The Truth Untold

By mariahstar14

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We are here for the final season of fruits basket. Star has found out that Kerueno's curse is broken. She als... More

Chapter 1 I'll Hold Another Banquet
Chapter 2 I'll Hold Another Banquet pt2
Chapter 4 That Was So Thoughtless Of Me.
Chapter 5 I Don't Know How I Feel About Kyo.
Chapter 6 You made a true friend
Chapter 7 Tying Up Lose Ends
Chapter 8 They Both Died Because Of Me.
chapter 9 I'm... Disappointed
Chapter 10 let me reach you.
Chapter 11 It's Progress
Chapter 12 I'll Follow You Anywhere
Chapter 13 I Want Her
Chapter 14 Goodbye
Chapter 15 You Fought Well.
Chapter 16 Breaking The News
Chapter I'll See You Again (Final)

Chapter 3 senior flowers

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By mariahstar14

At shigures house in the night time
Star sat at the living room table making flowers for there class seniors. Ooh. nice making paper flowers, i see. That sure brings me back are they for school? Shigure asked as he stared at star making her look up at him. Yeah. i'm making them for the graduation ceremony. Our class is in charge of the flower decorations. Star said as she continued making one. Shigure sat down on at the table. Wow, it's graduation season already? And that means the three of you will be seniors soon. Time sure flies, doens't it? Shigure said making stars hand falter. She then stared off into space. Say, would you mind terribly if i opened one up? Shigure asked snapping star out of her trance. Oh. nah. Go ahead. it's fine. Star said then watched shiugre but remembered what kureno said.
Kureno: we eldest are the only zodiac members who know the truth.
Uh... i wanted to ask. Star didn't look at shigure as her head was hung low casting a shadow over her eyes. Yes? Shigure said as he continued to make the flower. Star turned her head looking at shiugre. It's- it's about a– hm? Shigure humed as he looked at her with a smile. Star stared at shigure not finishing then looked away. Um. she shook her head then stood up then stared down at with a smile. Are you thirsty? I'll go into the kitchen and make some tea. Star said as shiugre smiled at her. She then made her way into the kitchen closing the door leaving shigure in the living room alone. I can't blame her. It is a difficult topic to ask about. Shigure said as he smiled.
Star dropped down to the floor holding her knees. It's too hard to ask about! She then stood up then started to prepare the tea. And i don't know if i should. I don't want to interrogate him, or pry into his personal life. Besides, when i think about the things kureno told me, it feels... like i'm looking into a dark well, with no bottom in sight.
The next day at school
My class is doing paper flowers, too! You know what that makes us, right? Twinsies! Momiji said as him and star held hands as they walked down the hall. Right! Twinsies! Star says with a smile. I'm having so much fun getting things ready for the ceremony, but i bet all the seniors feel a bit sad. Since they have to graduate. Momiji said, smiling up at star. Oh, i'm sure they're– you don't know my sorrow! Goodbye, yuki and princess star! The former student council president said as he wobbled down the hall. Repeat the year. Haru says no chanlantly. I can't do that! And what is it with you, appearing out of nowhere just to be snarky to people? The former student council president shouted at haru. Oh, I thought about doing that. Repeating a grade to stay longer. Star looked over at momiji stunned by what he said. Because of momo. Papa said she wants to come to this school. Of course, that had him panicking. Silly. She's a lot younger than me. I'll be long gone by the time she's here. Momiji said with a closed eye smile. Momiji. Haru called making the two teens turn and look at him. Hm? What's up? Momiji said letting go of star's hand and running up to haru. I don't think i can tell momiji, either. Momiji waved at star telling her he had to go. Star waved telling them she'd see them later. Not even about uotani and kureno. I'm sorry. I don't know what i can talk about, or how much i can risk revealing. What would people think if they knew the things i do? How would those secrets make them feel? Star was lost in her thoughts as she walked down the hallway. Three girls and three boys ran passed her making her stop. What the- star said as watched them run down the stairs. Halt, thieves, get back here! A student from her class shouted. We need those! A girl shouted. How sneaky. Waiting until most of the class had already left to strike. A girl said with her arms crossed as they all went back into the classroom. Ok what just happened here? Star asked in confusion. They stole some flowers. It seems they targeted the ones yuki and you made specifically. Yusuke said making star shocked. Star rubbed her head. Uh! Why would they do that, though? Tohru asked. Well, you see... Yusuke trailed off. Uotani and hana put there hands on her shoulders.
Star, hana, and uotani: he's their prince. And star/i am their princess. In there minds.
They're ours! We did it. We got them, ladies! We overcame all the obstacles in our path and clamed this treasure! Makoto said in pure happiness. Yes, a brilliant plan!  And with these disguiuses, they had no idea who we were! "Yes, they did." This is a joyous day for us man! Made by the princess star's hands. They even smile like her. The scent of pure beauty no never knew it was us who took them. Hajime said as they all cheered. "They definitely did".
Back in the class room
Maybe it would help if you went and gave them a talking-to, hanajima. Hiroshi said. Why bother? There's no benefit in it for me. Hana said. Dumb fanboy and fangirls. They took a lot of 'em. Guess we'll need more. You'd better get to folding, kyon. Uotani said pointing at kyo. Huh? Wait. why're you draggin' me into this? They stole that jerk's flowers, not mine. Kyo said. Yeah, but he already left for student council stuff. Uotani said. Well, i don't care. I finally got my share of stupid things done just now... kyo turned around and noticed his were gone. They're all gone! Kyo shouted confused on where they went. That's not my problem. Uotani said with a blank face. What the hell? Where'd they go? Kyo asked. star was planning on stealing one but she couldn't. Student k: i did it.  Whoever gets kyo's flowers gets his love!
Admirer a: you think so?
Admirer c: she just made that up.
Admirer b: hey, if it's true, that means he'll love all of us.
Whoever did it... i won't kill them, but they can go to hell! Kyo said as his fist shook with anger. His own unique brand of mercy. Yusuke says. Oh, is that what that was? Uotani asked. Well, either way, it looks like you'll have to start over. Hiroshi said holding a flower. You're kidding me! Kyo says, sighing. Really, though, what're we gonna do about the prince's and star's? Uotani asks. It doesn't seem fair to call him back here to make more of them. Hana says. Yeah, you're right. It's not like it was yuki's fault that they got stolen. Classmate d said. Wait, does that mean we have to make the replacements? Yusuke asked. Like hell! We're not gonna let 'em get away with this crap! We'll track them down and take those flowers! Uotani says. Heck yeah! The classmates say besides star and kyo. Wait! I don't know, you guys, wouldn't making them ourselves be a simpler solution? Tohru asks as she follows uotani. We want those thieves to be brought to justice, don't we? Uotani asks as they rest, following her besides kyo and star. More like you wanna get outta doing the work yourself. Star and kyo say in there minds. Let's go! You, too, hanajima! Uotani shouts. I suppose, if you require firepower. Hana says leaving the classroom. Wha–?! Star asks surprised hana is actually going. You hold the fort, star! Uotani says. Uh okay? Star said as she scratched her head. Usually she would be up to doing something like that with uotani. But for some reason she actually didn't wanna go almost beat up people. You don't have to do anything just wait till they get back. Kyo said making star stare at him.

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