(Rem x Reader) Re:Reader - St...

By _Kaip0

274K 9.4K 6.6K

After being teleported to a world filled with magic and fantasy, YN (Your Name) meets a girl he had no clue c... More

Chapter 1: Convenience Store Blues
Chapter 2: Carpooling
Chapter 3: Loothouse Roshambo
Chapter 4: Heaven
Chapter 5: An Evening Stroll
Chapter 6: First Day On the New Job
Chapter 7: An Unexpected Serenade
Chapter 8: One Appa, Two Appa, Red Appa, Green Appa
Chapter 9: Returning By Death
Chapter 10: Close Intimacy
Chapter 11: Supply and Demand
Chapter 12: Heads Will Roll
Chapter 13: Professional NEETs
Chapter 14: Stakeout
Chapter 15: Interrogation
Chapter 16: That's Not My Job
Chapter 17: The Great Escape
Chapter 18: Touch? I Remember Touch.
Chapter 19: A Fresh Start
Chapter 20: Caution: Wet Floor
Chapter 21: It's Magic. Do I Really Have To Explain?
Chapter 22: Pink At Night
Chapter 23: Fragile, Handle With Care
Chapter 24: I Ship It
Chapter 25: Landslide
Chapter 26: Hot Tatoes
Chapter 27: Through The Looking-Glass
Chapter 28: A Sister's Request
Chapter 29: Beastslayer
Chapter 30: R.M.T.
Chapter 31: Headpats and Hope
Chapter 32: Pictures Came With Touch
Chapter 33: A Painter In My Mind. Tell Me What you See.
Chapter 34: A Tourist In A Dream.
Chapter 35: A Visitor It Seems.
Chapter 36: I Need Something More.
Chapter 37: Morning
Chapter 38: Living That Domestic Life
Chapter 39: May I Take Your Jacket?
Chapter 40: One Too Many
Chapter 41: Designated Driver
Chapter 42: From Zero
Chapter 43: Temptations
Chapter 44: Liftoff
Chapter 45: Payday
Chapter 46: Window Shopping
Chapter 47: His Own Worst Enemy
Chapter 48: Dish Duty
Chapter 49: A Reward
Chapter 50: Cleanup
Chapter 51: Username
Chapter 52: Dinner Date
Chapter 53: Laundry
Chapter 54: The Endless Eight - Prologue
Chapter 55: The Endless Eight - Part 1
Chapter 56: The Endless Eight - Part 2
Chapter 57: The Endless Eight - Part 3
Chapter 58: The Endless Eight - Part 4
Chapter 59: The Endless Eight - Part 5
Chapter 60: The Endless Eight - Part 6
Chapter 61: The Endless Eight - Part 7
Chapter 62: The Endless Eight - Part 8
Chapter 63: The Endless Eight - Part 9
Chapter 64: The Endless Eight - Part 10
Chapter 65: The Endless Eight - Part 11
Chapter 66: The Endless Eight - Part 12
Chapter 67: The Endless Eight - Part 13
Chapter 68: The Endless Eight - Part 14
Chapter 69: The Endless Eight - Part 15
Chapter 70: The Endless Eight - Part 16
Chapter 71: The Endless Eight - Epilogue
Chapter 72: The Endless Eight - Finale
Chapter 73: Drowning
Chapter 74: That Stain Is Not Coming Out
Chapter 75: Searching With My Good Eye Closed
Chapter 76: A Test of Aptitude
Chapter 77: Treasure Her
Chapter 78: Lady In Red
Chapter 79: Rooftop Guardian
Chapter 80: We've Been Trying To Reach You About Your Car's Extended Warranty
Chapter 81: Sunday Driver
Chapter 82: The Royal Tyrant Selection
Chapter 83: Round Two
Chapter 84: Left To Lick His Wounds
Chapter 86: A Disturbance
Chapter 87: Ambush
Chapter 88: Slothful
Chapter 89: Friendly Quarrel
Chapter 90: Grand Theft Auto
Chapter 91: The Lion in the Room
Chapter 92: Ghost Riders In The Sky
Chapter 93: From Twin to Only Child
Chapter 94: Convinced Of The Truth
Chapter 95: Is It Strange To Meet Like This?
Chapter 96: Highway Robbery
Chapter 97: The Race Is On
Chapter 98: Separate Ways
Chapter 99: Incognito
Chapter 100: The Deafening Silence
Chapter 101: Reunion
Chapter 102: Pushing Herself
Chapter 103: The Counter Raid
Chapter 104: Do You Enjoy Flowers?
Chapter 105: Blood On His Hands
Chapter 106: Hold On-
Chapter 107 -If Love is The Answer, You're Home
Chapter 108: Pick Your Head Up
Chapter 109: In My Life
Chapter 110: Hard Reset
Chapter 111: Help Me Make It Through the Night.
Chapter 112: I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry
Chapter 113: Sunshine On My Shoulders
Chapter 114: I Walk The Line
Chapter 115: Dark As A Dungeon
Chapter 116: Another Go-Around
Chapter 117: Unwelcome Guests Abound
Chapter 118: I'll Follow You Into The Dark
Chapter 119: Tears In Heaven
Chapter 120: Bad, Bad.
Chapter 121 The Green, Green Grass of Home.
Chapter 122: I've Come To Expect It From You
Chapter 123: Season Of The Witch
Chapter 124: Hunger Strike
Chapter 125: From Dream To Nightmare
Chapter 126: Tough Talk
Chapter 127: Midnight Meeting
Chapter 128: An Unlikely Truce
Chapter 129: Insubordination

Chapter 85: The Doctor Will Nyow See You

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By _Kaip0

Chapter 85: The Doctor Will Nyow See You

Having taken his seat on a larger day-bed in a room that was set up to be Felix's treatment area, YN didn't have a clue of what to expect. Just about to finish preparing, Felix had left for only a minute, leaving Rem and YN alone together once more.

With Rem standing off to the side so as to not get in anyone's way, YN turned to her in the silence they had.

YN: Usually a visit to a doctor's office back in my old world meant a lot of paperwork before you even get to see the physician themselves.

Rem: Is that so?

While she had worn her usual nearly expressionless demeanor that was a habit of her maid profession, Rem's face adorably perked up at hearing YN speak to her about his old world.

YN: Yeah, they gotta have all your information before they'll even touch you in most cases. There's a lot to it all. It's kinda nice how in this world there really doesn't seem to be any of that.

Relieved to hear he still preferred the world they shared together, Rem was curious nonetheless.

Rem: All of that must be for a reason though.

YN: I guess it all goes back to there being no magic if you really look into it.

Rem: The more YN-kun speaks of a world with no magic, the scarier it sounds. But at the same time, perhaps since your world did not have such a blessing, it led to such other marvels being created.

Remembering the moving picture displays of the tower that flew itself to the moon, and most notably, YN's own phone, Rem could only imagine there were boons and trade offs to each world.

YN: Here I guess you can learn healing magic to fix most physical ailments, or go to someone who can use it. A broken rib cage and or a massive wound to the gut is just a few spells of casting for an experienced healer. In my world, either of those would take someone with years of experience and lots of specialized equipment. And even then, they can still screw up easily.

Rem: Perhaps YN-kun has the wrong idea. Healing magic is quite rare. While Rem is also capable of using it, her skill is very low compared to others. Beatrice-sama after all had to be the one to save YN-kun during the first night of the mabeast attack in Arlem.

Surprised to hear that, YN questioned it more.

YN: So, what are your limitations then?

Putting a finger to her lips, Rem looked slightly upward as she answered, giving her words a great deal of thought.

Rem: Out of everyone YN-kun knows, Rem is more than likely the least skilled with healing magic. While Felix-sama is able to reattach whole limbs, his skills are so well entwined to his ability as a magic user that as long as a soul is still present in a body, he can heal the person from any amount of physical damage.

Opening his eyes wide, YN was surprised such a thing was possible.

YN: Whole limbs, huh? They might have been able to do that back in my old world too, but not without a lifetime of accompanying issues. It would never be the same again.

Rem: For Felix-sama, it is just as it had never happened.

As she held her own hands out in front of her, Rem continued.

Rem: While Emilia-sama and Rem can at most stabilize a greatly wounded person, vital organs or bones taking serious enough damage require someone with Beatrice-sama's level of skills.

Opening and closing her palms, she went on.

Rem: And while Rem and Emilia-sama both can close deep flesh wounds, Rem would find great difficulty in healing a large enough fracture of the bone. And in the case of something massive, like a lost limb, Rem at the very least can—

YN: —Hey so does healing work on colds or the flu too?

Speaking out of turn, YN's uncharacteristically sudden interruption had startled her.

Rem: Umm, no. While it can soothe some symptoms perhaps, a great level of healing may perhaps only prove mildly effective against a sickness if only it is physical in cause.

That was close.

Upset with his own rudeness, YN attempted to hide his good, if not rudely implemented intentions under a guise of curiosity, which Rem seemed happy to answer.

Any further with that explanation and I fear Rem might have recalled that loop in the forest...

After Ram's wind magic had amputated Subaru's lower leg in the long fargone loop, Rem had used her healing to close the wound so he could not bleed out. Either out of lack of skill, or because she simply didn't care at that moment. Rem had done the same to YN's finger as well, choosing to rip it off and heal the wound rather than heal the appendage properly.

I guess I can chalk that interruption up to honoring my promise with Ram to not burden her. If she gets all gloomy from remembering that loop, and Ferris comes in, I won't be able to properly comfort her through it.

With the base cause of YN's intent being to shelter Rem from her own guilt, he successfully shifted the conversation away from that.

???: Nyock Nyock, I hope mew aren't naked!

Entering, the doctor was now in.

Half expecting to hear the sound of latex gloves being slapped on, the demi-human instead took a seat right across from YN, and opened what appeared to be a journal.

Felix: Hmm, nyow let's see here... Emilia-sama said your Gate appears to be 'stretched' after an altercation in the Capitol. Does that sound familiar?

Starting off with questions to better understand YN, he sat up more straight to address Felix as his cat ears twitched, waiting for a response.

YN: Yes. I felt a strange sensation when Reinhard had pulled mana from the atmosphere during the altercation with the Bowel Huntress.

Felix: That's right, I remember hearing Rein got into a fight with that creepy lady. She's pretty strong if she walked away from that.

Flipping a page, Felix paused as he read to refresh his own knowledge of YN's condition.

Felix: Also, it sounds like according to Emilia-sama, mew collapsed after all that mana moved to him.

YN: It felt like I was drowning in mana.

Focused on his notes, a puzzled face went across Felix's face.

Felix: Typically only spirits would be affected by such a phenomenon, and we know mew aren't one of those.

Finding humor in his own words, the puzzled expression returned as it seemed he was still unsure of what to make of this information. Turning to Rem now, Felix inquired on YN to her for more clues.

Felix: Typically I only question a spouse if I can't garner anything from a patient, but I figure you two must be about that close.

YN: —hk!

Rem: 'S-Spouse?!'

With scarlet now covering both of their faces, Rem did her best to calm herself and regain her composure. Patting her already smooth dress and pushing a small amount of her azure hair behind her ear, all in nervousness, she responded.

Rem: W-We are close, yes. Rem has observed a great amount of YN-kun.

If it was anyone else, that would sound really weird.

But, since it was Rem, YN paid that no mind.

Felix: Purfect. Could you describe YyN's aptitude in using magic, if any? I'd like to know if in his fight with Juli that spell he used was a fluke or nyot.

"Nyan"-ifying his name, the demi-human asked a rather large and defining question of YN. Stiffening her shoulders, Rem seemed almost excited to praise the accomplishments he had made.

Rem: YN-kun is a very quick learner, but his skills are ultimately very undeveloped. He is able to cast intermediate Yang spells but they are costly, as his efficiency with mana is very poor. However he is able to make up for that in his acute articulation of mana. Without any practice, he was able to move his own mana from his own body to my own on occasion. YN-kun is also capable of augmenting his mana to boost his physical abilities.

Felix: Hmm, that's right, he was able to hold his own against a sorta-serious Juli.

Rem: Rem is certain YN-kun has a great deal of untapped potential, and Emilia-sama feels the same way. Part of her desire to see him treated, although his condition is not as serious as Subaru-kun's, is to not stifle any growth he could have.

With a quick dunk into some ink, Felix jotted down a few notes into his journal as Rem spoke. Returning the quill into its well, he set the journal aside to dry as he thought aloud.

Felix: While poor mana efficiency would be a nyormal symptom of a stretched Gate, the 'acute' control mew have, especially as a rookie in magic should be far worse, yet it's nyot.

Standing finally, Felix walked behind YN, choosing to lean across the opposite side of the day bed, and sit on his knees.

Felix: I have a few theories, but I'll need to get a hands on look for myself.

Placing a hand on YN's back, Felix stopped his concentration to offer some relief to Rem.

Felix: I shouldn't need to get as involved as I did with Subawu, so perhaps maybe our kind maid over to the side could stare with a few less daggers in her eyes?

At the realization that her emotions were getting the better of herself, Rem stiffened her shoulders as Felix began his examination.

Felix: Just take some steady, deep breaths. There'll be some warmth, but that's just me probing your mana channels.

Could he have chosen a worse word for that?!

With the start of the mentioned warmth, the demi-human hovered his hand around YN's upper back while he breathed as instructed. Akin to a heat lamp being focused on his shoulder blades, YN felt at rest surprisingly.

Unknown to him though, Felix had begun to make a puzzled expression, as if he was struggling to find what he was looking for, and noticing this, Rem spoke up.

Rem: Is Felix-sama having difficulties? Should Rem assist?

Shaking his head, Felix's cat ears twitched as he moved his hovering hand around YN.

Felix: It took me a second, but I hadn't realized the extent of the damage, if mew can even call it that...

Unsure what to make of how he was diagnosing YN, Rem fidgeted in place, anxious for the one who held her heart. She felt powerless as she was unable to assist him.

Felix: I was searching for your Gate, but it was all right here. It really is 'stretched.' Anyone could tell mew that by the feel alone, but to more or less see it as Ferri can... nyone of that does it justice.

Growing increasingly worried, Rem sought more information.

Rem: What sort of detriments or limitations will Rem's YN-kun have going forward?

Felix: If he hasn't reported any other symptoms since having this, other than the problem with mana efficiency, we can only hope no others develop. But with a Gate this large, his potential for how much mana he can put into a spell is overwhelming...

Clearly dealing with something he'd never seen before, the cat-eared demi-human continued to speculate.

Felix: The flow of his mana is otherwise completely nyormal, other than the restriction of any he sends out. It's simply amazing he has any control of it all once it leaves with how overwhelming it might be.

Ending his immediate observation, Felix returned to where his journal was, and wet the inked quill once more, making a few quick notes. In the silence that followed, Rem hesitantly inquired further.

Rem: Umm, is Felix-sama saying there is no immediate danger to YN-kun?

With the quill being returned to its well, the demi-human sighed.

Felix: Nyot really. My only fear for his direct health is if he should be forced into a corner and be out of mana. One spell that's cast with a little too much zeal might send out his entire Od.

As Rem's face turned to one of immense worry, she braced her chest with a hand as she turned to YN, all as Felix went on, now focusing on him as well.

Felix: Which I can see by the scaring, mew've done before.

Lowering his voice as if to scold him, Felix stood, crossing his arms.

Felix: Mew need to realize that if your Od is used up, the consequences can be dire.

Knowing all too well from being lectured by Ram, Emilia, and even once by Beatrice, that using one's Od even when backed into a corner and left with no other choice was a very taboo and shunned idea, YN nodded in agreement.

YN: I've been told. We've just had a rough past few weeks is all..

Felix: I'm sure mew have. But mew need to realize that none of them know to what extent your Gate is stretched.

Rem: Didn't Felix-sama say YN-kun shouldn't expect any other detriments from that?

Tapping his foot on the ground, the demi-human shook his head in frustration.

Felix: Mew two don't get it. There won't be consequences just for him.

With his arms opening wide, Felix's serious tone only increased as he voiced his warning.

Felix: There's no telling just how bad an explosion might result from letting that much of your Od out at once with a spell. Using up one's Od doesn't kill them outright, but the backlash of an overcharged spell cast from your Od with your Gate as wide as it might severely injure mew. Or—

As his arms fell, so did his effeminate voice, giving an even darker undertone to his words.

Felix: —potentially make a fatality out of the one you're trying to protect.

In other words, should YN use his Od too much, he ran the risk of being a threat not only to himself, but to those around him. Those he might even be trying to keep safe.

As he said that, Felix's eyes had glanced over to Rem, making sure YN understood what he meant by that.

YN: I... I see. I'll be careful.

Felix: Good.

Letting the positivity return to his tone, Felix was asked a question by Rem.

Rem: Would there be any treatment to offer YN-kun then?

Felix: Ferri can try and see what he can do for the size of his Gate. If it can be shrunk, even a little bit, his mana efficiency should improve.

Rem: Does that also help eliminate any risk of a situation Felix-sama spoke of?

Approaching YN once more, Felix had begun to do as he had done to his back, yet now to his chest and abdomen.

Felix: I'm afraid any progress I could make could be easily undone by the slightest amount of pressure if things should ever come to that. Meaning he'd need a repeat treatment session.

Rem: That is... unfortunate.

If it's the only treatment I can get from the best healer in the world too, this is basically my only opportunity to get it.

Felix: Let me try first though. Ferri doesn't want to make any promises he can't keep.

With a nod, Rem stepped back once more, and let Felix work on YN unabated.

As the sensation poured over YN, a faint hesitation began to grow inside him, yet as it grew, it did not feel like his own.

Is this from Ferris's mana?

Felix: I'm trying to manipulate his Gate, but something seems to be—

YN: —Gah!

Jettisoned out of his Gate, a flash of mana, infused with some Yang magic forced Felix to recoil at the small fissure that bubbled up.

Felix: What the—!?

Rem: YN-kun!

Rushing up to his side, Rem consoled the hunched over patient that held her heart. Coughing and coughing, he had found it difficult to stay sitting up straight.

Why do I feel so weak all of sudden?

As Felix inspected his own hand, Rem knelt down to better console YN.

Rem: YN-kun, please tell Rem what is wrong!

For the moments after the shock, YN's body had prioritized breathing and nothing else.

If when Reinhard had used his technique had caused YN to feel like he was drowning in mana, this was the complete opposite. Right now, it felt as if YN was suffocating from a lack of mana.

YN: Rem... I have no—! I can't—!

With his eyes turning more and more bloodshot, he looked at Rem with her beautiful azure ones. Gaining a clue through their shared eyes, Rem immediately acted on her own. Grabbing his hand, Rem began to tentatively push mana into his Gate.

Felix: W-Wait, Rem-san, we don't know—!

Rem: He needs mana! Rem can keep him supplied, but it is Felix-sama who must stabilize him!

Felix: R-Right.

Unsure who was the "doctor" now, YN realized it was Rem's cunning and acute trust she had in him that had so easily convinced Felix to heed her word, knowing she must know YN much more than he did.

For what seemed like an eternity, but only lasting for seconds at best, the two healers had managed to quell YN's pain.

YN: Okay... I think whatever that was... It's done.

As they each took a step back, Rem's worried expression remained as Felix wiped the sweat from his brow.

Felix: That was... very much nyot expected.

Rem: Is YN-kun feeling normal again?

While the pain had subsided, the immense feeling of fatigue still lingered.

YN: I feel like I have no strength... What happened?

Felix: Ferri is unsure, but if mew say there's a lack of strength...

Moving toward YN again, Felix hesitantly inspected his Gate once more.

Felix: It's just as I feared...

Rem: What? What is it?

Worried by his words, Rem pleaded for an answer.

Felix: I don't know why, but that shock has caused his Gate to go stagnant.

Shaking his head, he continued.

Felix: Forget anything I said about your Gate having a normal flow. It's basically nonexistent now. Nyothing really going in, nyothing really going out.

Rem: That should not pose a problem for Ferris-sama to treat, correct?

Making it sound like something trivial to fix, the demi-human shook his head again.

Felix: Nyormally it's as simple as a jolt of some carefully applied mana from a healer to fix the flow, but in some cases, that jolt can cause one's own dormant mana to pressurize and agitate the Od, which can kick back.

While YN was having trouble following what that meant, Rem spelled it out from him.

Rem: And in YN-kun's case, if it rebounds back too hard, the consequences...

Felix: Yep. Exactly... And with as much mana as he has, it would need to be a big push.

YN: So out of safety concerns, that solution is a no-go.

Nodding to him, Felix went on.

Felix: And before mew try and think of any other ideas, even if we could safely jolt mew, what caused your... episode there, was the introduction of my mana to manipulate your Gate.

Rem: Then even if we are cautious, YN-kun may react similarly once more.

Felix: And if the result of that is your Gate going stagnant, I'm afraid of what might happen if we try that again.

Seemingly at an impasse, YN asked the real question of the subject at hand.

YN: Then, am I permanently halted from being able to use mana?

Answering YN by simply heading to the window, Felix opened it.

Felix: Mew are welcome to try and see.

As YN understood what he meant by that, he went to stand.

YN: Ugh...

Feeling weakness in his legs, YN struggled to stand until Rem stepped in to assist.

Rem: YN-kun, please, allow Rem to lend her strength.

Helping him up, he found he was able to walk on his own, finding it only felt like he was much heavier.

At the window, he let the cool early afternoon breeze wash over his upper body, and for a moment, admired how the beautiful sky above him reminded him of Rem's azure eyes. But knowing he had to find out, he reached out to that sky with a hand.

Focusing what little mana he could, YN tried to conjure his Yang magic, even in the most minimal way he could.

YN: J—! J-Jiwald!

Igniting his mana, a brief, and pathetically sized flash emanated from his palm, akin to a confetti popper.

No... No—!

As frustration swelled inside him where it felt like mana should be, he staggered backwards.

Catching him, Rem had been ready just in case.

Rem: YN-kun...

Helping him back over to his previous seat, she set him down gently. Casting his eyes to the floor, YN felt utterly ashamed.

My magic... it's gone...

Moving to inspect him, Felix once more observed YN's Gate.

Felix: Welp, the good news is, that got it flowing a tiny bit again, but not by much.

With a heavy sigh, YN lifted his head up once more, and spoke.

YN: Give it to me straight doc.

Waiting before he answered, Felix sat back down at his journal. Thumbing through a few pages, he finally shut the document.

Felix: The good nyews is that most cases of stagnant Gates, with time, do free themselves, and yours appears it will as well.

Rem: —And the bad news?

Getting that wasn't all to Felix's prognosis, Rem asked for the part that concerned her the most.

Felix: Untreated, that could take close to a year. And with treatment, maybe half that if you're lucky.

YN: Half a year...?

We can't stick around here for that long! Once Subaru is treated, we'll have to go back! How can I protect Rem and help her if I can't even find the strength to stay standing up?!

Gripping his knees in his hands, YN scrunched his pants in his clenched fingers. Rem, seeing his frustration, placed a hand on his shoulder to console him.

YN: So, what caused all that? How can we avoid that from happening again?

Shrugging and giving YN a weak look, he explained.

Felix: Our attempt at treatment here might have uncovered some sort of hidden injury that remained undisturbed until nyow. My only theory is perhaps mana entering in through your body, rather than from your Gate agitated it.

Finding a problem with that though, YN spoke up.

YN: But Rem's given me mana plenty of times before.

Somewhat surprised to hear that, Felix seemed even more lost now.

Felix: Then it is more worrying that we can't pinpoint what caused it. Your Gate shouldn't be able to tell from whom mana comes from. Unless Rem-san here has some sort of special Divine Protection of some kind, I find it hard to believe that her mana has a special 'pass' that others don't.

While it did warm Rem's heart at the idea that YN simply trusted her so much on an unconscious level that she could have such a special privilege, her rationale brought her back to reality.

Felix: In our best judgment too, we should stop our treatment today, if only because we don't want to overstress mew anymore.

YN: But—!

Felix: Anyway mew need to understand, this condition is going to take awhile to solve. So let's not make it any longer.

Knowing he was right, the demi-human stood once more.

Felix: Ferri is done with his only two patients for the day, so feel free to take a moment to gather yourselves before mew need to leave.

Going to the door, he spoke over his shoulder one last time.

Felix: But, I'm afraid I'll need to attend to Crusch-sama for now. So if you'll excuse Ferri...

Rem: Ferris-sama has our gratitude.

Bowing as she said that, the demi-human nodded as he departed.

Leaving a worried maid and a broken groundskeeper behind, the two dwelled in silence before taking their own leave, unsure of what to do next.


With most of his immediate strength having returned, YN was still left feeling sluggish and lethargic.

Sat in the same pair of chairs and table as before, Rem had brewed some tea in the hopes of maybe stimulating YN with some natural strength. As he gently sipped his tea, as tasteful as it was, his mind dwelled on the loss of his skills. But seeing that, Rem tried her best to comfort him, and attempted to change the subject of his thoughts.

Rem: The view up here is wonderful, is it not?

Casting her gaze out beyond the gardens from below, and past the manor's property, and even the nobles district all together, the general hussle-and-bussle of the Capitol was prevalent. Like little ants in a terrarium, so many things could be seen moving about and around in every direction.

As he could only recall such views from a city in his old world, YN probably didn't feel the impact of it nearly as much as Rem did.

Still in a state of melancholy, he took a sip of his tea.

Rem: Emilia-sama is more than likely within our gaze. Given when she left, she is probably in line to exit the city as we speak.

Thinking on what Rem had said, YN finally responded.

YN: Then is Emilia driving herself back?

As YN understood it, Emilia was lent a carriage by Crusch to return in lieu of there being a shortage of some kind on ground dragons and carriages.

Why didn't Roswaal just wait for her? Seems like a waste for just one day of travel.

Rem, placing her own teacup down, explained more.

Rem: Emilia-sama was assigned a driver by Council, so more then likely it is a driver employed by the Knights and Guards to move supplies around.

Finding it odd they would just give Emilia, a candidate for the Throne, a random driver, YN tilted his head slightly.

YN: They couldn't assure her that she'd get a knight to escort her?

With a shake of her head, Rem smiled at him weakly in reply.

Rem: YN-kun forgets that Emilia-sama still faces a great amount of prejudice for her appearance. While it may be a knight that is driving her, Rem severely doubts that it will be. Unless one volunteers, it more than likely will be a simple hired hand.

YN: Pfft.

Unsure why he hadn't realized that until now, YN sat back in his seat and took another sip of his tea.

Rem: While it may also be there is a great amount of commotion going on in the Capitol as well, that may have been an excuse for the lack of assurance as well, so pursuing an answer may be futile past that conclusion.

Sensing that YN had a distaste in his mouth for such underhanded rudeness, it did warm Rem's heart to see him frustrated with such an injustice.

As the two continued to talk of more peaceful matters for a few moments longer, their alone time was interrupted by none other than the other guest they shared their quarters with.

Subaru: Oh, hey you two.

Returning the friendly gesture, Rem smiled.

Rem: Welcome back. How did Subaru-kun spend his late morning?

With the sun about halfway through its arc in the sky, perhaps an hour or less remained of Wind Time, and with its end, would start Fire Time, right at what YN knew simply as "noon."

Sitting down on a nearby sofa, Subaru ungracefully put his legs up on the small table in front of it and answered Rem.

Subaru: Oh ya know, walked around the Capitol, spoke to that Appa salesmen again.

Sounding just as bored as his morning was, he yawned as he finished explaining.

Subaru: At least sword sparring with Wilhelm was eventful, if not just painful.

With a silence growing over them all, for different reasons, it was Subaru again who spoke back up.

Subaru: Hey YN, do you still have your phone?

All too familiar with what Subaru wanted, YN reached into his pocket and tossed his fellow traveling companion his cellular device.

YN: Just remembered to put it back on the charger before it dies.

Subaru: Yeah yeah will do.

Scrambling to unlock the device, he immediately went to hold it sideways as he quickly found one of the few games that had come already on the phone when it was new. And to YN's continued frustration, was still unable to delete it from the device.

Like a child, Subaru was well distracted now by the phone, willing to do anything to sate his boredom. While still quiet himself, YN took the last sip of his tea before Rem had garnered his attention, also seemingly wanting something.

Rem: Perhaps if YN-kun is willing, we too could go for a walk. The fresh air and sunlight should help his energy.

With Subaru too distracted, he hadn't overheard them, and thus still remained in the dark as to what had happened to YN. Looking over to Subaru who was already enthralled into what game it was he was playing, he sighed in agreement.

YN: Yeah, we should get some exercise. No good can come from staying cooped up inside.

Standing, Rem did so as well, and approached YN.

Rem: Rem is very happy YN-kun agrees.

Taking his head, the maid placed a small kiss on his cheek, her lips still wet with her last sip of tea.

Rem: Subaru-kun, Rem and her YN-kun will be off for a walk of our own now.

Subaru: U-Uh-huh. Sure. Have fun.

Not even being able to take his eyes off the screen, Subaru's mind hadn't truly registered what she had even said.

Hearing no protest though, Rem turned and smiled at YN, eager to treat this outing as a makeshift "date" of sorts on the Capitol.

Rem: Let's go, YN-kun.

Taking his hand, Rem took into consideration his condition, and pulled a little bit less hard, and moved a little less fast. Being led off, and watching as the maid's azure hair lightly swayed with each step, a small smile finally cracked through his melancholy shell that had formed.

No matter how I feel, when it's Rem leading me on, I can always be at peace.

Exiting from the guest quarters, the couple began their afternoon date.


While choosing to remain in the nobles district, simply because it was far less crowded, their sudden change in plans at first had left Rem somewhat guilty.

Rem: YN-kun said this only had a limited amount of use left. Is it really okay to be using it for such trivial means?

Watching on as he piloted the metal box they both resided in now, Rem was admittedly also relieved that with their outing now having included using his dragonless carriage, or rather "car," YN's mood had improved marginally.

Perhaps it is not so trivial an outing if it improves YN-kun's morale.

Slowly cruising around the vast and elegantly maintained gardens and avenues of the nobel's district, the Sunday drive the two were sharing was a great ease to YN's current condition. With one hand on the wheel, he turned to the blue haired maid who had asked him a question filled with worry and concern.

YN: The idea of using this thing at this point is to enjoy it. So really, we're using it for its intended purpose.

Somewhat vanishing her guilt with his answer, Rem felt worthy enough again to enjoy the view outside the car's rolled down window. While she has been fascinated by the handle, that when spun lowered the glass partition between her and the rest of the world, the view from the vehicle also had an effect of making everything seem much more special.

As manor and mansion passed them by, the traffic level of the nobel's district was much less than even just outside the Guard House gate.

I suppose getting stuck in a traffic jam would be stressful, so even if we can't go far, we'll at least be able to move about freely.

Approaching an intersection though, YN halted the car in order to allow the passing carriages, personal ones of the local nobility, to pass with ease. Putting both hands back on the wheel, YN tapped it to bring the focus of his words back to it.

YN: I guess the plan for this is to run it almost all the way empty, and then sell it for a hefty sum.

Surprised to hear such a conclusion, Rem looked at YN with her eyes wide open.

Rem: Is this craft not precious to YN-kun? It's a marvel of great magnitude from his home world.

As more carriages passed them, YN shook his head.

YN: It is, and I'll miss the memories we've made driving it around. And I'll forever be thankful for it. But if Subaru's pathetic little flip phone can fetch twenty five Holy Coins, this can get close to that too if I found the right buyer, right?

Somewhat put off YN could just part with this machine so easily once its usefulness was used up, Rem inquired further.

Rem: What would YN-kun intend to do with his new found wealth?

YN: It's no so much that I want wealth to do anything in specific—

Taking Rem's hand, he gently held it in own as they rested on the armrest between them.

YN: —it's just that I can't afford to not sell it.

Looking down at his lap, a small sliver of a pink hue flushed his cheeks. Finding his words, he felt slightly embarrassed.

YN: I mean... starting a life together will take some money, won't it? I want you to be comfortable...

Scratching the back of his head, YN confessed his worries to Rem as his face remained red.

YN: —A-And you're used to living in a nice plush mansion, so I should get something that's maybe just as nice, but I don't think it can be as big as Roswaal's mansion.

Shaking his head, he looked down at her gentle hand.

YN: It would need to be big enough to have Nee-sama there too, wouldn't it? I can't imagine you two living apart.

As the thought of one day moving out of the Mansion manifested more in his mind, YN remembered other key points.

YN: Oh! And it'll need to be close to the Mansion too, won't it? I don't know how expensive the land is nearby, but that'll need to be a priority too. I promise you won't have to commute far. I'll get you a personal carriage if it's more than a few minutes away.

Further thinking about living with Rem, the load of her duties also crossed his mind.

YN: And I imagine it would be really difficult for you to take care of two houses, so maybe we can get a maid of our own? They could drive the carriage for you as well, and I'll be sure to use the money for— Hm!

Wanting to say he'd wisely invest some of the funds for a steady stream of income, and to work on top of that, his words were cut short as he began to prattle on, hoping to insure Rem that everything was alright.

But to his surprise, it was Rem herself who had halted his words, using her lips to hold his own. Having grabbed the collar of his shirt, Rem brought him close to herself and kissed him.

Letting him go by the lips, but keeping ahold of his collar, Rem panted once before answering him.

Rem: Rem and YN-kun could live in the smallest, run down shed, and Rem would still be happy to do the work of three or four households if only it meant she could come home to his arms every night.

Professing such a deep seated desire was hers as well, Rem knelt her head forward, and YN matched her. Forehead to forehead, the two sat in a brief silence as the ideas of living together danced in their minds.

Looking out the window though, the intersection was long ago cleared of its traffic. Bringing them both back to reality, YN nodded to the oni as she spoke back up.

Rem: Then we will sell it, to secure a better future for ourselves. So we can make more memories in a place of our own.

Smiling warmly at the blue haired maid, they're special moment was cut short.

???: Ya know, if you're selling, I might be buyin'.

Caught off guard by the voice, YN jumped.

While their windows had remained open, it seemed someone had unknowingly listened in on their conversation. Before he had even looked to see who it was, a ground dragon and carriage had appeared in his rear view mirror.

YN: —Oh my apologies! I didn't mean to block the road—!

Turning to the person outside his window, YN had not directly paid attention to what they had said, but rather his mind panicked thinking he was being quite rude by just sitting in the middle of the avenue, blocking some other Noble from going wherever it was Nobles went.

But as he noticed who it was, Rem had leaned forward to see past him and saw who had appeared in his window as well.

Anastasia: I had ordered my driver to follow y'all around and see just what this thing was, movin' itself around all on its own, but when ya stopped, I thought it looked more suspicious just sittin' off in the distance.

Waving her hand as if trying to dispel any misunderstanding, the merchant-candidate went on.

Anastasia: —But now that I see it's YN-san and the other Roswaal-maid, this interaction just got a bit more interesting.

Changing her tone as she said that, YN was reminded of how she spoke of her own "Greed" to the Council of Sages.

Immediately becoming a bit suspicious, YN felt the drag of his fatigue again as he tensed up. But as sapped of energy as he was from his stagnant Gate, it had become impossible to hide how he was now on guard.

Anastasia: Oh there's no need for that. I can assure you I'm always fair in business dealings.

Doing little to quell YN's own feelings, he could only be reminded of what fate had befallen Julio.

Yeah, I'm sure you're as honest as the day is long...

Anastasia: In fact, I was gonna have a messenger come by where y'all are staying with a request, but now it seems I don't haveta'.

Rem: 'A request?'

Holding a finger up, Anastasia nodded.

Anastasia: Yep. It involves this fella right here.

Lazily pointing to YN, she winked while doing so.

I have a feeling this might involve Julio...

But to YN's surprise, it didn't.

Anastasia: If you've got the time, Julius would actually like to speak with ya. Regarding what happened of course, as I'm sure you'd suspect.

Giving the idea a brief thought, Rem chimed in once more.

Rem: Excuse Rem's question, but would it not be proper for Julius-sama himself to come speak to YN-kun? Felix-sama and him are confidants of each other, are they not?

Anastasia: Yeah, about that...

Twirling her pale periwinkle hair that stuck out from her regal merchant-style hat, Anastasia explained the oddity.

Anastasia: Ya see, if Reinhard hadn't been there, it was likely Julius would have gone too far on ya after you stepped in, and well, the Knight Commander doesn't like the image of an esteemed knight going overboard on a civilian over such a trivial matter. Not good for their image, ya know?

YN: So, does he want to apologize or something?

Scratching her chin, Anastasia looked up as she answered weakly.

Anastasia: I'll let him decide on the words he wants to use, but—

Lackadaisically twirling her finger in the air now, she got to the truth of the matter.

Anastasia: —the reason he can't just waltz over and say it himself, is that he's been placed under house arrest for awhile.

Rem: That must be rather inconvenient for Anastasia-sama.

Shrugging, the candidate responded while beginning to walk off.

Anastasia: Is-what-it-is. I can do my business from the Capitol as well as anywhere else. Especially with how much product and people are coming through right now, there's a reason all the merchants are flocking here right now.

The Capitol does seem busier every day, even that Otto fella's band of merchants was coming to the city, now that I recall.

As he remembered the youth he'd crossed paths with, Anastasia waved as she walked back to her carriage, boarding it. Slapping the reins to the ground dragon, her driver rolled by past their car to the side and stopped. Hanging out the window, the merchant-candidate called as they went by.

Anastasia: Think about it, alright? If you do, I might consider buying whatever that thing is~.

Adding a condition of favor onto the prospective chance she'd buy his car for a good sum, the merchant had given leverage to her request to go see Julius.

Silently looking at Rem, YN sought an answer of what they should do next.

Rem: The Juukulius Manor is not far from here, and we do not have any set plans for the rest of the day. If YN-kun would like to oblige her request, there should be no issue.

YN: I guess we can... If it was at a place of her own, I'd be tempted to turn it down, but I guess it should be fine...

Taking his hand, Rem smiled warmly at him.

Rem: And if anything should go wrong, YN-kun will have his Rem right by his side.

With resolve building in him with Rem's promised support, he nodded to the maid.

Giving him directions, the two traveled to where they hadn't expected to go today.

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