
By ThinYoongi

239K 6.1K 915

ᵥᵢ·ᵥₐ·cᵢₒᵤₛ /vəˈvāSHəs,vīˈvāSHəs/ (adj•) full of life and good spirits happy and lively in a way that is att... More

•《Part I》•
•《aesthetics 》•
•《chapter I》•
•《Chapter II》•
•《Chapter III》•
•《Chapter IV》•
•《Chapter V》•
•《Chapter VI》•
•《Chapter VII》•
•《Chapter VIII》•
•《Chapter IX》•
•《chapter X》•
•《chapter XI》•
•《chapter XII》•
•《Chapter XIII》•
•《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xv》•
•《Chapter XVI》•
•《Chapter XVII》•
•《Chapter XVIII》•
•《chapter XIX》•
•《chapter XX》•
•《Chapter XXI》•
•《chapter XXII》•
•《chapter XXIII》•
•《chapter XXIV》•
•《Chapter XXV》•

•《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xɪᴠ》•

5.2K 150 11
By ThinYoongi

"We need to talk."
Arianna looks up at the family and they all look at her with pain filled eyes, they are worried that she would reject the bond. In their minds they had just got her, and they didn't want to lose her. She was their light in the never ending darkness of their existence. She was the air to their lungs, and the fire in their soul. They all waited in silence waiting for her to begin, each of them not knowing if they should say something.

"Okay so I just wanted to start off by saying I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left like that, or I should've at least reached out to you guys in some way and I apologize for it." She let out a soft sigh. "Now, what you guys told me overwhelmed me a bit. I had just learned about the supernatural world and I'm still learning about it. A few months ago if you asked me about vampires and werewolves, I would have told you they were just myths. But now I know that they aren't just scary stories you tell your children so they do what is told."

Arianna is shaking a little while talking, her nerves were trying to get the best of her. But she wouldn't allow that as she needed to get everything off her chest. They all look at her with concern as they notice her shaking form but decide to stay silent as they know this.

"When you guys told me about me being mated to all of you, I panicked. I didn't know what to think. It was all just too much for me, and I just ran off. I never knew that I'd be destined to be with eight vampires and the thought scares me yet it excites me at the same time. I always knew that I liked girls and boys but I never thought that I would find myself in a relationship with multiple people." Arianna lets out a big breath and then continues, "I don't even know how this all is going to work... but I'm willing to give it a try, if you guys are too."

The Cullens and Bella all look at her in surprise, slowly allowing smiles to come to their faces. The relief they have is visible as their tense position relaxed. Emmett quickly gets up and runs toward her, picking her up and spinning her around; causing her to let out loud giggles.

"Yayy, we have our Ari back. I've missed you so so much!" he shouts out.

"Thank god, I don't think I could take it much longer," Jasper says, he gets up as well and gives her a big hug pulling her close into his body. "First period has been hell without you."

Bella then gets up and goes up to Arianna and takes her from Jasper's arms pulling her into a hug, squeezing her tight. Arianna only being two inches or so taller than Alice; only reached Bellas chin.

"God I've missed you, I barely knew what to do with myself this past week without you." Bella admitted she felt the same way she did when Edward had left.

After that Arianna was passed around to everyone for hugs. Esme then went to work in the kitchen to make a late lunch for the two human girls. As Esme does that the others sit in the living room figuring out what movie they wanted to watch.

The next day Arianna woke up in Carlisle and Esmes' room dressed in a pair of pajamas Esme had given her. With a yawn she made her way down the long staircase and walked to the kitchen where once again Esme was busy cooking. Esme glanced back at her tired mate and gave her a sweet smile.

"Good morning honey." She greeted, her voice was soft and music to Ariannas' ears. With a smile she went up behind the older woman and wrapped her arms around her waist. Esme let out a breathy laugh and turned around hugging her back. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good, your bed is super comfy." She admitted, her voice was groggy with sleep. "I would lay there all day if I could." Esme let out another laugh before sending the tired girl to sit so she could finish up her breakfast. The older woman finished her meal after about five minutes and hurriedly made up her plate.

She then handed the plate of chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage and a bowl of strawberries to Ari.
After Arianna finished her breakfast she helped Esme clean everything up before the two went into the Living room. By then the others had gotten back from their hunting trip and they all were sitting around doing their own thing. As Arianna walked in Alice walked up to her with a smile.

"Arianna, go get dressed Jasper and I are taking you out today." She announced, after giving the girl a quick hug.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see, just go get dressed. I set out an outfit for you. It's set on the bed in our room." With that Alice shooed her up the stairs. Ariana walked up to Jasper and hers room, and went over to the bed, there was a cute summer dress folded neatly with a pair of wedge heels on top. Arianna quickly got dressed, as she finished Rosalie came up and entered.

"I'm gonna do your makeup and hair if you don't mind?"

"I don't have my makeup bag with me." Arianna replied.

"Oh, well we actually bought some makeup for you in case you forgot some." Rosalie told her looking down with a small smile.

"Well in that case yea, I don't mind." The two exchanged smiles before Arianna sat down at the desk and let Rosalie get to work.

The vampire started out with her hair, carefully brushing out the knots that formed over the night of her tossing and turning. She parted it down the middle and tied off half of it before starting on braiding the other half. After about ten minutes she had finished her hair and started on her makeup. Another twenty minutes later Ariannas' makeup was done, Rose had done a neutral look. The only thing on her eyes was a thin winged eyeliner and mascara. Her lips were  covered in a light pink lip gloss.

"All done." Rosalie chimed as she set down the bottle of lip gloss. "You look beautiful, as always." Her words cause Rosalie to blush.

"Thank you."

The two girls walked down stairs and met up with everyone else. Alice and Jasper sat together waiting for the human girl. They both looked at her with smiles and stood up. Alice was dressed in a dress as well similar in style but a different color and design, she had on a pair of sandals and a few necklaces wrapped around her neck. Jasper had on jeans and a collared white button up, the sleeves rolled up to his forearm. He also had a pair of cowboy boots on.

"Ready?" Jasper asked with a small smile on his lips, his southern drawl could be heard.

"Yup, are you sure you can't tell me?" The girl asked.

"You'll just have to see when we get there." Alice said with a mischievous smile. "Alright let's go!" Arianna gave everyone a wave as she followed Alice and Jasper out to the garage. Alice grabbed the keys to her cherry red Porsche before climbing into the driver's seat. Jasper opened the door for Arianna before climbing into the back seat.
Alice turns on the vehicle and presses the button to open the garage, once it's open she quickly peels out and drives quickly down the driveway. With the radio blasting she turns onto the main road and they start driving to Port Angeles.

With Alice driving double the speed limit they made it there within thirty five minutes. They pulled up to a cute little cafe and quickly parked the car. Jasper paid the parking meter and then walked over to the girls, offering his arm to Arianna. With a smile she looped her arm with his, and Alice had her other arm. The three walked into the cafe and walked up to the counter.

"Hi guys, what can I get for you today." the girl at the counter asked, she was a tall girl with red hair and a nose piercing, she gave the three a large smile. The two vampires looked toward their mate and waited for her to answer.

"Um, whats good here?" Arianna asked, "I've never been here before."

"Well welcome, are you looking for something hot, iced, or frozen?" The young girl asked.

"Umm, something iced I guess."

"Well our coffees are really good or we have lattes. Does any of that sound good to you?" Arianna thought for a second.

"I'll have an iced vanilla latte." The girl tired it in and then looked back up at the three.

"Anything else for you folks?"

"Nope that'll be all." Alice spoke up with a smile.

"Alright so it's $3.75" Jasper pulled out his wallet and handed the girl a five dollar bill. "Your change is $1.25, your drink will come out over there, have a great day!"

With a quick thank you The three went and stood where the girl had told them to, and waited for the drink. After about five minutes they called out her drink and Arianna went over to grab it. With a smile she and the two vampires made their way out of the small cafe.

"So where to now?" Arianna asked as she took a sip of her latte, she let out a hum as she tasted it.

"Well we figured we'd walk around for a while, see if anything catches your eye. You've never been down here before so we thought it'd be nice." Alice told her as they walked down the sidewalk.

The three of them stopped at a few small shops along the road buying a few small items at each, pretty much anything that caught Ariannas' attention. If there is one thing that the Cullens had made her aware of; it's the fact they don't mind spending money on her. Anything she wants they will get. After a few hours of walking around the three of them made their way into a quant hole in the wall type restaurant.

They were seated in the back corner. Pretty much by themselves as the tables around them had been empty, giving them privacy. Once the waiter took Arianna's order they started up their conversation.

"So we know that you moved here from Florida with your father, but that's about it. Tell us more about you." Alice started, she was curious, she wanted to know everything there was to know about Arianna.

"Umm well, I had a mom and a brother." She started off slowly; the topic was hard for her to talk about but she wanted to be honest with them. "About a year and a half ago, my mom, Andrew and I were driving back from the beach. She had taken us on a day trip while our father worked. He was always working, our parents wanted to give us a good life.

They wanted to make sure we didn't have to worry about anything; especially finances.  Anyways it was around 10 at night and I was dozing off in the back seat. All I really remember from that night is my brother yelling for my mom to watch out and then it all went black. I woke up to the sirens, I was strapped into the car and it was upside down. I looked up and saw my mom covered in blood and I instantly knew she was gone. My brother however was gone. The officers said that he wasn't wearing his seatbelt and when we impacted he flew out the windshield. But they never found his body." At this point Arianna was crying. Alice went over to her side and wrapped her in her arms. Soothing her with soft words, Jasper went to her as well, sending calming waves to her with his ability.

"I'm so sorry Arianna, you don't have to finish telling us I know it's hard." He said, his voice was low and comforting.
"No it's okay, I need to talk about it. It's the only way to really come to terms with it."

"Do they know what she hit?" Alice asked hesitantly.

"They figured it was some kind of animal but they didn't sound too sure about it. Andrew was never found and we had to bury an empty casket. For a while my dad didn't really take care of me, we both mourned in our own ways and it drove us apart for a few months. But eventually he realized we needed each other more than anything and made up for it. And then two months ago he made the decision to move out here. Get a fresh start and so far it's been the best time of my life."

The two vampires looked at their mate with such admiration and love. She was so strong and they were so glad to have a mate like her.

"So," Arianna took a slow breath, pulling herself together. "Tell me about you guys."

Ari's Outfit^

A/N- Thanks so much for reading guys, sorry about the delay. I've been busy last last few days with work and my boyfriend wanted to have a weekend out so I want able to update for a bit. But I hope you enjoyed, please comment and give me your opinion I always love reading your guy's feedback/comments. Don't forget to vote and follow if you wanna keep updated one everything.

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