My Brother's Mafia Best Friend

By dearfanjk

43K 1.4K 26

[ COMPLETED ] You have always known all of your brother's friends right from childhood. But what happens when... More

1. The first meeting
2. Self-defense... Really?
3. He saw you changing clothes
4. Stuck in an elevator with him
5. When he saw your period stain
6. When you found he was stalking you
7. When you moaned his name
8. When you got abducted by his gang
9. When you called him a pervert
10. When he asked you out on a date
11. When he helped you with the dress's zipper
12. Him... with your kidnapper?
13. When you find the truth about him
14. When he spoke about his love
16. When flirting made him lose control
17. Aftermath of being caught
18. When his love is scary
19. When he saved you from goons
20. When it is brother v/s his best friend
21. When secrets unfold
22. Feeling romantic every time together
23. Different sides of Mr. mafia
24. When he can't hide his jealousy
25. When you get drunk
26. When you get tipsy after drinking
27. What happened last night?
28. When love is accepted
29. What's up with Jimin?
30. A perfect date....?
31. Why so sudden?
32. A mafia crazy in love

15. When he slept on your bed

1.1K 36 0
By dearfanjk

You were just thinking about it when all of a sudden, your mobile dinged showing that you received a message. A message from Jungkook.

Message: Just a gentle reminder baby; Do not let anyone know about me yet. See you soon. Love you.

You in your mind: I won't see you soon, but tomorrow at the earliest. Not before that. So you replied to his message.

Your reply: See you tomorrow you must say.

His reply: Let's see who is more accurate.

You in your mind: What does he mean by that? Whatever it is, I won't show any reaction to his sudden appearance, which I am quite sure he would do tonight, just to stand by his words.

By dinner time you, Taehyung, and your mom were all sitting ready to have a meal. Just as you were about to have your first bite, you noticed that there was an extra plate kept. Just then the doorbell rang. Your mom went to answer it.

Mom: Oh come in. We were waiting for you. Just that y/n has already started eating. She was hungry you see.

Your eyes were wide open when you realized who she was talking to.

Jungkook: It is alright aunty. She is a sports star and so she needs her food on time, just like me.

Your mom and he walked to the table while talking.

Mom: So you are also into sports?

Jungkook: Yes, I loved playing. If not for my father's business, I would have been an athlete.

Mom: Wow, that's so good that you and y/n have similar interests.

Taehyung: Let's have food now mom. I am hungry. Anyways, Jungkook, what's up with the sudden change of plans? You said you would come for breakfast tomorrow and then you called up mom saying that you would be here for dinner and sleepover. All good?

Jungkook: Actually, had to prove myself so...

Mom: What do you mean?

Jungkook: Actually, Irene said she would not be cooking today, while I wanted to eat home cooked meal. So I said that I would go and have food at a friend's place, if she doesn't cook. She said that I won't go and ask for food shamelessly at a friend's place, and so she ordered food from outside for both of us. So, to prove myself that I keep up to my words, I asked you to prepare extra for me too, and here I am, shamelessly asking for food at a friend's place.

Mom: That is not shameless. Taehyung is your friend and you can come over anytime you want to. And cooking for you is my pleasure so please don't feel uncomfortable about anything. Make yourself at home, Jungkook.

Jungkook: Thanks aunty.

You noticed that he no longer calls your mom ma'am. He is calling her aunty. This means that he is comfortable around her now. Taehyung was just keeping his eyes on Jungkook, whereas Jungkook's eyes were on you. You however reminded yourself to keep cool and not show any reaction at his behaviour. You knew that would piss him off and you were right. His smirks slowly faded with his eyes still on you. 

After dinner, you all went to your respective rooms to sleep. Later at night you suddenly woke up and tried to reach for your water bottle, which you keep on the night stand. But then, you remembered that you forgot it in the kitchen itself. But you didn't want to go there fearing that you might face Jungkook again. You were really thirsty and your throat felt dry. So you thought of ways to distract yourself.

You in your mind: May be if I just try to distract myself and watch a movie, I might forget about drinking water and eventually fall asleep. Yes. I will do that.

You quickly took out your phone and the moment you unlocked it, a hand from behind, covered your mouth. You tried to scream but it came out as muffled sounds.

Jungkook: It's just me, love. Don't scream.

With that he released your mouth from his hold. You spoke in hushed voice.

You: How did you enter my room?

Jungkook: I am a human so I used your door to enter.

You: You know what I meant. The door was locked. I remember latching it.

Jungkook: I am a mafia boss. You really think unlocking a door with a latch would be tough for me? You are such a baby, y/n.

You: Why are you here? When did you come in?

Jungkook: I came to give you your water bottle which you had forgotten in the kitchen. You are welcome. And I came here about 2 hours ago, but you were sleeping peacefully, and I didn't want to disturb you, so I slept next to you. 

You: You slept next to me?

Jungkook: Yup. You didn't even feel a body behind you. You are so naïve. You should be more alert about your surroundings, baby, as I told you before. I woke the moment you started ruffling the sheets. I am always alert and so should you be.

You: So you mean you just slept?

Jungkook: What else do you expect me to do when you are sleeping so peacefully? I didn't want to wake you up. And I instantly fell asleep being next to you.

Silence filled the air. You were lost for words. But Jungkook on the other hand, had a smirking face which was making you feel even more nervous than you really are. You quickly got up from your bed and opened the door for him to leave. He was like, he didn't want to take the hint and so he was still on your bed. Instead, he pulled your blanket over his body till his chest and closed his eyes. You then decided to speak.

You: Thanks for the bottle.

Jungkook: I said that you were welcome before you could even thank me, love.

He didn't move a muscle. He was in the same posture as he was. Didn't even open his eyes. So you decided to grab his hands and pull him up so that you could put him out of your room. The moment your hands touched his, he pulled you over him and held you against his chest. You started wiggling your body to get out of his hold, but his grip was firm though gentle.

You: Why are you doing this? I know that I agreed to be your girlfriend but I don't want physical relation so soon. Please leave my room, Jungkook. I am very uncomfortable like this.

You felt his hands loosen the grip around you. He pushed you off gently with a frown on his face. It was clear that he didn't want to let go. But he did. Just because you said that you were not comfortable.

Jungkook: I really want to hold you y/n. I know it is too early in our relationship, but I just want to hold you close to my heart. I don't want any other physical relationship if you feel so uncomfortable, but please allow me to hold you. I won't do anything other than that. I promise. May I hold you close to my heart, y/n? Please?

You actually felt like a heart breaker. You didn't want to hurt him, but you are not sure where your relationship with him will actually end, since he is a mafia. You knew for sure that your family will never accept him. Even though you felt that you liked him, you can't ignore the fact that he does illegal stuff. But you gave in.

You: Alright, but don't do anything stupid.

Jungkook: I won't, baby.

You: And you must leave before sunrise and go back to your allotted bed. I don't want my mom to see you here and-

Jungkook: Alright I will. Now can I sleep holding you on my chest?

You still tried not to give in.

You: But it hurts me when I sleep on my frontside down. It is an issue that bothers me and so can't sleep that way. I need to sleep on my backside down. So, I think you can just sleep next to me.

Jungkook: Alright, whatever.

Jungkook in his mind: I know you don't have any such health issues. I have your full medical report double checked with me and there is nothing like that. Way to go y/n. Still thinking that you can win over me? Haha.

Then you both slept on your bed with you facing the window and he behind you with his arms over your tummy. You slept pretty well and didn't even realize that he was in your room, on your bed with you. You slept peacefully. The next morning you slowly opened your eyes to light thumping sounds. You gently lifted your head and saw that his arms were still around you, but the only difference was that you were almost on him. 

Your head was on his chest, close to his heart, which was making the thumping sounds you woke up to. Your hands had snaked around his tummy making it look like you were the one hugging him and not letting go. You had also your legs tangled to his. You never realized how you ended up like this. You are not a heavy sleeper and you would know if he had purposefully positioned you like that. So how did you end up on him? You tried to take your hands away and your movements woke him up. He smiled at you and spoke.

Jungkook: So finally decided to let me go?

You: What do you mean?

Jungkook: I woke up at the crack of dawn, but you were clinging on to me. You even flicked my hand when I tried to remove yours from my torso. So, I gave in not wanting to spoil your sleep and held you safe on me and slept. Now that you are awake, I need to go before anyone else wakes up. Thanks for the wonderful sleep yesterday. It was after a long time that I slept like that.

You were speechless. It was you who had held on to him even when he wanted to leave as per what he had promised. It was indeed true that even you didn't get as good a sleep as you did yesterday. Somewhere even you did feel good about him being with you. You didn't realize that you had started smiling as you thought over his words.

Jungkook: You look pretty when you smile so genuinely.

You were now out of your trance. You made a straight face at him again. He laughed at your reaction, but he leaned over. You thought he would do what he did the last time. So you were ready to punch his face the moment he laughed. He came even closer to your face now. His lips were just 2 inches away from yours. You were ready with your punch, but he closed his eyes and touched your lips with his. It was gentle, calm, relaxed, had no words. You felt all of these with just one touch of his lips on yours. You closed your eyes and let him do it. 

On seeing no retaliation from you, he began moving his lips on yours trying to feel every bit of yours. Though you didn't kiss him back, you didn't even stop him. You were too inexperienced to know the how and what of a kiss. He knew that and he gently guided your lips to be in sync with his. You kissed each other for about a minute and then he pulled off sensing you getting uncomfortable.

Jungkook: Thanks, y/n. For not stopping me. I really needed this.

You still had no words. You didn't know why you let him kiss you in the first place. You wanted him to stop right at the beginning, but your heart wanted him to continue. But later your heart and mind both sensed that this was wrong and you felt uneasy. You always wanted your first kiss to be with your real boyfriend and not with some one who you were with just because you were scared of your dear ones' lives. You felt it was wrong and also so right at the same time. He smiled at you and exited your room and you sat in a haze over what happened. Your mind replaying the moments again and again.

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