Fandom Requests!

By DavisLeo

429 6 9

Just a place for me to share various requests be they one shots or headcanons for various fandoms! Read the f... More

Fandoms & Guidelines
Deal with a Demon
Soft Gays in a Coffee Shop
Ember Island Romance
Evening Pool Date and Morning Cuddles
Performa: Fake Dating!
Survival For Three
Lionett Reconnection
Soft Memories in Sunlight

Dance into Despair

39 0 0
By DavisLeo

For @fatherfigure on Quotev: Ooo! May I request a Celestia Ludenburg x Trans!Male Reader, except she's the mastermind maybe?

Some quick info for this: You, the reader, will have the talent of Ultimate Dancer. No surgeries have been done yet for the Reader

Words: 2227

Warnings: Character death, swearing, light dysphoria, extreme canon divergence

Ever since waking up in the twisted halls of Hope's Peak, (Y/N) has been on edge. He had been so excited to go to Hope's Peak since he's the Ultimate Dancer. He was excited to show off all of his dancing abilities - ballet, jazz, lyrical, modern, hiphop, tap, pointe, and even ballroom dances such as tango, mamba, waltz and many, many more. However, upon waking in a random classroom with the windows bolted shut with thick metal plates, (Y/N) knew that something was wrong. He had gone to the gymnasium and learned about the Killing Game he had been involuntarily tossed into. To keep himself safe, (Y/N) had aligned himself with a few people - Celestia, Sakura, Naegi, Aoi and Chihiro.

And now, out of his small group of friends, only Celestia, Naegi and Chihiro were alive. Currently, (Y/N) was standing horrified and frozen at the sight of his two other friends, Aoi and Sakura, laying dead on the floor. He fell to his knees as tears started to fall from his (e/c) eyes. He only knew he screamed as shortly after falling to his knees, the body announcement went off as Chihiro and Naegi were by his side. He felt Chihiro and Naegi lift him to his feet, only for both to steady (Y/N) as his knees buckled. Panic started to seep in and (Y/N) started to desperately clutch at his shirt as his chest began to constrict. Chihiro, knowing what (Y/N) was trying to do, starts to pull the Dancer away.

"C-Celes! S-Some help!" Chihiro calls out to the Gambler. Celes had just arrived and her eyes widened seeing that (Y/N) was panicking and struggling.

"Of course. Makoto, Chihiro and I have this. You take care of the investigation," Celes says calmly, taking a hold of (Y/N). Celes and Chihiro quickly pull (Y/N) into a nearby classroom for privacy.

Barely registering who was in the room with him besides Chihiro, (Y/N) finally gets the binder off with Chihiro's help. He takes a few moments to regain his breath and composure, feeling comfortable in front of Chihiro since the Programmer knew. When it finally registered in (Y/N)'s mind that Celes was also in the room, he panics and throws his shirt back on, arms immediately folded over his chest as his cheeks tint heavily. He looks to the side, feeling extremely uncomfortable in his own skin since he had yet to come out to Celes about being trans.

"Uh- This uh wasn't how I wanted to tell you but-" (Y/N) starts to stutter out to Celes. The Gambler had approached him as he began to speak and gently shushes him with a bare finger.

"It's alright (Y/N). I already knew and I don't think of you as a lesser man for being trans. Nor do I think you're a lesser man for using a binder," Celes says softly. This causes (Y/N) to snap his head up.

"R-Really?" the Dancer asks.

"Really really. Now, Chihiro and I will keep you safe and calm my dear. Do you think you can handle the scene now?" Celes asks.

"I don't know but I need justice for Aoi and Sakura..." (Y/N) says. Celes takes one of his hands and Chihiro takes his other hand.

"We're with you the entire way!" Chihiro offers with a smile. (Y/N) gives the two a grateful smile and squeezes their hands before taking a deep breath and bracing himself. Releasing his friends' hands, (Y/N) neatly tucks his binder away into his pocket before stepping out of the room with Celes and Chihiro to head back to the investigation.

As the screen fades to black on Maizono's dead body, (Y/N) didn't feel bad for the Idol. After all, she had murdered two of his friends because she was getting stir crazy. It made his blood boil that he lost two of his friends for something so... stupid. He gets onto the elevator, still stewing in his righteous anger, (Y/N) failed to notice a wicked grin appear for a few moments on the face next to him. As the Dancer steps out of the elevator, he bades everyone goodnight before heading off to his room, feeling the emotional exhaustion hit him like a truck. Getting to his room, (Y/N) closes the door and makes sure it's shut before changing into a baggy shirt and pajama pants. Setting the binder on the table, the (h/c) male goes over and flops onto his bed, sleep overcoming him.

As Celes walked to her room. which was across from (Y/N)'s, she was deep in thought. When she had started this Killing Game, Celes was alone with just Monokuma. But then she gained an unexpected ally in Chihiro. When the Programmer had discovered some files in the laptop that had been left in the library, Celes had been expecting to have to bribe the Programmer to stay quiet. And it appeared so far that Chihiro was going to stay on her side which was nice as she knew the Programmer's skills would be useful towards the end of the game... And she would save Chihiro if it came to it. After all, she wasn't going to throw away someone to save her own hide despite the amount of Despair it would bring her. Additionally, she had not been expecting to fall in love of all things. (Y/N) was a fire and she was a moth. (Y/N) usual upbeat personality and warmth in this twisted environment was so drastically different that Celes had no choice but to get close. She chuckles softly as she steps into her room.

"I would say I'm getting soft for wanting to keep (Y/N) safe and to protect him but... After this most recent trial, I think things will be changing around here," Celes says out loud to herself. "My sweet little Dancer will be in my clutches soon and I didn't even have to force my hand~ So thank you Maizono for killing Aoi and Sakura, as lovely as those ladies were."

When morning came, no one was surprised that (Y/N) was duller than usual and quiet. As normal, Celes and Chihiro sat by him, talking quietly with him. Celes was watching the others and once news of the new floor came out, she glanced at Chihiro to tag along with the others. Chihiro nods subtly to Celes and goes to join the rest, leaving Celes and (Y/N) alone in the cafeteria.

"Oh- Everyone has left. Do you want to go explore the new floor Celes...?" (Y/N) says, upon realizing how quiet the cafeteria was.

"Only if you want to. But I was wondering if you'd come to the library with me first?" Celes responds, twirling one of her corkscrew pigtails idly around her finger.

"Oh sure," (Y/N) answers. He wasn't sure what was up but hey, he was fine with spending time with Celes. The two finish their drinks before standing up and leaving for the library. The walk, while quiet and short, was comfortable and (Y/N) found himself relaxing. (Y/N) sticks his head into the library and sees no one was in there so he steps in, Celes following him. Celes closes the door behind her, watching (Y/N)'s movement before following after him and lightly pinning him to the table with a smile on her lips.

"I'll be forward with you (Y/N) as I don't feel like playing games to see how you feel," Celes says. "I like you and want you to be mine dear~"

"W-what? Y-you like me in a romantic sense?" (Y/N) asks with a stutter, his cheeks going red.

"That I do. Though if you don't like me in that sense, I will drop it," Celes answers with a hum.

"No- I do! I do like you! I'm just surprised that you also like someone like me is all-" (Y/N) says. Celes giggles softly.

"Oh but who couldn't? You're a sweetheart and so caring~ I wouldn't be surprised if Maizono killed Aoi and Sakura out of jealousy~" Celes says, watching (Y/N)'s eyes. There was a dark flicker across the Dancer's (e/c) eyes at the mention of Maizono.

"Probably. Damn bitch," (Y/N) huffs out. Celes giggles again before leaning really close.

"Now now, that's not a look for someone as precious as you dear. Let me fix that~" Celes hums before closing the small gap and kissing (Y/N) softly. (Y/N) closes his eyes and returns the kiss, his body relaxing even more. He gets an arm free of the pin and wraps it around Celes' waist, pulling her close to him. After a few moments of pure bliss, the two part and Celes steps back to allow (Y/N) to move again. Keeping his arm around the Gambler's waist, (Y/N) exits the library with his newly acquired girlfriend to explore, already feeling a fuck ton better. Maybe these halls weren't as twisted as he thought if he had Celes by his side now.

A few days later, there were only six people left - Celes, Chihiro, (Y/N), Naegi, Kirigiri and Togami. They were all standing in the courtroom as they all had done a numerous amount of times now. Instead of discussing a murder, they were discussing who was the Mastermind. Much to no one's surprise, Kirigiri had figured out that Celes was the Mastermind. However, the trial was not over as it was made clear by Monokuma that in order to win, the Mastermind and any underlings, if applicable, had to be ousted as well. Kirigiri, Naegi and Togami could not agree on who the underlings were as Chihiro and (Y/N) were both acting like this was the worst day of their lives.

"I know it can't be Chihiro or (Y/N!) There's no way they would be working with Celes. I mean, look at how broken (Y/N) is at finding out about Celes' true self!" Naegi argues.

"You impudent fool Makoto! One of them has to be working with Celes. Though based on all the electronic evidence we had at one point being gone, I have to say it's Chihiro," Togami scoffs.

"I'm inclined to agree with Byakuya," Kirigiri says. "I wouldn't be surprised if Chihiro wasn't originally working with Celes originally."

"W-what?" Naegi asks, eyes widening. He looks to the Programmer. "Chihiro... It's not true is it...?" he asks, hoping that it wasn't true. After a moment, the obvious crocodile tears stop and turn into giggles.

"Oh Makoto~ You're so naive~ Kyoka was right! I did join Celes. After all, the outside world is really dreadful, you know..." Chihiro says.

"Both of you? Really?" (Y/N) asks, tears still falling from his (e/c) eyes. "I trusted you both so fucking much! And you deceived me like this?!"

"I'm truly sorry dear but yes, we did. If it means anything to you, I still love you oh so dearly..." Celes says, reaching a hand out to (Y/N) and wipes some tears. "When I made this game, I never expected to find love and yet you brought it to me."

"Well, that settles it then. We have their confessions. Let's end this for good then," Togami says.

"Are you all ready to vote then?" Monokuma asks.

"Yes. What is the difference for this instance?" Kirigiri says.

"For this trial, select all you believe to be on the side of despair! And as stated, if you guess completely right, you get to leave! Buuuut~ guess wrong and you are trapped here for the rest of your lives under the rule of the Mastermind!" Monokuma explains. Everyone puts their input in on the Voting Pad and once all were in, the results were tallied up on the screen - six votes on Celes and Chihiro. A moment passes before Monokuma starts giggling.

"Uh... What's going on?" Naegi asks. However, before Monokuma could answer, an unexpected individual starts laughing - (Y/N).

"Ooooohhh shit that was good!" (Y/N) laughs out. "I wasn't sure I was going to keep that act up much longer!"

"(Y/N)?? You were also in cahoots??" Naegi asks, eyes widening in horror.

"Duh! Did you really expect me to stay hopeful when your pathetic excuse of girlfriend killed two of my best friends?? Being stir crazy?? What kind of excuse is that?!" (Y/N) growls out.

"She wasn't my girlfriend- And I didn't realize it affected you that deeply..." Naegi says, causing (Y/N) to scoff.

"Of course you didn't! Only Celes and Chihiro did. And no they didn't warp me to their side, it just happened naturally," (Y/N) says.

"And by decree, you lost so you lot are our playthings for the rest of our lives~" Celes smirks. "Have fun dears.... And do despair if you'd please~" she hums before stepping from behind her podium and takes (Y/N)'s hand. The two walk away from the others, hand in hand, reveling in the despair left in the room. The new Queen and King of Despair giggle as they leave, ready to spend the rest of their lives with one another and inflicting despair into the world around them.

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