
By MedinaHadziefendic70

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Marija is a young soul who gets taken away by the ottoman Army in her small village in Bosnia. She will soon... More

Chapter 1: Taken away
Chapter 2: First sight
Chapter 3: Rivalry
Chapter 4: More news
Chapter 5: Big Reveal
Chapter 6: Back Home
Chapter 7: Evil Plan
Chapter 8: Massacre
Chapter 9: Family Reunion
Chapter 10: Campaign
Chapter 12: Love and Politics
Chapter13: 3rd "Mistress"
Chapter14: Fate
Chapter15: End
Thank you

Chapter 11: Victory and Loss

115 6 2
By MedinaHadziefendic70

Year: 1530
Place: Belgrade Campaign

Ganzafer Paşa's POV: ATTACK!

*The Ottoman Army attacks the Serbian Army. It is a bloody war that has lasted 6 years. Yes, it has been 6 years since you last saw Sultan Mehmed. You feared day and night that you would recieve a letter from Ganzafer Paşa saying that Sultan Mehmed had died. You feared for the life of Sultan Mehmed. If he did die, your son would be the next Sultan. But Murad wasn't old enough to be one. Today was the last day of battle. The outcome of the battle was and obvious one. The Ottomans won, the Serbians lost. The Ottoman Army was gathering the dead bodies of their lost Soldiers. As one of the Soldier was dragging away the body of another one, he noticed the Sultan lying heavily injured.*


*The Soldier drags the Sultan to the healing tent.*

Ganzafer Paşa's POV: Hünkarim!? Soldier, let me help you bring the Sultan to the Tent.

*Sultan Mehmed fights Day and Night for his life.*

Sultan Mehmed's POV: Ganzafer, please send a letter to Medina after I die. I want her to know.

Ganzafer Paşa's POV: Hünkarim, please do not say that! You are still young!

Sultan Mehmed's POV: "There is no deity but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God".

Ganzafer Paşa's POV: Hünkarim!

*The Sultan then breathes for the last time. Shortly after Sultan Mehmed died, all of the Soldiers accompanied him to his burial place. Now all that was left is to inform the Capital of the Sultan's death. Ganzafer Paşa wrote a letter to you.*

" Peace be upon you.
Dear Haseki Medina Sultan, our Hünkarim left this World on the 3rd of September of 1530. The Sultans last wish was this letter to be sent to you. The Army will arrive in a few weeks to congratulate the New Sultan on his succesion.
Yours sincerely,
Ganzafer Paşa"

Year: 3rd of October 1530
Place: Topkapi Palace

Leyla Hatuns POV: Medina! You recieved a letter from Ganzafer Paşa!

Medina Sultan's POV: Leyla, please Hand me the letter! I want to read it!

*You read the letter. You fall to the ground in shock.*

Leyla Hatuns POV: Medina! What happened? Is something wrong?

Medina Sultan's POV: He is dead. Mehmed is dead.

Leyla Hatuns POV: What!? Does this mean-

Medina Sultan's POV: Yes, Murad will ascend the throne tommorow. He is no longer a Şehzade but a Sultan.

*Murad enters the room with Halime, Hafsa, Hürrem and Engin Ağa.*

Şehzade Murad's POV: Anne!? What happened? You look like someone has died!

*You and Leyla Hatun both bow down to Şehzade Murad.*

*Engin Ağa bows down aswell*

Medina Sultan's POV: Amin!

Şehzade Murad's POV: Anne, is this true or are you playing a joke?

Medina Sultan's POV: It is no joke. You have suceeded your Baba on the Throne. You are now the Padişah of this Empire!

Şehzade Murad's POV: Then I shall accept my duty as Sultan!

[The next day]:

*Today was the Enthronement Ceremony of Murad. Everyone was there, including you.*

Şehzade Murad's POV: Validem, I am afraid. What if the people do not love me?

Medina Sultan's POV: Murad, your people will love you! Do not worry! Now it is time for your Ceremony. I will wait for you at the terrace(You can not show your face to men that aren't eunuchs or your husband).

Leyla Hatuns POV: Medina, I have brought Ema Hatun,Hafsa,Halime and Hürrem Sultan here to see the Ceremony.

Medina Sultan's POV: Alright, then let's see what the future brings to us.

*Hafsa Sultan*

*Ema Hatun*

*Halime Sultan*

*Hürrem Sultan*

*Leyla Hatun*

[After the Ceremony]:

Ganzafer Paşa's POV: Hünkarim, I wish to resign as Grand Vezir. I feel like this duty should be passed out to someone who desrves it more than me.

Sultan Murad's POV: Ganzafer Paşa, you have served my dad as Grand Vezir for a very long time. I wish you to become my Grand Vezir, as I see great leadership in you! Do you agree with my opinion, Validem?

Valide Medina Sultan's POV: I agree with your opinion Hünkarim. I as the Valide of the Sultan, also wish for you to stay Grand Vezir!

Ganzafer Paşa's POV: If it is your wish, I will gladly become Grand Vezir once more!

Sultan Murad's POV: Ganzafer Paşa, there is a different matter that I want to adress. You have caught the eye of my aunt Leyla Hatun and she caught yours aswell. So my second Royal command is that a Wedding shall be prepared for the two of you! My Sister Hafsa Sultan has also asked me to ask you Paşa if you would like to let Hafsa Sultan move in with you and Leyla Hatun.

Ganzafer Paşa's POV: If it is the wish of the Sultana, then I will gladly let her stay in my Household.

Sultan Murad's POV: Then, I guess we have discussed everything that needed to be discussed. You may take your leave now!

*Ganzafer Paşa leaves and a while later Leyla Hatun comes in.*

Leyla Hatuns POV: Hünkarim, Valide Sultanim. Thank you for allowing me to get married to someone I like and I will make sure Hafsa Sultan feels at home in Ganzafer Paşa's Household.

Valide Medina Sultan's POV: You are welcome, my Sister! I think we should all head back to our Chambers as we have a long day tommorow.

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