Rebirth of Poisoned Empress...

By alyun100719445

256K 7.9K 604

Shen Liang was beautiful and cold like jade, but he was also extremely cruel to his enemy. Pei Yuanxian who k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Untitled Part 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128

Chapter 12

2.1K 53 6
By alyun100719445

Rumors that circulate amongst the public have always been an invisible blade. It was a weapon Liu Shuhan often wielded and now, Shen Liang had used it against her. Unsurprisingly, within an afternoon's time, several versions of how the madame of the Marquis Manor abused the heir and son of the former madame of the Marquis Manor circulated the Imperial City. When Liu Shuhan heard the news early morning, she fell back from anger and even had the heart to tear Shen Liang's heart out.

The old lady of the Marquis Manor was still alive, and the Marquis Family had not yet divided and separated. Besides the main family, the second and third family also resided in the Marquis Manor. In contrast to Liu Shuhan's frustration, those from the second and third family were delighted and hated that Shen Liang couldn't put some more effort in. It would be for the best if Shen Liang could tear that mother-child group of three to shreds. Since ancient times, conflicts ran rampant, and tensions were high between concubines and the main wife. Such a situation was especially severe in the Marquis Donglin Manor because Shen Ruiting was not the old madame's biological son.

This matter was a long story. When the old madame first married into the Marquis Manor, she was infertile and without news for a worrisome long time. Adding on her envy and jealousy, she also didn't allow any of the concubines any opportunities to conceive either. Many years after, the old Marquis brought an infant home. The old madame in her twenties at that time coughed blood from anger but couldn't do anything besides registering the child under the family name. Shen Ruiting eventually became the eldest son of the Marquis Manor. In a moment of happiness, the old Marquis directly declared him the heir of the manor.

Who would have thought that not long after, the old madame displayed signs of pregnancy and gave birth to not one, but two children. But Shen Ruiting was already the heir of the Marquis Manor. Shen Ruiting also displayed talent and the old madame had no reason to ask the old Marquis to abolish Shen Ruiting. She could only watch as this outsider took the position of heir that should've belonged to her children. However, Shen Ruiting was quite filial to this old madame. Except for when he was insistent on marrying Wei Zeqian, he have never gone against her will on any other matter. 

But with such a situation, how was it possible for the relationship between the second and third family to be anything but peaceful with the main family?

"Grandma, have some."

Around the time of Chen *7-9am*, at the Lotus Courtyard was a seemingly warm morning greeting. The three families were fathered. Shen Wang, the second son from the second family's Shen Ruiqing held a lotus cake toward the old madame. The old madame was pleased, "Ah, my good grandson, it's still you who's the most considerate of grandma. Unlike some others who only know how to anger me all day long."

As she said such words, the old madame did not forget to give Liu Shuhan a glance pointedly, alluding to the widespread rumors outside. 

Liu Shuhan and her daughter's smiles froze but they soon recovered, "Is Mother-in-law still angry with Xiao Wu?" *Xiao Wu is Shen Liang.*

Yes. Liu Shuhan was the old madame's eldest daughter-in-law, but she was also the old madame's distant niece. That was also one of the many reasons why she was still able to marry into the Marquis Manor even when Shen Ruiting loved only Wei Zeqian.

"Sister-in-law, Xiao Wu is still a child. When encountering such an issue, can you not directly pin it on others?"

Without waiting for the old madame to speak, Zhao Lan, wife of Shen Ruiqing from the second family called out sarcastically. It was obvious Liu Shuhan had the intentions of throwing the black pot on Shen Liang. But how was it possible that she would allow Liu Shuhan to completely root herself out from the problem?

Madame Lu Yang from the third family echoed shortly after, "Exactly. Although Xiao Wu is not your biological son, he is still the legitimate heir of the Marquis Manor. Speaking strictly, his status and identity is more honorable than even Xiao'er and Qiang'er. Aren't you afraid of Shen Da coming back to strike at you for your underhanded means? With the Emperor's favor in him and Eldest Brother, I'm afraid even if he does do something, no punishment would be delivered."

Such a remark struck where it hurt. Who doesn't know that Liu Shuhan and her children are most concerned with status? As long as Shen Liang and Shen Da lived one day, their statuses would always be superior to Shen Xiao and Shen Qiang's.

Shen Qiang was young and unable to restrain herself. but Liu Shuhan quietly gripped onto her. She raised her head and said briskly, "Third sister-in-law, food can be eaten unceremoniously but words cannot be said unscrupulously. The Court still hasn't even delivered a sentence yet and third sister-in-law is already stating such unfounded nonsense. It can't be that third sister-in-law has some evidence in her hands? If so, don't sit here and make such sarcastic and irresponsible remarks. Deliver the evidence to the court. I also want to know exactly who it is who wants to harm Xiao Wu."

Only her maiden family and the Grandma Wei who came to the Marquis Manor with her from her maiden family knew of Liu Shuhan's collusion with the bandits. As for Grandma Wei, she was already dead.

"Listen to eldest sister-in-law. Third sister-in-law has always been straightforward with her words. She must have simply believed the rumors outside and distressed for Xiao Wu. Why do you insist on raising a fuss with her?"

Zhao Lan not only responded in a timely manner, but also alluded to Liu Shuhan being petty.

"Whether or not it's a rumor, only some people know best."

Lu Yang muttered her words quietly but didn't say much else as they all knew it was impossible for any evidence to be collected. She could only say so. 

"Third sister-in-law, it's not that I, your eldest sister-in-law wishes to lecture you, but this straightforward nature of yours needs to change. We're all a family here. You simply heard of frolicking rumors from outsiders and readily turns on me. As long as we communicate and discuss this matter out, it'll be fine, but if one day, you end up offending a high-ranking aristocrat, then you would be implicating the entire family."

After sparing Zhao Lan a look, Liu Shuhan then turned to face Lu Yang. AS she continued, she also peered over at the young girl sitting beside her. She was Lu Yang's daughter Shen Jing, and the only daughter from the third family.

"Eldest sister-in-law..."

"Old madam, the fifth young master is here."

Accompanied by the maid who reported his arrival, Shen Liang headed inside the courtyard with Qi Yue trailing close behind. With his arrival, all gazes fell on him. Shen Liang's gaze didn't falter. His walked with his back straight and not even the slightest wrinkle could be seen in his attire from his movements. It was as though the Empress herself had come and made those present wonder how someone who had been raised in the countryside could have still have such a bearing.

"This grandson greets grandmother."

Ignoring the crowd's shock, Shen Liang directly headed up toward the old madame. As the distance lessened to a considerable degree, he bowed and gave his greetings. Without waiting for her to react and respond, he straightened again and asked with a smile, "It's been five years. Has grandmother been well?"

Shen Liang's attitude and tone gave off the illusion that their grandmother-grandson relationship was well. The Shen Liang those present were familiar with was the timid coward who hid behind Shen Da's protection. They were all unable to react momentarily, which included the old madame who was holding onto his grandson at the moment.

"Speaking strictly, this grandson should have come to pay his respects to grandmother yesterday, but grandson was covered in blood and filthy. This grandson was afraid of disturbing grandmother and ask for grandmother's forgiveness and pardon."

Although no one bothered with him, Shen Liang still maintained his calm smile. After a good day's rest, the still-young face looked much better. Shen Liang's already beautiful features appeared more exquisite, making others reluctant to look away. At the same time, Shen Liang's beauty was also a thorn that stabbed at the sensitive and jealous hearts of others.

"Is fifth brother's health alright? It's almost time of Si *9-11am*, here."

Shen Qiang had always been good at enduring. She was accustomed to keeping up pretenses and her persona as a gentle fairy had been maintained since young. But at this moment, her words were intent on picking a fight. Since yesterday, she had discovered that not only was Shen Liang beautiful, but his temperament was also extraordinary. After washing away the dirt and grime from his travels, his appearance only improved and stoked at the jealousy in people's hearts.

"Is seventh sister blaming me for arriving late?"

Shen Liang turned around with a smile. As he said that, he didn't forget to allow his confused expression to sweep across the old madame as well.

"How do I dare? Sister is only concerned..."


The old madame called out and reprimanded before Shen Qiang had the opportunity to finish her words. Immediately, her smile stiffened and couldn't understand exactly how she had offended the old lady. Liu Shuhan saw the situation and could only sigh helplessly. She pulled on Shen Qiang's hand and signaled for her to endure. However, her gaze turned thoughtfully toward Shen Liang. She couldn't tell whether he was being deliberate or not.

When no one noticed, a touch of mockery slipped into Shen Liang's eyes. It was directed at the old madame, but also Liu Shuhan, the mother-daughter pair. In the past, the old madame had schemed to marry her distant niece from a fallen branch into the Marquis Manor as means of restraining and controlling Shen Ruiting. Hopefully, she could ruin his reputation and future as to help regain her own son regain the title of heir of the Marquis Manor. Perhaps she never expected that Liu Shuhan was not easy to grasp, and the Liu Family only became more and more prosperous because of her.

On the surface, Liu Shuhan was indeed the old madame's niece, but she was also the eldest daughter-in-law. She was also an enemy and for them to not have an ounce of enmity would be strange and illogical.

Shen Liang didn't do anything but simply reminded the old madame that this was her courtyard. Although he had arrived late, he had also asked for her forgiveness. She herself had not yet responded and given her decision and Shen Qiang had already usurped her position to speak. It can't be that the main house feels like they now had the capability to step over her head and no longer put her, this old madame in their eyes now?

Reality proved that the old madame was still able to decipher this much and the turmoil ran deep in their daughter-in-law, mother-in-law relationship.

An enemy's enemy can be one's own ally if done correctly and intricately. If so, unexpected gains may result.

Shen Liang habitually stroked the little finger on his left hand. His plans were already in place.

"Xiao Wu, come over and let grandmother take a good look at you."

After rebuking Shen Qiang, the old madame gestured at Shen Liang and revealed a kind and amiable expression.


Shen Liang headed over in accordance with her words. The old madame also pulled him over to sit down: "You've grown more and more beautiful and is starting to resemble your Dad more and more. I still recall that your Dad was once a well-known beauty throughout the entirety of the Imperial City."

And you were never once satisfied and welcoming towards him!

If the old madame was really satisfied with his Dad, would Liu Shuhan ever have the opportunity to marry into the Marquis Manor? This old madame also played a role in his Dad's death!

Shen Liang's heart was filled with disdain for her but the smile he gave her was warm and elegant, "Really? It's a shame that I have never seen him before. Not even a painting."

It was obvious the old madame was only speaking courteously but Shen Liang deliberately appeared to take it to heart. Simultaneously the unnaturalness that was briefly revealed on Liu Shuhan and the old madame could not escape his gaze. However, the moment Shen Liang wished to revel in it, their unease disappeared without a trace as though it had never appeared.

"All is well as long as you had returned safely. As for these sad memories, don't mention it again."

With the wave and flick of her sleeves, as though the old madame had just realized his attire, she scowled, "What are you wearing? Those dog slaves at the countryside must have withheld your monthly spending. Fortunately, your mother thought considerately. She had sent someone to bring cloth early in the morning. Have a look and see which materials appeals you. After the selection, send the materials to the Fei Yu Pavilion to make some more suitable attires. My Marquis Manor heir must have the bearing of such."

When Shen Liang had entered, he had seen such. On the Eight Immortals table in the middle of the outer courtyard had several selections of fabric on it. But the servants behind each of the families were also carrying pieces of fabrics themselves. It was evident that what remained at the Eight Immortal table was what remained after each family had taken their picks.

"Xiao Wu, go choose. Pick a variety of colors. You've suffered all these years at the countryside."

Well aware of the circumstance, Liu Shuhan was filled with smiles and her eyes did indeed seem to be filled with distress.

"Fifth brother, those from Pei Yu Pavilion were called over specifically for you by mother. It's only because of you we're able to take advantage of their presence and also have some new clothes made."

Shen Qiang held onto Liu Shuhan's arm and smiled sweetly as though her earlier remarks were never made.

"Does the seventh sister still lack clothes?"

Shen Liang turned his head to look at her. Sure enough, the maid behind her was also holding onto a white Jiangnan rouge brocade. In his previous life, he had never seen Shen Qiang wear clothes that were any other color other than white. Although she didn't have an abundance of jewelry, those who knew the goods could tell that what she had were some of the best craftsmanship out there.

Shen Liang had to admit that the persona Liu Shuhan had designed for Shen Qiang was very successful. Which men wouldn't be attracted?

As he thought of such, Shen Liang ignored Shen Qiang's comments and headed toward the Eight Immortals table. His long slender fingers traced through the fabrics unhurriedly and very leisurely. 

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