Quick Transmigration: Seducin...

By nanahlolo

291K 9.4K 1.1K

Li Chang Bo ended up dying by a car crash on his way to meet a friend. He was a well known actor and has won... More

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Arc 1. 18

6.2K 193 18
By nanahlolo

Feng Yu Han wrapped Li Chang Bo in his arms and tried to comfort him. He took off his hat and mask, kissed Li Chang Bo on the head and stroked his back soothingly.

Everyone was amazed when they saw the face of Li Chang Bo's lover. Feng Yu Han didn't care what they talked about or that they found out who he was, because he made no secret of the fact that he was in a relationship.

When he noticed his baby calming down, he let go of him slightly and stroked his cheek, "Are you feeling better, baby?" he asked, concerned.

"Mhm," Li Chang Bo said, holding the hand that was on his cheek.

"That's not true. You're lying, the painting is mine and I was inspired by my past. You are the one who is lying!" said Su Yan angrily.

"Just because you think you drew the painting years ago doesn't mean it's yours. I always knew you hated me, but this has gone too far, Li Chang Bo!" Su Yan said, shaking slightly in fury and fear.

He ran to the painting that Feng Yu Han had just brought and wanted to destroy it, but Master Du beat him to it. He grabbed the painting and looked at it closely with almostination.

"Master Du, why did you stop me from destroying the painting?" asked Su Yan histerically.

"Because you do not have the right to destroy a work of art like that!"

"But my painting is the real thing and his is fake!" "Do you have proof that can show us that the painting is yours?" Li Chang Bo asked him.

"N...no but master Qin's nephew can confirm that it is my idea." Su Yan blurted out, and only after he had finished talking did he realise that he had said something he shouldn't

"Master Qin's nephew? In what context is he involved in this situation?" asked the female judge.

"In many things," said Li Chang Bo.

"As long as I know, they said this competition was fair and that the judges couldn't be bribed. Have I expressed myself correctly so far, Master Du?" asked Feng Yu Han.

"Yes, you are right, Chairman Feng. This competition is fair and none of us can be bribed in any way," said Master Du with a slight pride in his voice.

"But how can it be that one of you judges took bribes and passed secret information to a contestant?" said Li Chang Bo emotionlessly, leaning back against Feng Yu Han with his arms crossed.

"WHAT!! that's impossible. Young master Li I really appreciate your talent in art but please don't say things you can't bear the consequences of." said one of the judges.

"How can you slander someone without proof, young Master Li. I hope you will apologise to everyone here for your bad behaviour and false accusations. Then we will do everything...."

Before he could finish his sentence, Su Yan was interrupted by Li Chang Bo, who said in a nonchalant ton.. "Mr Su, please stop wearing that false mask and show us your true personality. Your white lotus facade gives me goosebumps every time I hear it. And you have nothing to say here because you are the one who caused all this shit," Li Chang Bo
said to him, smiling slightly.

"What do you mean?" one of the judges asked. Master Qin's nephew tried to make himself as invisible as possible, because he knew he was in deep shit this time.

He had not only offended Master Du, but also the Chairman of Feng and the Li family's little treasure and Chairman Feng.

If he had known that Su Yan would instigate and even implicate him, he would not have helped him. Deep regret spread through his heart and he began to hate Su Yan.

He knew he could no longer pull himself out of this situation and decided to drag Su Yan down with him.

"It is true that I took bribes and gave information, but YOU!!!!. You seduced me and pulled me into your bed because you wanted to know the topic for the competition earlier," he said angrily, pointing his finger at Su Yan. Su Yan looked at him in shock and anger.

'That piece of shit. How could he tell everyone what had happened. Doesn't he know that not only my reputation but also his reputation will suffer?' Su Yan looked at him enraged and his mask began to crack. Everyone could see Su Yan's face darkening more and more.

"Shut up!" he demanded of him, but the nephew of Master Qin ignored him and continued to narrate what Su Yan had done.

"He also asked me if I knew a good hacker. I got suspicious when I heard that, so I gave him the contact of a friend of mine, and through him I found out that Su Yan wanted him to destroy any evidence that might prove that the
painting came from Li Chang Bo," he said, looking at Su Yan with triumph and contempt.

At that moment, Su Yan knew he was finished. Su Yan turned and tried to escape, but he was overpowered by Feng Yu Han's guards.

He tried to free himself from their hands and struggled fiercely, but he could not escape.

"Let go of me. You can't do this to me. I should be the one who has everything," he spoke hysterically, and it looked like something in his head broke and he finally lost his mind.

Feng Yu Han ignored him, turned to Master Du and told him to continue with the competition. He said goodbye to his baby and walked out with the guards in tow from Su Yan.

"We apologise to everyone for disrupting the competition, but before we continue, we must disqualify Su Yan for plagiarising other works and exclude Judge Qin from the competition for accepting bribes and passing on secret information," Master Du said in a serious tone.

Dejected, Master Qin's nephew left the hall and got into the car that was waiting for him outside.

After the commotion in the hall had calmed down, the competition continued. After much evaluation and discussion, the judges decided that Li Chang Bo won first place and a foreign girl won second place.

A photo was taken of him and placed next to his painting, which was hung in a worldwide art gallery.

When Li Chang Bo arrived home, he showed his family the medal he had won and was hugged by them.

"Congratulations, Chang Bo. I and your father are proud of you." Mother Li said, kissing Li Chang Bo lovingly on the forehead.

"Your mother is right, I am proud of you, even though I would have preferred you to work in the company. You're wasting your talent." said Father Li, pouting after being smacked by Mother Li, who gave him a warning look.

“You did a good job brother. Don’t listen to your father you can do whatever you want and we will give you our full support.” Li Yu Cheng said while stroking his brothers hair.

“Really? You will support me in any choice I make?” Li Chang Bo asked and looked at them hopeful.

“Yes we will.” Father Li said.

“I want to live with Feng Yu an.” Li Chang Bo dropped a bomb and the room got silent. They looked at Li Chang Bo as if asking him if they heard him right and Li Chang Bo nodded.

“You heard me right. I love him and I want to be together with him for the rest of my life.”

After he said that, Mama Li took him in her arms and laughed happily.

"Kyyaaahhh, my baby did it. The night I saw you confess to him and then cry because Chairman Feng was silent, I had little hope for your relationship. I'm relieved to hear that the two of you want to spent the rest of your lives together. When will you introduce me to my son-in-law?” Mother Li said excitedly.

She took Li Chang Bo into the living room and proceeded to question him
about his relationship with Feng Yu Han, forgetting the two men who were standing in the corridor shocked as statues.

After a long evening of Father Li and Li Yu Cheng complaining about his relationship with Feng Yu Han because they didn't want to give him away, and Mother Li hitting them with her shoe for being annoying, Li Chang Bo got tired and retired to his room.

‘System, how far have I got with the mission of this world?’ Li Chang Bo asked exhaustedly. He wanted to finish the missions quickly and then live the rest of his life as a saltfish alongside Feng Yu Han, but he couldn't start doing that if he wasn't finished with his missions.

But there was one thing different from his previous life: in his original life, he was sometimes lazy, but not to this level. In this world, his laziness has become so bad that it is strenuous to talk, walk and get out of bed. But at least he has Feng Yu Han to take care of him, so he doesn't need to move.

[The host's progress on missions is 85.]

'85? But I have already taken revenge on Su Yan and made his personality visible to all. I have also saved the Li family from ruin. What more do I have to do? I'm tired,' Li Chang Bo complained to his system.

[Oh, come on. It's not like the host did most of the work. The Lord God helped the host, so why is the host complaining. You lazy ass. The host still has to become a worldwide popular artist and collect the soul shard of the Lord God. So cheer up], the system said and laughed at the laziness of its host.

Ignoring his annoying system Li Chang Bo changed his clothes after bathing and unlocked his phone. While he was surfing the internet, he received a video call from Feng Yu Han.

"Hey baby." said Feng Yu Han with a smile on his face. Li Chang Bo smiled back and greeted him.

"Why did you call?" he asked Feng Yu Han tenderly.

"I missed you," Feng Yu Han said shamelessly, laughing when he saw Li Chang Bo's red cheeks.

"I've missed you too, Hanhan. What did you do to Su Yan?" asked Li Chang Bo with interest.

"I locked him in a cell and tortured him mildly in front of Feng Ran. I didn't want to do anything extreme to him as I wanted you to decide his fate," he told Li Chang Bo truthfully, looking at him with a serious expression.

"Torture is a good idea, but I want him to break down and completely lose his mind and will to fight. Physical pain is terrible, but mental pain is terrifying, and I want him to feel it. He must pay for what he has done to me." Li Chang Bo said with pain and anger in his heart.

Feng Yu Han felt bad seeing him like this and wanted to kill Su Yan in the most horrible way, but he had to listen to his baby.

"Then I will put him in a mental hospital. There he will live alone for the rest of his life in a white room where there is nothing but himself. Are you satisfied?" he asked his baby tenderly.

"Yes. I already told my family that we are together and that I want to live with you, and they agreed." said Li Chang Bo with a bright smile on his face.

Hearing that his baby had informed his family about their relationship made Feng Yu Han so happy that his eyes sparkled. The two talked for hours before Li Chang Bo fell asleep
while talking to Feng Yu Han. When Feng Yu Han saw his baby sleeping peacefully, he stared at him for a while.

"Good night, my darling."


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