had you unfairly punished then we went after him, I wanted to be the one to sheath my sword within his body the third time he returned you had already drifted from me but I couldn't take the chance when I heard him play I was furious, how could this man come back he died where my thoughts and my hatred grew. when he was bought forth, I was satisfied I was proud that you finally knew who he was I truly wanted then to hear him scream I wanted to see him bleed but he never gave us the pleasure, even under the talismans it had worked on my hatred I had already held within my heart, I have no excuse for it. explained Lan Qiren

Grandmaster why are you bringing this up now asked Lan Zhan

Even though I despised Chanse Sanren her and Wei Changze were my friends and they would've been disappointed in me at how I treated their child, they would've been heart broken and angry, Chanse Sanren would've tried killing me if she was here said Lan Qiren

Lan Qiren looked at his youngest nephew I blindly followed the rules I had made; I had thought if I had removed all but the original 400 then my guilt would've lessened but I was wrong. Wangji I am sorry, I am sorry for trying to get in-between the two of you, I am sorry for ripping you apart all those years ago I am sorry for never listening to my brother or to you I destroyed the one good thing and person you had in your life, I destroyed the light you finally received, can you forgive me asked Lan Qiren

As silence filled the room ZeWu-Jun looked from Lan Zhan who had frosted over to his uncle who seemed to have the world on his shoulders

You are family and even family makes mistakes said Lan Zhan

I believe we all have hurt Hua Ying and we all have failed him; we were ignorant of his pian and suffering and it was us meaning Wangji and I who chose to seal our memories if we hadn't... no Jin YanLi is right what past is past we can only proceed now and make the change and fix the wrong that was made. Said ZeWu-Jun

I have to ask said Lan Qiren is it true? even if I saw it for myself .... it.... I can't... did he really fix Jiang Cheng's core with his own asked Lan Qiren

both Lan Zhan and ZeWu-Jun nodded

How? asked a shocked Lan Qiren

His grandmother, she gave him a second way hoping that it would deter him, but he went to the greatest doctor lived at the time said ZeWu-Jun

Who? asked Lan Qiren

Wen Qing said Lan Zhan, Wen Ning had told me in detail, he had begged her to do so close to his descension.

When did you find out Wangji? asked Lan Qiren

In lotus pier said Lan Zhan

After the burial mounds? asked Lan Qiren

'Mn' replied Lan Zhan

It seems impossible... no one would willingly... why asked Lan Qiren

To attempt the impossible, Jiang Cheng's life was cultivation he would've died if he was just mediocre said Lan Zhan

Yunmeng Jiang sect motto, he really followed it by heart even knowing everything said ZeWu-Jun

But to have it done what were the chances asked Lan Qiren

50% fully awake, two nights and a day. he had to take a piece of his core out himself and place it himself in Jiang Cheng's core, nothing and no one could touch it they would burn said Lan Zhan

The pain that he must've done through said Lan Qiren sadly

I fear that he now would hide himself and the children away said ZeWu-Jun, he only trusted Jin Yanli enough to come here and he hasn't been to the Nie sect as yet but Mingjue has told me that he was taken to where Hua Ying was. little A-Ying has also returned

We need to find him said Lan Qiren, for the cultivational world and for you Wangji, we need to show him our remorse I need to show him said Lan Qiren

I shall look for him said Lan Zhan

But everyone has searched everywhere, and none could find him said ZeWu-Jun

Because we did not believe that he was shattered we didn't want to believe and remember Nie Sect never searched, Jin sect never searched said Lan Qiren

I will go said Lan Zhan I will go and not return until I find him

You have to return for the ceremony and for the cleansing Wangji said ZeWu-Jun

I shall meet you there I will go home and prepare said Lan Zhan

What of Sizhui asked Lan Qiren

I will explain once he wakens said Lan Zhan

Wangi don't be hard on yourself said Lan Qiren

I need to find father and beg his forgiveness, I need to find him and beg for his forgiveness, I have always been too late, to silent now that he is back, I do not want to be apart from him said Lan Zhan

As Lan Qiren and ZeWu-Jun stood up to leave Lan Qiren turned around at the door.

I am proud of you both, I have always been proud of you, you have always walked the righteous path, your mother would have been proud said Lan Qiren then left to his own Quarters 

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