The Red Knight Season 2 (Rive...

By Dre0726

17.4K 594 148

After the shooting of Fred Andrews at POP's. Scott Wilson,AKA The Red Knight,will have to find out who is res... More

Chapter 14: A Kiss Before Dying (Part 1)
Chapter 14: A Kiss Before Dying (Part 2)
Chapter 14: A Kiss Before Dying (Part 3)
Chapter 15: Nighthawks (Part 1)
Chapter 15: Nighthawk (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Nighthawks (Part 3)
Chapter 16: The Watcher in the Woods (Part 1)
Chapter 16: The Watcher in the Woods (Part 2)
Chapter 17: The Town That Dreaded Sundown (Part 1)
Chapter 17: The Town That Dreaded Sundown (Part 2)
Chapter 17: The Town That Dreaded Sundown (Part 3)
Chapter 18: When a Starnger Calls (Part 1)
Chapter 18: When a Starnger Calls (Part 2)
Chapter 18: When a Starnger Calls (Part 3)
Chapter 19: Death Proof (Part 1)
Chapter 19: Death Proof (Part 2)
Chapter 19: Death Proof (Part 3)

Chapter 16: The Watcher in the Woods (Part 3)

735 27 13
By Dre0726

- - - - THE SOUTHSIDE/NIGHT - - - -
    That same night Scott is now dressed as The Red Knight, minus the mask, is sitting on the edge of a rooftop, while he's on the phone with his brother Aaron about all the stuff that has gone on today.

Aaron[OTP]: So your girlfriend wants you to meet her Dad, officially, and you're cautious about it? Congratulations, you're officially in a relationship.

Scott[OTP]: It's not about meeting the Dad. It's about the weird feeling I get around him.

Aaron[OTP]: It's because you're nervous. Take it from me when I met Daniels parents, I was scared out of my mind.

Scott[OTP]: No, it isn't that. It's just something isn't right about him. Could you use your contacts, at the F.B.I, to see what you find on him?

Aaron[OTP]: Scott, I don't feel comfortable snooping on your girlfriends Dad.

Scott[OTP]: Please Aaron. I just... I just need to know.

   Through the phone, Aaron could hear the desperation coming from Scott's voice and knew that this had been something he's been think about for awhile. Aaron decides to be the helpful big brother and help him out.

Aaron[OTP]: I'll make some call, see what I can find out.

Scott[OTP]: Thanks

Aaron[OTP]: No problem.

    After Scott hangs up the phone, he takes a deep breath as he puts his Red Knight mask and heads for his nightly patrol. It was on nights like this that he felt the most calm. Jumping on rooftops during a clear moon sky was the same as relaxing on sunny beach, to The Red Knight. As he's enjoying the freedom of his nightly patrol, in the distance a shadowy figure is taking pictures of him. The figure is clearly feminine and is enjoying the sight she is seeing.

- - - - TAMAKI LODGE - - - -
   The next morning, Scott walks the stairs, dressed and ready to head out, to find Aaron sitting alone and drinking a cup of coffee. This was a sight that Scott was starting to get used to

Scott: Morning

Aaron: Morning

Scott: Where's Angus?

Aaron: He went to work.

   Scott then noticed that something was troubling Aaron. Almost as if he saw the true face of God and he couldn't comprehend what he had saw.

Scott: What's wrong?

Aaron: While you were asleep, I did some digging on your girlfriend dad and... it's not pretty.

Scott: What are we talking here?

Aaron: Reports is that he's connected to multiple crime rings, in New York, and he's also a person of interest, relating to some unsolved murders.

   Scott walks out of the kitchen and heads to the living room window, which overlooks the entire town of Riverdale from his hillside home. Scott is trying to process all the information he's heard. Was he being a hypocrite for dating a criminal's daughter? These were questions that were playing all in his head.

Scott: I knew he went to jail for something but I always assumed it was for some Bernie Madoff type crimes.

Aaron: I know you wanna play superhero but this is the real deal. You sure you can handle this?

   Before Scott could answer, he feels his left thigh shaking. He checks his pocket to see that it's his phone and that he's received a text. As he begins to read it, a look of worry forms across his face.

Scott: I gotta go. We can talk about this later.

Aaron: Yeah, sure.

   As Scott walks out. Aaron is left alone, as he begins to worry for his little brother.

           - - - -SUNNY-SIDE TRAILER PARK- - - -
  That same evening, Scott arrives at Sunny-Side Trailer Park and walks into the Joneses trailer house. Inside he sees Betty dabbing Jughead's face with alcohol, as he looks pretty banged up.

Scott: Hey, what happened?

Betty: Jughead got into an accident, on his motorcycle.
Can't you just take a day off?

Jughead: It's not that bad. Just some cuts and bruises.

Scott: Looks like you got ran over, by a truck.

Betty: I told you that motorcycle was risky, Jug. You promised me you were always gonna wear a helmet.

Jughead: It was just around the block. Don't blame me, all right? Blame the pothole.

  Scott face forms into something of confusion. Falling from a pothole wouldn't mess you up the same way Jughead had looked.

Betty: I thought you were gonna say that you got jumped by those Creepies...

Toni: Ghoulies. But, no, the Serpents won't allow that.They got Jughead's back.

Sandra: Even though he's not a member. It's just family loyalty.

At that moment, he notices that Toni and Sandra are there, as well. He honestly did not even see them standing there, while Sandra is going into the Jones family fridge.

Sandra[cont.]: Damnit, you guys don't have any beer here?

Jughead: No, we don't.

Sandra: Ugh, whatever.

   Sandra slams the fridge, in annoyance, upsetting Scott and Jughead and kind of frightening Betty.

Betty: Great, well... I've gotta go to school, try and fix this mess with Kevin.

  Betty gets up from the couch and walks over to Scott, Toni, and Sandra. But Betty's focus is predominantly on Scott.

Betty[cont.]: Can you keep an eye on him for me?

Scott: You can count on us.

  Scott then walks Betty out of the trailer and once Betty is gone, Scott immediately turns his attention to Jughead, who has a bashful look.

Scott: Pothole?

Jughead: It was all I could come up with.

Scott: So what really happened?

Toni: Ghoulies jumped him, last night. Me and Sandra saw him crawling back to his trailer.

Sandra: You think he looks bad now, you should have seen what he looked like before.

Scott: And you're keeping this from Betty because?

Jughead: She doesn't need to know. I don't want her involved in this.

  Scott related to that statement, more than any of them could imagine. The same way Jughead didn't want Betty to get involved in his Southside life, was the same feeling he had toward Veronica and his Red Knight life.

Scott: Now what?

Sandra: Now, we do nothing. Unless we want a start a war. It's best that you two keep your heads down and try not to stir any trouble.

Toni: We warned you about the Ghoulies. I think you'll take them a lot more seriously now.

Jughead: Yeah. I will now.

- - - -THE PEMBROKE- - - -
Later that night, Scott is now dressed in an all black suit sitting and a nice table and having dinner with the Lodges. As he's eating he constantly looks over at his watch, wondering how longer he has to stay. During his latest time watching, Veronica places her hand over his watch and then holding his hand to put his focus back on her. Hiram notices this gesture and is not impressed.

Scott: The posole was really great, Mrs. Lodge.

Hermione:  Glad you liked it.

Hiram: So, Veronica tells me you're from San Francisco, correct?

Scott: Yeah, born and raised.

Hiram: I spent a couple of summers down in San Francisco. Beautiful city. Expensive, but beautiful.

Scott: Like most things it's beautiful on the outside but... not so much once you've experienced it.

Hiram: So, tell me, have you ever had rum?

Scott: Yeah, when I was seven.

At that statement, all the Lodges faces look in confusion of what he meant by that. Scott notices this and leans into it.

Scott[cont.]: Me and my brother and sister broke into a local winery. First hangover I ever got.

Hiram: Yeah, there's a signature Lodge family label. It's...I have some in my study. Would you like to try it?

Veronica: Of course he would.

As Veronica is getting up to join the two men, Hiram then stops her in her tracks.

Hiram: Oh, palomita, would you mind if Scott and I had a little chat, man-to-man?

Veronica: Okay. Sure, Daddy.

Hiram leads Scott into his private study. He looks back at Veronica who looks as if she's worried for his safety. Scott gives her a reassuring wink and smile as the two men disappear behind a plain white door.

                     - - - - HIRAM'S STUDY - - - -
Inside Hiram's study, Scott felt an unease about this place. It was a very dark and cold room but with a giant fireplace in the center of the study. As Scott is looking around, he notices a giant portrait of Veronica hanging above Hiram's desk. It was similar to the portrait that he had of his parents, back at Tamaki Lodge. As Scott is looking at this portrait Hiram walks up to him with two glasses of rum, in his hand.

Hiram: I like having her up there, looking over my shoulder. Keeps me honest.

Scott: Yeah. I know the feeling.

Scott and Hiram walk over to the fire place, but even as that sat in front of the giant fire place, Scott was still filled with a very cold chill.

Hiram: You know, Scott. When I heard what happened to your parents, I was deeply saddened. Mark and Jessica were good people and possibly the only good things to come out of this god-forsaken town.

Scott: Yeah. Not a day goes by where I don't miss them

Hiram: Here, Here

The two then bang glasses together and take a swing of rum. Hiram was impressed by how Scott was able to handle the rum. There was something unusual about him that he just couldn't put his finger on.

Hiram: You know... I hope we can respect each other. You know, moving forward.

Scott: Of course, Mr. Lodge.

Hiram: No more sneaking into my daughter's bedroom. Ever. You know, and, uh, never...ever... hurt Veronica.

Scott: You don't have to worry about that, Mr.Lodge. You have my word.

Hiram: Good. Also, have you heard about your friend, Archie's, group? I believe it's called the Red Circle, if I'm not mistaken.

Scott: Veronica told me about it. Apparently, Archies taken quite a liking to The Red Knight.

Hiram: You know, it's a noble idea what he does. The Red Knight, I mean. Waging a one man war against crime something not a normal man would do. But it is something a brave man would do.

Scott was taken aback by this. He didn't expect Hiram Lodge to have a fond feeling for his vigilante alter-ego. But he tried to hold his perplex feeling and keep a calm composure.

Hiram[cont.]: What are your opinions on The Red Knight?

Scott: Never really thought about him, to be honest. He showed up out of nowhere, it seems, and sure it is brave but maybe it's less about bravery and more of it being death wish. Don't you think?

Hiram: Now I wouldn't say that, per se. But I can tell that he is a man on a mission.

Scott: And what mission is that?

Hiram: Stopping evil, it would seem. But evil, Scott, has no regards for bravery or heroes. This Black Hood, is pure evil and he's waging a war based on terror and fear.

Scott: Some people would say it's the brave ones who die first, in a war.

Hiram: Yes. But it's the brave ones who are remembered. Do you want to be remembered, Scott?

     - - - - POP'S CHOCK'LIT SHOPPE - - - -
Later, during a rainy night, in the small town. The Red Knight is standing on top of the popular establishment walking all the people come in and out, of the Diner. As he sits atop of the diner, while being out of sight, he can't stop getting that word out of his head "remembered." He started to wonder what did he want to be remembered for and if he'll be remembered as a hero... or a villain.

- - - - SOUTHSIDE HIGH - - - -
The next day, at school, Scott and Jughead walk into the cafeteria of Southside high. When they walk in, the two boys see the Southside Serpents table in the distance. Jugheads knees practically begin to shake but Scott puts his hand shoulder on his shoulder, claiming down.

Scott: It's gonna be okay. Come on.

The two then walk over to the table, and all of the Serpents eyes are on them. Scott's not intimidated but Jughead can barely talk.

Jughead: Is this seat taken?

Sweet pea looks over at the other Serpents, including Sandra and Toni, who all agree with the same thought. Sweet pea than takes his foot off the bench, to give Scott and Jughead some place to sit. Although Scott wasn't 100% on board with this idea, it was the only was he would be sure Jughead would be safe while he wasn't there.

JUGHEAD VO: Those kids in the fairy tales who go into the woods...they don't come back the same. They're always changed in some fundamental way. Sometimes for the better. More often for the worse.

- - - - ANDREWS GARAGE- - - -
Meanwhile, Archie and the Riverdale High Bulldogs are busy risking their own safety. Dilton Doiley is behind the camera as the bulldogs, minus Archie, are shirtless and wearing red ski-mask.

Archie: Doiley, is it recording?

Dilton hits record as Archie begins to give his proclaimation, to the Black Hood.

JUGHEAD VO: That's the common misconception about fairy tales. They very rarely... have a happy ending.

Archie: This is a message for the coward calling himself the Black Hood. You think you can attack us from the shadows. But Riverdale is a lot stronger than you. And thanks to one man, we're not afraid. See, there's only one of you. But we are legion. We're called the Red Circle and we stand with the Red Knight. And we're coming for you.

Archie then steps forward, closer to the camera, to makes sure that he's getting his point across clearly.

Archie[cont.]: We will find you. We will hunt you. And we will end you.

This video would be the talk of the town, for the next couple of days and not only has painted a target on Archie, it's also painted a target... on the Red Knight.

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