Grow up, grow old, but let's...

Por Amwex_

2.5K 68 41

Dream has a baby and tries to manage life as a single dad with the help of his friends and roommates. Soon en... Más

"Welcome to the world little one"
"Sleepless nights"
"A kiss to shatter the world"
"A walk in the park with you"
"What if?"
"Forbidden touches"
"Accidents happen"
"One year of loving you"

"Drunk words are sober thoughts"

231 7 2
Por Amwex_

George turns his key in the lock of the door. It was a long exhausting day and all he wanted to do was lay in his bed and close his eyes, at least for a few hours before Daniel would fuss again.

He steps into the darkness that was their hallway, lazily kicking the shoes off his feet as he lets the door fall shut behind his back. Quietly he curses as the noise made by the closing of said door shakes the entire house, possibly waking one small baby boy, who hadn't really been interested in sleep these last weeks.

He doesn't move for a few seconds listening for noises before walking down the hallway and past the kitchen. He pauses as he hears a slight grumble from the small room, it sounded more like an uncomfortable groan. Was someone in the kitchen?

Very gently he steps forward, flicking the light on and glancing inside. Seeing blond hair splattered on the hardwood floor made him rush to his side, thinking he was injured.

"Heeyy Geogiee" the man, who was definitely not injured, slurred into George's face, the draft of heavy alcohol hitting his nose making him pull back.

"Wha- are you drunk?" George asks, mouth dropped as he watched the man laying on the floor.

"Maybe jus' a lil' bit" the blond slurs again before pulling a bottle of what looked to be Vodka from behind his body, leading it to his mouth.

"Okay no, I think you've had enough already, give me that" George quickly jumps to Dream's side, taking the half empty glass bottle and placing it on top of the counter where Dream couldn't reach.

"George, no I'm toally fin', give that back" the blond garbles, trying to pull himself up on the counter but failing miserably and falling back to the floor.

"You are not fine, you are drunk. Come on let's get you to bed. Daniel is at your mum's I hope?" he bends down, letting the man lean on his arm as he does his best to pull him up straight, quickly pushing the bottle further away as Dream tries to grab for it. Dream nods.

"You smell nice" the other laughs, weight almost completely on George's small frame, making him struggle to stay up right.

"I smell nice?"

"Yes. Strawberry or some'ing" he mumbles, slowly assisting the man in guiding him to the bedroom.

Heavily George drags Dream's body along with him, the other giggling and laughing as they tumble through the empty, dark house.

"Geo'ge, you know what?" The blond questions, halting all his movement, dropping  his weight down into George's side.

"What?" The man huffs, again struggling with holding the man from falling to the floor.

"You're pretty"


"You're a very pretty man George" he elaborates, heavy hand wiping some spare vodka from his lips as a small hiccup passes through his body.

"Let's get you to bed now yeah?" George did his best to ignore the words said, Dream making it much harder as he digs even deeper.

"I like kissing you"

Again George doesn't respond, hoping the other would forget and let go of the topic at hand.

"It fel' real nice Georgie," he says, slow shuffling towards the stairs with George's help.

The older stays silent, hand snaking around Dream's back and holding the man on his waist, adding more stability to the pair as they climb the stairs.

"I wanna kiss you again" he mutters, pausing on the second step and pushing against the man to his side, tumbling and swaying as his vision spun before his eyes.

"Where did you even get the Vodka Dream? We don't usually have alcohol in the house" George escapes the statement by asking a question, Dream now clasping one hand to the railing of the stairs and pulling himself onto the next step.

"Store, after I dropped Daniel at my mom's" he mumbled, face pushed dangerously close to the brunets, as little hicks and giggles drown out his speech.

George just nods in understanding, gently guiding the man up a few more steps, until the blond stops again, finger raising from the railing, slurring his words into George's direction.

"George," he pokes the man's arm even though he had all his attention already, "I hav' a son" he says almost as if he hadn't realised it all these months. "I have a baby George".

"Yeah you do, which is why you shouldn't drink this much, now up, go" he pushes the blond's back trying to speed up the process of getting the man into his room.

He steps up two stairs, the first-floor hallway being in sight already, as he speaks to George once more.

"Yo' know what Gerge?" He hiccups as he speaks, waiting for the other to respond who just calls an annoyed "What?" up towards the man in front.

"I don wana be friens, I wana be more, I love yo Georgie" as the words fly out of his mouth, one of his hands darts back against the railing, a big tumble almost knocking him down.

George's face dropped, his heart hurt more than he ever thought it could and even he didn't know why.

"There's your room, last step, come on" he blatantly ignores the biggest statement of them all, hoping the blond wouldn't notice the strong shake in his voice as he pushed him up the last step, and in the direction of his room.

"Sit" he mumbles, pointing to the bed as he let go of the struggling man, turning on the lights.

Clumsily Dream does as he's told, taking more of a lying position on the queen sized bed, as he waits for George to make his way over to his side.

"Why did you even buy alcohol? You don't drink" George asked, as he bent down to the man's legs hanging off the bed, loosening the laces and pulling them off his feet, placing them next to the bed.

"Was sad" he mutters.

"Sad about what?" George continues to dig, already having a hunch about what the man could have been sad about.

" 'bout you dummy" Dream giggles, hand placed lazily on his chest now.

George stops in his tracks for a second, heart pumping quickly before he grabs the man's legs and pulls them onto the bed, throwing the comforter over his lower body and chest.

"What about me made you sad?" He asks quietly.

"Yo don love me. You kiss me and cuddle me but yu don lov me"

"Now who told you that?"

The other shrugs his shoulders as an answer, as his eyes start to drift closed.

"Okay, you get some rest and we'll talk tomorrow, Good night Dream" he pets a hand over the blond locks falling into Dream's face but as he turns to leave, a strong grip holds him in place.

"Don go, stay, cuddle me" the blond begs, and George is too tired to argue anymore, so he strips from his hoodie and moves around to the other side of the bed, climbing in and pressing his back to Dream's, who immediately turns and wraps big comforting arms around his chest. George loved how this felt, but he couldn't help but feel fear nagging at his bones. Was Dream only doing all this because he was drunk? How would he talk about the things the man said tomorrow? Did Dream really love him?

The fear weighs him down, speeding up his heart and making his breath quicken until a tight squeeze from the blond and a pull that moved him even closer, dragged him away from panicking. He enjoyed the warm embrace, moved his own hand over the spot where the blond's lingered on his waist, and intertwined their fingers, a deep stupid smile brushing over his blush stricken cheeks as his eyes start to flutter shut.

"Good morning sleepyheads!" Sapnap shouts, and he feels like he's having a deja vu.

Slowly George opens his eyes, the bright light from the ceiling lamp making him wince and pull himself back down into what seemed to be Dream's chest.

The blond twitches at the sudden movement, eyes ripping open, deep groan escaping his lips as the light also reaches his sensitive eyes, hand gliding to his head as he notices the hammering headache, presumably from drinking half a bottle of Vodka straight from the bottle.

"Yeah that's what you get when you drink idiots" the youngest says, quiet chuckle as he eyes the men.

"I didn't drink" George calls into Dream shirt, hand raising into air, one singular finger sticking out as if he were to lecture someone.

"Wait. So you drank over half a bottle of Vodka on your own?" He pointed to the blond, who had sat up slightly, one hand now gently massaging through the brown locks that were splayed over his chest, gently nodding.

"Woah" the smallest only says, watching the men be awfully domestic once more.

"I have someone here who would like to see you" the standing brunet mumbles and again George lifts his head, trying to open his eyes once more. Blinking at the blurry image of a baby, Dream's mother must have dropped Daniel back at the house.

Dream makes grabby hands, hoping that the baby would sense their dire situation and be good and quiet today. He fears that the shrill scream of a baby would undoubtedly make his headache much worse.

Just as Sapnap wants to hand the child over, he pulls him back, a quick gaze to the blankets covering their legs.

"You're not like naked, are you?" He asks, gaining a slight slap to the arm from George, who also adds a scolding "Sapnap!"

"No we are not naked! We didn't do anything!" The other fakes an apologetic face whispering "was just making sure" under his breath as he hands the baby to Dream, who had removed the massaging hand from the brunet's hair, much to his disliking.

"Hey there my big boy!" Dream tried to put on the most awake and energetic baby voice he could muster, enjoying the tiny giggles he pulls from the boy.

"Did you have a nice time at Grandma's?" He goes on, George petting a gentle finger over the infant's hand before pushing himself up slightly to press a kiss to his cheek.

"Okay, I'll let you guys be" Sapnap spoke as he left the room, Dream waving a tired hand after him.

The blonds arms, already heavy from the hangover were giving out, the boy was about ten months old now and he was starting to get heavy if you held him for a while.

He places Daniel on the bed in front of George, the baby doing an incredible job at just sitting and playing with one little toy Dream had thankfully found on his nightstand.

Now that his hands were free, he moved one of them back into the brunet's hair, the other man sighing softly as the massaging continued. He turned around on Dream's chest, they were now face to face and could look each other in the eyes if they wanted to.

George takes his arms and crosses them on his chest, laying them on top of each other and feeling each breath cursing through his lungs and the beats made by his heart.

"I meant it" Dream mumbles, deep in thought staring at the child who was putting the toy into his mouth to chew on it.

"Huh?" George answers, confusion rising on his face.

"The stuff I said yesterday. I was drunk but I meant it." he explains, as he gently lets his thumb glide over George's face, the soft skin pumping electricity through his fingertips as he brushes over the different features of the man's face.

"You really did? All of it?" George thinks, scooting up further on the man's chest to be closer to his face.

"All of it, every single word"

"Even the bit about how I smell good?" George chuckles, removing the hand from his face and pulling it down his own chest, playing with the bigger fingers and stroking gently over Dream's skin.

"Especially that" Dream smiles as he leans forward to take a whiff of the boy's hair, afterwards acting like it was the best smell he's ever smelled, jokingly whispering "delicious" while staring up at the ceiling.

George pushes the man back, laughing deeply. Even the baby seemed to enjoy this little show and he dropped his toy to the bed to clap his tiny hands together in a sweet giggle.

"Your daddy is a crazy man, yes he is, yes he is" George speaks in baby talk while wiping some spit off of Daniel's mouth with his fingers, smearing it to the bedsheets after.

"George, listen" Dream starts up his serious voice once more, George's smile faltering quickly as he focuses on the man's lips moving.

"I'm serious, okay? I meant all of the things I said, now you tell me what you think about them"

"What I think about them?" George asks and Dream nods.

"Well, Dream this is tough. You were drunk when you said those things, now I have to confess my feelings sober?" He huffs, words leaving his mouth without a thought backing them up.

"You're- You're confessing your feelings?" Dream stammers and George can feel his heart under his chest beat about ten thousand times quicker than it had before.

"Yes? No? Maybe? Dream I don't know okay? I agree with what you said, that you wanna be more than friends and I also think that kissing you felt amazing but I just don't know how that would work with you and Daniel and Sapnap and-" he says and continues rambling until a strong grip flips his body around and pulls him into a passionate kiss to the lips to shut him up.

His face widens for a second until he understands what is happening and lets his eyes flutter shut quickly, hands finding their way up on Dream's face, holding his jaw as he moves with the kiss.

"You know we don't always have to kiss when we talk about us, right?" George huffs when they break apart, big smiles rolling onto both their faces, the baby squealing for attention.

"I don't wanna lose this" the brunet nearly whispers as he looks back up to the blond, "I wanna keep things the way they are without putting a label on them, would you be okay with that?" He asks, pushing himself up on his elbows, his face just a few inches from Dream's.

"Whatever you need to be happy, baby" he says and George twitches at the pet name, a deep smile drowning his face.

"Wait, can I call you baby?" Dream adds on, the sheer panic of having said something that made the other uncomfortable, was coaching a laugh from deep down George's stomach.

"Yes, you can call me whatever you want, Dream" he chuckles as he bends forward and connects their lips in a kiss once more, sitting up and straddling Dream's thighs as he sat back down, chests flush as they kiss again and again and again, the little boy still sitting behind the men contently playing with the toy in hand (and mouth), slightly squirming every once in a while.

When the baby finally has enough he starts to cry, heavy tears make their way down his skin as the adults finally break apart and give him some attention.

George stands from the bed, pulling the baby from the covers and into his arms. Dream now realised that the brunet wasn't wearing his pants anymore, he must have taken them off during the night. The only thing that was now saving him from exposure were the tight black boxers that Dream couldn't take his eyes off even if he tried.

"Okay stop staring or I'll think this whole thing over" the man mused as he caught the eyes digging into the exposed skin and gliding over the material.

Skilled he manages to slip into his pants while holding a baby, Daniel pointing at random things in the room, laughing and clapping his hands.

Dream sits in the comfortable sheets for a little longer, he stared at the man holding his son, he looked at his face and how he made his expressions nearly explode when talking to the baby, grabbing some of the things Daniel had pointed at and explaining what they were in way too much detail for a child to understand.

"I love you" the blond whispers, so quietly that George can't hear over the baby squeaking on his hip.

"Did you say something?" The brunet turns to him, a perplexed look on his face.

"No, no, must have been Daniel babbling away" he quickly says, him now also peeling the thick comforter from his legs and dragging himself from the comfort that was his bed.

He stretches his limbs and as he smells his armpits, he decides a new shirt could come in handy, this one smelled like sweat and spilled Vodka.

He opens the door of his closet, pulling a random shirt from the inside and throwing it onto the bed.

He stretches his arms behind his back and slips from his thin smelly shirt, throwing it next to the laundry bin, he'd pick that up later. (or never)

Tired he lets a lazy hand glide over his exposed chest, now noticing George's deep stare connected to his skin.

"Oh look who's staring now huh?" He jokes, quickly dragging the fresh shirt over himself to force the man's gaze away.

"Shut up" George laughs as he pushes up on his tippy toes to press a quick kiss to the man's lips. The baby in his arms was getting bored of learning about the few dead plants and paintings Dream had decorated his room with, so he started squirming and whimpering to please go somewhere else.

The men laugh and intertwine their fingers before making their way down the stairs together, moving into the living room where they hear people talking. Expecting it to be just Karl and Sapnap they thought nothing of it and kept their hands interlocked as they walked in.

Once they saw who Sapnap was really talking to, their mouths dropped slightly and their connection immediately loosened as they stepped further away from each other.

"Well hello there" the woman says as she stands up and picks the baby from George's waist, all of them avoiding eye contact.

"Hey mom" Dream says, hand moving to his head for a few seconds.

"Hey" George, quickly waves an embarrassed hand in the air.

"Uh George," Sapnap interrupts, "didn't we want to go to store now?" He continues.

"What stor- ohh the store yeah oh shoot you're right" He says, as he understands, Sapnap giving him another quick look.

"Yeah you promised me we'd go."  The smaller man added on and George nods deeply "Well it was nice seeing you" George waves a quick hand at Dream's mom, pressing a quick peck to Dream's lips as the two men leave the room heading for the hallway.

"George wait" Dream calls after the boy grabbing his arm and pulling him back.

"You can't just leave me after that! What am I supposed to say, she's gonna ask George" Dream whispers, he wasn't quite sure weather they were still in her ear shot and he didn't wanna risk anything.

"Oh I'm sure you'll find something to tell her baby. But I gotta go now, I promised Sapnap I'd go with him to that store" he obviously lied, there was no store and Dream knew it.

Again, George stands tall to press his lips to Dream's and with a last little touch over his arm, he runs out the house, following Sapnap and leaving Dream standing there alone, his mother walking up behind him and speaking in a soft voice.

"Clay, we need to talk"

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