Wasn't it magical?

By CouchieSlayer420

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Welcome to Season 2 and the continuation of "The Magical Ways of Riverdale". This season takes place during t... More

Memories from a Magical night
Honeymoon of a million stars
Audaz and Belle Topaz
Hollywood vs New york
Destructive Learning
Grammys And Wedding Rings pt.1 
Grammys and Wedding Rings Pt.2
Grammys and Wedding Rings pt. 3
School Is In Session
Salvatore School Tour
The Original 8 and the Uktena twins
Origins and New directions pt. 1
Origins and New Directions Pt.3
Training a Tribrid
Fire babies and Jason Blossom Pt.1
Frozen Fire
A Time before it Froze
The Flamin' Unholy Trinity
A Matured Tribrid
A Topaz takes a trip to New Orleans
Papa Tunde's Blade

Origins and New directions pt .2

118 6 0
By CouchieSlayer420

Previously, on Wasn't It Magical

Hope- I wanted to do this for me to finally feel fully protected without anyone walking through that door wanting to kill me. The Uktena clan could give me that and so much more.

Landon- I can protect you Hope, your friends and I can protect you. You don't need them especially Toni.

Belle- It's your highness to you mop head

Landon- Shut up kid

Toni- What did you say to my daughter!

Landon- I told her to shut her trap

Toni vamps over to Landon but Niklaus stops her

Niklaus- The boy is not worth it let's just calm down okay

Cheryl- What's going on here?

Toni- Nothing babe, nothing you should be worried about.

Cheryl- Okay well, Good news, Betty and Jughead enrolled Romeo and Juliet into the school. So, darling it's time to talk to the kids about the thing.

Audaz- What thing?

Toni- We'll tell you once we get to your room. Antonia, Luther come with us to guard their door the rest of you stay here.

Yes, my queen the rest of the original 8 said in unison


Audaz's and Belle's shared room

Belle- So what was the big news you guys wanted to tell us?

Cheryl- Go sit with your brother on his bed

Belle- Okay Mami

Toni- As you know we are a big family including your aunts and uncles.

Sweetpea- Yeah! I'm the best uncle

Everyone just looked at him

Sweetpea- Sorry, I'm still the best uncle

Archie- Yeah, right we all know that Joaquin and I are the best uncles

Fangs- Could y'all shut the hell up

Sorry- Sweetpea and Archie said in unison

Toni- Your mother and I are planning on having another baby. But we also wanted your opinion on the matter that's why everyone is here.

Audaz- I don't mind if the baby makes you guys happier then I'm happy what about you Bells?

Belle- It would be nice to have another girl around

Audaz- What makes you think the baby is going to be a girl? he said looking at his sister

Belle- I'm just saying Dazzy it would be nice to have another girl. Don't get me wrong I love having you as a big brother she said with a smile

Audaz- Yeah, you better he said wrapping his arm his younger sister's shoulder by a minute .

Betty- Oh, and even better news Romeo and Juliet are coming to the school!

Belle- Really wow isn't that great Dazzy? she said with a bright smile

Audaz- Yeah

Fangs- They are so cute aren't they babe

Kevin- Yeah they are he said with a small smile

Fangs- What would you say if we had a baby?

Kevin- Uhm I don't think we're ready for that yet he said with his smile disappearing

Fangs- What do you mean we've been together for almost ten years now why not now

Kevin- We're not even married yet Fangs?

(*They've been dating since sophomore year of high school so 3+7 (the time jump years) = 10 years of an relationship)

Fangs- Why do we have to be married to have a kid Kevin he said a little to loud

*Now everyone was looking at them but they haven't noticed yet*

Kevin- Because maybe I don't see myself being with you forever you vampire!

Fangs gasped and tears began to form and fall tremendously

Fangs- Screw you Kevin he said shoulder checking him and storming out

Dotty- What the fuck is your problem Kevin? he said getting in his face

Kevin- I don't need to explain myself plus our relationship is none of your business

Dotty- My brother is my business

Kevin- Why don't you make your failed relationship with my sister your business

Dotty eyes turned red aka bezerk mode. Dotty vamps and slams Kevin against the nearest wall with a big thump. Dotty lifts Kevin by his neck then says

Dotty- *hisses* Don't you ever speak her name you don't know what we had she is the love of my life.

Kevin- The love of your life you let walk away from you he said barely breathing

Dotty- ¡Te mataré jodidamente! he said hissing then lunging at his neck taking a big bite sucking the blood with big gulps

(Spanish to English translation I will fucking kill you!)

Sweetpea- Dotty No!!! he said pulling him off of Kevin


Kevin collapsed into the wall then sank to the floor with blood painting the wall

Dotty was kicking and clawing trying to fight his way out of his hold

Kevin applied pressure to his neck but that barely done anything cause his blood was squirting everywhere

Joaquin vamps over to Kevin feeding him his blood to heal him

Toni- Get him out of here right now! she said whiling shielding their line of sight to their uncle

Belle- What's wrong with uncle Dotty?

As Dotty was being pulled out of the room by Sweetpea and Archie he was flailing his head around with blood and spit going everywhere like a rapid dog.

Dotty- No get off of me let me kill that bastard!

Veronica- oh my god Kevin!

Cheryl went to get Antonia and Luther to take the kids where the rest of the original 8 were

Antonia and Luther vamps into the room and takes the kids out and at the same time Luther did a spell to clean up Kevin's blood

Betty- What the hell was that about Kevin provoking Dotty like that?

Kevin- He came up to me he said getting up from the wooden floor

Toni- But you knew he was still sensitive about her

Kevin- It's been 7 years Toni and why aren't we talking about Sweetpea? he's been dating Josie for the past 7 years behind Dotty's back.

Toni vamps up to Kevin silencing him with her palm

Toni- You shut your fucking mouth do you understand me! she whisper yelled

Toni- If Daniel knows about Sweets and Josie not only will he kill you he will massacre Sweetpea. And that will result him into being thrown into the vampire council. I know my brother and he will not survive in there like me....if that does happen I will kill you and make sure whoever wants to bring you back will die too.

Toni releases her hold on Kevin and rushes to help the other guys with restraining Dotty


Lounge in the Salvatore Boarding School

Everyone was sitting there uncomfortably Fangs and Dotty were holding each other when Toni walked in.

Toni- Daniel! she said furiously

Dotty already knows what's gonna happen so he stood up and walked over to Toni ready for his lecture.

Toni- Lo has hecho, me convenciste de que eres un niño irresponsable. ¿Cómo te atreves a llamarte hombre? Podrías haber matado a Kevin golpeándolo es una cosa, pero ¿morderlo Daniel? Tienes prohibido ver a mis hijos.

(Spanish to English translation : You've done it, you convinced me that you are an irresponsible little boy. How dare you call yourself a man? You could have killed Kevin beating him up is one thing but biting him Daniel? You are forbidden from seeing my kids.)

Dotty looks into his older sisters eyes

Dotty- ¡Qué! No puedes hacer eso

(Spanish to English translation : What! you can't do that )

Toni- Puedo hacer lo que coño quiera, ¿me entiendes? Es simple, ¿qué no obtienes? Si no consigues que actúes juntos, hermanito. No solo te golpearé el culo, tu tonto será puesto en una jaula.

(Spanish to English translation: I can do whatever the fuck I want do you understand me? It's simple what don't you get? If you don't get your act together little brother. Not only will I beat your ass your dumbass will be put in a cage.)

Dotty- ¡No es justo!

(Spanish to English translation : It's not fair!)

Toni- How about I give you a different punishment to be nice. You have to recruit Hope and help her train for her trails into becoming a serpent.

Dotty- Ah what he groaned

Toni- ¡Cállate!

(Spanish to English Translation: Shut up!)

Dotty- I'll do it

Toni- Now go apologize to Kevin

Dotty- Why?

Toni- Now! ¡niño!

(Spanish to English Translation: little boy!)

Dotty vamps back to Audaz's and Belle's dorm room

Toni sat next to Fangs

Toni- How are you feeling?

Fangs- I feel like I'm drowning and when I'm close to shore to safe myself I get the wind knocked out of me with a punch to the gut. he said with a small sniffle

Toni- Do you want my opinion?

Fangs- Sure

Toni- I think you should go talk to him about your future together

Fangs- We were doing so good....until I had to open my mouth about kids.

Toni- This is not your fault at all do you understand it's his fault he was out of pocket.

Fangs- I'll just send him a mental message...I don't even want to look at him right now.

Toni- So, what happened?

Fangs- I broke up with him he said sadly

Dotty walks back into the lounge and sits next to Toni

Toni- Did you say you're sorry

Dotty- Yes I did can I leave now?

Toni- Go take a walk with Hope get to know her a little

Dotty takes a quick glance then huffs and walks over to hope

Toni- Blow again I dare you just do what the fuck I said she said with authority

Niklaus- I wish I had that much control over my siblings he said with his arms crossed leaning against the doorway

Toni- It's not control Klaus it's respect and love

Marcellus- Pops!?

Niklaus- Oh my boy, what are you doing here he said giving his son a hug

( Side note:In my story Klaus was a great father to Marcel and yes they still had their ups and downs. But Marcel recognizes him as his father so he calls him dad but not legally because if it was he would be married to his aunt)

Marcel- Just came to check on everyone and all that jazz he said with a smile

Niklaus- That's great, Toni, Fangs, and everyone else. This is my eldest son Marcellus Gerard. And he's and upgraded version of a hybrid.

Marcel- You can just call me Marcel

Niklaus- Bow your head

Marcel- Why?

Niklaus- Because Toni and Fangs are the king and queen of all vampires he said whispering in his ear

Marcel- Oh I'm sorry he said shaking Fangs's and Toni's hands

Toni- I'm Toni this is my brother Fangs

Fangs- Our youngest brother Dotty just went out for a bit with your sister to take a walk.

Marcel- Oh, that's fine it was nice to meet you

Fangs- You as well

Marcel- I'll just excuse myself and go look for my little sister bye dad

Niklaus- See you later son


The entrance of the school

Hope was putting her belongings into the car when Lizzie walked up to her

Hope- Hey Lizzie

Lizzie- Why do you have to one up me all the time?

Hope- What the hell are you talking about? she said closing the trunk of the car

Lizzie- You saying yes into being in a gang

Hope- It was a group discussion and my parents were present the whole time. You know how paranoid my dad is. He would never have said yes if he didn't trust the Topazes. And it is not my fault your parents said no.

Lizzie- So what are you saying ?

Hope- I'm not saying anything

Dotty- Hey ladies he said stopping their arguement

Lizzie-Sorry, I don't think we've met my name is Lizzie Saltzman-Mikealson she said introducing her self

Dotty- Hi, Hope change of plans I'm staying here with you to help you train for the first week and for the rest of the time in Riverdale.

Hope- Oh okay she said taking her stuff from the trunk

Dotty- Yeah, get ready because since you are a tribrid I won't be going easy on you he said while walking away

Lizzie- He is so hot like are you joking me do you know if he's single?

Hope- I don't know him on that level to know that information. Plus he's way older than us.

Lizzie- He's 22

Hope - And how do you know that?

Lizzie- I might have asked the young Topaz twins

Hope - You heckled 6 year olds?

Lizzie folded her arms then said

Lizzie- Well when you put it that way it sounds pathetic

Hope- That's because it is Lizzie

Lizzie- Whatever Hope she said stomping away into the school

Hope smiled then shook her head walking back inside


Alaric's office

*Knock Knock*

Alaric- Come in

Dotty- Hey

Alaric- Your Highness to what I owe this pleasure

Dotty- Since, you are one of the headmasters I wanted to let you know I'll be staying here for a week training Hope for the serpent trails. So I'll be needing a room here.

Alaric- We have a teachers wing let me show you where it is

Dotty- Thank you

On their way to the room Lizzie pops up out of no where

Lizzie- Oh hey daddy and Dotty where are you guys headed?

Dotty- I'm staying here for a week to help Hope train

Lizzie- I'll show him to his room

Alaric- Okay sweetheart

Dotty- I'm gonna let this be known right now I'm too old for you Lizzie

Lizzie- I understand

They made it to Dotty's room

Lizzie- Well I hope you enjoy your stay at our school

Dotty- Thanks Liz

Lizzie- Your welcome


Time for the Topaz family and friends to go back to Riverdale

Veronica- That was one hell of a trip

Cheryl- It sure was

Betty- I can't believe Kevin said that to them

Cheryl- Me too but Dotty was like really fucking angry

Betty- So angry he bit him

They all put the last of their bags into the car

Cheryl- Let's just hope Klaus's daughter is a grand new edition to the serpents

Veronica- Yeah you're right


I have so many ideas for this series and I'm really proud of them just wait and see.

Who will turn off their humanity Dotty or Fangs?

What did y'all think?

word count-2391

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