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By Itzbluebomb

6.2K 70 16

I joined the WWE hoping to have an amazing career and be able to do what I love the most, which is wrestling... More

Austin Theory?
First Night
The man in a mask
Dinner :)
Training at Theory's
Mask Mania
Theory vs Balor
I love you..!
Preist vs Balor
Y/n vs ... Theory?!
Y/n and Reigns vs Theory and Balor
Austin and Y/n vs RKBRO
Mitb Qualifying match
Money in the Bank

Austin Theory vs Matt Riddle

139 2 3
By Itzbluebomb

"Come in" Finn said when I knocked on his door. I walked in and Finn shut the door. "So, have you heard of The Judgement Day?" he asked me. "Yeah, I've heard of it." I responded. Finn said, "I'm thinking about joining them, but I want some reassurance." I didn't know how to respond. of course, Finn is my friend, but I really don't like the vibes The Judgement Day gives me. "I'm not going to lie, I have no idea what you should do." I said, not wanting to sound mean. "Alright, I'll just think it over." he said. I responded, "Alright, I told Austin that I would try to be home tonight so I'm going to go home now." "Alright." Finn responded. I just grabbed my stuff and left.

when I got home, Austin was already asleep. I just laid down beside him and went to sleep. when I woke up the next morning, Austin had already left. I just got me some food and got dressed to go to the gym. when I got there, I saw Rhea Ripely there. I kind of wanted to avoid her because I didn't want to get on her bad side. Of course, to my luck, Rhea walked over to me. "Hey, don't you work at raw?" she asked. "Yeah, I do." I responded. She responded, "So you have probably heard about the Judgement Day I'm guessing. do you want to join us?" she asked. "Yeah, I've heard of the Judgement Day, but I have no interest in joining your emo boyband or whatever it is. I started asking myself why I would piss her off. The one thing I didn't want to do is piss of the Judgement Day, but I mean here we are. "Excuse me, what did you just say?" Rhea asked. I just pushed passed her and walked out. I already knew I was going to have to deal with her soon.

The Raw before Money in the Bank

I arrived at Raw and immediately got ready to accompany Austin to the ring. I put my merch over my ring attire then left to find Austin. I heard Judgement Day's theme playing then a few minutes later I heard Finn's theme. I quickly realized that Finn must have made up his mind and joined. I tried to not let it bother me and instead keep looking for Austin. I finally found him talking to Chad Gable. I'm going to say this now, I really hate Chad Gable. "Hey Austin, you need to be ready to go in five." I told him. "Alright" he responded. He got up and walked with me to the gorilla. Austins theme hit, and we went out to the ring. at this point I can't tell if the crowd loves or hates us. I didn't even know why we were out here. "So, you all saw me kick Ezekial's ass, right?" he asked the crowd, "Now I am going to Money in the Bank, and I promise you guys, I'm walking away with that briefcase!" That is when Riddle, another person that qualified, came out. "Bro, isn't your partner beside you also in the match?" he asked, "At least my partner is standing by my side, isn't your partner currently at home, watching you start to fail? You are nothing without Randy by your side, and at Money in the Bank, I'll make sure to prove it to you." I was shocked. I know Austin could get real defensive sometimes, but I never expected him to say that. "You really want to go bro? I'll come in that ring and fuck you up!" Riddle yelled. "Woah, keep it PG!" I yelled. Riddle ran into the ring and attacked Austin. I pulled Riddle off of him and soon, officials came out and separated the two. "You, me, tonight!" Riddle yelled. Austin responded, "You're on bitch!"

Austin's match didn't start until later that night, so I had some free time to walk around. I saw out of the corner of my eye Finn and Damian talking. I just walked away quickly and ended up bumping into Riddle. "Sorry." I mumbled before walking away. "Hey bro!" he called out after me, "Make sure your boyfriend is ready to get his ass kicked tonight!" "He'll be fine." I said, really not in the mood to talk to him. I heard him say something else, but I wasn't listening. I found Austin warming up in the back. Eventually Mikenzie came back to interview us. "Austin, what are your thoughts on Riddle's attack on you today?" she asked. I stepped in and said, "Mikenzie, Matt Riddle's attack was nothing. he is blinded by that chance of winning that briefcase that he isn't focusing on who he is talking to. but don't you worry, Austin is going to knock some sense through that thick skull of his tonight." Me and Austin went to the gorilla to wait for his match to start.

When we got out there, Riddle was already in the ring. I noticed that Austin wasn't breaking eye contact with him. it looked like Austin wanted to kill him. the match started and Austin didn't waste any time, clotheslining Riddle. when he got up, Austin punched him in the mouth. "Not so strong now, are you?" Austin said, pushing Riddle's head into the mat. Riddle stood up and quickly punched Austin in the nose, making him stumble backwards. "I'm stronger than you think!" Riddle yelled. Austin stood up and Riddle jumped on him, knocking him down before kicking his ribs. I pulled Austin out of the ring, stopping Riddle's kicks. Riddle went to the top rope and jumped off, knocking both me and Austin down. He threw Austin back in the ring then hit him with an RKO the second he stood up.

1, 2, 3!

Riddle beat Austin. I slid into the ring to check on Austin, who was glaring at Riddle. Austin stood up and riddle offered to shake his hand. Austin made it look like he was going to shake it, then he flipped him off and walked away. I was still in the ring and Riddle offered to help me up. I accepted his offer. When I got up, I mumbled "Good job" then walked away. I decided then and there that i was winning the briefcase. Not Riddle, not Drew, not Sami, not Omos, not Madcap, not Shemus..

And not Austin...

A/n: hey sorry this chapter took me so long to post. this is mostly just a place holder until we get to mitb next chapter. I have a lot planned so be ready! And as always, stay safe ily <3

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