Quick Transmigration: Seducin...

By nanahlolo

291K 9.4K 1.1K

Li Chang Bo ended up dying by a car crash on his way to meet a friend. He was a well known actor and has won... More

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Arc 1. 14

6.3K 212 19
By nanahlolo

"Time is up. Put down your brushes and stop drawing. Anyone who continues to draw will be disqualified."

Su Yan was happy because he finished his painting at the last second. He was proud of his work and felt that no one would have drawn better than him. He looked around and mocked the other contestants because some of them had awful drawings and some of them were on the verge of tears because they couldn’t finish their work.

Su Yan looked at Li Chang Bo’s direction and sneered in his head. Li Chang Bo was standing straight and looked at everyone with an indifferent expression as if they weren’t worth wasting his time, he hated the feeling of feeling lowly when he was looked by by this gaze.

Under all the rage Su Yan forgot to take a look at Li Chang Bo’s painting.
One after another the contestant presented their work and then it was Su Yan’s turn. His painting as the last time was very colourful. The theme for today was animals.

They could paint any kind of animal in whatever way they wanted and Su Yan chooses to draw a realistic cat that was laying on soft cushions.

“Why did you come up with the idea of painting a cat for this theme?” a female judge asked Su Yan softly.

“I have a pet cat at home and he came into my mind when I read the theme yesterday. That’s why I draw my cat.”
Some of the audience awwed at Su Yan after seeing him blushing shyly.

“You’ve got talent young boy to draw something so realistic in this short time. You get 8 points from me.”

“I love your work. The cat is so cute that I want to cuddle. You get 10 points from me.”

“You’re talented for your age. This is the best painting I’ve seen so far today. I look forward to your next painting. You get 10 points from me.” Mr Qin’s nephew said and looked at Su Yan with a heated gaze.

He wasn’t really interested in this competition but his grandfather
promised him to buy him a new car if he would do good in this competition, so he had to come here. But he never expected to see two beauties here in this show.

This one is gentle and innocent. The perfect white flower, that awakes the desire in one to protect. And the other one which he prefers out of the two, is a cold beauty that is indifferent from the world and has a noble aura surrounding him.

He awakes the desire in one to posses him and make him cry and beg under him. But he had to suppress his desires for now because it was master Du’s time to talk and his grandfather told him not to offend this old man.

“You have the skills to draw but you’re not putting your soul into it. The painting may seem colourful but it gives only a dull feeling so you will get 5 points from me.” Master Du said with a serious expression.

The other judges weren’t really surprised by Master Du actions.
He has always been, this cold. Su Yan who was hoping from getting a high score from Master Du was ashamed and angry about what he said.

‘Who does he think he is, to say that my painting is dull. I am the most talented painter from all this fools. Just you wait.’ 
While the judges were rating the paintings of the contestants Li Chang Bo talked with the system.

‘Make a copy of the painting that Su Yan plagiarized. Then put the original in your system space and leave the copy in Li Chang Bo’s studio. Also produce a video where Li Chang Bo is drawing his painting so that we have a proof.’

[Yes, host. Why do you need a copy of the painting when you can just the use the real one?] the system asked confused. It knew that his host wanted the tape as an evidence when Su Yan accuse him for saying that the painting was his and not Li Chang Bo’s.

But it didn’t understand why the host needed a copy of the painting.

‘Can't you pretend that you're smart. I need the real painting because I want to show everyone that it's my work. You don't seriously think that Li Chang Bo drew the picture without somehow leaving his signature on the picture, do you? The copy is then for Su Yan so that he can take it home and then burn it after he has finished studying it. Oh, one more thing, on Thursday when Su Yan goes to university, unlock the door to Li Chang Bo's studio so he can see the painting in it.' Li Chang Bo said a little annoyed at his systems stupidity.

[Yes, host. The system needs to update to further comprehend the host.] The system said dejected.

Then it was Li Chang Bo’s turn to present his painting. He went with a slow pace to the front of the stage and put his painting down.

The judges were stunned by his painting. Li Chang Bo’s painting was mostly black and with some white spots. There was a black panther lying on the ground and staring at something.

In his eyes there was a man drawn in white which one wouldn’t be able to notice if they didn’t look carefully. The black panther was surrounded from black fog with white flashes.

The picture was very domineering and gave of a dangerous and oppressive feeling but there was also love and possession hidden in it and that caught the attention of Master Du.

“Why did you draw a panther with a human reflecting on his eyes?” Master Du asked Li Chang Bo curious.

“The black panther symbolise my lover and the man reflecting in it’s eyes is me. In this white and boring world he is the only darkness in it. The one that loves me spoils me and cherish me.
Even tough he is dangerous and likes to do unreasonable things, I love that
darkness of his. That’s why I decided to draw him as a panther today.” Li Chang Bo said and his facial expression softened to mans eyes and his eyes were filled with love and obsession for the other party, which made the people in the hall curious of the person he is
talking about.

“What a love story. I’m curious about your lover. Who may that be?” the female judge asked Li Chang Bo with a curious and expectant expression.

“I’m sorry but I can’t tell you.” Li Chang Bo said indifferent.

The female judge was disappointed because she couldn’t find out more about Li Chang Bo’s lover.

“Oh, whatever. I will give you 10 points because of that captivating and profound work you painted. Just looking at it gives me goosebumps. I wish you and your lover good luck in your relationship.” she said and smiled kindly at him.

Li Chang Bo nodded at her and looked at the other judges. They also gave him 10 points because his drawing was profound and seemed to be alive. It
felt as if, if someone would take the boy out of the panthers gaze, he would pound on that person and bite him to shreds. His obsession and love for him was so clear that one envied the boy.

Lastly it was Mr. Du’s time to rate his painting.
“I have to say that you shocked me with your painting. One can see how much feelings you put in every line you painted. And the oppressive feeling it gives when one looks at it is fantastic. I will give you 10 points. I hope that your next work will be as good as this one.”
Mr. Du said and then announced who got the first three places.

A girl from the Philippines got third place with the dolphin she draw. Second place was Su Yan and first place was Li Chang Bo. Today out of the 100 contestants 25 got disqualified.

After the competition Su Yan stormed out of the hall and drove home. At home he flipped out. He threw everything that got in his sight against the wall or to the floor. He shouted and insulted Li Chang Bo wildly. After slowly calming down, he called Feng Ran.

He started crying and sobbing very pitifully and Feng Ran who was on the other side of the
line felt heartbroken hearing him crying so pitiful.

“Why are you crying? What happened?” Feng Ran asked and went out of the office of his father.

When Su Yan called him Feng Ran was in an important discussion with his father.
“Brother Feng, today I went to young master Li to congratulate him for being on the first place but he mocked me and embarrassed me before everyone. He said that I didn’t deserve to be here and have the second place because I didn’t have the talent to draw. Is it true, that I’m not drawing good brother Feng? I was just trying to be nice to him but he was so mean to me.” Su Yan sobbed more and sniffled.

When Feng Ran heard yet again that it was Li Chang Bo who bullied Su Yan, he became angry. He had told him many times to stay away from Su Yan but he doesn't heed him.

'Does he think just because he's with my uncle that he can do whatever he wants. We'll soon see how a dead man will hold your back. After Feng Yu Han it's your turn Li Chang Bo, I swear.' Feng Yu Han thought furiously. He suppressed his anger and hatred and tried to calm Su Yan.

"Don't cry. I'll take care of it. Soon no one will hurt you or dare to be disrespectful to you."

"What do you mean brother Feng? What do you want to do? I'm sure young master Li didn't mean it that way so don't do anything to him. We can't blame him if he doesn't want to be friends with me. I shouldn't have told you about it if I knew that you would do something to him, I'll just put up with it if he does anything to me again. I'm sorry for bothering you with such unnecessary things, brother Feng." Su Yan said in a hoarse voice
and sometimes faltered because he had to cry so much.

It would actually be pitiful sight if
you didn't see his distorted facial expression. After trying to talk Feng Ran out of it for a while, he finally let Feng Ran do what he wanted to do. It may have looked like he was against Feng Ran’s doing but he was happy inside
and laughed gleefully at Li Chang Bo.

‘Finally I’m getting ride of you. Nobody will stand between me and Feng Yu Han anymore and I can finally can get ride of this useless guy that is only all talk and can’t take direct actions.’ He whipped away his tears and went to take a shower.

On the other side Li Chang Bo was laying on the bed in his hotel room and cuddled with Feng Yu Han. When he came back from the competition, Feng Yu Han was already waiting for him in his hotel room. 

The first thing Feng Yu Han did after seeing him was to pick him up and lay him on the bed.
He tore the clothes from their body and devoured him till Li Chang Bo passed out out of tiredness.

“You have to take care of yourself and be careful of your nephew. He and his father plans to kill you through a car accident.” Li Chang Bo said with worry and hugged Feng Yu Han tighter.

“Don’t worry I already know about it. Let them have their fun for a while before it will all be taken away from them. And now we have to talk about serious problems.” Feng Yu Han said serious and caged Li Chang Bo in between his arms.

“No. We just did it. My back is killing me. If you dare I will not let you touch me for two whole months.” Li Chang Bo warned Feng Yu Han and glared at him. Feng Yu Han laughed and looked at Li Chang Bo pitifully.

“you wouldn’t dare, baby.” He said and put his hand in between Li Chang Bo’s tights and stroked it. Li Chang Bo smirked at him and raised a brow
“Try me.”

Feng Yu Han saw that he was serious so he stopped his doing for his own good. He wouldn’t be able to resist his wife for two months. It’s already difficult not to touch him for two days. Feng Yu Han let himself fall on the bed and sighed dramatically.

“This is torture baby. It’s not my fault that you are so seductive.” Li Chang Bo laughed and fell asleep in his


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