๐๐ข๐ซ๐ญ๐ฒ ๐ญ๐š๐ฅ๐ค | ๐ก๐ฒ๐ฎ๏ฟฝ...

By hxney_mxn

143K 5.6K 3.9K

๐”๐ง๐ค๐ง๐จ๐ฐ๐ง ๐๐ฎ๐ฆ๐›๐ž๐ซ Math is hard but my dick for you is harder baby boy ;) ... More

o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
t w e n t y
t w e n t y o n e
t w e n t y t w o
t w e n t y t h r e e
t w e n t y f o u r
t w e n t y f i v e
t w e n t y s i x
t w e n t y s e v e n
t w e n t y e i g h t
t w e n t y n i n e
t h i r t y
t h i r t y o n e
t h i r t y t w o
thank you โ™ก
Announcement !!!

n i n t e e n

3.7K 167 111
By hxney_mxn

Old chicken nugget
Yk your clothes would
look good on my bed
room floor

Not Jackson's bf
Wtf I thought you stopped
with those pick up lines

Old chicken nugget
I never stopped I just
look a break

Not Jackson's bf
Your break ended too

Old chicken nugget
Just be honest you
missed my pick up

Not Jackson's bf
Lmao no infant I hate

Old chicken nugget
How dare you insult
The almighty Hyunjin's
pick up lines

Not Jackson's bf
Your pick up lines suck

Old chicken nugget
Just be honest you love

Not Jackson's bf
You want me to be
honest? Fine then they
are cringe

Old chicken nugget
Oh come onnnnn

Not Jackson's bf
I'm just being honest

Old chicken nugget
*Sigh* whatever

Not Jackson's bf
Now I'm curious where
do you even get these
pick up lines from

Old chicken nugget
My best friend Kari
helped me with them

Not Jackson's bf
Who tf is Kari

Old chicken nugget
Kari is the name of my

Not Jackson's bf
Did you just name your
fucking brain 💀💀💀

Old chicken nugget
It's cute ok :(((

Not Jackson's bf
No it's not it just sounds

Old chicken nugget
Kari is thinking shit about
you rn cause you insulted

Not Jackson's bf
Well then tell Kari that
I don't give a fuck

Old chicken nugget
Kari just told me you
are mean

Not Jackson's bf
That's probably the only
thing Kari has ever gotten

Old chicken nugget
Kari is mad and doesn't
want to talk to you rn

Not Jackson's bf
Then bye Kari
Seen at 4:57 pm


Random question, if you could name your body parts what would you name each organ.

I would name my kidney Yuki :)


WC: 309

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