My Guardian Nightmare

By Mondi06

45.6K 1.8K 1.4K

There was a rumored cult that has been given offerings to a demon to not unleash hell on their town for many... More

Chp. 1 - Visit
Chp. 2 - Cult
Chp. 3 - New Classmate
Chp. 4 - Lucid Dreaming
Chp. 5 - Cooking Time
Chp. 6 - Jobs are mean, in Error's opinion
Chp. 7 - Ice Cream
Chp. 8 - Food and talking
Chp. 9: Just a mother coming home... Oh, and Pain.
Chp. 10 - Breakfast after the shock
Chp. 11 - Glück
Chp. 12 - Gifts
Chp. 13 - Planning
Chp. 14 - Reintroducing: The worst person possible
Chp. 15 - Breaking down
Chp. 16 - Visitors
Chp. 17 - A tale of persuading cats and swearing
Chp. 18 - Seeking help from the outside
Chp. 19 - Someone from the past
Chp. 20 - Disturbance
Chp. 21 - Quitting?
Chp. 22 - Father-Daughter-Reunion, I guess
Chp. 23 Nightly Visit
Chp. 24 - Bonding Time
Chp. 25 - The stairs of doom
Chp. 26 - Hospital
Chp. 27 - Eos
Chp. 28 - SOUL
Special - Birthday Party
Chp. 29 - Geno's Check-Up
Chp. 30 - Shadows
Chp. 31 - New Home
Chp. 32 - Office
Chp. 33 - Further explanation about the cult
Chp. 34 - King Nightymare
Chp. 35 - Crown
Chp. 36 - Crayon Queen
Chp. 37 - Similarity between mother and son
Chp. 38 - Spooder
Chp. 39 - Removing the drug
Chp. 40- Talking about trauma
Chp. 41 - Dads are embarrassing
Chp. 42 - Medicine Time
Chp. 43 - Meeting Family
Chp. 44 - Waking World
Chp. 45 - Demise
Chp. 46 - A teasing God
Chp. 47 - Magic?
Chp. 49 - A super cool Adventure
Chp. 50 - Lovebirds
Chp. 51 - A crash

Chp. 48 - Alptraum

466 18 14
By Mondi06

It was night time now, and it's been days since the last time he's seen Nightmare, a sniffle was heard as he curled up in the bathtub, pretty much making sure that none of his brothers hear him cry, especially Fresh and Geno, especially since Fresh just got out of the hospital two days ago!

A small whimper escaped Error as he then curled up even more, tears trailing down his cheeks as he tried to keep convincing himself that Nightmare hadn't abandoned him.
It was fine after all! It was okay! Nightymare was just busy! It's all good! It's fine!
Like Mr. Reaper said, Nightymare is probably just doing something important! It's okay... He's not important at all, it's fine, it really is...

Choking on a quiet sob, Error couldn't help but feel betrayed however, Nightymare promised... He really did... What if he doesn't like Error anymore? Did Error do something wrong?
Did something happen and Nightmare has to leave Error? He doesn't know, all he knows of is that he wants Nightmare... But- But that's a selfish thought...

He shouldn't be selfish, there's like, more people tthat would need Nightymare more than him! Yeah- yeah that's right... He's... He's not as important as them... Never... He's never important, he shouldn't be!
But... He still feels sad- Negative, he really should stop. He shouldn't be such a baby about it!

Damn it Error, stop being such a baby... He shouldn't be a baby, he's grown up now!
Sniffling  he wiped more tears and then burying his skull into his knees, he lets out more sobs as the negative thoughts continued to consume his already fragile mind.

Too much negativity, bad bad bad, why is he this negative, why, why, why?? He's probably unintentionally trying to call Nightymare, especially since Nightymare said that negativity calls him... He should stop- why can't he stop?

"Nightymare..." Error cried out, he wants Nightmare, really bad, he wants his Guardian... He- he wants his Papa... He doesn't wanna be alone- why has he attached himself to Nightmare so bad?!

Why?! He's such a baby- he really should stop- he can't be such a baby, why is he crying so much?! He wants to stop- he really does, but he can't...
All he wants is Nightmare, he misses him, he misses him, he misses his Guardian Papa, he wants Nightymare-

Without Error's notice - as he was crying, how should he notice - the shadows began moving, before Nightmare suddenly emerged from them, hissing and growling.
His eyelight was a lonely slit, tentacles sharpened, as the guardian looked around, his mouth having formed into terrifying fangs.

He then turned around, looking at Error. The tentacles of the guardian softened, as he didn't see any threat, but his expression morphed into panic.
One tentacle of his ripped something glowing out of his shoulder and threw it away, before another one warped around Error and pulled Error into a hug. ,,Error- Hey, My little prince, I am sorry, really- calm down, shhhh- What's wrong?" Error got now pets.

Error lets out a surprised squeak as he was then suddenly pulled into the all too familiar hug, looking up, he then teared up even more.
"Niiightyyyy...." Error then wailed in realization and clung to Nightmare, now loudly sobbing, him having his face buried into Nightmare muffling his sobs as he clung to his Negative Guardian.

Nightmare petted Error and sucked his negativity up like some kind of slushy. ,,It's okay, it's okay Ruru... I am so sorry that I couldn't come- so, so sorry-"
Error just kept clinging to Nightmare more as he kept sobbing, his negativity was concerningly potent, as if it was stored in a bottle for a while and only just now bursting... Which, considering how Error tends to act, would definitely be the case.

"Nighty..." All previous thoughts of Error had disappeared, only thing clouding in his mind now was that Nightmare's here, his Guardian is here, he hasn't abandoned him entirely.
He then tightened his grip on Nightmare's shirt and lets out more loud, yet muffled, sounds.

Nightmare hugged Error close. ,,Hey... hey... everything is okay, everything is alright... Calm down my little prince..  I am so, so sorry for leaving you alone this long- So sorry- It will never happen again, I promise-"

"You- I- I tho-ought- hic- I thought y-you ab-aban-bandoned m-mee...." Error sobbed as he then looked up at Nightmare with big fat tears pooling in his eyesockets and rolling down his cheekbones.

,,What? No, no- I would never do that!" Nightmare said and hugged Error more tightly. ,,I was just so busy  with my castle and finding you the perfect Christmas gift, that I completely forgot the time- I am so, so sorry-"

"N-Noo... I- I don't- I don't ca-are about gifts... I- I just wa-wanted Pa-Papa....!" Error cried on Nightmare as he then buried his skull on Nightmare's chest once more.
"Y-You were- you were g-go-one for too-too long..." Error choked on his sobs, hiccuping once more.

Nightmare sighed and rubbed Error's skull. ,,I know, I know... I am so sorry... I didn't want to be gone, really not... I just- I am so sorry,  my little prince..." The guardian mumbled.
,,It's my fault, I shouldn't have left you alone..."

"N-Noo... S'not your fault..." Error hiccuped as he pulled away. "S'm-mine... I- I shouldn't- shouldn't be th-this... Clingy..." Error sniffled. "You- You we-ere busy a-and n-now you're here a-and-and I pr-probably hic messed up y-your-our schedule n-ow and-"

,,What? No! What you're saying is wrong, Ruru- you could never mess up my schedule or- or make me angry at you- I just- Listen Error, I know that I hurt you... and I am really sorry. Don't think it's your fault, because it's not." Nightmare cooed, as he petted Error's head, still taking negativity.

"B-But- It is- It has-as to be..." Error sobbed as he then began to try and wipe his own tears now.
"I- I'm usua-ally the one who- who hurts ev-everyone an-and... I-I ca-an't even control my emotions ri-right and- m-my negativity pr-probably summoned you h-here! I- I didn't wa-want that cuz then- then you'd-you'd have to stop whatever you're doing a-and-and..."
Error then bursted into more tears now as he then leaned on to Nightmare and clung to him tightly once more.

Nightmare hugged Error tightly back. ,,Believe me Error, I am so glad that I don't need to do what I was just doing- You're a thousand times better than everything else. Also, you're still a child. You could never hurt anyone, I know you. And you're the sweetest thing in everything that exists and I love you very much."

Error hiccuped as he then pulled away. "Y-You... You mea-ean it?"
Error sniffled, looking up at Nightmare with wide, disbelieving eyesockets and sniffling a bit.

Nightmare nodded. ,,Of course I do! I told you, that I wouldn't lie to you!" But you already di- aw, fuck it.
Is not like anyone will listen to me... us? Eh. The guardian made a low purr noise for Error.
Being a shapeshifter did have it's perks.

Error sniffled and shakily nodded, he then buried his skull on Nightmare's chest once more as he then began to calm down from his breakdown.
Small hiccups and sniffles still escaping him, but at least his sobbing had now devolved into soft crying.

Nightmare just cooed quietly to Error and purred at him, trying his best to soothe his small child.
He rocked Error gently, as he nuzzled the glitching six year old.

After a while, a couple of minutes more perhaps, Error's crying had totally siezed, now occupied with hiccups and sniffles as he leaned tiredly against Nightymare.
Even if this may honestly be just a dream, he doesn't care, he's got to see Nightmare again and that's what matters to him right now.
"I-I missed y-you-ou..." Error quietly sniffled.

,,I missed you too, bucko..." Nightmare hummed to Error, still rocking back and forth with the child. ,,I am so sorry that I couldn't come..."
"You- You shouldn't b-be sorry..." Error murmured softly, hiccuping once more.
Since his crying has seized up now, the feeling of thirst was quick to rise with how much tears he pretty much has shed.

,,Yes, I should." Nightmare answered, while he took Error's toothbrush mug with a tentacle and filled it with water, before giving it to Error.
Error then shakily took it and began to chug down the water, pulling away and hiccuping once more.
He then looked up at Nightmare and showed him the empty cup, guess he wants more.

Nightmare smiled at him and filled the cup with more water, before giving it back to him.
The guardian held Error close to himself, as he petted Error with a tentacle.

Error then snuggled up to Nightmare with a small sniffle and slowly drank his water again, calming down even more and leaning against Nightmare.
He still wants Nightmare to never leave him but... It's such a selfish though- he shouldn't... He just clung to Nightmare more.

Nightmare rubbed Error's skull and nuzzled him slightly.
The guardian gave a low tune from himself, as he was still rocking back and forth.

Error then yawned lightly as he then began to rub his eyesockets, the familiar feeling of being tired overcoming his senses and he then looked up at Nightmare sleepily.
"Th... This isn't a d-dream... Right...?" Error couldn't help but ask, sure he'd be disappointed but... It was... Still nice...

,,You can't be tired in a dream, Ruru." Nightmare hummed and carried Error up.
,,How about we get you to bed? Is anyone in your room?" The guardian asked.
"M-My brothers... But- But they're asleep..." Error mumbled, somehow not believing what Nightmare said about them not being in a dream.

,,Okay, good." Nightmare hummed. ,,Than grab on tight, because you will feel what teleportion is like now. I think it's to dangerous to walk, who knows if an adult is still up."

Error shakily shook his skull. "N-Nighty... We-we're in a new house..." Error murmured.
"We can ju-just walk out... This bathroom is-" Error cuts himself off as he sniffled.
"C-Connected to m-mine and my broth-other's room..." Error muttered softly.

,,Oh. Right, I forgot-" Nightmare answered and just countinued to open the door and bring his child into the brother's room.
The guardian looked around, before spotting the bed and laying Error gently into it, covering him with a blanket.
,,Good night, Ruru." Nightmare whispered to Error and pecked a kiss on his forehead.

Error then clung to Nightmare with a small whimper. "Y-You won't... Lea-eave right...?" Error whispered, tearing up again as he stared up at Nightmare.
,,No, no, I won't. I promise, my little prince. I won't leave you." Nightmare hummed and smiled at Error.

"Pr-Promise promi-ise...?" Error whispered, feeling sleep starting to take over now and he held out his pinky at Nightmare too.
,,Promise Promise." Nightmare answered and locked his pinky finger with Error's pinky finger.

Error then gave a shaky smile after a long while since his breakdown before falling asleep, pretty much quite tired from all the crying.

Nightmare smiled and pecked another kiss onto his adopted child's forehead, before vanishing into the shadows.


Error then gasped a bit before quickly sitting up, looking around. Where? Huh?
He was pretty sure that he was in the bathroom and... Nightmare was there and... Error blinked, looking up where all he could see was trees. Where was he now? He's confused...

,,Heya, bucko." Nightmare suddenly appeared with a smile on his face, as his tentacle rubbed Error's skull.
Error then gasped up at the sight of Nightmare and quickly got up and hugged him.
"You didn't leave me!" Error cheered, clearly still trying to register what happened before he fell asleep.

,,Of course I didn't." Nightmare hummed and smiled, carrying Error up in his arms. ,,I thought we could make a little adventure in your dream. What do you think, my little prince?" The guardian asked and booped Error.

Error gasped at that. "R-Really?" Error couldn't help but grin widely at that and quickly got up and hugged Nightmare. "Yes yes yes!"

,,Of course." Nightmare answered and put Error on the ground. ,,Then where should we go, oh great adventurer?"
"Uhh... I- I don't know... Wait- don't we supposed to have- Oh!" Error then looked down and gasped when they have the usual adventurer get up.
"We look like adventurers too!" Error squealed lightly. It's like they're gonna be on an adventure centered chapter of some kind!

,,Yeeep." Nightmare chuckled, when the bushes moved and a Moldsmal wiggled out.
,,Error look! A Moldsmal!" Nightmare gasped, pointing at the slime, that wiggled peacefully.

Error gasped as well. "I don't know what that is but I wanna pet it!" Error then rushed towards the Moldsmal excitedly, ah, he choosin' the Pacifist Route.
He then pets the Moldsmall, and he got exp and G.

Nightmare chuckled. ,,Moldsmals are very harmless creatures. All they do is wiggling. For some reason they have G, also called GOLD. I... honestly don't know where they got it but eh. Gold is this shiny yellow stuff."

"I see... That's really cool! In our world, money is just... Papers and nickels. Kinda like these Gs." Error then showed Nightmare the GOLD with a happy grin before gasping.
"Ooooh! Don't these adventures usually involve a boss? I wanna fight one! Let's level!" Error cheered excitedly and then began running down the path.

Nightmare chuckled and followed his child. ,,Of course there is." He hummed, smiling at his protégé. Soon enough, a Froggit hopped in.
,,That's a Froggit. They're more dangerous than Moldsmals, but still normally choosing the peaceful option." Nightmare explained,  wanting to get Error used to all this slowly.

Error nodded lightly. "Hi! You're adorable!" Error chirped happily, grinning at the Froggit.
He then dodged some of the attacks before his eyelights brightened a bit.
"Woah, that's so cool!" Error gasped and then he just waved at the Froggit once more.
Two pacifistic responses, and the Froggit was spared.

,,It is, huh?" Nightmare chuckled. ,,In the real life, they wouldn't attack you. They would greet you, most likely, but that's it. Mostly because you're a monster. Not the insult kind of monster, of course."

"There's a not insulting Monster?" Error blinked in curiosity.
"Why are we called monsters though... I thought we were referred to as hybrids or something." Error blinked in thought.
"Or well, just Skeleton kind for me..."

,,Of course there is." Nightmare chuckled. ,,Everything that's neither human nor an animal belongs to the species monster. And the only reason why humans don't count as the same species is because their biology is vastly different than that of a monster. And monsters are once again have different races. Skeletons, furries, Temmies, dragons, Onionsan, Jerry... stuff like this. Not that monster really care, but a very long time ago each race had their own cultures and traditions. Like in different countries.

Also, technically you are a hybrid. A Skeleton hybrid, as your mother is a human. I assume your father was a Skeleton because... you are a Skeleton.  Hmmm... Or maybe they don't call monsters here monsters anymore because there is probably not anymore a human or monster who don't have a monster or human in their family tree, so they're all hybrids? I dunno, I really should go and read some very old books about your world's history..."

The guardian hummed in thought, before suddenly holding ice cream in front of Error. ,,Here, try it. Dream Nice Cream isn't as good as real nice cream, because I can't recreate the taste that much, but it's still yummy."

Error blinked in surprise at the sudden Nice Cream before slowly taking it. "Oh... Okei!" He then licked it before humming happily.
"And according to our history teacher, we were never called Monsters." Error spoke as he thought for a bit.
"I think... I couldn't pay attention much..." Error mumbled as he nibbled on his ice creams. Right, he was too busy wondering where Nightmare was back then.

Nightmare tilted his head slightly. ,,I know but belive me, some things in history are covered up or never talked about, or no one knows it anymore. You know? It could be that no one knows about monsters being called... Well, monsters, because it would target them- I mean, where does the word monster even come from?"

"Err... Bad people...?" Error glanced up at Nightmare. "And There's more to history? Is my history teacher wrong? Can- Can teachers be wrong?" Error asked in confusion as he then began to walk down the area once more.
"Ahh... Is there any mobs I can fight?" And just as he says that, a groan was heard and Error squeaked in surprise before gasping and rushing towards the sound.

,,Teachers don't teach everything. Only the most important things and much unimportant stuff. Historians know much more about the past."
Nightmare hummed, as he followed Error. ,,Oh? What's that?" He asked then, looking around with a small smile.

"I don't know but I hope it's something I can fight." Error giggled softly as he then stopped in front of a large, fallen down tree.
He then blinked and glanced at Nightmare. "Uppies?"

Nightmare chuckled and carried Error up into his arms. ,,Hehe, Alright my little prince." He chuckled, walking over the tree.
,,Honestly, the sound sounds a bit like a dog." He hummed then in thought, as he looked around.

"True..." Error then looked around curiously. "Do you think there's a cthulu boss? Or- or any of the Lovecraftian bosses?" Error's eyes sparkled at that thought, jumping excitedly.

Nightmare glanced at Error. ,,Error, you really read too much horror for your age." He mumbled, before shrugging. ,,Also, I dunno. Maybe?"

"Do I?" Error blinked lightly. "Is that not normal?"
Error couldn't help but ask as he then turned forward before stopping a bit, there was a melty thing standing in their way. "Is that an enemy?"

,,Looks like it, huh?" Nightmare chuckled and smiled slightly.
,,Thaaat looks like an Amalgamate to me. They're not killeable in my Information."

"Really? How would you be able to check if so?" Error curiously asked, glancing up at Nightmare when the melty monster began to advance at them angrily, Error squeaked and quickly unsheathed his weapon... Which was... A bow? "Ooh! I have a bow!"

,,Thaaaat's complicated to explain. Let's just say magic." Nightmare explained, before looking down at Error, staring at the bow.
The guardian blinked and shook his head, before smiling. ,,Yep! Seems like it! Do you know how to handle a bow?"

"Uhhh..." Error then stuck his tongue out as he then shakily held it... Almost right, he hasn't pulled it far enough, and it was lower.

Nightmare chuckled and stretched his tentacles a little bit out to help Error hold the bow right. ,,Like this." He hummed and smiled.

Error lets out a small ooh. "Ohhh okei." Error then blinked a bit.
"So do I just release it or-" Error then blinked when he saw skills of some sort pop up.
"Uhh... Shadow arrow?" Error then yelped when he instinctively unleashed his arrow, and it fired with a burst of shadowy essence directly at the enemy, insta killing it. "...WOAH!"

Nightmare laughed lightly. ,,Yeahh.. So it is killeable... or is it just mixed imagination? Eh. Anyways, you can imagine all this like a VR game. VR is a... thing, where you ,experience' the game you're playing, really see it... and  yeah. You can archive skills... probably... and dodge enemies attacks, spare enemies, defeat them or things like that."

"Oooh... Dream VR! I wanna get a VR in real life for my brothers!" Error then began jumping a bit. "Especially for Geno! He needs to let off that energy and not run around too much... Also also! Isn't exercise like, good for the SOUL?" Error then glanced up at Nightmare.
"Or is it just a physical thingy?"

Said guardian chuckled. ,,Well, I think dreams don't really exercise your body, bucko. I mean, when you're getting hurt in a dream, you don't get hurt in the real life, right?"
"Nooo I'm talking about getting Geno an actual VR not in dream! It would help him exercise!" Error chirped at Nightmare, grinning up at him happily.

Nightmare chuckled lightly. ,,Well, it could help, maybe." He answered. ,,Seeing how much exercise you would neef for certain games..."

"Yay! We get to help Geno!" Error cheered happily as the loot from the monster he killed then magnetized towards him.
"Oooh cool... Let's continue onwards!" Error cheered happily and then began to skip forwards happily, sheathing his bow.

Nightmare smiled, as he followed Error. Who knew that the King of negativity and nightmares would one day watch in content, as a child was making positivity?

"Do you think there's a time skip that exists, Nightymare?" Error asked as he then turned to Nightmare. "Like, a sudden skip to where we just... End up in the first village or something-" And as Error spoke, the reality around them suddenly began to warp.


"Wh- Oh..." Error gasped as he then looked at his new outfit, leather armor! And a better bow! "We skipped! Somehow! And look- A village!"

Nightmare laughed lightly. ,,You forget that you're dreaming, Ru. Everything is possible here." He chuckled. ,,Wanna go to the village?"

"Oh right." Error sheepishly laughed before blinking. "How do we access our inventories...?" Error asked in confusion, glancing up at Nightmare.

Nightmare hummed slightly. ,,Well, imagine it like a pocket. But... an invisible one. And you open the pocket and put things inside of this pocket or out of it." He hummed and smiled at Error.

"Okay..." Error mumbled before staring at nothing for a bit. "How do you do it?"
,,Stretch your hand out." Nightmare answered and moved Error's arm a little bit. ,,And now concentrate on your will to open the inventory, this pocket. And when you feel the magic in yourself flame up- you did it." Nightmare explained.

He may or may not explained it to Error like normally parents always explained their children how to open an inventory, no matter if monster or human. But this AU didn't have magic at all, so neither of the two races knew how to do it.

Error then slowly nodded as he then watched Nightmare move his arm and then began to focus before flinching a bit in surprise when a black screen opened up.
"Nighty! A black screen appeared!" A black screen that was definitely only visible to Error.

Nightmare blinked lightly, before laughing. ,,Congratulations, Error. You just opened your inventory." The guardian petted Error.
,,I am very proud of you." He then said to the child, a smile on his face.

Error's eyelights then began to sparkle happily. "Yay!" Error exclaimed happily and then looked into his inventory happily, Nightmare was proud of him! Him!!
"Oooh, there's already stuff inside... Looks like my old stuff." Error explained as he looked through his inventory.

Nightmare just chuckled, as he watched his son being happy. ,,Maybe your old stuff can be useful for your adventure?" He suggested then.

"How so?" Error asked. "My old stuff is mostly wack... Ooh! I gots new skills." Error hummed.
"We can check it out later! I wanna explore the village first!" And he's distracted by the sight of the village again, rushing inside excitedly as well.

Nightmare was quick to follow Error. He glanced lightly to his side, his tentacles twitching anxiously.
The guardian shook his head and looked at Error. If any of them would even try to hurt his son- Nightmare told himself to calm down.
It wasn't the same village. And it was only a dream. He shouldn't feel like this is could and did kill everyone in seconds here.


Look at who's back
It's our favourite Dadmare :D

4052 Words

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