Present Mixed in the Past

By Scarletred1990

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Harry got a second chance, but he won't use it for revenge. He'll use this as a moment to save everyone he co... More

Chapter 1| Talking with Gods
Chapter 2| Understanding Gods
Chapter 3| Begin Again
Chapter 4| The First Eleven
Chapter 5| Gringotts
Chapter 6| Wands
Chapter 7| Seeing Life
Chapter 8| Old Friends in New Lives
Chapter 9| Resorting
Chapter 10| Not Fitting
Chapter 11| One Saved
Chapter 12: Letters
Chapter 13| Lemon Drops
Chapter 14| Plans
Chapter 15| Broomsticks
Chapter 16| Try-Outs
Chapter 17| Meeting Remus
Chapter 18| Sirius Freedom
Chapter 19| Not According to Plan
Chapter 20| Welcoming the Granger
Chapter 21| Long Summer
Chapter 23| Plans for Lockhart
Chapter 24| Destroying Lockhart's Lessons
Chapter 25| Sword Duel
Chapter 26| Image Cracking
Chapter 27| Breaking Down
Chapter 28| Heir Training
Chapter 29| Spilling the Tea
Chapter 30| Sending Dementors Really?
Chapter 31| Understanding Creatures
Chapter 32| Seeing and Being Death
Chapter 33| Dumbledore's New Plan
Chapter 34| Code Names
Chapter 35| A Genuine Wand of Death
Chapter 36| The Beginning's of Dumbledore
Chapter 37| Fired
Chapter 38| Brutal Realization
Chapter 39| Revealing the Council
Chapter 40| Gathering
Chapter 41| Hogwart's Heirs
Chapter 42| Rage
Chapter 43| Some Advice
Chapter 44| Yes to Strawberries
Chapter 45| Exploring Strawberry Fields
Chapter 46| Back In the Tournament
Chapter 47| The First Trial
Chapter 48| Second Trial
Chapter 49| Yule Ball
Chapter 50| Corrupting Cubs
Chapter 51| Trial Three
Chapter 52| Umbridge More Like Um Bitch
Chapter 53| Waking a Dragon
Chapter 54| Teddy Tonks Lupin-Black
Chapter 55| Deciding Final Actions
Chapter 56| Untold Knowledge
Chapter 57| Fragile Giant
Chapter 58| Beginning of Sixth Year
Chapter 59| Feeling of Eyes
Chapter 60| Chains
Chapter 61| Calm Anger
Chapter 62| Touch
Chapter 63| Drip, Drip, Drip
Chapter 64| Freeing A Phoenix

Chapter 22| Meeting an Unworthy Peacock

4.3K 162 37
By Scarletred1990

Gilderoy Lockhart. The name brought shame to truly powerful wizards and witches alike. In fact, during the original timeline, calling someone a Lockhart became an insult. Something that meant someone unworthy of pride or a small Peacock. It was funny really, when one thought about the idiot that was Gilderoy Lockhart.

Now, however, with that buffoon in power again, it wasn't so funny. The group of Gods were lucky that they had already experienced all of this before. Very lucky. Everyone else at the school? They were basically screwed.

Harry ran a hand through his hair, pouting a little at what he was seeing. He couldn't believe that he had to deal with someone like him again! He was more annoying than dealing with Voldemort! Though he was better than Umbridge... Now she was a true terror, and he had to figure a plan to knock her down permanently too.

He still needed a plan to deal with the idiot first. He can't just let him run around with power, with influence. However, he couldn't let him just forget. The peacock needed to properly pay for what he had done to the innocent people who had deserved their praise.

Finally, a smile formed on his face as a thought came to him. He could use Gilderoy's own ego to his advantage and make him reveal it himself. He could also have Gilderoy establish a sword's club. At least that way would be easier for Harry to relearn how to use the sword, and maybe he would even get Draco to relearn with him!

With that in mind, he began to write a letter to Rita. He knew with her bug Animagus, she would be able to find the truth. Especially if he just gives her a push in the right direction~

Before the young wizard could complete his letter, however, there was a knock on his door.  He lifted his head and looked to it. Carefully, he covered the letter. He currently didn't want them to know what he was planning. Not yet, they weren't ready for that.


The door opened to reveal a smiling and smartly dressed Sirius and Remus. The boy tilted his head at them, confused. This wasn't their weekend.

"You forgot, didn't you?" Remus laughed a little, walking into the cramp apartment room.

His kind eyes looked around at the mostly baren room. There wasn't much room to really put anything up, plus he was living in a Muggle area, so any Wizarding items couldn't be shown. Which the werewolf didn't really like that. He knew the boy wasn't actually a child, but it would be nice to see some childish wonder... For him to show a little pride.

"Forgot?" The old soul muttered, running a hand through his wild hair. His eyes then widen as then he gave them a wide smile. "Right! We're going shopping with the Weasleys and the Malfoys!" He chirped, bouncing up.

The two adults laughed and nodded. The boy grabbed his jacket and hurried out of the small room. The adults quickly followed after him, grabbing his hands. This was what they wanted to see from him. They wanted to see him smile and laugh like a child. Have the childhood he didn't have before.

Of course, this wonder did die a little as the trio met up with the others. Molly and Arthur were a little way from the group, having a small argument if Molly's frantic hands were anything to go by. She looked angry, very angry. With her frantic movement, she kept pointing over to where the Malfoy's stood.

Eventually, the two red-haired adults joined back into the group, Molly didn't look too pleased though. She, Ron, and Ginny's faces were tight with disgust and uncertainty. The Malfoys kept their pureblood masks in place, being polite and curt with the Weasleys.

Harry gave the large Weasley family a bright smile and a pureblood one to the Malfoys. He really hoped that the Molly wouldn't try anything. He didn't think he would be able to stop the twins from jinxing her if she did.

"I hope your week has been going well, Malfoys, Weasleys." The ever-young gentleman hummed sweetly.

Ginny blushed at the sound of Harry's voice. She had heard so many stories about him since she was little. She knew that he looked a lot like his father and that she looked a lot like his mother, they could fulfil James and Lily's legacies! They could even be the new James and Lily! She would just have to work hard to prove that she was the best witch suited for him, though, she was prepared for that.

However, Dumbledore did warn the trio of Weasleys that something was wrong. The Great man feared that the Boy-Who-Lived was being manipulated by the Malfoys! The young female Weasley couldn't see any other reason why the boy would have fought for someone as corrupted as Sirius! Even if it was proven that he never did any of those alleged things, he still came from a He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named supporting family! They were Dark Magic users! There was no way for him to not be evil to some extent!

"Miss Ginevra? It's time to go get our school supplies." Harry flashed the poor girl a smile before marching along the blond Malfoys.

The youngest Weasley pouted as she grabbed her mother's hand. She was told that she was a beautiful young lady, that boys would flock to her... Why wasn't Harry flocking to her? Or giving her a second look?

"Don't fret, Sweetie, he just needs to know you more." Molly whispered in her baby's ear.

The young witch smiled up at her mother with a nod of her head. After that, the three families wondered Diagon Alley for their school items. The Malfoys, of course, got the highest quality but out of curtsy did help pay for better supplies for the Weasleys. Arthur gave a polite thanks, saying something about the next rounds would be on him. At that, Lucius had actually given the wild man a genuinely amused smirk! It wasn't hostile or mocking! He was genuinely amused by what Arthur had just said!

Harry was impressed by that. He almost wanted to applaud the look. But if he had applauded, that would make them ask questions that none of them were ready for the answers to. Instead, he leaned over to the blond with a smile.

"Seems your father is getting along better with Mr. Weasley. Have you had him and the other Weasley's over for dinner yet?"

The slightly taller boy rolled his eyes, holding his own amused look.

"Not yet, Father says that he needs to teach Mr. Weasley and your guardians proper Pureblood etiquette before he even thinks about it." The tone was less hotty and more joking, making the Golden Boy grin.

"Only fair, Remus may be the wolf, but Sirius eats like a dog." He had lowered his voice at the last bit, but the said adults had heard it.

This prompted a hurt 'Hey!' along with Remus covering his mouth to stifle his laughter. This got another 'Hey' and a dog like whine. It was beautifully chaotic. Then they went to get their books. That was where the real headache and trouble began.

"Why, it can't be. Harry Potter?" An annoying voice called over the eagerly chittering crowd.

The room went quiet as the flashy reporter grabbed onto the oblivious boy, who was just talking with the young Malfoy. However, unlike last where Molly just allowed him to be dragged next to an annoying peacock, Draco grabbed onto the man's wrist to stop him.

"I apologize, but we are here only for our books, not for Mr. Potter to be the center of attention." His words were short and clipped, though polite in their Pureblood way.

The greyed reporter blinked in surprise, tilting his head in confusion.

"But it's Gilderoy Lockhart!" He cried, motioning to the sunflower blond man behind him.

"Yes, come Harry, together you and I are worth the front page." The moron of a man cheered.

Glancing around at the unwavering eyes, the ravenet felt his shoulder's slump in defeat. The only eyes that weren't on him, were those of his guardians and the Malfoys, all of whom held their masks carefully, disguising their disgust of the man before them. Even someone as thick-headed as Sirius could see the famous author was no more than a great storyteller than an actual wizard! Arthur did look conflicted, unsure whether or not to break in, while Molly looked gleeful! Still fancying him like the time before.

As old as he truly was, the powerful Wizard still didn't want to cause any unnecessary drama. Besides, getting his picture taken won't be as bad as before... Hopefully.

As he was dragged away, he flashed Draco a grateful and apologetic smile. The young Malfoy held a look of both understanding and annoyance. Their focused eyes soon broke as the blond-haired imposter yanked the young boy into his arms, giving the reporter a wide smile.

"Nice big smile, Harry." Lockhart hummed.

Keeping hold a sigh, the young child gave the camera his grandfatherly smile, letting that speak for itself. The flashing stung his eyes a little, but it felt better than before. Then the man started to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen what an extraordinary moment this is." The idiot man called to the excited crowd. "When young Harry stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography, Magically Me." Harry rolled his eyes at what was to come next as many people clapped. His friends, along with Draco, gave him 'we pity you' look. Not that he blames them, the man wears way too much cologne for someone to be next to for so long. "Which, incidentally, is currently celebrating its 27th week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list. He had no idea, that he would in fact be leaving with my entire collected works. Free of charge." As the man spoke, he roughly handed the weighted books into the think boy's arms.

Harry winced at the weight; his body not really prepared as much for it. In his past life, he was used to lifting things almost four times his weight- he was forced to do every chore there ever was- but this time around he had a more comfortable life. Which means he should probably relearn how to fight and lift things. Just so he wouldn't be weak, he needed to prepare for a few things, and it would keep him healthy.

Quickly, the boy hurried off back to where his family was. The noblemen, including Arthur, were quietly whispering among each other. They clearly saw something wasn't right with the man. Which was good, that means Rita would have some help with gathering evidence of the man's misdeeds.

"I can't believe you went along with it." Draco frowned deeply, the words 'again' sitting on his tongue.

"I didn't want to cause a scene by denying it... Sorry, guess I'm weak hearted like that." The old soul joked, smiling more youthfully.

The blond's grey eyes flashed silver for a second before returning normal and he turning away, saying only two words.

"It's fine."

Harry hummed softly, opening his mouth to say something else, but he didn't get a chance to as Ron began trying to talk with him. The grey eyes and green eyes met, and those grey eyes gave a subtle nod to an unspoken question. With that nod, Harry focused on someone who was his best friend in his old life. Someone he wasn't sure he could ever trust again. Which he found a little sad, seeing as Ron was his first friend, too bad it wasn't forever nor was it real.

It wasn't long before everyone had gotten their needed books and left the shop.

"We should allow the children to pick out some treats for the school year, it'll be another year before they're allowed out to Hogsmeade." Narcissa hummed, giving the younger children a playful wink. It seemed she was getting comfortable with them.

Sirius laughed, grinning brightly. "Yes! Don't you remember how hard it was to get delicious treats?" His question was directed at the older wizard.

The blond man sighed heavily but gave a nod. Even he had wanted something sweet to munch on once in a while. Arthur gave a short laugh before asking Lucius about his favorite types of snacks, the group now moving forward to get those delicious treats.

As they walked, Harry couldn't help but glance in Ginny's cauldron, counting the books. There was no odd one, no black diary wanting to possess and destroy the school. That would very much mean Gilderoy Lockhart was going to fall the old, classical way. The more damning, fun way that he originally deserved. So, happily, Harry's second year was going to be less adventurous than last time. Though, he wonders if he could still use the Chamber... He would have to consult the others, and make sure to feed the Basilisk. But yeah, that sounds like a good plan. If not, then he'll just adapt like always.

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