Safety Net β€’ CTH

By mac-fics

632 20 0

π˜›π˜©π˜¦ 𝘴𝘡𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘒 𝘣𝘰𝘺 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘡 𝘢𝘯𝘩𝘦𝘒𝘳π˜₯, 𝘒𝘯π˜₯ 𝘒 𝘨π˜ͺ𝘳𝘭 𝘸π˜ͺ𝘭𝘭π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 𝘡𝘰 𝘭π˜ͺοΏ½... More

Chapter 1 β€’ Something New
Chapter 2 β€’ Lost in Reality
Chapter 3 β€’ Disconnected
Chapter 4 β€’ The Space between a Rock & a Hard Place
Chapter 5 β€’ Airplanes
Chapter 6 β€’ If Walls Could Talk
Chapter 7 β€’ Monster Among Men
Chapter 9 β€’ Greenlight
Chapter 10 β€’ No Shame
Chapter 11 β€’ Lost Boy
Chapter 12 β€’ Best Friends
Chapter 13 β€’ Talk Fast
Chapter 14 β€’ Easier
Chapter 15 β€’ You Don't Go To Parties
Chapter 16 β€’ Amnesia
Chapter 17 β€’ Close as Strangers

Chapter 8 β€’ Better Man

29 1 0
By mac-fics

- Calum's POV -

The morning had come faster that I had hoped. I could barely sleep, my mind raced overthinking about what I would say, if the fans would forgive me, if this scandal would blow over. I felt embarrassed. I didn't even have the guts to check social media since thatb first meeting I was terrified of how I was being perceived. I didn't want everyone to hate me.

I rustled in bed for a while till I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!", I spoke loudly.

In walks the brunette beauty I was having mixed feelings about. I hated that I kept thinking about her. I knew nothing could happen between us, yet my brain wouldn't stop.

"Good morning Cal, sorry if I woke you, just wanted to go over the email Margaret sent me.", she spoke softly.

"Oh, don't worry doll, you didn't wake me. I could barely sleep last night..kept overthinking about today.", I said.

"Damn, I'm sorry. I'm sure this will all blow over soon. The fans usually get over this kind of stuff pretty quickly. We know you're a good guy." she said.

"We?", I asked, taken back at her response. What did she mean by we?

She let out a laugh and said "Sorry, I meant they."

"C'mon now, you're telling me I let our number 1 fan live in my home?", I said teasingly.

"Oh shut it", she said laughing.

"Nahh, I can see it in your eyes, you're a fan aren't you?", I said with a huge grin on my face. Knowing she actually liked us was music to my ears. I could see her blushing, that was all the ammunition I needed.

"Okay, If you really MUST know, yeah, I did dabble in the 5SOS fandom, just a tad. Unfortunately, when I got to college, I was way too busy with school to be fully emerged as I was in high school, so these past few years I've just been keeping up with the band through your music and instagram.", she said.

"I see, I see, so is that why you started working for Margaret, to get close to us?", I asked with a smirk.

"God, no, Calum, I'm not a stalker!", she said in an offended tone, then she let out a small laugh and said, "I didn't even know she represented you guys, it was a complete surprise when you guys walked in the office that day."

"I mean...if you wanted to stalk me, I wouldn't complain.", I teased.

"Oh, shush", she laughed and rolled her eyes. "Ok, we have to go over these notes or else we'll never get this video done!" she said.

"Fiiiine. Come sit. I'm too comfy to get up." I said patting an empty spot on my bed.

- Eva's POV -

I cant believe I basically just admitted to Calum Hood that I was a stan. I might've left out a few details of just how in love I was with them...but what he doesn't know wont hurt him.

I sat down on the edge of Calum's bed and opened my laptop to Margaret's email.

"Make sure Calum uses his own words, but mentions how he's paying for the man's equipment, and how sorry he is to the photographer, his fans and the rest of the band. It should not sound like he's reading off a script because it needs to sound like he is sincere.", I read out loud.

"Wow." he scoffed. "They act like I'm not actually sorry about what happened..", he said sounding disappointed.

"Well, you have to remember, the company works with so many celebrities that actually aren't sincere. So many celebrities care more about being sued than their wrongdoings. At the end of the day, they only know you based off your surface.", I said.

"Hm, I guess I never thought of it that way, thanks Eva.", he said smiling.

"Well, I'll let you get ready, come downstairs when you're all set and we'll get this started.", I said.

I got up and let out a small smile back at him before closing the door behind me.


I had been downstairs at the kitchen table answering emails when I heard someone come down the stairs.

"Good morning!", I heard Ashton say.

"Heey, good morning.", I said smiling at him.

He had gone in the kitchen to grab some coffee before sitting across from me.

"So what's on the to-do list today?", he asked.

"Well, I have to help Cal with the video. Margaret gave me specific instructions of what he has to say so as long as we stick to the script, we should get this done pretty quickly. After that, we're all free for the rest of the day.", I said.

"That sounds easy enough, I can tell he feels really bad about everything. I hope the fans aren't giving him too much of a hard time.", he said.

"Well, I've been checking socials even though he doesn't want to. You know there's always those people that act holier-than-thou and think famous people need to be perfect 100% of the time, but I'd say most of the fans are being understanding.", I said.

"Good, that's good. He's been having a really hard time lately and I just hope he can get over this.", he spoke softly.

"I hope so too.", I said matching his tone.

Just as I said that, I heard Calum walking down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning guys.", he said walking by.

"Morning bud, well I'll let you guys get to work. I'll be in the studio if you need anything.", Ash said with a smile. He got up, took his coffee, and walked downstairs into the basement studio.

"Alright, let's get this started.", Calum said sitting next to me.

"Ok, um, well, first thing on the list is finding a place to take the video. I vote the couch cause it seems the most casual but not like you're not trying.", I said.

"Whatever you think works best, I'm fine with following your lead.", he says with a smile.


After what felt like hours of filming and re-filming, we finally got a take that we both thought was the best. I sent the best ones to Margaret and awaited her approval email.

"Alright, we're all done, just need to get approval from Margaret and then she wants me to post it tomorrow at noon. So, you're free for the rest of the day.", I said.

"Well, I don't have any plans for the day, do you wanna do something?", he asked.

"Oh, uh, sure. What did you have in mind?", I asked back, shocked at the fact that he wanted to hang out with me.

"Hm, well, we could go on a hike? Me and Ash usually go on one every weekend but he's a little under the weather so it'll be just us. We can even walk Duke!", he said with a smirk.

"Well I surely cant resist a cute dog, don't think I've ever been on a proper hike though.", I said laughing. "Where I live it's pretty much city all the time, not really any nature until you get upstate.", I added.

"Well then you're in for a treat cause I know the best spot in LA! Go put some clothes on you don't mind sweating in and sneakers. Meet you back downstairs in 30?", he asked with a smile.

"Sounds good.", I said closing my laptop. I got up and headed to my room to change.

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