The Cataclysm {Rick Grimes x...

By Nobody8524

14.5K 613 48

People don't arrive broken. They start with passion and yearning till something comes along that disabuses th... More

Chapter 01: First Encounter
Chapter 02: Learning More
Chapter 03: Being Honest
Chapter 04: Confession
Chapter 05: Positive Yet Sorrowful
Chapter 06: Responsibility
Chapter 07: Taking the next step
Chapter 08: Soul Bonding Ceremony
Chapter 09: An Unforgettable Honeymoon
Chapter 10: In a Split Second
Chapter 11: Support
Chapter 13: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 14: Coping
Chapter 15: Wheels in Motion
Chapter 16: Can it be?
Chapter 17: Trying to Make a Plan
Chapter 18: Thinking Quickly
Chapter 19: A Quick Getaway
Chapter 20: Reunited
Chapter 21: A Morning of Peace
Chapter 22: Admitting the Truth
Chapter 23: Going Back
Author's Note
We Back Bitches

Chapter 12: That Fateful Day

398 17 1
By Nobody8524

"Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, be strong and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason."
-- John Mayer


After arrangements had been made and belongings packed, Logan was able to come home with Arthur. The fact that Rick also lived there did nothing to sway the child away from the chance to be with his father. He decided to focus on how Arthur could now be there for him when it mattered most. He could finally be treated as an equal. He could learn all that his father did and even more so without having to endure constant reminders of how wrong he was performing.

When it came to schooling, Arthur regretfully had to keep Logan enrolled in his current school for the remainder of the year. But he promised to try and get the young sir into high school level courses; maybe even higher if he was up for it. His son didn't like having to wait, but he knew it was all his father genuinely could do. Therefore, he made no complaints. Such a decision allowed for him and Carl to gradually become better friends. To which offered  them both an outlet for the problems they couldn't bring up to, about, or around their parents. They could have the chance to have a true brother to back them up.

Career Day then arrived, marking the day everyone's lives were irreversibly changed.

Every parent that participated were all of menial, none threatening professions. Lawyers, clerks, accountants, etc. But when it was Logan and Arthur's turn, everyone in the room was able to feel the undeniable authority that radiated from him. 

The marine told of his decade of military experiences as a way to stand for what he believes. He described the importance of team work and the necessity of loyalty and trust in the right people. Arthur also made sure that everyone understood that every second counts. For a world could be destroyed and turned inside out in a split second and without warning. He explained that every instant, every decision would either lead them to fruition or damnation. Every tower, pyramid and structure depended on the base, no matter how big or small. When another human being's life was in one's hands, one must do everything and anything in their power to succeed. His over all message was that they should make every moment count.


Subsequent to the classroom lessons, Arthur was able to get back to work without much trouble seeing as he took a half day. His partner, Anita Fitzgerald, was the one to have picked him up in her cruiser. 

They were talking about Logan and how he could possibly be doing with  the loss of his mother for only a few minutes. Sadly, their enjoyable conversation was put on hold when the dispatcher called in another job. "All available units, high-speed pursuit in progress. Linden County units request local assistance. Highway 18 eastbound, GTA, ADW, 2-17, 2-4-3. Advise extreme caution." Without delay, Arthur and Anita zoomed in the direction of the barricade being set up in the fleeing car's path. "Suspects are two male Caucasians. Be advised, they have fired upon police officers. One Linden County officer is wounded." 

Anita sped faster down street after street while being very aware of her immediate and upcoming surroundings. "Something's off." Arthur muttered, his voice so filled with dark concern he could feel an unexpected chill travel through his spine and body. Almost like a waterfall of bad omens being released without choice.

"What makes you say that?" Anita asked as she kept an eye on the road while Arthur told her where to go as he watched their computer in order to get to the right location in time.

He shook his head. "When I was deployed, I was able to find patterns and figure out possible outcomes that most others weren't able to connect." This caught her immediate attention, greatly wanting him to elaborate further. "When something went amiss, I learned to interpret how each mission could turn out. Not exactly, but in general. Something's coming our way."

Anita felt a strong urge to look at him as she furrowed her brow. "I'm sure we can handle two guys. We have the man power."

But Arthur shook his head. "No, not with the suspects. Something more. People are different now a days. More violent, even. There's stories all over. But it's deeper than that. I feel like we're experiencing the deep breath before the plunge." he elaborated, feeling increasingly bothered the longer it took them to get to the criminal confrontation.

A pregnant pause enveloped them completely before Anita shook her head to clear the foreboding information from her mind. Now that he mentioned it, she had been noticing more and more strange happenings.  People going missing. People attacking others for seemingly no reason or for very minor inconveniences. "I'm positive everything will be fine. Don't worry too much." she tried to reassure. Though even to her did she sound like she didn't believe her own words. But how could it not be fine? 

Just as they finally arrived, they saw the two suspects get shot dead by armed officers only seconds after they stopped their car. Arthur could see his beloved Rick get to his feet with Shane nearby. Something disturbed the ex-marine very much.

Then it happened.

A single gunshot rang out with Rick dropping to the ground simultaneously; red already staining his shoulder. Not a single thought ran through Arthur's mind as he threw himself out of the vehicle and sprinted over to his one and only love. He didn't even register the third suspect being shot or even Shane rushing to their side as well. They had to stabilize Rick while they had the chance.

"It's going to be okay. I've got you. I've got you, baby. Don't worry. You're going to be okay. You have to be okay." Arthur chanted desperately, just barely aware that he was even speaking at all. All he could focus on was keeping him alive. Rick then gradually, yet relatively quickly, lost consciousness mainly due to shock. "No, no, no, no. Stay awake. Hey. Come back. Baby, please!"

Arthur had no idea how long it took for an ambulance to arrive on scene or even how long it had been after his love was shot. All his addled mind could concentrate on was that Rick was unconscious, his shaking hands were covered in his blood as he put as much pressure on the wound as he could, he was still breathing and his heart was racing. He had to prevent Rick from going into shock. He knew what needed to be done, but didn't have anything but themselves. Then the EMTs arrived and thankfully took over.

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