Yours Truly | B. Hargrove

By itsaleef

62.1K 1.3K 113

Eden Munson was only known for being Eddie "The Freak" Munson's little sister. She grew tired of it by sophom... More



3.4K 77 11
By itsaleef

As 3rd period came along Eden dreaded having to go. She had physical education this hour and all it consisted of was the boys playing some sport and the girls gawking over them. The coaches didn't even care about the girls, they were never included it was all about the boys. Something about "sports are guys things". So, Eden decided she would stop by her locker and grab a book, 'Christine by Stephen King' to be exact. Girls her age were into romance or drama if they even picked up a book, but Eden had always been much more interested in suspense.

Even though girls didn't necessarily have to do anything in this class they still had to dress out, which Eden found dumb. So, she changed in the locker room before heading out to the gym to take her place in the bleachers and read.  As she was walking she heard a whistle and of course, as whistling is distracting, she looked in the direction it came from. There she saw the curly headed mullet responsible for the whistle. Billy had winked at her and smiled, and the boys surrounding him danced and cheered like immature monkeys. Eden rolled her eyes and payed him no mind as she continued her walk to the bleachers.

Billy on the other hand caught himself looking at Eden's behind as she walked. Dirty thoughts clouding his brain before he was grabbed on his shoulder and the boys asked if he was ready to play some flag football. He of course got riled up with the boys, before breaking off when the coach blew his whistle. The coach chose two boys to pick teams, Steven Harrington being one and some kid named Austin to be the other. Within half a day Billy had learned Steve was the "king of Hawkins High", which of course he was going to do everything in his power to overthrow.

The teams were tied 14-14 near the end of the period, all the boys were hot and sweaty, some had even taken their shirts off. Of course all the girls were gossiping and losing their minds over them, however Eden couldn't be bothered. Billy caught himself looking at Eden multiple times through the game, wondering what book could possibly have her attention. To say he was bothered was an understatement, he was getting attention from every girl but the girl he wanted attention from. He likes the fire she had, not to mention she was a total babe in his book so that was a plus. The bell rang and Eden immediately started bee lining for the locker room, but Billy was hot on her heel. He'd snatched the book she'd been reading, glancing at the cover to try and figure out why she was so into it.

"Christine? Who even is this guy?" He asked referring to Stephen King.

"He's my favorite author. He writes horror and suspenseful books." Eden replied, trying to reach for her book but Billy wasn't done examining it.

"What's this even about? The title sounds kind of dumb?" He finally looked at her face and was taken aback by the sight of her.

"I don't know I haven't finished it, but I think it's about like a car that gets possessed by some crazy girls spirit or something. I'm just into cars, so cars and horror in a book? Pretty sick." Eden shrugged.

"That actually... no i don't get it. How does a car get possessed by a spirit?" Billy looked dumbfounded.

Eden smiled up at Billy, "it's fiction Billy, it's fake."

Hearing Eden laugh made Billy smile, she had a cute laugh. "Are you coming to Tina's party later?" He asked.

Eden had completely spaced that that was today, let alone it being Halloween. Her eyes widened and without another word to Billy she turned on her heel and sprinted into the locker room to change, Billy on the other hand stood there confused, still having Eden's book in hand. He shook his head and sighed, heading into the boys locker room to change himself. Once Eden had changed she rushed around the halls to try and find Steve and Nancy. She saw them leaning against lockers talking, and stomped up. Steve noticed his best friends odd behavior and didn't know if should have been worried or not.

"Why did neither of you remind me it was Halloween today?" Eden rose her voice to an unnecessary level, making others turn their heads.

"I-i thought everybody knew?" Steve spoke genuinely confused on how it could've skipped her mind. Halloween was her absolute favorite day of the year.

"Well now that I know, and no body reminded me I'm stressing. I have no clues what I'm going to go as." Eden whined banging her head up against a locker.

"What's your favorite movie?" Nancy asked.

"Friday the 13th, why?" Eden asked.

Nancy thought for a moment, not being too familiar with the movie. "If I'm honest I don't know much about the movie, but go as your favorite character. Or the hot one, your choice."

"Good idea. I'll try and find something in my closet when I get home." Eden pulled Nancy into a hug, "thank you nance."

With that, the bell rang for lunch and students pooled the hallways. Eden, Steve and Nancy always ate outside, however Nancy said she'd have to bail today. Steve and Eden were confused but continued on anyways, heading towards Steve car. Eden hopped on the hood and pulled out a cigarette to smoke, not having a lunch or lunch money.

"Cigarettes for lunch now? Those are getting to your head." Steve rolled his eyes as he pulled out his lunch.

"Just not hungry I guess." Eden shrugged as she played with her jacket zipper.

Steve noticed this and realized she must not have food again. This isn't the first time she's struggled, with her uncle being the only provider for both her and Eddie. "We can share my lunch."

Eden knew Steve knew but she was thankful he didn't press into it. She just nodded and gave him a small smile, taking half of his sandwich and taking a bite. She flicked her cigarette away, not liking the mix of the tastes combined. Steve and Eden joked and laughed for majority of lunch, like every other lunch. The wind had a slight chill and the leaves were turning colors and it made Eden happy. Autumn was her favorite time of year, only Steve knew this though. Steve was the only person to know much about Eden, no one else bothered or cared. Knowing she was a Munson, she constantly had problems making friends because of either her parents or her brother. Eden hated how disliked her brother was, he was the sweetest guy she'd ever known, besides Steve of course.

"Hey, Eden you left your dumb book with me after gym." Billy suddenly walked up, pissed off from her running away from him earlier.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to rush off like that I just kind of exaggerated." Eden took the book from his hands.

"Anyways, you never answered my question." He stuffed his hands in his pockets, kind of giving a glare at Steve as he didn't know the relationship between the two. Steve have him a odd look but looked away, not wanting to start anything.

"Oh um, I don't know. I mean I want to but I won't have a ride, Steve has to pick up his girlfriend and he's the only person who takes me anywhere now that my cars in the shop." Eden shrugged.

"What's it in the shop for?" Billy asked, suddenly intrigued.

"I don't know. They won't give me any information but it's sputtering real bad. They want more money it's like they're holding my own car hostage." Eden rolled her eyes, pissed off that she doesn't have her most prized possession.

"What kind of car is it?" He pondered.

"A '67 mustang fastback. It was my dads when he was a kid." Eden's eyes gleamed talking about her car.

Billy's mouth almost dropped, "that's sick. I can take a look at it for you if you'd like? I know a thing or 2 about cars."

"Really? You'd do that?" She became chipper as she hopped off the roof of Steve's car, stepping in front of Billy.

"Yeah, but only if you let me give you a ride to that party tonight." He smirked down at the girl.

"What are you playing at?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Nothing, I'd just like to see you there." He shrugged.

Eden thought about it for a moment before replying, "fine. Deal."

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