נכתב על ידי FeniceAlbatros32

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Did you fall in love with Can and Sanem's fairy tale and were left with that longing to know how the story wo... עוד

1. Bodrum - Orak island
2. The idea
3. Mihriban's estate
4. Istanbul - the last boat awakening
5. Time to return
6. The homecoming of CapCan and Macho
7. Tatoo
8. The arrival
9. Home sweet home
10. In the vegetable garden
11. Sister Mihriban
12. The plan in the agency
13. First night on the mainland
14. The surprise
15. Chaos in the agency
16. They are back, baby!
17. Life Change
18. Welcome back Can & Sanem
19. Metin
20. A new chapter
21. Aunt Remide's project
22. And now?
23. Awakenings that are good for the heart
24. For every beautiful thing
25. Not a farewell, but a goodbye
26. The envelope
27. For Can & Sanem
28. The Decision
29. The signature
30. The family house
31. Signals
32. In sickness and in health
33. Life's best surprise
34. The first ultrasound scan
35. The announcement
36. Sometimes they return
37. An unexpected arrival
38. Face to face with Ayhan
39. Surprise within a surprise
40. The nursery
41. The new member of "The Sanem"
42. Dear diary...
43. -1
44. Presentations
46. Three: the perfect number
47. Return to normality
48. Ladies' night
49. Memoirs
50. Days to remember
51. And they all lived happily ever after (FINAL CHAPTER)

45. The launch of the trilogy

957 52 6
נכתב על ידי FeniceAlbatros32

The fateful day had arrived. They had already organised with the children. The grandparents would keep them: Aziz and Mihriban. Can was already ready and waiting for Sanem in the living room. As soon as she reached him, they left.

"By the way, how do I look?" she asked him as they got into the car.

"You look great. Very professional. And I really like the pins you put on. Are you inspired by anyone in particular?" he asked her smiling.

"Mh, a certain Can Divit, do you know him?" replied Sanem.

"Ah, I've heard of him." Can played along.

"He's a man who launches fashions." admitted his wife.

"Really?" he said.

"Yeah." she replied.

"Then I'll start following him." replied Can winking at him.

Sanem was wearing a white talleur. From which she had hung three pins, each depicting her children: a wave of the sea, a flame and a star. It was a way of having them with her, as the book was dedicated to them.

The presentation was to be held at the Opera House. In that same theatre where it all began. Only this time there were no lodges. On that day, the stage would be her place.

The closer they got to the theatre, the more the excitement began to build.

When they arrived in front of the red carpet laid out for the occasion, Can got out of the car and, like a great knight, opened the door and helped her down. The photographers began to shoot. Since the first book, Sanem's fame had grown exponentially, and being married to Can, this always created a big boom for journalists. Sanem posed for the photographers together with her husband, then he, seeing her somewhat bewildered, took her by the hand and they both went inside. The moment Can intertwined his fingers with hers, the excitement disappeared.

As soon as they entered, Sanem greeted the representative of the American publishing house who had arrived in Istanbul for the occasion. Once she had exchanged a few words with him, she warned Can that she would pop to the toilet before going on stage.

"Alright, I'll be waiting for you in the front row then." he said, kissing her on the cheek. "Good luck, baby." he wished her.

She ran to the bathroom passing by the spiral staircase she now knew very well. She looked at it quickly and said: "No, you don't fool me tonight. I will be on stage."

And she went into the bathroom.

Meanwhile Can had a surprise in store for Sanem. The children were on the street with their grandparents. He had told them to bring them here. He wanted them to be present during the speech. He already knew more or less the timing of his wife's speech and although he was not absolutely sure, he had told Cey Cey, who was in charge of the lights, to be ready to cast a soft light on him as soon as he gave the signal.

Sanem took the stage followed by a roar of applause. Many well-known newspapers were present to ask questions and inquire. In fact, after an initial presentation, the round of questions began. Sanem answered everyone, signed copies and when it seemed that the presentation was coming to an end and that the plan could not go ahead, it was time to say thank you. The lights went out and only one light came on above Sanem.

"I would like to give special thanks. I would like to thank my publishing house, the publisher who has always stood by me and his representative who is here today. I would like to thank all of you who have come here today. I thank the journalists and those who are most curious, for the questions. I thank the agency, Fikri Harika for this event. But in particular, I want to thank my husband, my Albatross, the love of my life and the father of my children, for the inspiration." Sanem said, looking Can fixedly in the eyes. "If it were not for him this book would not exist, just like all the others." she declared. "So, I publicly thank you for the support and for being the very first fan of my stories, always ready to see them come to life." said Sanem confidently, sending a kiss with her hand in his direction. "And finally, I would like to thank three special creatures... to whom this trilogy is dedicated." said Sanem moved.

A spotlight lit up where Can was sitting, illuminating a three-seater buggy with their babies.

As soon as Sanem saw them, she was speechless for a split second, then recovered.

"To my children. Deniz, Yildiz and Ates. This book was meant for you even before you existed. And now, for me and my husband, it is a joy to be the protagonists of the adventures we read daily to our little ones. Therefore, I not only dedicate this book to them, but I dedicate it to all the children of the world. And to all those who at heart are still a bit of a child. Embrace that side of you, be yourself, because there is nothing wrong with that." she said, meeting her husband's gaze. Then looking at the rest of the room she added: "I hope these books will make the time you spend with your children even more enjoyable, as it is for my husband and me. And that it will bring back the child in you, because we never stop being children. Thank you." Sanem concluded.

A long heartfelt applause followed from the whole audience. Can was applauding standing in the front row. Her speech was followed by other some questions from the press. Sanem recognised one journalist in particular. She was present at the presentation of the Phoenix and the Albatross. The woman in question pointed out to her how her look and her life had changed for the better.

"I remember that on that occasion, in reference to the Phoenix, she replied that it had not yet been reborn from its ashes and was still burning. I admit that her answer struck me very much." said the journalist.

"I remember. That's it... as harsh as the answer may have sounded, it was the truth at the time." replied Sanem truthfully.

Can listened carefully. He did not know this thing.

"There was another one that struck me at that time. The ending of her book, follows the most classic of endings. She, once reborn, lives happily ever after with her husband and children. When I asked her if she was also experiencing her happy ending in reality, she replied: "If only reality were like fairy tales."

Sanem smiled.

The journalist continued: "Now that the ending of your book has come true in every way, what would you say to that Sanem so demoralised by life and without hope?" she asked her.

"Wow, ehm... you've analysed me very well, I see. Just kidding, of course." said Sanem to lighten up.

"Well, I would tell her to be patient, because time solves everything. I believe that if what you long for is part of your destiny, then it will happen sooner or later. Never lose hope!" she replied sincerely.

"And... doesn't it feel strange to you, now that you are happily married to your Albatross and have triplets, to think that your ending came true so literally?" she asked curiously.

"Yes, that's... it's really incredible. I can hardly believe it myself." she admitted.

"Was it perhaps a premonitory dream that you wrote as the ending of your first book?" he asked her then.

"Ah, no. Absolutely not! Well, I don't think it was. I mean, I was in a really hard, dark period. Maybe the darkest period of my life. So what I wrote at the time, I think it was more of a hope, than a premonitory dream." he admitted.

"In what way? If you don't mind me asking..." the journalist asked politely.

"Well, I wrote it with the belief that it could never happen. That, that dream would never come true." confessed Sanem, lowering her head.

Then she turned back to look at the audience, hinting at a smile. "Maybe that's the secret. That I didn't take it too seriously. I simply let things take their course, that's all. I lived in the present, without expecting too much from the future. That's all."

"And what would you like to say to yourself now?" the journalist added.

"Well, I would say: look at you now! You do your dream job, you have your dream family. I couldn't ask for anything better. I am absolutely happy. I feel complete." replied Sanem looking at Can.

"Thank you for your time, Mrs Sanem," the journalist politely took her leave.

"Thank you for the interesting questions." she replied affably, giving her a smile.

Once the interviews were over, Can joined Sanem behind the stage with the children.

"What a surprise! Are you crazy? For a moment I thought I couldn't complete the speech from emotion!" she said, rushing to hug him.

"I thought you would be pleased. You've always said that they and I are your inspiration, and it seemed only right that they should also be there to support their Mama, didn't you?" said Can looking at the three little ones.

Ates, took off her dummy and said, "Ma-ma!"

"Yes, it's Ma-ma." said Sanem approaching them.

"Did you see how beautiful she is?" asked Can.

Sanem kissed each of them. Can included.

"How did I do?" she asked.

"Great! Fantastic! As always." he said on hugging her.

She laughed and hugged him tightly.

"What did I tell you?" whispered Can in her ear. "I knew you would do great. You were really good and professional. You looked like you did presentations every day. Congratulations, love. I'm really proud of you." he told her proudly.

"Thank you, my hands are shaking now." Can took them from her and kissed them.

"Shall we go?" said Sanem impatiently.

"Ah! Wait, Mrs Sanem. I am a big fan of yours. In fact, I am your number one fan. I have read all your books! Wouldn't it be possible for you to give me an autograph?" said Can, pulling a copy of the books out of the pram.

"Ah, of course, if you are my number one fan, how could I say no!" said Sanem adding a dedication to the autograph. She handed it to Can.

"Here you go!" she said.

"Thank you, you are very kind. Let's see." said Can reading the dedication.

"Dedicated to my number one fan. To the man who encapsulates the meaning of my every word. I love you to death Can Divit!

Forever yours,


Can couldn't immediately respond to that dedication as he would have liked, so he just joked. "Hmm, wow, I asked for a dedication and got a declaration of love. I'm really lucky!"

Sanem laughed hiding her head on his chest.

There were too many people around, to do what he would have liked, so she grabbed Sanem's hand and they headed out to the underground car park where they had the car, leaving the babies in the care of Aziz and Mihriban who had brought them. They congratulated her on her presentation in the blink of an eye and before she knew it Can dragged her away with him to the car, apologising to them. Sanem didn't understand the point of all the hurry. She merely followed him. Once they reached the car Sanem asked: "Why all the hurry?"

"For this." said Can twirling her around herself in a dance step, then ending it with a kiss.

The power of that kiss left them both stunned. So they hurried to get into the car to return to their little corner of happiness.

The days passed and while the twins were making rapid progress, Sanem was refining the new formula for the baby line, when the big day arrived. The day they had all been anxiously waiting for. It was a beautiful Sunday, sunny and unusually warm for the beginning of spring. Can and Sanem had decided to take a nice walk with the kids to the pier. They had packed everything they needed for a nice picnic in the shade of the large oak tree in the garden next to the pier. They stretched out there, awaiting the arrival of Sanem's parents who were coming to visit them. It was a good opportunity to take some nice pictures of the children frolicking in the grass.

"Ah! What a beautiful day!" exclaimed Sanem as she savoured the fresh, salty smell coming from the sea with her eyes closed and her nose in the air. She was wearing a straw hat with a wide brim. She looked like one of those high-ranking ladies from another era. It looked divine on her. As the light beat down on her face looking up at the sky, Can took several photos of her without being seen. The children were wailing in the buggy, they wanted to go forward. So Can freed them one by one and laid them on the blanket on which Sanem was sitting. Deniz, immediately set off. He started crawling towards Sanem, he seemed to want to reach the picnic basket.

"And you! Where are you going mummy's little adventurer! Huh?" said Sanem trying to get her attention. Yildiz, on the other hand, once free, stood still, looking around. Can then took the rattle and rang it to lure her towards him. While Ates, had already largely escaped from the blanket, and ventured towards a group of daisies. The meadow was full of them.

"Hey you, young lady! How did you get there so fast? Huh?" said Sanem as she saw her not far away. She saw her picking up daisies with those chubby little hands. Can got up, ready to go and retrieve her before she could put anything in her mouth, but Sanem stopped her. "Wait." she said to her.

"Ates? Come to mama! Come!" she told her, clapping her hands on her legs. Ates, looked at her, smiled, and holding a few tufts of torn grass and a few daisies, looked at them and started crawling towards her. Then Can came over, pulled her to her feet, and took her by the little hand, making her walk. At one point he tried to let go. Ates staggered a bit, trying to find balance, then suddenly started taking a few steps towards Sanem.

"Ah! Come to mama! Come on, come on! You can do it! Come, come, come!" She urged her. The girl was only a few steps away from her mother. She managed to keep her balance on her own. "Ah, Can! Look, look at her!"

As soon as she arrived in front of her, she stretched out his arms towards his mother. Sanem immediately grabbed her. "Here she is! Ahhh! I can't believe it! You walked! Can! Did you see? She walked!" exulted Sanem, holding her in her arms. Can smiled.

"I saw!" he said, approaching her in turn.

"Let's try again." Let's see if she comes towards me." he said.

"Take her favourite toy. Duda, the bunny stuffed animal." Sanem advised her.

"Ah, good idea!" he said.

Can took the soft toy and sitting cross-legged, caught Ates' attention. "Ates? Look what I have?" said Can showing her the bunny.

"Oh! Who's Ates?" asked Sanem pretending surprise.

"Duda!" she exclaimed.

"It's Duda! That's right! Go to him! Look, he's waiting for you!" she said.

"Come! Come to Duda!" said Can, moving the puppet.

As soon as Ates saw Duda, her eyes lit up. That puppet was gold to that little girl, she never parted with it. Since birth it had been her faithful sleeping companion. The little girl pointed at it and leaning out of its arms, Sanem walked her up towards her father, letting her go halfway. Ates with her somewhat unsteady gait managed to get close to Can, however, who slowly, seeing her approaching, tried to lengthen the distance between them to see how long she would last before crawling again. After a few steps the girl began to stagger, she almost fell but recovered and Can stopped where he had come. Once Ates caught up with him, he grabbed her and sent her flying through the air. "Very good!! Daddy's love! Walk! Walk!" said Can tickling and smooching her all over. Sanem joined them elatedly "Ehhh! She took her first steps, I can't believe it! Ates, mama's love, you can walk!"

At that moment when they were celebrating the happiness of Ates' first steps, Ayhan arrived in the company of Sanem's parents.

"Hey there, my children! What's all this euphoria?" asked Nihat.

"Hello mum and dad!" said Sanem. Can also greeted them affectionately with a kiss on the cheek.

"Ah! You really came at the right time, you know?" she said enthusiastically.

"Sanem, your parents couldn't find you, so I accompanied them." Ayhan pointed out.

"Ah! Thank you, sister. You stay here too!" she said, motioning for her to take a seat beside her.

"Why? Did we arrive at the right time?" her mother asked curiously.

"For this. Look." said Can. She placed Ates on the ground with her feet and entrusted her to Sanem who held her by the hand. Can moved between Mevkibe and Nihat, to the spot where they were standing, and holding the soft toy Duda tried to call her back to him.

"Ates? Where is Duda? Look!" Can told her, waving it again.

Ates, with less awkwardness than before, walked towards Can. Sanem, let go of her hand and came alone to her grandparents and Can.

"Did you see? She walks alone!" exclaimed Sanem.

"Ohhh, how sweet!" exclaimed Ayhan who was checking on her little brothers.

"Ah, I can't believe it!!!" exclaimed Nihat and Mevkibe elated.

"Ah, she walked! Sanem!" said Nihat.

"I saw dad, I saw." she replied.

"That's why we are so elated!" exclaimed Can.

"Ah, come to Grandpa, Ates!" exclaimed Nihat.

Can, who in the meantime had picked her up, delivered her into Grandpa's arms.

"But did it happen just now?" asked Ayhan.

"Yes! Now!" said Sanem elatedly.

"Ah, we are here now, my daughter. Surely the others will miss him soon too. Look Deniz, he's already standing." said Mevkibe.

"Yes, he is but he is still not independent, he needs a hand to be able to walk." Can replied.

"Ah, let's see now." said Mevkibe kissing a chubby little hand of Ates. "Good boy, good boy!" he told her.

He approached Deniz and tried to lure him with the toy he adored most: the dinosaur. But there was nothing to be done. They made several attempts with both him and Yildiz. Ayhan also tried to make them walk. She as a life coach had her own techniques. They practically spent most of their visit this way. Seeing the grandparents having fun with their grandchildren was always very exciting, and that day, after a long time, Aunty Ayhan, always busy with the Sanem and the agency, and not only that... Cey Cey was there too.


Hello reader :)

Thank you for reading the forty-fifth chapter.

If you like, please leave me a comment.

Until the next one!

המשך קריאה

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