SabreTober (Inspirsed by Ally...

By IcyWillowSong

4.8K 354 85

This will have prompts that writers can follow. This can be done everyday or whenever you want. Only rules ar... More

Rules and Guidance!


156 12 4
By IcyWillowSong

Today is home! Whooooo! What are you going to do for this? Who knows?
Maybe someone is coming home from a long trip

Maybe some is building a home.

Maybe someone is thinking is a home.

My story thought is different.

Howls moving Castle Au. (Yes I love studio ghibli) if you don't know the movie- uh.... Just enjoy the ride it's very hard to explain-

Who is who
Howl: Time Steve.
Sophie: Sabre
Calicifer: Elemental.
Markl: Rainbow
Witch of the waste: First Curse
Turnip Head: Light Steve.

If you know you know and I hope you agree with all the characters.

In this world Steves and Players are together all in one world- Demons and People are at war with each other. Sabre is cursed by the Witch of the West to look like a green Steve. Sabre wants to go back to being normal since he doesn't like being a Steve and was kicked out of his village where he lived in.


"Come on Green Steve! Why do we need so many fruits." Rainbow complained as I grabbed some apples and paid the seller.

"Because you can eat bacon and eggs for the rest of your life." I said. He sighed. "That's the last thing for today don't worry." I explains. I watched as he happy it went back to our shop that connects to Howl's moving castle. He opens the door and we go inside. I help place the groceries on the table.

"Elemental! We are back! Is Time home!" I asked the fire that fuels and moves the entire house. A fire demon he has told me. I doubt that's that he is though.

"No, still our in that war zone. Did you bring anything for me?" He asked.

"Yes I did. I got your some good firewood and some pumpkin pie."

"Really! Thank you Green Steve!" They said and smiled. The house shifted suddenly with the burst of energy. It moves depending on how much energy Elemental has. I continued to put the food away was Rainbow went off to probably play with Turnip Head. Once I put everything away I sighed and sat on the couch with exhaustion.

Rainbow tripped and hurt himself and I had to heal him. Using these powers drains me so much more than it does for a normal Steve thanks to this stupid curse. The first curse really makes curses that hurt you. I held back my tears remembering my friends who could no longer recognize me and casted me out thinking I did something to Sabre... me... no one even knows my name anymore.

"Hey Green, Are you okay?" Elemental asked me. He can't move form the very large fire pit and was at the very edge of it looking at me.

"MY NAME ISNT GREEN MY NAME IS-" I couldn't say it. No matter how hard I try this curse stops me from saying my name, stops me from even saying that I am cursed.

"Uh... what do you want me to call you then?" He asked concern. I sighed.

"Just call me green. I'm just tired... I didn't mean to yell." I looked down and away from Elemental.

"Hmm.... okay I lied Time is home. He's upstairs." Elemental said. I perched up. I love seeing Time. He was the only person who saw me as... Me before I got cursed. He doesn't know it's me though.

"Then why did you lie about it?" I asked trying to show I wasn't mad.

"He's in his room sleeping. He needed rest and I didn't want you three bothering him." He states.

"Why tell me then?"

"Because maybe you should see him. It will help you feel better."

"He's asleep I'm not going to bother Time just because-"

"Bother me because of what." I saw Time Steve coming down in all his elegance and be- shut up mind.

"Uh... um..." I wasn't sure of  what to say. So I looked down.

"He's homesick." Elemental said suddenly and sinked down into the fire place.

"It's okay if you miss your old home." Time sits next to me and wraps his arm around me. "Do you wish to go back?" He asked me.

"Yes..." I mumbles about to say more but Time cuts me off.

"Well then let's get you home-" he starts to say but I quickly stop him.

"I can't. I was kicked out... they think I hurt someone but I never did... I truly didn't..." Time looks at me.

"Until that person comes back... there is nothing I can do..." I whispered. He leaned close to me and held me. I rested my head on his chest.

"Who was this man name? Where they a Steve or a player?" He asked.

"A player... and I... I don't know his name.." I said unable to even say my own name.

"If I see a player on my adventures I'll tell him he needs to go home to his town alright?" He comforted me. I nodded and yawned the exhaustion from healing Rainbow early.

"You seemed drained." He says and he rubs a hand through my hair.

"Rainbow scratched his knee and I healed it for him..." I mumbled.

"It looks like to took a lot of of you. I finished my nap already you can rest now." He tells me. I then fell asleep.


I heals green Steve who was now asleep on me. I smiled a bit. I was worried for him though. Green Steve shouldn't be this drain from healing a simple scratch.

"He's cursed you know, by the first curse. That would be why he can't heal people well." Elemental told me. I smiled at my brother. He was as cursed as I was.

"Yes, it's figuring out the curse is he problem. I don't believe he is allowed to say it. A first curse curse. I can tell." I told him.

"No duh, but how do we break it? I think it's causing him a lot of pain. He yelled at me-"

"I heard it. That's what woke me up. I was worried."

"Yeah. I am too. I am going to look for the first curse. Maybe we can come to an agreement to help this Steve." He sat in silence. I know Elemental didn't like the idea of me comforting him. After a few minutes he spoke.

"Uh... what happened to the Steve?" He asked and pointed at the Steve. I looked down and saw no longer a Steve. But the same player I met in the market who was attacked by the Demon race....

He was turned into a Steve.

"I think that is green Steve, maybe that's why he doesn't want to be called Green anymore. He was never a Steve in the first place..."

"Do it Time." Elemental looked at me. "Do it so be can go home." He said.

"Alright. Let's get you home Sabre."

(Words 1157)

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