By FeniceAlbatros32

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Did you fall in love with Can and Sanem's fairy tale and were left with that longing to know how the story wo... More

1. Bodrum - Orak island
2. The idea
3. Mihriban's estate
4. Istanbul - the last boat awakening
5. Time to return
6. The homecoming of CapCan and Macho
7. Tatoo
8. The arrival
9. Home sweet home
10. In the vegetable garden
11. Sister Mihriban
12. The plan in the agency
13. First night on the mainland
14. The surprise
15. Chaos in the agency
16. They are back, baby!
17. Life Change
18. Welcome back Can & Sanem
19. Metin
20. A new chapter
21. Aunt Remide's project
22. And now?
23. Awakenings that are good for the heart
24. For every beautiful thing
25. Not a farewell, but a goodbye
26. The envelope
27. For Can & Sanem
28. The Decision
29. The signature
30. The family house
31. Signals
32. In sickness and in health
33. Life's best surprise
34. The first ultrasound scan
35. The announcement
36. Sometimes they return
37. An unexpected arrival
38. Face to face with Ayhan
39. Surprise within a surprise
40. The nursery
41. The new member of "The Sanem"
42. Dear diary...
43. -1
44. Presentations
45. The launch of the trilogy
46. Three: the perfect number
48. Ladies' night
49. Memoirs
50. Days to remember
51. And they all lived happily ever after (FINAL CHAPTER)

47. Return to normality

839 44 2
By FeniceAlbatros32

 Another year had passed. Sanem slowly began to leave the children with her parents and return to the agency. She wanted to gradually get back into a rhythm. The detachment from the children took place gradually over a few hours, increasing until she was able to become fully operational again. It was difficult at first. The children clung to her and Can like koalas, crying in despair. More than once, in front of her parents, she had to hold back tears as she left them. But that morning the crying was so desperate that Sanem's heart could not bear it, and before she burst into desperate weeping, she turned and walked to the car, without saying a word.

Ah! A novelty in recent months was the driver. Can had expressly requested that he take Sanem and the children wherever they wanted in the car she had given him when he was away.

Sanem, once back in the car, tried to pull herself together. Can consoled her on the way to the company. "Don't worry, they'll get used to it. It's painful to see them like this, I know, but we must endure it. Think how happy they will be to see us again tonight!" he tried to console her.

Once at the agency, Sanem said goodbye to everyone and immediately threw herself headlong into her work with her husband, so as not to think about it.

Mid-morning, seeing her so silent, it was her sister Leyla who approached her. "Sanem, are you OK? Why are you so serious today?" she asked her.

"I left the children with our parents. It's been hard." she admitted.

"Ah, still not getting used to it, huh?" she deduced.

"I'm just telling you, I had to run back to the car so I wouldn't burst into tears in front of them." she said.

"Ah! Damn." her sister exclaimed displeased.

"And Can?" he asked her.

"It wasn't easy for Can either. Deniz clung to his neck like a little koala. He didn't want to let go of him." she admitted.

"Ah, poor Can." replied Leyla apologetically. "Really difficult situation." she commented.

"Poor us..." commented Sanem.

"Ah, it's really painful to see them like this, eh?" she asked rhetorically.

"As if someone pierced my heart with a blade." said Sanem, then added. "Prepare yourself, because you'll go through it too." she warned her, pointing to her baby bump.

"Don't remind me." Leyla reposed, stroking it immediately.

Leyla was pregnant with her first child. The pregnancy was welcome. They had waited so long, but only because she and Emre were two very indecisive people under their armour, and full of doubts. They wanted to get it right. They. The ones who woke up and in an instant decided to marry in great secrecy without their parents' consent. They had overcome a lot. After Emre's unemployment and the reopening of the agency, they had decided to wait to put money aside and buy a house of their own as soon as possible. They had found that house in the Divits' old villa. After a long and careful renovation, they seemed to be ready to have children, but there, perhaps also influenced by their three grandchildren, they realised how challenging it would be. And despite many attempts, the children were not coming. Sanem was aware of her sister's worries and did everything she could to put them out of her mind. After a good talk with her sister, Leyla began to look at the situation in a different light and soon afterwards she became pregnant. It was hilarious when they were told the news. They were completely panicked. Out of their minds... and awkward. Sanem thought back to that moment.

It was in the weekend and Can and Sanem were enjoying the garden with the children. Suddenly they saw a taxi arrive, from which her sister hurriedly got out before the taxi driver even stopped completely. She had literally catapulted herself out of the car. She left the door open and ran to her. Can and Sanem stood motionless and perplexed at the scene.

She had not paid the taxi driver, but luckily Emre arrived behind her in his car. He rushed down, paid the taxi driver and quickly reached Leyla who had just arrived in front of her. She was out of breath.

"Welcome sister. What's going on?" she asked puzzled by her attitude, blinking.

Leyla was out of breath. She had to breathe.

"Leyla! Breathe!" said Sanem sternly to her.

"Emre? What's up brother, is there a problem?" asked Can who remained silent beside Sanem, seeing his brother arrive in a daze.

"I finally made it to you." said Emre breathlessly addressing his wife.

Can poured them two glasses of water.

They both caught their breath. Then Leyla could not contain herself and nervously spat out: "I'm pregnant!"

"What?!" exclaimed Sanem. "Really?"

"Really. I came straight from the hospital, I took the test. That's for sure." she replied.

"Ah! Congratulations brother!" said Can hugging him. She patted him on the shoulder.

"Congratulations Leyla." he then said hugging her too.

"Oh my god, Can? We're going to be uncles!" thought Sanem with a hand covering her mouth in surprise.

"Oh, yes! And what uncles!" he exclaimed, hugging her.

"Sister, I can't believe it! Congratulations to both of you!" he said, hugging them out of the blue.

"Our children will have a little cousin!" he exclaimed.

"Children, come here!" Sanem called out to them.

The little ones ran towards them. Can took Yildiz and Ates in his arms.

"Did you hear that? You're going to have a little male cousin!" Can told them.

"Or a little female cousin." Sanem pointed out.

"Little cousin..." exclaimed Ates.

"That's right." said Leyla, giving them both a kiss on the hand.

"Aren't you going to say hello auntie?" asked Leyla.

"Say hello auntie!" said Sanem. "Hi Uncle Emre!"

"Hi." said the children in chorus.

"Loves." commented Leyla with sparkling eyes.

"Come, let's sit inside." Can led the way.

"No, no, we're going now, aren't we Emre?" she said still excited.

"There, I'm so nervous." she admitted. She couldn't sit still.

"I can see it sister. And... do our parents know?" she asked her.

"No, I came straight to you." she immediately replied without thinking.

"Confirmed. She literally walked out of the hospital without even waiting for me. I had to run after her with the car." said Emre shocked.

"What?!" exclaimed Sanem. "For that..."

"Yes, she got into a taxi and ran here!" repeated Emre.

"Poor brother-in-law! Sister?" said Sanem.

"I couldn't wait. I had to tell you right away. I didn't think of anything. I just picked up and ran here." admitted Leyla unconsciously.

"Sister, but calm down. It's all right. Isn't that what you wanted?" she asked taking her hand.

"Yes, of course, it just doesn't feel real." she confessed still shaken.

"I understand. But it's all true, sister. You're having a baby!" she reminded her happily.

"Ah, then group hug!" exclaimed Emre tenderly. "You too!" added Leyla speaking to the little ones.

Six months had already passed since then, Sanem thought.

"Sanem? Sanem!" exclaimed Leyla worriedly seeing her absent.

"Huh? Yes?" she finally replied after several attempts.

"Ah, oh my god you scared the crap out of me. You froze again! Are you alright?" her sister asked worriedly.

"Yes, yes I'm fine. How about you?" she asked.

"Fine, though more active than usual today." Leyla replied, massaging her belly.

"Why don't you stay at home? Sister, listen who has given birth to three! Don't be a super heroine. It's no use! You will hurt yourself and your child. Think about you! Relax, you should be OK. And if in the agency you are not, maybe you should consider going on early maternity leave." Sanem told her with an open heart.

"Phew, but I don't know how to do nothing. You know how I am." huffed Leyla.

"You have to think differently, sister. I have told you so many times. You have another life to take care of now. There will be time to go back to being a workaholic like you've always done. Just remember that the more months go by, the harder it will be to keep your concentration, you will have sore feet and you won't even be able to see them." she reminded her.

"I am perfectly fine, for the moment. I'm strong, although my feet are starting to feel the effects of the heels. And yes, I get tired more easily, but it's not a problem. As long as I can manage, I'll come to work." She answered decisively.

"What does mum think about that?" he asked.

"She thinks the same as you. That I should stay at home... and rest." she replied with a sigh.

"And why won't you listen to us, huh?" she asked her seriously.

"Phew, because every pregnancy is different. And mine is not like yours." she added testily.

"Okay, Ice Queen. Have it your way. Then don't say we didn't warn you." Sanem replied annoyed.

"I won't." retorted her sister stubbornly, turning on her heel. She walked out of her office.

"OK." replied Sanem who was left alone. She walked out as well, slowly reaching Cey Cey's counter. She sat down on the stool and stood there, her head resting in her hands. Absorbed.

"Sanem?" asked Cey Cey seeing her like that.

"Mh..." she replied without any emotion.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked her as he fixed the new coffee supply.

"Nothing." she replied apathetically.

"Do you want me to make you a tea?" he asked her.

"No." she replied.

"A coffee?" asked Cey Cey again.

"No." she replied.

"Did you quarrel with Can?" he asked her.

"No! Why would I have a fight with my husband, Cey Cey!" she immediately warmed up.

"How should I know! I see you distraught! Sorry, then why are you here?" he asked snapping as well.

"Ah, now a person can't even come here to sit and relax anymore if they don't take something. I understand Cey Cey." said Sanem as she got off the stool.

As soon as he saw that she was leaving, he immediately went around the counter and blocked her. "No! No! No! No! Don't go away Sanem. I didn't want to send you away. Do you want to talk? What's bothering you?" he asked her gently.

"I don't feel like talking Cey Cey." she replied dryly.

"OK. Then don't talk. Come on, stay here. Keep me company." he tried to calm her down.

Sanem shrugged his shoulders.

He sat back down. Cey Cey continued his work. He had to tidy up the counter.

Deren saw the scene from the creative headquarters and approached Leyla.

"Leyla?" she called her.

"Yes?" she replied.

"What's wrong with Sanem today?" he asked in a whisper.

"He's down on the kids." she replied coldly.

"Why? What happened to the little ones?" asked Deren hastily.

"Nothing. Nothing much. It's hard having to leave them. She dropped them off at our parents' this morning and it was hard to resist the cries of all three of them calling her loudly. She said she had to run straight to the car before she burst into tears in front of them." spat her sister.

"Ah! Poor Sanem. It must be a heartbreak." commented Deren sorrowfully.

"Yeah. Deniz, Yildiz and Ates, they are very attached to their parents." admitted Leyla.

"I think she feels guilty. She didn't tell me, but I think she feels like a bad mother leaving them." she added.

"Ah, I'm so sorry. But is there anything we can do to cheer her up?" she asked thoughtfully.

"I don't know Deren." replied Leyla coldly.

"But something we should do! I can't see her like this." she admitted.

"Neither can I, Deren. Neither can I, but with the pregnancy hormones, right now I think I would only make it worse." she confessed.

"Hmm, I got it! What's needed here is a good chat between friends. Like we haven't done in a long time!" she exclaimed.

"I don't know... I think the only thing that can cheer her up is to hug her babies again as soon as possible." Leyla replied uncertainly.

"Or Can!" brightened Deren suddenly.

"Ah, Can certainly knows how to cheer her up." admitted Leyla.

"Then let's do this. I'll go to Can now and tell her to join Sanem. And we will talk to Deniz and Ayhan downstairs in the meantime." she declared.

"What do you want to do?" asked Leyla curiously.

"Can will definitely be good at boosting Sanem's morale, but I think a good girl talk will help her even more." Deren replied convincingly.

"And where do you plan to have it?" the Ice Queen asked her.

"At the estate, of course." she replied.

"But there are the children. How will she distract herself with them?" reflected Leyla.

"I'll take care of it." Deren replied.

She headed towards Can's office and once at the door, she knocked. Can was on the phone, but beckoned her in.

"Good. Good. The colours of eight are fine. Only the green on 6 needs to be fixed, OK?" she heard him say.

Can waited for the answer on the other end of the receiver.

"Alright brother. Thanks. Bye, bye." and hung up.

"I have communicated the corrections of the photos for the candle campaign. They will be ready for printing shortly." he anticipated.

"OK. Perfect. Then I'll notify Muzo to collect them as soon as possible." said Deren.

"Good." replied Can.

"And... what did you want to tell me? Did you want to tell me about the other campaign?" he asked completely absorbed in his work.

"No. For the other campaign everything is proceeding according to your guidelines." confirmed Deren.

"And... then what can I do for you?" he asked looking at her.

"Well, actually I came here for Sanem." she admitted with some hesitation.

"Sanem, she's not here, Deren. She went downstairs. She's at Sanem." he told her.

"No, Can. I came to talk to you about her." he clarified.

"About Sanem?" said Can surprised. "With me? And why?" he asked curiously.

Deren spoke with difficulty.

"Well... she didn't come downstairs, Can. I saw her come out here, talked to Leyla, and stopped at the counter at Cey Cey's. I saw her very distressed and down in the dumps. And... before you say anything. I know it's none of my business. But I'm worried about her. She's really down in the dumps." Deren confessed with a sad look on her face.

"Down in the dumps? A lot?" he asked worriedly. From the moment he had uttered his wife's name he had completely caught her attention.

"My wife?" he asked again incredulously.

Deren nodded her head yes.

"And why?" he asked.

"Well, she said something to Leyla about the children, and she couldn't cheer her up. I thought you..." she left the sentence hanging, waiting for Can to take action.

Can immediately sprinted towards the door, trying to catch a glimpse of her.

"Wait, wait, Can. Here, you talk to her. Surely you will cheer her up. But if you'll allow me, I'd like to have a few hours off, so I can chat with her between women, along with Leyla, Ayhan and Deniz." she admitted.

"Here at the agency?" he asked her.

"No. I don't think it's the right place. I think Sanem is more comfortable at your place. At the estate." she pointed out.

"We can meet there after work tonight. For a girls' night out at Ayhan's loft. If you agree, of course." proposed Deren naively, watching him.

"I think it would be good for you, Can," he added.

"I see you've already thought of everything," he replied. Then he reflected in silence.

"OK. I'll take care of the babies if that's what you wanted to ask." replied Can smiling.

"Well... thanks." Deren said shyly.

"Anyway, if you want, you could have a boys' night too. With your brother, Bulut, Metin... and leave the kids to your dad. I'm sure he would be super happy to be with his nephews and Mrs Mihriban would never say no. He loves those children." she added, pushing further.

"Thanks for the idea Deren. It is a nice thought. Now excuse me, but I want to join my wife." he replied, leaving her there in the office.

"Go, go." said Deren.

Can walked out and looked around, searching for her with his eyes. He saw her from behind sitting at Cey Cey's counter, He could clearly see that his attempts to cheer her up were futile as she remained impassive with her head resting on her hands.

Can joined her from behind. Cey Cey saw him approaching, but Can immediately waved his finger at him to be quiet, so he pretended nothing happened and continued his work. He cast a quick glance at Sanem. Can came up behind him and kissed her on the cheek. He leaned his head on her shoulder.

"What are you doing here all alone, my beautiful wife?" he asked her softly.

"Nothing." she replied impassively.

"She was keeping me company, Mr Can." Cey Cey covered her. "Actually, it was me trying to keep her company, but she's not cooperating. She doesn't talk." he spat then.

"Ha ah! Why?" he asked feigning surprise.

"Nothing. Cey Cey exaggerates. As always." said Sanem in an angry tone glaring at him.

He hurried away from the counter saying: "OK, I'm going to Mrs Deren's. It's coffee time. Mr Can, you take care of it."

"Go Cey Cey, go." he agreed.

"Now that we're alone, will you tell me what's wrong? I thought you went down to the Sanem." said Can kissing his shoulder. "You said so." he added.

"I was going to go there, but Cey Cey stopped me and I stayed here." Sanem replied telling the truth.

"Ah, I see." he replied.

"Then you tell me?" he asked again.

"What?" she asked absently.

"I have nothing." he then added.

"Are you sure? Love, everyone here has noticed that something is wrong." he pointed out to her.

"I don't care." she replied impassively.

"So you don't even care if I kiss you here in front of everyone?" he tried to convince her.

Sanem shrugged her shoulders. "I don't care about that anymore." she said kissing him directly on the lips. Then she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Hmm, it's more serious than I thought then." he commented.

"Hmm?" she said.

"Come with me." Can took her by the hand, helping her off the stool by putting his arm around her waist.

"Can?" she asked.

"Come." he insisted.

"Where are we going?" she asked with zero desire to move.

They headed for the break room. They entered and Can locked the door.

"Here. It's just you and me now. No one will come in. Spit it out." he told her bluntly.

"Really there's nothing." she said, sitting listlessly on the sofa.

"Sanem... don't be like this. Tell me. I'm worried about you. I know you too well! I can see there's something bothering you, and I'm not the only one. Tell me please." Can begged her. "It's about the children, isn't it?"

Sanem raised his head sharply towards him. A sign that Can had hit the mark. He sat down beside her.

Sanem lowered her head. "I can't get out of my head how this morning, Deniz had latched onto me like a koala, crying loudly. And how Yildiz and Ates were crying desperately in your arms. It really hurt me. It felt like a blow to my chest, I was gasping for air. Seeing them like that..." he admitted, leaving the sentence hanging.

"Is that why you ran away?" he asked her.

Sanem nodded her head yes, without looking up at him. She didn't want to show the tears that were filling her eyes. She wanted to be strong. Until she betrayed herself, pulling up her nose. Can lifted her chin with one finger. He saw her shining eyes filled with tears ready to overflow. He looked at her with sad eyes, hinting at a slight smile. He leaned against the back of the sofa and drew her to him with one arm. Sanem leaned her head on his chest and let out a liberating cry. "I left them there, alone, while they cried. I turned my back on them and left. But what kind of mother am I? They'll think I'm bad." she said between sobs, before the crying prevented her from continuing. Can, massaged her back with slow, continuous circular movements. He remained silent, letting his wife vent as she clutched even tighter to his chest. Can wrapped his arms around her, cradling her gently and kissing her hair. They stayed like this until Sanem's sobs died down. At that point Can looked at her and staying in that position, he told her:"Now that you've let off steam, I'll tell you what I think." he said weighing his words well. "I think this is tiredness talking. To say this nonsense. Because you can't really think it! And you don't have to. Because there is no truth in it. One doesn't become a bad mother for not giving in to one's children's cries, Sanem. Bad mothers are others. You have never left our children even for a moment since their birth. You have been and are always there for them. You are their pillar of strength and that will not change just because of this separation. The mother-child bond is indissoluble. How many times have you told me that?" he reminded her.

"Yes, but when I think back to how they cried... I want to hug them and never leave them again." she said between sobs.

"I know. We knew it wouldn't be easy. But you have to get it into your head that it's just a phase. Our children won't stop loving you because of it." he reassured her.

"You think so?" she asked, wiping away her tears.

"But yes! In fact, they'll understand what it's like to miss you and they'll shower you with cuddles when they return. You'll see!" he reassured her.

"You think so? I don't think so. It's hard to turn a blind eye to your baby's desperate crying. It's like having a piece of your heart ripped out of your chest. It hurts." she tried to make her understand.

"Don't say that. I understand, it hurts me too to see them like that, but remember that we are the two of us facing it. You are not alone." he said gently stroking her face.

"I know. I know you are with me. But it's stronger than me." she admitted with a shrug.

"My life... I think you are tired." Repeated Can, lifting Sanem's chin towards him to get a good look into her eyes.

"How long has it been since you had a proper sleep? How long has it been since you took your head off everything? From the kids, from work... maybe you should." he suggested to her.

"What do you mean? Are you tired of me?" she suddenly asked seriously panicked.

"No! Never! Absolutely not. I'm just saying that maybe you could use a few hours for girl time. Deren suggested it to me just now." he admitted.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"She came to me very worried about you. She hadn't seen you down like that for a long time and suggested we spend a few hours between women at the estate. With Leyla, Ayhan, her and Deniz." Can explained to her.

"Did she really propose that to you?" she asked surprised.

"Yes, she thinks she proposed me to do the same thing with Bulut, Metin and Akif and Emre." she added.

"No way." she exclaimed.

"And yet..." he said with a sigh.

"Metin and Bulut in the same place... they are explosive." thought Sanem.

"Yeah... That's what I thought too." agreed Can.

"What about the children?" she then asked.

"Ah, you don't have to think about that at all. I'll take care of that. They'll stay with their dad, grandpa and uncle for a while." he proposed.

"Ooh! What a trio! You want to give Emre some practice, don't you?" pecked Sanem.

"That's it... it doesn't hurt him." he replied, turning around.

"I agree." said Sanem thoughtlessly.

"I think it will do you a lot of good to have a girls' night out. Kind of like the ones you used to have with Mihriban." he told her.

"Ah, they are not comparable. We were completely drunk there." she recalled.

"No... it's true... there, I would avoid alcohol if I were you." her husband advised her.

"Yes, I guess that's the case. Also because with my sister pregnant, it wouldn't be nice. I'll invite Mihriban too, by the way." thought Sanem.

"Well, I was going to suggest that, in fact." said Can.

"OK, and when were you thinking of doing it, Deren?" she asked.

"Here, I think you'll find them all at Ayhan's loft tonight when we get off work." he told her with conviction.

"Ah!" exclaimed Sanem surprised. "It's already decided then!"

"Well, I think so, knowing Deren, but still talk to her." he advised her.

"Yes, I will." said Sanem pulling away from her chest. He let out a long sigh, holding his head in his hands.

"Better?" asked Can, stroking his back.

Sanem turned around. All her make-up had run off and Can grabbed a handkerchief and a glass of water.

"Drink a little." Sanem looked at him and drank. Seeing Can's eyes, she realised she was not well.

"I look bad, don't I?" she said.

"No, you look beautiful," Can lied, smiling. Sanem lowered her gaze, hinting at a smile. It was at that moment that he became aware of Can's shirt.

"Ah! Oh my God! What have I done!" she exclaimed.

"What have you done? What's going on?" Can asked confused.

"Your shirt!" She exclaimed. Can lowered his eyes and saw that it was smeared with make-up.

"Oh my God, I'm such a klutz. I ruined your shirt. I'm sorry love. Hold on, I'll get something to wipe it off right away." she said getting up.

"Sanem it doesn't matter, really!" said Can seeing her disappear from his arms.

He passed in front of the mirror that served as a backdrop to the bar's shelves. He looked at himself. "Oh my God! I'm a monster!" he exclaimed. She turned to the counter and washed her face in the sink. Can joined her. When she lifted her face and saw him standing next to her, she said, "Good boy. I'll clean it right away." taking some wet paper to rub it on his shirt.

Can watched her get busy and smiled. He stopped those restless hands. "What are you doing?" asked Sanem.

Can took off his shirt.

"Good, good idea. That way I can clean it better." she exclaimed.

"No, Sanem... Really. There is no need for that. I have another one in the office." he said quietly.

"What are you doing, going out like that?" she asked pointing to his exposed pecs.

"Yeah, why? What's the big deal? I stained myself and took off my shirt. Simple." he replied serenely.

"No, no, no, no! No way, Can. Do you think I let my husband go out like that? With all those eyes? No, no, no! Absolutely not. I won't allow it." she said, tapping her finger on the breastplate where the Albatross was tattooed without realising it.

Can squeezed her cheek. "And what would you like to do, Sanem Divit, tell me! Are you keeping me prisoner here until everyone leaves? Well! Because that wouldn't be a bad idea." he teased her.

"Well, it wouldn't be a bad idea, but no, my dear... I'm going out now and get you a tank top from the costume department next door. I'm running!" she said starting up.

"Stop, where are you going?" he told her.

"I told you!" she replied.

"Come here." said Can blocking her.

"Come on, Can let me go, I'll go and come back." she tried to persuade him.

Can turned Sanem's head towards the mirror. "So, you're going like that?" he asked her.

"Oh, man." said Sanem looking at herself. The mascara hadn't gone all the way off.

"No, because if you go out like this, then I can go out like this." he retorted.

"No, no, no! Love, you're absolutely right. I'll clean up right now and then I'll go. Who knows otherwise what ideas the others would get if they saw us like this!" she admitted.

"Wait." Can said, taking some wet paper. "I'll do it." With one hand holding his chin up towards him, Can wiped his wife's face with delicate, precise gestures. Once done, he kissed her on the top of her nose. She smiled, lowered her head as her cheeks turned red and snuggled against his bare chest.

Then she looked at him and promised. "I'll go and come back. Don't go out!"

"Yes ma'am!" he replied with a smile as he settled down on the couch with his hands behind his head, putting his pecs on display.

Sanem hurried out and returned after three seconds wearing a white tank top and a blue shirt like the one he was wearing.

"Look what I found!" she exclaimed proudly.

"It comes close to yours. Try it on." she told him.

Can put on the white tank top and wore the shirt over it. It didn't button, it was a size smaller than him.

"Leave it unbuttoned." she suggested.

"No, Sanem, better without it. Just in a tank top." he told her with conviction.

"Can, are you kidding? What do you mean the boss goes around the agency in a tank top, huh? Does that sound ethical?" she told her making an issue of it.

"But from here upstairs, who do you want to see me?" he asked.

"Everyone! Everyone will see you! Come on, please. Put it on for me." she said pleadingly.

"You're not doing this because you're jealous of me, are you?" he asked her rhetorically.

"Me? Jealous? Nooo! And why, then? You are my husband. We belong to each other, why should I?" she said as if nothing was wrong.

"In fact, that's what I wonder too. Why should you? That's why I don't wear it. I'm going out like this, let's go." he said taking her by the hand.

"Can? Then to keep you company, as your wife, I'm going to change, in the costume room I saw a red dress, with a long, long slit that reaches here up to the thigh. And two thin, thin straps with a sweetheart neckline and a completely exposed back. I thought I'd try it on here at the agency. Just from upstairs. So I'll keep you company." Sanem said. "You wait here, I'll go, get changed and let's go." she said running towards the door. Can stood in front of her and closed it.

"Well, on second thought I think the shirt is not that bad. I mean, it's not that hot. It's not summer, so it's better not to catch colds or anything. Besides, the windows are always open here. Better not." he relented.

"You think so?" she asked innocently.

"I mean, you too... you don't need to change, you look great the way you are, plus you haven't stained. So don't sacrifice yourself for me in that dress. There's no need to. Really. Let's go." he said slipping on his shirt.

"Oh, yeah? Really? But I wanted to wear that dress. Have a nice parade at the agency and show it off to everyone. There's nothing wrong with it after all, my dear. Who do you want to see me in it?" she challenged him, knowing she was triggering his jealousy.

Can understood the game. He opened his mouth as if to say something and then closed it again. "I get it. Let's go." he admitted.

Sanem stood up on her toes and kissed him. "My jealous man." she said as he walked out of the break room.

Once they were back upstairs, Emre stopped him. "I was looking for you brother. Ah! What happened to you?"

"Nothing. I got dirty and Sanem helped me find a temporary change downstairs. I'm going to change now. I have a spare shirt in the office." he said.

"Ah!" he exclaimed.

"Do you want me to send it to the laundry?" offered Leyla, adding to the group in front of the office.

"Never mind. I'll take care of it. Thanks." he replied.

"You're welcome. As you wish." replied Leyla.

"Let's go in." said Can.

"Sanem? Can we talk?" asked her sister.

Can and Emre went into the office while Leyla and Sanem stayed outside.

"Ah! What happened to you? Did you put your make-up on? Your eyes are swollen. Have you been crying?" her sister asked her worriedly.

"No, Leyla, I went out with Can to get some air and something got in my eye. I rubbed my eyes so much that they are swollen now. So I took my make-up off. I had become a panda." she said simply.

"Ouch..." thought Leyla.

"And Can? Why was he in a tank top?" she asked.

"He got dirty. Imagine, he wanted to go back to the office shirtless! But for God's sake." commented Sanem.

"I don't believe it." exclaimed Leyla.

"I convinced him to wear something from the costume department to get here. Now he's changing." she said.

"Ah, men..." sighed Leyla.

"Do you think Sanem lets her husband walk around the agency shirtless? Never!" she said decisively.

"Good sis. I would have done the same." her sister admitted.

"And? Why were you looking for me? We're all meeting at the estate tonight, is that why? Can, told me everything." she reported to her.

"Ah, does that please you?" her sister asked her.

"Sure. It's been a while since we've spent a few hours between women. I think Can will do the same with Emre and their father." she hinted to her.

"Ah! What about the children?" she asked.

"They will keep them." Sanem replied.

"I don't believe it. You are terrible sister!" she commented with a smile.

"Can offered himself. I didn't force him." replied Sanem in her defence.

"Ah, what an exemplary husband." commented Leyla.

"Yeah, he really is." agreed Sanem blinking innocently.


Hello reader :)

Thank you for reading the 47th chapter.

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Until the next chapter!

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