In the Middle of the Night (H...

By Hunters_Bitxh

75K 1.6K 2.9K

~These burning flames, these crashing waves, wash over my like a hurricane, I captivate, you're hypnotized~ Y... More

- Playlist! -
1. Hug me!
2. Are You Bored Yet?
3. Hidden In the Sand
4. Cotton Candy Skies
5. Teenagers
6. Last Friday Night
7. Mad Hatter
8. We Fell in Love in October
9. High School Sweethearts
10. Fly Me to the Moon
11. Hayloft II
12. Light Switch
13. Homage
14. Despair
15. Solider, Poet, King
16. The Record Player Song
17. Pity Party
18. Sweet Hibiscus Tea
19. Not allowed
20. Pumped up Kicks
21. Backstabber
22. Sports
23. Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
24. My Ordinary Life
25. My Strange Addiction
27. Two Birds
28. Mr. Loveman
29. Butterfly's Repose
(Extra) Blow My Brains Out
(Extra 2) Training Wheels
30. Ship in a Bottle
(Extra 3) Careless Whisper

26. Masquerade

1.5K 41 42
By Hunters_Bitxh

Hunter looked around and he put a blanket over us. I gave him a peck on his lips before burying my head into his neck. He chuckled and I heard him opening his book again. I closed my eyes and I felt myself fell asleep.


~Seek them out now one by one, Droppin' bodies like a nun~

I woke up and I sat up. I rubbed my eyes and I noticed Hunter wasn't anywhere to be seen. I quickly got changed into a plain graphic shirt with ripped jeans. I had fishnet tights under them and I had a black cape on. I also put on my necklace and ring as always. I put my bag over my shoulder and P/n landed on my shoulder. I came out of a random door and I ended up the library. I stopped when I saw everybody gathered around Hunter. I watched them play Hunter's memory and it projected events from last night. I turned red and I came in. "Hey..." I waved. Everyone shooed the illusion away and smiled awkwardly.

"I already saw it. Plus I was there." I told them. "Oh, oh yeah of course you were..." Gus mumbled. Hunter walked over to me. "Hello! How are you, my darling?" He asked me. I turned red as looked to the side. "I'm good." I managed to say. "Good, now we are going to plan for a bit... Can I borrow your scroll?" He asked. I pulled it out of my hair and gave it to him. "I gotta go!" I yelled as I ran out of the library. P/n chirped and I made a spell ring. I teleported to Hunter's room and I instantly locked the door. I grabbed a few things like Sprig and a few of his wild magic books and I crammed them in my bag besides Sprig. They soon disappeared and I put my bag back on my shoulder. I heard a knock on the door and I teleported back to the school.

I bumped into somebody and I rubbed my head. "Ow..." I whined. P/n tweeted and I opened my eyes. Hunter was helping me up and he was smiling widely. "I thought you left us for a second. I couldn't find you." He glanced at my arms and I gave him Sprig. "Oh! Where'd you find this?!" He hugged it. "In your room." I smiled at him. "You went to the castle?" He looked at me. "Yeah, I got some of your books too. I'm pretty sure you don't want to read King's book over and over again." I laughed.

"Aww, thank you, princess. But keep them in your bag." He insisted. "Alright." I smiled. "Oh, here's your scroll. Darius is coming over to tell us the plan." Hunter told me. I nodded and I called my mom. She picked up and I heard a loud crash. "Hey, Honey!" She shouted. "Hey, mama, you have Luz right?" I asked. "Yeah, she almost got us caught. We also have some of your books for when you come over." She explained. "I'm glad you're with the C.A.T.S." I told her. "That's not our permanent name!" Darius yelled in the background. "Yes, it is!" Raine shouted back.

"Shut up I'm talking to my daughter!" Mom ordered. She cleared her throat. "I am also glad you're at Hexside." She told me. "Hey, Y/n, I didn't know you were a goddess!" Lilith appeared. "Oh yeah, I don't want to talk about it though," I told her. She whined and left. "Y/n! Wanna do one more workout before we leave?" Willow proposed. "Do I?!" I smiled wide. "I'll talk to you later Y/n, I love you." She smiled at the camera. "I love you too! See you later!" I waved. She waved back and hung up. I put my scroll in my hair and I followed Willow.


We finished our workout and I felt energized. I had on a sports bra and some tights on cause I didn't want my other outfit sweaty. "Whoo! Good job Y/n!" She cheered. "Thanks, you did well too!" I took out my hair to redo it. "After the mishap at Hexside, Boscha hasn't tried to bully me. Shows her." Willow crossed her arms. "Of course." I felt something snap and my hair escaped from the hair tie. "Do you have another hair tie?" I asked her. "Mine broke." I let go of my hair. She pulled one out of her pocket and I put it in my mouth as I collected my hair again. 

"But yeah, screw her," I smirked as I took the hair tie. "Who's that witch?" I heard from the bleachers. I looked at where the voice came from and Hunter's face was like a tomato. "Chill dude, that's your girlfriend." Gus reminded him. "A hot girlfriend," Hunter added. I winked at him and he passed out. "Oh my Titan, I think I killed him!" I finished putting up my hair and I went to Hunter and Gus. "Congrats, you murdered Hunter," Gus told me.


I changed back into my clothes and everyone was sitting in a circle. Hunter was shyly fidgeting with his fingers next to me. "Okay, you guys need to leave soon to go meet Luz," Skara told us. Willow and Gus came out with her new outfit. "You guys look amazing!" I cheered. "Yeah, let's just get going." Hunter got up. Flapjack and P/n flew around us.

"Aww, are you jealous that I didn't compliment you first?" I asked him. "Of course not." He turned to the side. Willow and Gus started to walk out of the school and we followed behind. "Man I wish we can do something before the world ends..." I mumbled. "Like what?" He asked me. I shrugged. "I want to dance like we did a while back or maybe pick some flowers," I suggested. "Well how about after the Day of Unity, I take you out anywhere you like?" Hunter proposed. I nodded in agreement.


When we got there Luz and King got dropped off. "What? I don't need a security escort!" Luz shouted. "You hear that guys?" Willow asked. "Yeah, I guess we all have to go back home," I suggested. "Well, it's been fun. See you around, Luz the Human!" Gus winked. Luz laughed as she started to tear up. "Wait wait wait wait! Of course, I want you around. I'm so happy!" Luz hugged all of us. King held onto my leg.

I picked King up and he hung on my shoulder. "And confused. I thought you were all hiding after what happened at Hexside." Luz told us. "They were, but then they heard Darius ordered me to protect you." Hunter walked over to us. "More like he begged us to come because he's terrified of getting recognized," Gus admitted. "Hunter, are you really up for this? You must be dealing with a lot after learning-"

"That Belos is evil?" Hunter laughed. "Don't worry I'm a-okay!" Hunter and Gus fist-bumped and headbutted. "Uh..." I mumbled. "What the..." Luz muttered. "This is what happens when you go missing for a week," Willow told Luz. Hunter went over to us. "Don't you dare mention that thing around them," Hunter warned. "What thing? That you're a Grimwalker?" Luz asked. I put my finger by my mouth, "Shh!" I hissed.

"Listen, I don't know if I'm a witch or a human. All I know is that I'm a copy of someone Belos made disappear." Hunter explained. "I don't know what you guys went through, but they seem to like you," Luz told him. "So I shouldn't worry how they'd react, right? If that's the case, have you told them about helping Philip?" Hunter asked.

I stood in front of Luz. "Hunter, that's enough. We promise we won't tell them alright?" I assured him. "Alright." He crossed his arms. "Say sorry to Luz for trying to blackmail her," I instructed. "Ugh, sorry Luz." He looked away from us. "Thank you, sunshine... Now to the Blights!" I shouted.


We hid behind some trees and Hunter stayed behind me. Gus made a circle using the magnifying glass and revealed hidden guards. Willow cracked her knuckles and smiled. Luz threw a plant glyph and tied a guard up. We ran to the mansion. "Sorry man!" Hunter yelled. We got to the entrance and abomination goo shot at us. I set it on fire and before the alarm started, Hunter hit the abomination in the head. Willow tied it down and then it sunk into the ground. I helped Luz up and we made our way to Amity's bedroom. Willow lifted her to the balcony.

"Whoo! Another small victory!" I cheered. "You said it, princess." Hunter fist-bumped me. I smiled. "So, if we win, we should go on a picnic." I suggested. "Whatever you want to do." Hunter told me. P/n fluttered off my shoulder and landed on Hunter's. Luz and Amity looked at us and then each other.


We hid in a bush as we watched Odalia bring guards inside the factory. I noticed my outfit got covered by a scout uniform. I followed everybody inside and we stood in the background. Odalia was explaining something but I didn't pay attention. I decided to space out until Hunter grabbed my hand. We walked over to a workroom and Luz looked inside. "It looks empty and really sad." Luz whispered. "Ahem..." Odalia cleared her throat.

"These rooms are off-limits." She told us. "Follow my lead," Hunter whispered. "Mrs. Blight!" He saluted. And I copied him. "Kikimora told us of your products." He put his hand down and I did too. "Such inventions would be invaluable assets to the Emperor's Coven," Hunter added. "Yeah, and we are all about invaluable assets," Luz commented. "We love 'em," I added. "Can't get enough of 'em," Gus started. "I'm an asset gal myself," Willow remarked.

"I apologize for the trouble. We'll return to our duties." Hunter pushed Gus as we followed him. Kikimora jumped in front of us and we stopped. "I thought I recognized that annoying voice." Kikimora spat. Everyone began to flee to the exit but we got stopped by the guard and the abomination we attacked. "Sorry man." The guard mocked Hunter. We backed up and I heard Gus grunt. I turn around and his disguise was gone. I helped Gus up and a shadow hovered over us. "Well, fuck." I muttered.


We were trapped in a bubble by Odalia. Everyone was cuffed by abomination goo. "Odalia, is my airship ready?" Kikimora asked. "Just about. And I found two adorable little scoundrels trying to steal it." Odalia told her. Two abominations had the Blight twins. "Em! Ed!" I shouted. "But they'll be dealt with," Odalia added. "Edric! Emira!" Amity cried. "Don't worry. They'll just be grounded with maximum security." Odalia put her hands on her hips. "Don't you get it? You're helping a witch hunter destroy everything!" Amity tried explaining.

"Really, Mittens, I am tired of all this drama. Sneaking around in little disguises, convincing the twins to act out, are you trying to make me look bad?" Odalia asked. "She's trying to help people!" Luz shouted. "Hush brat." Odalia spat. "Don't you talk to my girlfriend like that!" Amity warned. "Girlfriend? Oh, no, no. That won't do. We'll find you a new girlfriend." She summoned Luz's wanted poster.

"Someone who's not on wanted posters everywhere." She ripped the paper. Amity growled and got out the abomination goo. She turned it into a weapon and punched the force field. It didn't do anything. Odalia groaned. "Really? You're embarrassing yourself." She told Amity. She tried hitting it again and it didn't work. I saw Kiki walk towards us. "I always knew you were rotten to the core. Belos will probably snap you in two after I hand you over. Maybe he'll make me the new Golden Gaurd." Kikimora told him.

"Don't do anything. Two wrongs don't make a right. Take her parents for a perfect example." I glared at her. "I'm surprised you're even here, Clawthrone. Aren't all you're friends at the Day of Unity?" Kiki asked. My eyes widened. "Oh, that's right. The Emperor has eyes everywhere, and they're all pointed at the Owl Lady." Kiki started to laugh. "Sometimes I wish I can see things from her point of view, but I can't stick my head that far from my ass." I scoffed. I watched the bubble pop and I looked over to Amity. The abomination goo slid off my hands. "How did I do that? Was it the power of believing in myself?" Amity asked herself. "No, it was the power of science." I turned to see Alador and King. "But you almost had it, sweetie." He added.

"Odalia, the Emperor is planning to wipe out everyone with a Draining Spell, and our Abomatons are helping him do it." He explained. Odalia didn't say anything. "You already knew?" Alador asked. "What he does with our products is none of our business. What is my business is keeping our family ahead of the rest. You're welcome, everybody!" She explained. Alador's face turned red. "There you go making that face. This is why I don't tell you things. With the Emperor's favor, we'll live like royalty in the new world. Crowns and everything." Odalia smiled.

"This is too much, even for you." Alador made the abominations circle his wife. She summoned a ghost and Alador made an abomination. They held hands trying to push the other away. Another ghost took the abomination remote from Alador and Odalia took it.  "I don't have time for this." Kikimora jumped and Luz teleported to move me out the way. Weird... She doesn't teleport. I brushed it off and looked at Hunter.

Hunter teased her as she picked him up. Kikimora ran inside (even though Alador tried blocking her, she busted through the abomination wall). Amity made the robot stop with goo. And Willow lifted me by the waist using vines. I made thorny vines charge at Kikimora but she used Hunter as a shield. I moved the vines to hit the pipes. Willow put me down and I got ready to fire at her. Gus put her through an illusion and she started to shoot the manufacturer. The ceiling fell by Kikimora, breaking the delusion.

"I don't need all you cretins, but this one is mine." She pressed a button and she started to fly off. "Ha! The jet pack actually works!" Alador chuckled but soon groaned. "Oh, the jet pack actually works." He repeated in a different tone. Abomatons surrounded us. "Well, since we finished with that little mess, let's get back to business, shall we?" Odalia proposed. I started to breathe irregularly and my chest started to tighten. I looked at my hands and they were shaking. I saw Alador make huge abomination fists and I made spell rings. I broke a few tubes of goo using vines and Alador smashed some robots.

Odalia ran to one of them and Alador turned off the Abomatons. Everyone got ready to fight Amity's mom and I joined them. "This work is finished. Also, I quit." He told her. Odalia put her ghost away. "Fine, I've been meaning to find a more competent business partner anyway. And you won't be getting your severance package." Odalia disappeared into the fog. "Oh, Titan. That was terrifying." Alador sighed. "We need to go!" I ran to the ship. "Y/n, wait!" Amity yelled. "I- I can't wait! Belos is going to hurt Hunter if he gets a hold of him!" I messed with the ship's controls.

Willow and Amity tried helping me. "Dad, can you use that thing to shut down the Abomatons at the head?" Amity asked. "You're going to go rescue your friend..." Alador mumbled. I felt my stomach start to churn. I just want Hunter back. "You'll need a pilot," Alador added. Amity and Alador went to Luz. "And Luz, I apologize for Odalia. You are always welcome at our home." Alador told her. She poofed and it was revealed to be Hunter. "Hunter!" I shouted. Amity and Alador stepped back. "I'm confused," Alador muttered.

"What's going on?" Amity asked. "I'm sorry. It happened so fast. I didn't even realize what was going on until she was gone." Hunter explained. "She..." I turned to see a worn-out Gus. "She wanted to protect you and Eda." Gus stopped the illusion. I ran to Gus and helped him get onto the ship. King sat down somewhere. "Then that means..." Willow trailed off. "She's being taken to Belos." Amity finished.

I went over to Hunter and I hugged him. He was about to hug me back but I backed up and I hit him a few times on the chest (Not hard just like little punches). "Don't scare me like that again! I thought I lost you! If- If you ever do that to me again..." I stopped hitting him and I tugged on his shirt. I couldn't help but start to cry as my legs started to shake. "I'm sorry." He hugged me tightly. I tried calming down but I just wanted to cry. "We need to get going," Amity told us.

[Word Count: 2895]

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